Princess Ariel

The Pretty One II
Chaekyung could not believe her luck. She had to have committed some horrible disgusting crime in her past life to have deserved such bad luck now. Not counting those unfortunate incidences that happened in the past, the fact that she was paired up with Lee Byunghun made it absolutely certain that this was some sort of bad karma.
Repeat. Paired up with Lee Byunghun. Groanssssss.
Chaekyung could feel his glare on her face before she even turned to look at that pink haired idiot. She met his eyes and he gave her a glare that was full of disdain which made her feel incredibly indignant about it all.
It wasn't as if she wanted to be partners right? Even if the rest of the female population in the entire world wanted to be his partner (minus Jaekyung of course, her sister was too in love with L to care about L.Joe), that didn't mean she was the same as them.
The way he acted was as if it was her fault they were made partners. PUH-LEASE.
Chaekyung sighed and rubbed her temples, her lips absent-mindedly blowing a raspberry. Damn, she would just have to sacrifice her grade for this subject wouldn't she?
L.Joe grumbled under his breath as he packed his back with vigor. Ricky glanced at him in alarm as L.Joe threw his books in his bag with such strength that one would think his books had offended him.
"Hyung." Ricky whispered over to CAP. "Do you think L.Joe hyung needs to go for some anger management classes?"
CAP gave Ricky a duh expression. "Always felt that way since day one." He snickered.
L.Joe narrowed his eyes at Chaekyung as she packed her own bag, very obviously trying to ignore him. It was obvious in the way she tried to slant looks at him to catch f he was still glaring at her, which he was by the way. And then when she realized he was still looking at her as if she was responsible for all the bad things in the world, she would divert her eyes and pretend he was nobody.
The nerve of that girl. L.Joe did not like being ignored, even if the girl in question was a little miss popular which he absolutely hated. L.Joe didn't get ignored, not by anyone.
He stormed over to Chaekyung, ready to rip her head off if she angered him anymore by doing absolutely nothing. It was strange why he could dislike her to such an extent when their interaction had been minimal and he wasn't someone that was quite that quick to judge, but for Lee Chaekyung, her pretty little smiles and bright smiling eyes just irked L.Joe to no end. He knew that the girl was attractive and that she was an eye candy to lost boys in school, but he really really hated popular girls like that. Especially popular girls that seemed to not bother about their popularity, those were the scariest girls.
He thought about Jaekyung and slightly backtracked in his thoughts. Well Jaekyung had a high profile and was popular and didn't seem to care for her popularity as well... L.Joe shook his head. Jaekyung was different. Just because.
L.Joe stood beside Chaekyung's seat and narrowed his eyes at her and he could see her taking a deep breath before turning to look at him as if facing took a whole lot of courage and effort. "What?"
"Our project." L.Joe muttered in annoyance. "We have to get it over and done with as soon as possible so I wouldn't need to see your irritable face."
"My sentiments exactly." Chaekyung didn't take offense and L.Joe felt even more irritated. Why couldn't he get a reaction from his girl no matter how he tried. She just didn't act like how he would expect her to. And it irked him to no end.
"We have to complete it soon. You can come over to my house to get it done." Chaekyung looked him straight in the eye without flinching or her eyes turning into sparkling heart shapes. "When are you free? Tomorrow?"
"Tomorrow." L.Joe nodded, scowling all the way. "You sure this isn't your plan to seduce me to your house? Maybe you even told teacher Lee you wanted to be partners with me."
Chaekyung snorted and slung her bag over her shoulder. It was quite an uncharacteristic move since she never snorted, ever. L.Joe seemed to make her behave in her worst ways ever, because she didn't have that conscious effort to keep up her reputation around him. She didn't care.
"I wouldn't go to such lengths to seduce you, don't worry. Seducing you is the last thing on my mind." Chaekyung mumbled as she walked past him. "I don't like my guy cosplaying some Disney princess."
L.Joe blinked in confusion and his hand shot out to grab her elbow. "What Disney princess?" He snapped, annoyed.
