New Student

The Pretty One II
"What a rude guy." Joowan sneered as he turned behind, giving the guy a look. Chaekyung hushed him and quickly ushered her friends away from the offending stranger.
She didn't want to cause any trouble or talk bad about anyone, but honestly that guy was seriously rude. She had to admit that she wasn't looking where she was going because she was too preoccupied by her thoughts, but hello, he was as well.
It took two hands to clap, two blur poks to knock into one another.
She never met someone quite this unreasonable and annoying before and she hoped she would never get to meet him again.
"If you run into any problems like this in the future, Chaekyung, you can call us no problem." Another one of the guys called Junshik offered in a smile, trying to catch her eye. Chaekyung gave a polite grin and nod. "Thank you for your help today. I'll be going home now, thank you again."
She quickly darted off before her admirers could say anything else.
Chaekyung's friends used to say that she was very dense. She could never tell if a guy liked her or was courting her because all guys were good to her in general. She thought she was pretty and attractive, and it didn't help when her friends always told her about how this guy had a crush on her or another guy told his friends he found her cute.
She once thought all this was meant to be, guys were meant to like her. That was all until L came along.
It wasn't until then that she realized exterior meant little and no matter how hard she tried, she wasn't going to take over Jaekyung's position in L's heart. Sure, she now felt a little inferior to Jaekyung because her sister was stunningly beautiful, but that wasn't the only reason why she felt inferior.
It was the fact that she knew L fell in love with Jaekyung even when Jaekyung had disguised herself. The fact that L didn't care about how Jaekyung looked, loving her sister for who she was inside.
That was something so strong that Chaekyung could never fight against. She suddenly felt as if being pretty wasn't that good after all, it was slightly burdensome even if a little cocky for her to admit.
Would she ever know if those guys back there, were they nice to her and did they like her because of her looks or for her personality? Like L, he was pressured into wooing herself and all because she was pretty on the outside.
What Chaekyung was afraid was that if she let someone close enough to know her on the inside, they would be disgusted. Someone that actually stole her sister's boyfriend in the past. Someone that wasn't gracious enough to give her blessings to L and Jaekyung quick enough. Someone that was disgusting enough to still be in love with L even till date.
She was a mess wasn't she?
So now even though Jaekyung was the one with the physical boy phobia, it seemed Chaekyung was not far behind on the mental scale as well.
"That boy is cute." Whispers like this spreaded around the hallway as a new student stepped into the school grounds. Even before everyone saw his face, he already got the attention from the masses of students filing into school that morning.
Driving a bright striking red motorbike, L.Joe looked absolutely suave and could send girls swooning with his bad boy vibes. He hopped off his bike with overwhelming swag and flicked his bangs to one side, narrowing his eyes at the school. 
He slung his bag over one shoulder, knowing that he would get caught sooner or later with his loud black tee with the letters "FCUK" written in front of it. He could feel the other students staring at him as if he was some sort of specimen in the zoo and he wanted to just point his middle finger at them to make them look away.
Way to make a newcomer feel comfortable, seriously.
He sauntered into school and got to the office to get his timetable, annoyed with the glances the girls kept shooting him. He sighed to himself and tapped his fingers on the table impatiently, already annoyed with his Seoul life.
A few girls walked past him and giggled, waving flirtiously at him and one even winking. L.Joe nearly rolled his eyes  as he looked away, disinterested.
Were Seoul girls all this....annoying?
L.Joe thought about the girl he met yesterday at the market place. He had to admit that if all girls in Seoul were of her standard, phew...he better stop that Niel from coming or that boy might just nose-bleed to death.
However he just found her annoying and irritable even though he had to admit he had to take some blame because he wasn't looking where he was going either. But heck, that girl was supposed to back down like he expected her to, and he could tell she was some popular chick.
He hated popular people.
L.Joe blinked when he realized that the counsellor was saying something for the past five minutes and he hardly caught anything. He noticed an enthusiastic boy beaming at him by the side and got the gist that this cute dude was supposed to bring him around school for the day.
, he hated cute people.
"-as I was saying Byunghun, Ricky has so kindly volunteered to bring you around school and he will be your buddy for the day. Feel free to ask him any questions." the counsellor smiled kindly. "If there's nothing else, you two better rush to your first class. It starts in 10 minutes."
L.Joe wasn't given a chance to speak as the enthusiastic Ricky whisked him away towards their first class. L.Joe blew on his bangs in annoyance, not liking the feeling of being bossed around.
"Byunghun right? You're a hyung right?" Ricky dropped his voice and looked at L.Joe curiously. "I'm sorry for being nosy but I saw your birthdate on the form just now and you're two years older!" he gasped.
L.Joe eyed the boy. "Yeah so?"
Ricky played with his fingers and gave a cheeky grin. "I was just wondering if you could share with me the interesting story of why you're two years behind in your studies." he muttered. "Maybe you were too busy crime-fighting with CSI, or or maybe you were trying to research on a way to cure cancer. Or maybe you were an Olympic swimmer but you didn't get in or something- hmm but you don't look too tan for swimming-"
Raising his brows, L.Joe stared at Ricky. Where did the guy get those ideas from?
