Surprising Identities

The Pretty One II
"How can that dude just disappear minutes before the first lesson?" CAP muttered under his breath, shaking his head. He eyed his younger friend who was still staring out of the door where their new student had went.
"Why? Did you want to follow after him?" CAP raised his brows. 
Ricky sulked slightly and bit his lip. "I'm not biased or anything, but don't you think L.Joe hyung just explodes with swag?" he whispered in awe. "Even walking, swinging his bag over his shoulder, sitting down on a chair. Everything he does just screams of swag, I wonder how I can do that as well." he tapped his finger on his chin thoughtfully.
CAP scoffed, unimpressed. "You don't live on swag, Ricky. So what if that guy has swag, he obviously has brawns but no brains, seeing how you told me that he's two years older than us and still a junior." he sneered. "Obviously rather slow on the intake."
Ricky wrinkled his nose. "Maybe, but we can't put a judgement so quickly CAP hyung." CAP wanted to hurl something at the younger one after seeing how starstruck his dongsaeng seemed to be. He had no idea why Ricky just seemed to like that L.Joe guy so much. That guy just looked like some cold rude dude to CAP.
CAP himself was a cold rude dude so he didn't really like seeing people similar to himself.
"Anyway," CAP settled back into his chair and snickered. "I bet that L.Joe guy has decided that school was too hard for him and he has already pulled out of school in the last minute like the coward he most likely is-"
CAP was abruptly cut off when Ricky sprang out of his seat with a wide beam. "L.Joe hyung, you're back!"
CAP blinked in astonishment as the said guy strode back into class like it was perfectly normal to disappear minutes before the lessons started and to come back as if nothing happened. L.Joe flicked his bangs as he sat back down on his seat, throwing his bag on the ground carelessly.
Ricky was beaming wider than ever and it irked CAP that he had been wrong about L.Joe. "I'm so glad you're back, L.Joe hyung. I thought you were serious about skipping school! Thank goodness it was a joke." Ricky grinned.
CAP eyed L.Joe curiously. "What made you come back?" he murmured, frowning.
L.Joe shrugged and didn't look at the two, his eyes directed in front. However CAP did notice how the sides of L.Joe's lips curled up in the slightest motion and his eyes seemed to twinkle ever so faintly.
"Nothing. I just found a reason to stay."
"I can't believe that rude guy you were talking about was L.Joe oppa." Soomi fanned herself. "The guy sounded like a total bastard when you described him to us."
Chaekyung raised her brows at her friend when she caught the disbelieving tone. "What? You think I'm lying?" she twisted her lips into a pout. "It doesn't matter how his exterior looks like, what he did and what he said was all relayed word for word."
Bomi was obviously not in the mood to reason things out as her eyes nearly formed heart shapes while staring at L.Joe pack his bag. "You certainly failed to mention that the guy was so hot." she whispered. "Gosh, he could totally join Infinite with his good looks."
Chaekyung's face contorted in disgust. Like what? Join her favorite oppas? No way. "You girls are so shallow." she grumbled.
Yoomi chuckled and patted Chaekyung's shoulders. "You've got to forgive them since even I've got to admit that the L.Joe dude is really quite some eye candy material." she giggled. Chaekyung shot Yoomi a look and Yoomi made a face back. "Don't tell Woohyun oppa I said that, serious."
Chaekyung stuck out her tongue. "Traitor."
She glanced at the new student and coincidentally, he glanced at her at the same moment. L.Joe narrowed his eyes at her and Chaekyung glared back just as fiercely. She didn't know what fueled such an action when she wasn't so fiesty usually. L.Joe just irritated her for unknown reasons.
He rolled his eyes at her and broke the eye contact first, striding away as if he owned the world. Oh the nerve of that guy... Chaekyung wrinkled her nose and blew on her bangs. Just hopefully they paths wouldn't cross too much.
L.Joe's eyes were scanning the cafeteria thoroughly for that one girl that motivated him to stay on in school that day. His goddess. He wondered if it was really possible for love at first sight, but he knew that the effect from the sun and the picturesque view didn't help in making love at first sight less believable.
He didn't think he was in love, but he was definitely attracted. He was tired of high profile girls that wanted attention for themselves, fake and putting up facades all the time. He detested people like those.
The reason why L.Joe was so attracted to his goddess was because he knew he caught her at an unguarded moment. He knew that the kindness she had shown to the kittens was genuine, the delighted giggles and smiles were all from her heart and not just an act to entice a man's heart.
L.Joe scanned the cafeteria again and frowned. Just where was his goddess?
"Are you looking around for pretty girls, hyung?" Ricky noted how L.Joe was distracted. "Ayee you could have asked me to introduce some to you."
L.Joe raised his brows at the dongsaeng and scoffed. CAP shook his head and shoved a spoonful of mash potato into Ricky's mouth. "Just concentrate on eating, please."
Ricky opened his mouth to protest and both L.Joe and CAP echoed at the same time, "Just eat."
