Changing Heart

The Pretty One II

Chaekyung gulped. She stared at L.Joe with wide eyes and she didn't even notice when Woohyun pushed her up to L.Joe. She swallowed nervously and L.Joe's expressionless expression was doing nothing to help with her nerves.

A kiss? She couldn't do it. She hadn't even kissed L when they had been dating in the past. Although she knew that she had already lost her first kiss to Lee Dongjae which she read from Jaekyung's diary and she was glad she couldn't remember it because it was a period in her life she absolutely detested. That aside, L.Joe and her weren't even dating for real.

Chaekyung spun on the spot and turned towards the rest of the gang. "I changed my mind, I want to choose truth." she squeaked.

"Ayeeee you can't change your choice now!" Sunggyu complained. "You chose dare so stick with dare. It's just a kiss with your boyfriend, you can pretend all of us aren't here."

Like that would be easy. Chaekyung swallowed hard. It wasn't the fact that there were people around, it was the mere thought of kissing L.Joe that was making her unsettled.

"I don't think I can do that." Chaekyung bit his lip. "Can't I change to truth please?" she pleaded.

"Ayee." All the guys groaned. "What's so difficult about a kiss?"

"Yeah, what's so difficult about a kiss?"

Chaekyung's eyes widened when she realized the voice came from behind. L.Joe grabbed her wrist and turned her towards him. "They're right, what's so difficult about a kiss right princess?" he raised his brows teasingly. "It's not like we've never kissed."

Her eyes widened even larger and she gaped at L.Joe in shock. HUH??? He winked at her to tell her that he was joking, but it didn't seem like a joke when he cupped one hand to her cheek and was slowly inching closer to her face. Chaekyung's hands balled into nervous fists unconsciously as she watched his face near hers, her eyes fixated on his lips.

Was he really going to kiss her? Chaekyung could hardly think, her heart was pounding so hard and fast in her chest that she thought she felt her body shaking. She thought she should run away, but she found herself unconsciously leaning forward much to her surprise. L.Joe's eyes were closed and he was so close that his breath could be felt on her lips. 

Chaekyung's eyes fluttered close and she waited anxiously for the contact. She didn't expect herself to feel that way but she was actually...actually anticipating it. It was almost like she WANTED L.Joe to kiss her.

Her dreamy state was promptly burst like a bubble when she felt something on the corner of her lips and it sure didn't feel like another pair of lips. A moment later, there were loud cooes from the gang and L.Joe leaned away from her with a smirk. Chaekyung blinked at him, slowly digesting what happened.

Oh, she realized.

He had used the traditional method of covering her lips with his thumb and kissing his thumb instead of her lips. It seemed like a kiss to everyone else and it prevented them from having to kiss for real.

Chaekyung gave a weak smile as she went to sit down. She should be happy that L.Joe could think so quick on his feet to get out of such an awkward situation like that.

But somehow...she was disappointed.





"Yeoboseyo?" L.Joe excused himself from the rest of the guys to pick up a call. He glanced back at Chaekyung and caught her still staring blankly into space after her little dare. A small smile lit L.Joe's lips at the thought of how he, not L, was able to ignite such a reaction from her.

"Yah yah, you there?" Chunji sounded suspicious. "You sound awfully distracted." he commented. "And where the hell are you, the music is so loooud."

L.Joe slipped out of the door to the front yard to continue with his call, knowing how naggy Chunji could be if he started complaining. "Dude dude I'm here, chill."

L.Joe could almost imagine Chunji narrowing his eyes. "Yah Lee Byunghun!" L.Joe winced at Chunji's loud voice. Gawd, remind him why he was best friends and closest with this guy instead of Changjo or Niel. Oh right, the other two were even worse.

"Are you..." a loud gasp could be heard. "Are you in a club?" Chunji shrieked. "I thought I told you about those places, DO NOT ever go to a club! That's where people drink alcohol and flirt with girls and.."

