Double Date

The Pretty One II

Double Update! Go back one chapter!


"Yah Chae, time to get out of bed." Jaekyung knocked on Chaekyung's door and chuckled when she saw her sister still lying on her bed even though it was near noon.

"Unnieeee.." Chaekyung groaned and buried her face in the pillow. "Five more minutes, it's saturday and we got home late last night."

Jaekyung grinned and sat down on the bed beside her sister. "That's exactly what I wanted to talk about." she poked her sister on the cheek. "You returned home even later than I did yesterday night, of course I'm interested. You and L.Joe disappeared for a long time and didn't come back, where did you guys go?"

Chaekyung turned red even in her drowsy state. The thought of L.Joe giving up his shoes for her was kind of heart-fluttering and the memory of the night was just so so magical. Chaekyung groaned to herself.

Everything was wrong. It wasn't supposed to feel magical with someone other than L. Pinning for L for such a long time must have done something to her head.

It must have been because she felt too grateful, she reasoned in her mind. L.Joe had even brought her to eat ddubokki after the ball because he knew she was still hungry without any satisfying thing to eat. He and laughed at her for every tiny thing after that, but never because of her tears. Never because of her one-sided love.

And somehow he managed to make her feel better.

Jaekyung pried the pillow off Chaekyung and beamed when she saw her sister's pink cheeks. "You're blushing!" she laughed, genuinely happy. "Omo Chae you like him that much?"

"Aish I'm not blushing!" Chaekyung stuck out her tongue and wrinkled her nose. "Why would I blush over that stupid Ariel." she muttered, scoffing. Jaekyung just smiled knowingly, not pursuing the matter any further. Instead, she leaned against the wall, smiling.

"It seems like L.Joe isn't that bad of a guy as first thought." She murmured, silently laughing at L's doubts about L.Joe. From what she saw, L.Joe was exactly what Chaekyung needed to get over the pain from the past, and he was genuinely making her happy. There was nothing to worry about.

Chaekyung raised her brows questioningly. "What was that?"

"Nothing." Jaekyung smiled, biting her lips. "I was just thinking...Sungyeol once mentioned this and I think it's  good idea. Do you and L.Joe want to go on a double date with Myungsoo and I?" Jaekyung offered. It was a big step for her personally, as it would allow another guy come closer to her besides L. But she was willing to take this step because now L.Joe wasn't just anyone.

L.Joe was family.

Chaekyung looked up at her sister in surprise, completely awake by then. "You want that unnie?" she frowned, not expecting that. She knew however friendly Jaekyung was to L.Joe, to spend an entire day with L.Joe meant that there could be possible points of contacts and the fact that Jaekyung had a boy phobia might actually be disclosed.

And if that was the case, then the past year's events might also have to be spilled.

Chaekyung didn't want to risk her unnie telling her personal matters to someone else, especially when she knew that it was something that was hard to recover from.

Jaekyung smiled and squeezed Chaekyung's hand. "I trust you and I trust L.Joe. If he's the guy you like, he's family."




"If you had wanted a double date, you could have said so earlier." L.Joe whispered into Chaekyung's ear as they were walking towards L's car.

It happened all so quickly that Chaekyung could hardly believe they were really doing the double date. Since the suggestion Jaekyung made, the boyfriends were called up immediately and after a simple lunch, the two couples were out.

L seemed surprised at Jaekyung's suggestion but he didn't question, since he saw for himself L.Joe's stunning boyfriend performance the previous day. However he was still a little cautious about the new guy and he prided himself as Jaekyung's boyfriend plus bodyguard by sticking by her since the moment he reached.

Chaekyung wrinkled her nose at L.Joe and scoffed. "I didn't want this date okay, it's unnie who suggested it." she muttered.

L.Joe brightened significantly. "She suggested it?" he grinned. "That means I have a chance don't I, because now she's making time to see me."