Chaekyung blinked innocently and glanced at his hair. "Ariel, of course." She looked as if she was trying to control her laughter as she slipped away while L.Joe was trying to figure out what she was talking about.
"Who the is Ariel?" L.Joe growled, furrowing his brows at no one in particular and successfully looking extremely suave all the same.
"The Disney princess, the little mermaid of course!" Ricky chirped, not hearing Chaekyung's previous words and innocently replying his hyung's question without knowing that any moment he would be stepping on a land-mine. "You know, the mermaid with a bottom body like a fish and red fluffy hair-"
L.Joe blinked and his fingers went up to his hair almost immediately. His eyes darkened and he snapped his gaze towards the door even though Chaekyung was long gone.
"Ariel?" L.Joe gasped in fury. "That girl called my fashionista hair a lame Disney princess? What the f-"
"No cursing." CAP whistled as he walked past. L.Joe bit back his words and growled internally. Oh god damn, she as so going to get it.
The only good thing L.Joe could think of when going over to Chaekyung's house for the project was that he might have a chance to see Jaekyung. Other than that, it was just pure torture.
When he told the rest of Teen Top that he had been paired with Lee Chaekyung for his first project of the year, they had laughed their asses. Chunji however, kept looking as if he had something to say but didn't want to say it, giving secretive smug smiles all the time. It was annoying but L.Joe didn't ask. Chunji had more than a few screws lose in his mind, in L.Joe's opinion.
L.Joe tapped on door and scowled deeply as he waited for Chaekyung to open the door. Darn that girl, she knew he was coming so why didn't she prepare for his arrival?
It took a good minute before the door opened and L.Joe immediately shot at the person who did. "What took you so long princess?" He snapped. He called her princess not as an endearment but rather in a sarcastic manner. Princesses in her opinion, were stubborn, naive and selfish people.
Look at Ariel for example. She had to be the most naive person on earth, to give up her family and life underwater for some random prince she had only seen and never talked to, risking her entire life and existence. Seriously, were there other people as dumb as she was?
L.Joe thought the description was particularly apt for Little Miss Popular Chaekyung since being the popular chick she was, she was bound to be stubborn and self-centered like a princess.
He fully intended to criticize and his tone showed it, which was why he nearly bit his own tongue into half when he realized that the person who had opened the door for him wasn't Chaekyung but instead his goddess. L.Joe's jaw dropped and he almost felt his cheeks blushing (almost, Lee Byunghun didn't blush) as he could tell Jaekyung was trying not to laugh.
"Hi, are you Chaekyung's classmate coming over for the project?" Jaekyung had a hard time keeping a straight face. "She didn't mention being on such close terms with you till you guys used endearments."
Endearments. L.Joe felt faint. His goddess thought he called Chaekyung princess with an intention of it being an endearment. Lord save him from this mess.
"It's not meant to be an endearment."  L.Joe quickly clarified as he followed Jaekyung into the house. "It's mean to be an insult you know, because princesses are stubborn and selfish and-"
"Most of the times beautiful and absolutely gorgeous?" Jaekyung teased lightly. L.Joe's jaw dropped a second time and he felt like finding a hole to hide himself. He was such a fail.
"I'm Lee Byunghun by the way." He finally coughed out, hoping that his goddess would get an impromptu memory loss for the past two minutes. "You can call me L.Joe. I'm that prin- Lee Chaekyung's classmate but I'm the same age as you." He cursed himself for nearly saying that awful word again and hoped that his age would make himself seem more manly to her.
"Yeah I heard." Jaekyung mumbled absent-mindedly as she pouted a cup of drink for him. L.Joe accepted it gratefully and took his time marveling at her beauty. Gosh, she was really beautiful especially when she smiled. Her features might not be perfect, but it was the aura of calmness and kindness she exuded  that made him unable to tear his eyes away from him.