L.Joe tapped his fingers impatiently, waiting for Chunji to finish his rant. "OH WAIT!" Chunji shrieked once more, causing L.Joe to curse while holding his phone away from his ear. "You shouldn't be going to such places're there with Chaekyung? Are you there with Chaekyung? Good job man you're going somewhere with the girl! Oh what am I doing, I'm holding you back from her, better go guard your pretty little girlfriend because I'm sure manny guys are preying after her right at this moment-"

"STOP." L.Joe nearly swore out loud. "Dude you're so naggy that I'm seriously doubting your ual preference right now." he shook his head.

It took a few seconds for Chunji to answer. "Yah are you caling me gay?" a sharp intake of breath could be heard.

"It's totally up to your personal interpretation." L.Joe smirked. "Anyway what's the matter dude? Why are you calling me all of a sudden?"

"I just wanted to ask you if it's alright for us boys to pop over to Seoul during the holidays but that isn't very important right now." Chunji blabbered. "So. Tell me. Where are you now? Are you really at a club with Chaekyung?"

"NO." L.Joe rolled his eyes. "She's underaged, she can't even enter one."

Chunji gasped. "So you mean you're at a club with another girl?"

L.Joe heaved. "Since when have I said that I'm really at a club?" he asked incredulously at his friend's imagination. "I'm at Sunggyu's birthday chalet alright? It's a party. Parties have loud music. That's it." he stressed.

"Oh. You're not at a club?" Chunji sounded a little disappointed at the lack of drama. "But Chaekyung's there with you right? Cool!"

L.Joe wanted to facepalm at the optimism in Chunji's voice. "What were you guys doing before you picked up my call? You sounded so cheesily happy before."

At Chunji's insistence, L.Joe told him about his entire day from the schedule since 8am in the morning, going to the Lee's house to fetch the girls etc etc till late that night. Of course, Chunji forced the truth or dare out of L.Joe as well and had Chunji been a girl, he would have been squealing in estacy.

"SO YOU KISSED HER?" Chunji shrieked. "Dude good job!"

L.Joe sighed in frustration. "Which part of the I acted like I kissed her part you didn't understand? I just pretended to kiss her by using my thumb to cover her lips okay?" he touched his lips unconsciously. "Although if you caught her blush you'd think I actually kissed her for real." he chuckled softly.

He glanced back at the door and a little smile lit his face. It took him a few moments to realize that he was still on the phone with Chunji and to his surprise, his best friend had been quiet the entire time. He glanced at his phone screen to find that the call was still ongoing. "Chunji?"

"Finally remember I'm here?" Chunji snickered knowingly. "Dude! You've fallen badly for her!"

L.Joe scoffed, automatically tuning out because whenever he was on a call with Chunji these days, that was all Chunji would say all the time. He let Chunji continue one for a while more before finally cutting in. "Yah yah enough, I have to get back to the party."

"Missing your little girlfriend already?" Chunji teased. "Alright alright. Before you go, just answer me something."

L.Joe sighed. "Fine. What?"

"Do you wish that you could have kissed her on the lips for real just then?"

L.Joe blinked. He never expected that question. He thought back to the moment when he leaned down towards Chaekyung's astonished face. In all honesty, he had wanted to just plant his lips on hers straight but...but he had certain strict morals. He wouldn't kiss a girl that wasn't his girlfriend.

His real, girlfriend.

And he knew he didn't have the right to those lips either when he wasn't dating Chaekyung for real.

He grumbled under his breath and blamed Chunji for asking such a stupid question. "Aish, I'm hanging up." Before the call ended, he could hear Chunji burst out into loud happy laughter and he cursed himself for his self-explanatory answer.

Hell yes, he wanted to kiss her.


Chaekyung stared up at the night sky and let out a huge sigh while hugging her knees. Everyone else had fallen asleep after fooling around for most of the night and it was nearing dawn. For some reason Chaekyung was unable to fall asleep despite being up for a long time, hence she chose to sneak outside the chalet to wait for the sun to rise on a random bench.