"-can ask me anything if you need any help in your work but I'm not sure if I'll be of much help," Ricky scratched his head. "but I'll try my best or maybe I can ask my sister who's already in college-"
L.Joe didn't know why but he suddenly felt a gush of warmth for the young kid in front of him. L.Joe didn't usually like cute guys because one of his best friends back where he came from, Niel, was already giving him severe headaches from all the aegyo he was spamming L.Joe.
However, L.Joe thought perhaps he could live with Ricky's nonsense. Maybe even learn to get used to it even.
"You talk to much." L.Joe muttered as he sauntered with his hands in his pockets.
Ricky's jaw dropped open and he stopped in his tracks, his face falling in disappointment. His eyes darted around as if contemplating if he should just leave L.Joe alone when the hyung stopped as well, turning back while raising his brows in question. "Where's the class? By the way, call me L.Joe hyung."
Ricky blinked a few times before a slow smile made it's way onto his lips. "YES L.JOE HYUNG!" he saluted.
L.Joe sighed to himself and wondered if it was a right choice he made.
Just his luck, really, just his luck.
L.Joe rolled his eyes and turned to the other side, blowing on his bangs in annoyance. The annoying miss popular was in his same class. He could feel her eyes on him from the other end of the classroom as she was surrounded by her minions.
And to think that he even made a wish that he wouldn't see her ever again. Another one of those examples when wishes didn't come true.
L.Joe glanced at the clock and growled lowly to himself. Ricky was chatting away to another guy called CAP beside him. CAP did not look 2 years younger than L.Joe at all, despite L.Joe being the retainee in the class, not that anyone needed to know that.
CAP and Ricky seemed like the strangest pair of friends but somehow, they clicked well.
L.Joe contemplated for a few moments before grabbing his bag and making his way to the door. Ricky nearly toppled off his chair in surprise. "L.Joe hyung, where are you going?"
"Skipping class." was his short answer. And some people said he didn't have swag. Heh.
L.Joe went off to the back of the school, preparing to climb the walls to escape. He didn't feel like studying or listening to long boring lessons all over again. Starting school one day later wouldn't make that much of a difference, he figured.
L.Joe threw his bag over the wall and looked around for something for him to push himself up.
L.Joe stopped in his tracks and blinked. Mew mew.
He cocked his head to the side and peeked out from behind the pillar. His eyes rounded when he saw the silhouette of a girl patting a few kittens while feeding them milk and cookies. Usually, L.Joe would have just turned around to go but he didn't.
He seemed to be doing a lot of things out of the norm today.
He took a step closer, slightly mesmerised by how brown the girl's hair looked under the morning sun and how fair she looked. The girl chuckled softly as she played with a kitten, causing the little feline to give a cute soft mew.
L.Joe's eyes settled on the girl's face and he took a sharp intake of breath. "Holy ." he cursed under his breath. She was by far the, most stunningly beautiful girl he had ever laid his eyes on.
Okay so that might have been slightly exaggerated because he was sure he saw other girls more beautiful than this one, but the way she nearly looked like she was GLOWING in the sunlight made her seem almost celestial. She might not be the most beautiful but she was certainly most attractive.
At least, he was attracted.
L.Joe contemplated on whether he should go up to introduce himself despite how it wasn't the norm of him to do that, but heck he was breaking a lot of his norms already. His train of thought was disrupted when his goddess's phone suddenly rang,
"Myungsoo?" even her voice sounded wonderful, or was he just biased already? "Oh no! I didn't take note of the time. I'll go up to class now!"
L.Joe hid behind the pillar as the girl set the kittens down and grabbed her bag, rushing off to catch her first lesson. L.Joe swallowed and looked out from behind the pillar, his suddenly parched lips.
That girl she just looked...different. So pure, so innocent and untainted by all the fame and popularity that other girls were involved with. She just...shone.
L.Joe suddenly thought about the bag which he had already thrown over on the other side of the school wall's. "." he muttered under his breath.
Now he had to climb over to grab it again because he just found his motivation to study.
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amicoolikethat #1
Chapter 33: It's 2024 😭
Omg it's been so long. Just came back to this website to check if this has been updated but sobs. I guess it'll never be. But thanks to this author for raising teenage me lol
amicoolikethat #3
Still no update 😢
Chapter 33: Please continue 🙏 😔😔😔
amicoolikethat #5
It's been years :(
Chapter 22: I just had to scoff. Heh, I came here for jaesoo couple so I guess I'll stop here since the story isn't even completed anyway :( I might die from curiosity if I continue
Chapter 20: L.joe is such a hypocrite lmao. As if he's not whipped for chae! And both of them are so dense i just wanna bump their head together
Chapter 19: Idc if I'm being mean but at least chaekyung know her place ( ̄ヘ ̄)
Chapter 16: Ahhh jaekyung really deserve everything the world. I kinda hate chaekyung at first, but I'm glad to see her changing into a better person