Sort-of-Date II

The Pretty One II

 "I'm going to break their necks." L.Joe growled, utterly annoyed.

After his big show about not wanting to share a table with three of Chaekyung's fanboys, he had succeeded, but barely. The fanboys respected Chaekyung's decision that she didn't want to share a table, but decided to come up with another idea to the couple by inserting themselves in the nearest table just beside.

"Hi Chaekyung!" Another fanboy called Myungjun beamed and waved. "Don't let us bother you, just pretend we're not around."

"Like that's possible." L.Joe grumbled under his breath. Chaekyung gave him a look and turned to smile brightly at her friends. "It's okay, I don't mind!"

They seemed to really take her words for real because the next second, they shifted in their seats such that they were all crowded on the end of the table nearest to her while asking her opinion on what they should order on the menu. L.Joe grew more and more annoyed by the three musketeers and he had to restraint himself from inflicting any physical pain upon any of them.

"I think I'll have the duck leg confit." Chaekyung mumbled. "It's their signature dish after all. What about you Ariel?" she blurted without thinking.

The fanboys eyed the couple in interest as they echoed in unison. "Ariel?"

L.Joe narrowed his eyes at Chaekyung but pretended to be completely loving as he took the opportunity to grab her hand on the table, intertwining their fingers. The fanboys' eyes bulged. 

"Oh that's just her endearment for me, how sweet right?" L.Joe cooed. "Because I call her princess, she decided to call me Ariel due to my red hair because the little mermaid is her favorite disney princess. A little gay, I admit, but I love anything my baby princess calls me." he smiled sweetly at Chaekyung.

Chaekyung wrinkled her nose and grimaced. Now that was plain disgusting. L.Joe wasn't fit for such a tenderly sweet boyfriend role. She would must rather he tease and insult her as usual.

"Is that so." Junjin spat, unhappy.

"Yep." L.Joe waved the waiter over. "Can we have two duck leg confits? For desserts, I'll have one dessert of the day and she'll have the Cookies and Milk ice cream set." He winked at Chaekyung. "You like cookies and cream don't you?"

Chaekyung shifted in her seat. She knew L.Joe was just putting a show for them but was true her favorite flavored ice cream was cookies and cream and it was slightly unsettling that L.Joe knew that.

"Why not the Pistachio Panna Cotta?" Myungjin pointed, trying to in. "It sounds good."

"Yes it does, but princess is allergic to all sorts of nuts, didn't you know that?" L.Joe raised a brow at the fanboys. He smirked in triumph as he passed the menu back to the waiter, confirming their order and feeling like he won the battle. The fanboys slinked back to their table, annoyed.

L.Joe chuckled inwardly and even began humming a happy tune. Chaekyung eyed him in amusement. "You're enjoying this too much." she laughed. "They're harmless you know. They're just my friends who decided to take on big brotherly roles."

"Big brotherly." L.Joe eyed her in disbelief. "You think what they feel for you is big brotherly? You're blind." he flicked her forehead. "Their intentions aren't even close okay? Don't be so gullible, trusting everyone you see." he clicked his tongue in disapproval. "Must I be here fending away these idiots wherever you go?"

Chaekyung pouted at him. "I can protect myself!" she claimed.

"Yeah yeah." L.Joe rolled his eyes. "And pigs can fly."

"Ariel!" Chaekyung huffed at him while the waiter came back with the Duck Leg Confit. L.Joe laughed inwardly when he saw that Chaekyung was too distracted by the food to continue being annoyed, her eyes twinkling in anticipation.

"You're so adorable at times you know that?" L.Joe whispered, a small genuine smile hanging on his lips.

"Huh what was that?" Chaekyung murmured distractedly while digging into her food. Her eyes lit up as she took a bite, humming in appreciation. "Oh my! This is jjang!" She looked at him and saw that he hadn't touched his portion yet. "What are you doing? If you're not eating that I'd gladly help." she grinned.

"Pig." L.Joe pushed her forehead lightly, finally digging into his meal. He eyed the jealous fanboys from the other table and smirked even wider. Somehow he was happy just like that, and even though pissing off the fanboys were part of the reason, the whole part of the other reason had to come from the girl sitting in front of him.





"I don't get why we have to hold hands when they're not even in sight anymore." Chaekyung looked behind but didn't catch a glimpse of the three musketeers. She stared down at her fingers intertwined with L.Joe's and a little tingle ran down her back, much to her confusion.

She tried to pull her hand away to settle herself, but L.Joe kept a firm grip. "You don't know, they might be hiding behind dustbins and stuff spying on us. We have to keep up with appearances." he reasoned. It sounded like bull and he knew it.

However Chaekyung wasn't deemed gullible without a reason and she just nodded, accepting his crappy excuse. "Oh alright." L.Joe grinned to himself and praised himself for his lying abilities. Who cared if the three musketeers were around. If it was up to L.Joe, he wouldn't give a damn or let other people affect how he acted.