Her fingers unconsciously went up to touch the side of her lips where L.Joe had supposedly "kissed" her previously. Her heart skipped a beat when she recalled how close he had been to her.

Blush appeared on her cheeks when she finally let herself remember her thoughts at the moment before their supposed "kiss". 

She had actually been anticipating...her heart had actually started racing...

She wasn't allowed to feel that was she? The guy she was supposed to be in love with was L, only L was able to ignite such a reaction from her. 

Chaekyung thought back to L.Joe and her one month anniversary where he had even prepared an event for her at school. She sighed softly and wringed her fingers, fidgeting on the spot. Thinking back to her first impression of L.Joe, his actual personality is quite different from how she thought he would be.

She thought he was rude and inconsiderate, and not to mention extremely self centred to have blackmailed her into trying to court an attached Jaekyung. 

To be completely honest, he was still rude and self centred. He was still fake dating her of which Chaekyung could safely assume that he still had the intention of courting Jaekyung, and he was still rude at times when he said mean things to her except now those were turned into teasings.

Somehow, that rude and unreasonable guy could be sweet and romantic at times too. Even when knowing that those sweet actions weren't done wholeheartedly for her, he had managed to touch Chaekyung. More than a couple of times the thought that he could be a real sweet boyfriend popped into her mind.

And sometimes the fact that he was doing all these just to get closer to Jaekyung pained her so so much. L chose Jaekyung over her, now even L.Joe was willing to do so much for Jaekyung while using her.

Even when the hand he was holding was hers, the only girl he was doing it for was someone else. 

"Am I really that unworthy of love?" Chaekyung whispered softly, hugging her knees tighter. Without knowing, a tear slipped down her cheek. Others soon followed and Chaekyung found herself crying all of a sudden.

She didn't know the exact reason for her tears but her heart just felt so much pain when she recalled the sweet moments she had with L.Joe. Sweet moments that she wouldn't even have if not for her older sister.

Inferior. That was what she felt.

Before she knew what was happening Chaekyung was suddenly led into warm arms and engulfed in a cocoon of warmth. Someone the back of her head gently and rubbed her arms tenderly. "You scared me when I couldn't find you sleeping." he whispered.

Chaekyung clutched his shirt in her fists and sighed heavily, swallowing harder. How could could he just appear just when she needed him and expected her to be completely unaffected?

L.Joe sighed and hugged Chaekyung closer to him, frowning deeply. He didn't understand what was so great about Kim Myungsoo that caused Chaekyung to shed such tears for him. She was crying for that guy again wasn't she?

"He's not worth your tears, babo." L.Joe chided softly, sighing into her hair. "Not worth losing your sleep over, not worth your time. Just forget about him, Kim Myungsoo."

Chaekyung didn't say anything but only cried harder.

He didn't know. He didn't know anything because for the first time, her tears were falling for him.

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amicoolikethat #1
Chapter 33: It's 2024 😭
Omg it's been so long. Just came back to this website to check if this has been updated but sobs. I guess it'll never be. But thanks to this author for raising teenage me lol
amicoolikethat #3
Still no update 😢
Chapter 33: Please continue 🙏 😔😔😔
amicoolikethat #5
It's been years :(
Chapter 22: I just had to scoff. Heh, I came here for jaesoo couple so I guess I'll stop here since the story isn't even completed anyway :( I might die from curiosity if I continue
Chapter 20: L.joe is such a hypocrite lmao. As if he's not whipped for chae! And both of them are so dense i just wanna bump their head together
Chapter 19: Idc if I'm being mean but at least chaekyung know her place ( ̄ヘ ̄)
Chapter 16: Ahhh jaekyung really deserve everything the world. I kinda hate chaekyung at first, but I'm glad to see her changing into a better person