The Meeting

The Pretty One II
"Don't touch me."
Chaekyung's gaze darted over to her sister when she caught what her sister had whispered. If it had been six months back, she wouldn't even have noticed a thing. However, Chaekyung now had the habit of focusing on her sister even if subconsciously, noting Jaekyung's every small reaction which would lead to her own defensive measures.
Guilt. It was all guilt.
Jaekyung her parched lips and tried to pretend as if it didn't bother her but Chaekyung could now see through her sister's act. She had once been fooled by Jaekyung's facade but now she wasn't. Jaekyung's happiness was more important than her own, she owed Jaekyung that much.
The two sisters were grabbing some groceries for their mother after school and L had offered to drive them to the supermarket. After purchasing all the required things, L put the bags away and suggested taking a walk around the neighborhood.
He had gone off for a few moments to get the two sisters ice creams, leaving the sisters strolling leisurely down the neighborhood street that had few stores down the road.
It wasn't a very crowded road, but there was a fair amount of people. Chaekyung had been rather uptight about going to somewhere like this but Jaekyung had assured them that she was alright with it. Apparently not.
Jaekyung had avoided going to crowded areas ever since...THAT. Everytime L brought her out on a date, they went to places like the park, the nature reserve, the libary (I know -_-) and places where there were few people. Popular dating places like Myeongdong was out of the option.
This street was fairly crowded, not too squeezy but enough to make Jaekyung feel uncomfortable with the distance with other passerbys. She tried to dodge them as best as she could but it still scared her when some males went too close to her.
It wasn't very impressive of her to have a boy phobia, wasn't it.
Chaekyung moved closer to her sister and hooked her arm around her sister's. "Unnie, let's go somewhere with less people okay?"
Jaekyung gave a grateful smile and nod, more than glad that her sister was so sensitive to her own feelings. Chaekyung led her sister to the side of the road where there were a few wooden benches. She watched as Jaekyung flinched involuntarily as a male nearly brushed past her while he was focused on his phone while walking.
It shouldn't cause such a great reaction but it did. It pained Chaekyung so much.
"Jangjang!" L suddenly appeared with two ice cream cones and a goofy smile. He passed the strawberry one to Chaekyung and the chocolate one to Jaekyung. "Yummy ice creams for two beautiful ladies." he winked.
Chaekyung's heart skipped a beat and she forced herself to look away. She bit into the ice cream and winced as the cold got to her too quickly. Great distraction though.
Jaekyung smiled at her boyfriend and made a face. "Such a flirt." she murmured, accepting the ice cream with thanks. It was a hot day. L stuck out his tongue and squeezed in between both sisters on the bench. "Where is the gratitude? I walked MILES to get these for you girls you know."
"Miles?" Jaekyung raised her brows amusedly. Chaekyung glanced at L and stifled a chuckle. L oppa was always so cute.
"Yes miles." L nodded as convincingly as he could. He tweaked Jaekyung's nose with a gentle smile. "Don't you know that every step away from you seems like a mile to me?" he teased.
Jaekyung pinked and slapped his hand away, directing her gaze to her ice cream. "Aish you." L chuckled in amusement and brushed away the stray hairs from her face so that it wouldn't obstruct her from eating her ice cream.
Chaekyung had to look away immediately or she thought she would die of suffocation. She felt like it was so difficult to breathe all of a sudden. "Aigoo you two!" she pretended to gag but to be honest, she did feel like gagging.
Chaekyung hopped onto her feet and grabbed her bag. "Can I meet you two back home? I have to grab some stationery from the bookstore." she wagged her finger at L. "L oppa, you'll send unnie home safely won't you?" she warned.
L gave a salute. "Yes madam!"
"Great! See you two later!" Chaekyung waved quickly and darted out of view as fast as she could. As soon as she turned around the corner, Chaekyung leaned against the wall and her body immediately sagged. Her gaze dropped and the smile faltered.
Her fingers curled up against her skirt, crumpling the originally straight and smooth material.
This. This was what she had to endure every single time Jaekyung and L were together. The worst thing was that she couldn't feel angry or anything of the likes because she knew that L and Jaekyung belonged together. There was no two person more suited for each other in the entire world.
But so what? It didn't keep her from hurting when she was still so much in love with L.
In her memory, L was the only guy her heart ever felt something for. She didn't know if she really did like Lee Dongjae, the problematic guy, but she chose to not consider about him since she didn't have any memory of him at all. It was better that way.
But L, she really really really liked him. The first moment she saw him, she was attracted to his superior looks. Who wouldn't? However after that, she came to appreciate the things he did for her sister, how he took care of the both of them.
Too bad the centre of his affections wasn't directed to her.
Even if she gave her blessings to this couple, it was still very difficult on her to pretend as if it was okay to see them being affectionate when she couldn't help but wish she was her sister. And after thinking that way, she would feel the guilt.
Guilt again. It was the thing she felt the most these days.
Chaekyung knew that she was nothing compared to Jaekyung. It was the reason for their row two years ago anyway. Jaekyung was everything Chaekyung was not, she was perfect. Absolutely perfect in every single way. It was almost as if this girl was some sort of a goddess.
But Chaekyung, she was lacking in so many other areas, she had so much to learn. It was not surprising that L fell for Jaekyung even if he dated Chaekyung first.
But it didn't stop Chaekyung from hoping that he would see her in that light. And this hope translated into more guilt for thinking that way. It was just a viscious cycle.
Chaekyung pushed herself away from the wall and looked around. She had to stroll around this place for a while more before making her way home. She wouldn't want to get home to see L and Jaekyung's cosy moments.