Call him biased or whatever. He couldn't really find any points in which Jaekyung was much better than Chaekyung in any particular way, but she just was. Just because.
L.Joe backtracked to her answer and nearly whooped in joy. She heard about him how great was that!
"Pardon Chaekyung. She was here waiting for you but being the clumsy cutie she was," Jaekyung chuckled a little that sounded like a nightingale's tingle in L.Joe's ears. Gosh he sounded ridiculous didn't he. "She accidentally split some iced cocoa on herself and had to go upstairs to wash up."
L.Joe snorted unintentionally. Her clumsiness was another thing she hated about him. It was also the thing that caused them to meet in such an unpleasant way heh.
"She would be back down in no time I guess." Jaekyung shrugged, smiling at him. L.Joe felt like he was in heaven and secretly hoped that Chaekyung would be locked in the bathroom so that she wouldn't come down.
He couldn't help but remember what his friend's said about using Chaekyung to get closer to Jaekyung. Look at him now, sitting in Jaekyung's living room and talking to her one to one. Even if he wasn't a very witty participant in the conversation, this was a huge leap from where he had started.
The only thing he had to complain about all this was how Jaekyung had taken the furthest possible seat away from him as if he had some sort of a disease. It wasn't as if she had some boy phobia or anything, but well at least she was here.
He was about to open his mouth to impress her with some hopefully witty things that might come out of his mouth when someone descended from the stairs. L.Joe turned over to look and he was momentarily stumped by the unexpected sight of Chaekyung.
Correction: the unexpected beauty radiating from Chaekyung.
He always thought she wore makeup to school with her rosy cheeks and large sparkly eyes, but her freshly washed face told him that those features were all hers and not he doing of some artificially crafted product.
Her hair was in lose curls and she was wearing a comfortable large tee with cute bright yellow shorts with a towel around her neck. Completely homey, completely comfortable and not at all dressed up to impress.
But still completely gorgeous.
L.Joe growled to himself for thinking that way. Well of course she was sommeeewhattt acceptable in terms of looks because she was after all blood related to his goddess, but his goddess was forever better, he told himself.
"Took you a long time, princess." L.Joe snarled with the intent to enrage and Chaekyung rolled her eyes at his comment, catching his meaning.
Jaekyung however, found it cute that he called her sister princess again and chuckled softly to herself.
"Get your lazy self up from that couch Ariel, time for work." Chaekyung rolled her eyes once more and sauntered up the stairs.
L.Joe jerked his head towards Jaekyung in alarm and hoped she didn't catch that, but apparently luck wasn't on his side and she did, sending a questioning look in his direction. "Ariel?"
L.Joe nearly choked. "Uh that's just your sister being stupid and-"
"It describes his hair, unnie. Simple as that." Chaekyung poked her head down from the second floor. "Ariel are you coming up or not?"
L.Joe growled. Princess Ariel was by far the most hated fictional character. Ever.
I'm back I assure you guys :") I had an influx of presentations and finals the past few weeks and I wasn't able to update since writing that impromptu oneshot.
I'm updating all my stories today as my apology :(
Thank you for waiting~
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amicoolikethat #1
Chapter 33: It's 2024 😭
Omg it's been so long. Just came back to this website to check if this has been updated but sobs. I guess it'll never be. But thanks to this author for raising teenage me lol
amicoolikethat #3
Still no update 😢
Chapter 33: Please continue 🙏 😔😔😔
amicoolikethat #5
It's been years :(
Chapter 22: I just had to scoff. Heh, I came here for jaesoo couple so I guess I'll stop here since the story isn't even completed anyway :( I might die from curiosity if I continue
Chapter 20: L.joe is such a hypocrite lmao. As if he's not whipped for chae! And both of them are so dense i just wanna bump their head together
Chapter 19: Idc if I'm being mean but at least chaekyung know her place ( ̄ヘ ̄)
Chapter 16: Ahhh jaekyung really deserve everything the world. I kinda hate chaekyung at first, but I'm glad to see her changing into a better person