They looked at each other and L.Joe smirked while CAP just cleared his throat, looking as if he wanted to kill himself for saying the same thing L.Joe said.
L.Joe's attention was suddenly caught when he finally caught sight of the girl he was waiting for. His eyes lit up and his gaze followed her as she walked in with a bunch of other guys.
God damn. She was still as pretty as the first time L.Joe laid his eyes on her, so it wasn't entirely the effect from the sun's rays.
L.Joe found it tremendously cute how she seemed dodgy and polite while she walked, even though he could see she was rather well-known because quite a lot of people waved hi to her as they passed. No airs, no nothing.
His gaze trailed off to the other seven guys following behind her and he frowned slightly. They looked like her bodyguards or something. Somehow, it seemed as if the other guys didn't dare go near her when his goddess had those seven guys around her.
L.Joe found it annoying to note that those seven were pretty good looking themselves.
His gaze followed on as his goddess moved on to a seat and settled down, bringing out two bentos from her bag. He found it extremely endearing that her book never left her hand even if she wasn't reading it. He thought it was adorable.
CAP noticed L.Joe staring and he snickered softly. "She's taken, L.Joe." No hyung. He wasn't going to just call anyone hyung just because that guy was older than he was.
L.Joe's head snapped towards CAP and his eyes was hard. "What did you say?"
"I said she's taken." CAP jerked his head towards his goddess. "She's already taken so don't even try."
A nerve jerked in L.Joe's jaw and he clenched his teeth in annoyance at CAP's cocky attitude. Ricky quickly rushed to fill in the additional information he thought L.Joe might want to know. "Her name is Lee Jaekyung, L.Joe hyung."
L.Joe's eyes flickered to his goddess again. Jaekyung, her name was Jaekyung.
"She's two years our senior which means she's the same age as you." Ricky tapped his chin. "She's one of the most well-known girls in school."
L.Joe blinked. What if his goddess was one of those miss populars that craved attention and fame?
"She's basically popular for 3 reasons." Ricky listed. "Firstly, well, see the guy beside her over there? His name is Kim Myungsoo, also known as L, the principal's son and one of the most popular guys in school. Jaekyung noona is L hyung's girlfriend so naturally a lot of attention is placed on her."
L.Joe narrowed his eyes on the said L and scowled. What was with that guy's name as well. L. L.Joe. He already disliked this L before even knowing him personally.
L.Joe witnessed how L pushed a curl out of Jaekyung's face tenderly and how Jaekyung gave him a smile back. L.Joe's scowl deepened. Aish, his goddess was taken by this pretty boy already.
"Secondly," Ricky continued without missing a beat. "Jaekyung noona used to be very unattractive and it was later that we found out that she chose to be ugly for I don't know what reasons. Her makeover was very inspiring and naturally that made the headlines as well."
L.Joe cocked his head to the side and observed his goddess. She was very obviously beautiful and for her to hide it....hmmm. He was interested. Very interested.
"And well the third reason is obviously because she's the Woolim Princess's elder sister that's why." Ricky turned slightly pink. "There's a lot of debate on which Lee sister is prettier and Jaekyung is gaining votes rapidly, but my loyalties lie in the younger sister." he blushed. Yes BLUSHED.
"What younger sister?" L.Joe blinked in confusion.
CAP rolled his eyes. "Dude, she's in the same class as you. The Woolim Princess, little miss popular and flyer of our cheerleading squad. Lee Chaekyung."
L.Joe took a few moments for everything to click. "Lee Chaekyung? You mean that-" he faltered when he saw his number one enemy (he just appointed her with this title) make her way towards his goddess with a bright smile and plopped herself next to Jaekyung.
And the worst thing was that he could see the resemblence. The two sisters did look alike but they were just pretty in different ways.
Jaekyung was more elegant and poised while Chaekyung was cuter and had larger eyes.
But seriously, that girl was his goddess's younger sister? How could that rude chick be blood related to his heavenly goddess??!
"Oh and an interesting fact is that L actually dated Chaekyung before Jaekyung." Ricky muttered as he chewed on his food thoughtlessly.
L.Joe's eyes snapped towards the three and blinked. Hmmm. 
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amicoolikethat #1
Chapter 33: It's 2024 😭
Omg it's been so long. Just came back to this website to check if this has been updated but sobs. I guess it'll never be. But thanks to this author for raising teenage me lol
amicoolikethat #3
Still no update 😢
Chapter 33: Please continue 🙏 😔😔😔
amicoolikethat #5
It's been years :(
Chapter 22: I just had to scoff. Heh, I came here for jaesoo couple so I guess I'll stop here since the story isn't even completed anyway :( I might die from curiosity if I continue
Chapter 20: L.joe is such a hypocrite lmao. As if he's not whipped for chae! And both of them are so dense i just wanna bump their head together
Chapter 19: Idc if I'm being mean but at least chaekyung know her place ( ̄ヘ ̄)
Chapter 16: Ahhh jaekyung really deserve everything the world. I kinda hate chaekyung at first, but I'm glad to see her changing into a better person