Chaekyung sighed, her head dropped and her gaze fixated on her shoes. She didn't even notice that her strawberry cone was melting fast and that it was already dribbling down her fingers. She took a step forward and incidentally, it was that one step that caused her to put herself right in the direction of an incoming male.
He and her crashed into each other, the strawberry cone smearing itself beautifully on his crisp white shirt.
Chaekyung gasped and glanced up at him in horror. Oh .
If there was one thing L.Joe hated, it was clumsiness.
He had no idea where girls got the notion that guys thought it was cute for them to be clumsy. It was cute for them to trip over their laces, giving guys the chance to catch them when they fell. It was cute for them to drop plates. It was cute for them to be so cutesy clumsy so that their prince charmings can come save them.
Hell no.
L.Joe thought it was horrifyingly annoying and couldn't have cared less if one of those girls accidentally tripped on their laces and fell on their faces. Heh.
The girls back in his hometown Gunsan had that insane notion that being clumsy was cute and all of them tried their best to be cutesy around him all the time. Heh sorry, the great L.Joe didn't buy that.
He had been hoping that girls in Seoul were a different case but looking at the pretty pink strawberry scented smear on the front of his favorite abercrombie shirt, he guessed he was wrong.
"What the ?" L.Joe cursed, slightly glad when he saw the girl flinching. Yes girl, be afraid. That was what you got when you went around dumping strawberry ice cream on people. "Don't you watch where you go?"
The girl bit her lip. "I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention, but you don't have to be so rude about it." she muttered under her breath.
L.Joe raised his brows at her. Oh this puny little girl dared to talk back to him.
"I'm rude?" L.Joe sneered, narrowing his eyes at her. Gosh this girl was short. He wasn't that tall himself and this girl only reached his lips. He looked down at his ruined shirt and a new wave of irritation struck him. His stomach was getting cold too.
"Excuse me woman, but you're the one who dumped this freaking on me." L.Joe snapped, annoyed. "I don't think you have any right to call me rude."
The girl snapped her head up to face him and glared right back at him. L.Joe was slightly surprised to see her face. She was...not as bad as he thought she would be. Rather pretty features, if had to admit. Her eyes were large and she had the cutest little lips. Her hair ended a few inches below her chin, framing her almond shaped face.
He could imagine many foolish boys falling for this pretty little face. Too bad she was such a clumsy annoying little brat.
"You excuse me, mister." the girl growled, her eyes narrowing at him. "If YOU had paid attention to where you were walking, you could have avoided me even if I didn't pay any attention to where I went. You can't blame me for not looking where I was going when you weren't yourself!" she harrumphed.
L.Joe scowled. He didn't like that this girl wasn't scared. She was supposed to be terrified, damn it.
He opened his mouth, about to say something when a few guys rushed over to join the fun. ing idiotic looking, they were. L.Joe scowled deeper as the guys in the same uniform as this puny girl rushed over and stood in front of her protectively.
"Chaekyung, is this guy bothering you?" one of them asked protectively.
Another cracked his knuckles. "If he is, we can take him down no problem." he eyed L.Joe from head to toe, making the latter raise his brows in disbelief. Like excuse muah, that dude should totally go look in the mirror before making such comments. Did that dude even realize how scrawny he was?
"Don't." The puny girl, apparently called Chaekyung, pulled the two guys back. "Don't do anything rash."
She faced L.Joe. "I'm sorry I crashed into you and ruined your shirt. 20000 won should be enough for a new shirt, here." she pushed the money into his pockets. "Please don't be so rude to strangers in the future." Her gaze shone with distaste.
L.Joe gaped at her. What the hell, this girl dared to preach him?
Another one of the guys stared down (unfortunate height disadvantage) at L.Joe and scoffed. "You should be glad our school's little princess decided to let you off. You have no idea how many of her supporters would beat you up to death for being rude to her."
L.Joe wanted to puke. Oh so this little girl was a little miss popular. The dislike grew by leaps and bounds. L.Joe hated popular people, he hated those people who tried to mislead everyone by how perfect they were when they were actually pure scum inside.
How fake.
"Jangwoo." Chaekyung pulled her friend back and shook her head. "Let's go." she didn't spare L.Joe another glance as she walked off in the opposite direction.
L.Joe stared at where Chaekyung went, his lips pressed in a firm line of displeasure.
"Stupid popular lass thinking she did a good deed." L.Joe looked down at the notes in his pockets and pulled them out. "I don't need your charity."
He gave the money to the first homeless guy he saw and growled angrily to himself. He wished he wouldn't see that girl ever again.
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amicoolikethat #1
Chapter 33: It's 2024 😭
Omg it's been so long. Just came back to this website to check if this has been updated but sobs. I guess it'll never be. But thanks to this author for raising teenage me lol
amicoolikethat #3
Still no update 😢
Chapter 33: Please continue 🙏 😔😔😔
amicoolikethat #5
It's been years :(
Chapter 22: I just had to scoff. Heh, I came here for jaesoo couple so I guess I'll stop here since the story isn't even completed anyway :( I might die from curiosity if I continue
Chapter 20: L.joe is such a hypocrite lmao. As if he's not whipped for chae! And both of them are so dense i just wanna bump their head together
Chapter 19: Idc if I'm being mean but at least chaekyung know her place ( ̄ヘ ̄)
Chapter 16: Ahhh jaekyung really deserve everything the world. I kinda hate chaekyung at first, but I'm glad to see her changing into a better person