Rolling her eyes, Chaekyung elbowed him as they got closer to the car. "Yeah yeah, if unnie really likes you like that, there wouldn't be L oppa and me here coming along with you two."

L.Joe shrugged, still adorably optimistic. "Well she gotta find an excuse to see me doesn't she?"

The couple loaded themselves onto the backseats of L's car while Jaekyung took the front seat next to L. Seatbelts were buckled and then they were off.


The amusement park was their destination for the day and L graciously paid for all their tickets. Jaekyung was reminded of the time when they had a double date in the past, only then L wasn't her boyfriend and her date was...

She cringed at the memory and shook her head. Kim Junki was safely in the rehab centre and there was no way he would be able to escape to harm any of them anymore.

Besides, Jaekyung bit back a smile as she watched L walking back towards them with four tickets and also two bottles of ice lemon tea, she was with L now and that was all that mattered.

"So what rides do you guys want to go on first?" L asked, smiling, passing one bottle to Chaekyung and opening the other bottle of drink for Jaekyung. Jaekyung smiled at his consideration. "We should start off slow first before attempting the bigger rides."

"I bet this girl here wants to go on the merry go round." L.Joe poked Chaekyung's forehead when he caught her staring at the kids over at the signature amusement park game. Chaekyung huffed, offended. "I may be a little kiddy at times but don't generalize everything about me okay." she grumbled. "I was just looking at the kids."

"I didn't generalize, I know." L.Joe smirked, snatching the drink from Chaekyung's lips and gulping down half the bottle. "I bet you hundred bucks that you wanted to get on the merry go round, secretly."

Jaekyung laughed at the their adorable interaction. "What makes you think Chae will confess the truth now that you put it that way." she mused.

L.Joe turned back to Chaekyung with raised brows, leaning closer. "You have to return my shoes, princess. Like them so much that you decided to keep them?" he whispered teasingly.

Chaekyung instantly turned red and she backed away from him, clearing in a fake cough. "I never said I agreed on the bet!" she shrilled. "Unnie come on, let's go queue up." she pulled Jaekyung off to join the predictable Merry-Go-Round queue.

L.Joe chuckled in amusement. He loved to see Chaekyung flustered or rilled up which was why he could never stop teasing or making fun of her. It was cute that she blushed about the previous night which meant that she had to have felt something.

L.Joe wasn't sure if it was just the atmosphere or if he genuinely felt something extraordinary, but he knew for sure that he wanted HER to feel something extraordinary with him the previous night.

Hm. Strange thought.

L eyed L.Joe with an amused expression. "Come on, got to join the queue with the girls if you want to sit beside them before other guys steal our seats." he gestured, jogging to follow his girlfriend. L.Joe scoffed and muttered under his breath. "Whipped."

But then he followed suit immediately, inserting himself in his place beside Chaekyung.


L.Joe watched as Jaekyung and L walked closely together in front of him. Sometimes, two people just looked like a couple without even trying. Sometimes even with excessive skinship, others looked like they were brothers and sisters.

Even though L and Jaekyung weren't touching anywhere, not even holding hands (of which L.Joe was kind of surprised with because L and Jaekyung didn't have a lot of skinship. In fact, L.Joe touched Chaekyung even more than L touched Jaekyung. And by touching he meant poking Chaekyung's forehead and pinching her cheek), even though the two of them weren't even touching, there seemed to be a magnetic field of attraction between them.

As much as L.Joe didn't like to admit, the two looked good together. Very good.

Initially, he was driven by his admiration for Jaekyung's beauty and her humbleness, but lately those didn't seem to make much of an impact anymore. He had no idea why.

L.Joe glanced at Chaekyung beside him discreetly and pursed his lips. The strange turn of events had shown that Chaekyung wasn't all that he thought she was either.

She wasn't a shallow blonde like he thought she was, and in fact she had more secrets than he thought possible. L.Joe initially had a burning hatred for all little miss populars around because he hated the ones he met in the past. He knew what they were like: two-faced, fame-hungry, and they would do anything to get their way.

However it was hard to hate Chaekyung anymore when he learnt what she was like. And there was no way this clumsy princess was acting at any point either.

It seemed he had to give her another reassessment.

"What are you thinking?" Chaekyung frowned up at him while plucking on her pink cotton candy and humming in approval as she stuck it on her tongue.

L.Joe frowned and pointed at it. "When did you get that?" he asked, astonished.

"See? You were thinking about something so deeply that you didn't notice me running off to get this." she waved her cotton candy about like a kid. "What were you thinking?"

Like real he would admit his real thoughts. He would have been called gay.

"Nothing." L.Joe reached out and pulled a large chunk of her cotton candy off her stick, causing her to whine in disapproval. "Hmm this is quite nice." he stuck out his tongue at her while eating.

"Get your own and don't steal mine!" Chaekyung complained, elbowing him at the side. L.Joe laughed and slung his arm around her shoulder, a somewhat comfortable move now, and bent down to eat another large chunk of her candy.

Chaekyung squealed and shoved at him to no avail, only to watch her cotton candy reduce to one fifth the size it originally was. "You don't even like sweet things that much, why steal mine!" she groaned.

"How did you know I don't like sweet things?" L.Joe raised his brows teasingly. "Have you been paying me attention without me knowing?"

"Puh-lease." Chaekyung gave him a look. "You stick around me twenty four seven like a leech, I'd be blind if I don't a few things." she mumbled, wrinkling her nose.

L.Joe laughed softly and slung his arm around her shoulder once more, repeating the motion when she kept shrugging his arm off. Finally, she relented and gave up, letting it stay.

L.Joe smiled softly, staring at the top of her head. He sighed softly and turned to look in front at Jaekyung and L. "Can I ask you something?"

"No." Chaekyung immediately responded.

"Why don't I see your sister and that L dude kissing?" L.Joe still asked, frowning lightly. "Besides yesterday, I realize L and Jaekyung don't really have much skinship huh. The most he does is touch and tug on her hair but never touch her skin directly. Why is that?"

Chaekyung stiffened. Because my unnie has a boy phobia.

She couldn't possibly say that. And besides, if L.Joe knew the full story of what happened last year, he would have to know how she wasn't gracious enough to accept Jaekyung and L's relationship immediately, which caused Jaekyung to go out for a walk because she was ignoring her, which resulted in...the incident.

And she just didn't want him to know, she didn't want him to think any lesser of her.

"Yah, you're stoning." L.Joe peered down at her, concerned. "What's wrong?"

Chaekyung looked up at him, unsure all of a sudden. She felt exposed, scared, threatened, because the realization that she cared what he thought of her made her more conscious all of a sudden.

She quickly snapped out of it when she saw that L.Joe opened his mouth to ask more, and she darted under his arm. "Oh look more cotton candy! Buy me some to replace the one you stole from me, Ariel!" she ran off.

She swallowed hard when he couldn't see her face. Why did she care what he thought? Since when did she care about L.Joe anyway.

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amicoolikethat #1
Chapter 33: It's 2024 😭
Omg it's been so long. Just came back to this website to check if this has been updated but sobs. I guess it'll never be. But thanks to this author for raising teenage me lol
amicoolikethat #3
Still no update 😢
Chapter 33: Please continue 🙏 😔😔😔
amicoolikethat #5
It's been years :(
Chapter 22: I just had to scoff. Heh, I came here for jaesoo couple so I guess I'll stop here since the story isn't even completed anyway :( I might die from curiosity if I continue
Chapter 20: L.joe is such a hypocrite lmao. As if he's not whipped for chae! And both of them are so dense i just wanna bump their head together
Chapter 19: Idc if I'm being mean but at least chaekyung know her place ( ̄ヘ ̄)
Chapter 16: Ahhh jaekyung really deserve everything the world. I kinda hate chaekyung at first, but I'm glad to see her changing into a better person