If it was something he wanted to do, no one could stop him.

He glanced down at Chaekyung who was looking around the street lights with her cute doe eyes and felt a surge of warmth in his heart. He was thinking irrationally and strangely nowadays.

"Let's go." L.Joe suddenly tugged at Chaekyung's hand and stomped towards the bus stop. A bus arrived just that moment and L.Joe made a mad dash to catch it, towing Chaekyung behind him. Chaekyung hurried to catch up with his frenzied steps, confused and alarmed.

They boarded the bus, their fingers still intertwined and L.Joe paid for both their fares. He smiled back at her, huffing slightly from the run as he led her to one of the seats at the back of the vehicle. Grannies and Uncles watched the sweet eye candy couple with fond smiles, remembering their first loves as they went past.

"Where are we going?" Chaekyung turned to L.Joe, wide-eyed. "Do you even know where this bus goes?"

"Yeah." L.Joe gave a grinning nod. "The Han River."

"The Han River." Chaekyung echoed. She eyed him in disbelief. "You boarded this when you knew it goes to the Han River? We boarded the wrong bus Ariel we have to get off now!" she tried to crawl over his lap to get out but L.Joe nudged her back into her seat.

"We didn't board the wrong bus, we're going to Han River." L.Joe smirked.

Chaekyung stared back. "We're going to Han River."

"Yes." L.Joe brought her own hand up to knock her forehead.

Chaekyung shook her head. "You're mad. Completely completely mad."




"Still think I'm mad?" L.Joe teased when he saw Chaekyung's lit up expression at the sights at the famous river. Many movie scenes were filmed at that area and not without a reason, it was simply a breathtaking view at night and the ambience was magical if with the right person.

Chaekyung didn't take her eyes off the scene but moved closer to nudge him in the ribs. "Shut up meanie."

L.Joe laughed and ruffled her hair, glad he took her here. He didn't know what gave him the idea of bringing her to the romantic Han River on a whim, but it struck him so suddenly that he had to do it. He saw the twinkle in her eyes when she merely looked at the citylights, and he wanted more.

He caught Chaekyung secretly glancing at the ahjusshi selling fire crackers and a few cute couples playing with the flames and he smiled. Typical Lee Chaekyung, he mused.

"Oh alright you have my supervision I suppose it's safe for you to play with those without killing yourself in the process." L.Joe pulled Chaekyung along to the push cart. He pulled out his wallet and bought a box of fire crackers, with Chaekyung internally squealing by his side.

"Who said I wanted to play with them huh." Chaekyung crossed her arms, unwilling to admit defeat so easily.

L.Joe rolled his eyes and moved to tuck the packet of fire crackers under his coat. "Well since you don't want to..." "Wait." Chaekyung's tiny hands gripped his, her face wrinkled up torn between pride and desire. "Since you already bought them..." she grinned at him. "Do you have a lighter to light them up?"

"Babo." L.Joe pushed at her forehead and moved to open the box of fire crackers. He borrowed a lighter from the ahjusshi and lit up two sticks for Chaekyung. "Don't burn your hair or anything." he warned. "I'm just going to push you into the water to put up the flames."

"Meanie!" Chaekyung stuck her tongue out and proceeded to wave the firecrackers about merrily. The little bright lights flickered in the dark, creating a tiny fireworks both in her hands and also in her tummy.

Chaekyung had no idea why coming to the Han River with L.Joe did such things to her heart. He wasn't even someone she would consider coming to such a place with. Perhaps the romantic ambience in the place was doing things to her heart.

And perhaps it had to do with the little contented smile L.Joe had on his face while he watched her amuse herself.

"Yah." Chaekyung tried to shake the tingly feeling off. "Come finish these off with me." she shook the box which still had quite a few sticks of firecrackers left. L.Joe gave a rude snort when he saw her looking at him, the contented smile wiped off his face quickly. "Like I'd be caught dead doing something so stupid."

"I don't careeee." Chaekyung pulled his arm and hauled him up. L.Joe let himself be pulled up easily, not able to say no to her for some unknown reason. Chaekyung stuffed two sticks in his hands and lit them up. "Come on, wave them about." she urged.

L.Joe did so, weakly and half-heartedly just to spite her. Chaekyung grew annoyed and grabbed his wrists, trying to make him move. L.Joe resisted, causing Chaekyung to grow more irritated.

"Don't you know how to play with these?" Chaekyung drew circles, her flames creating pretty patterns. L.Joe smirked and began drawing something in the air as well. Chaekyung brightened, thinking that he was finally cooperating.

She blinked at what he had written, taking some time to piece the lines and .

"" she blinked. "Wait, babo?"

"That's you." L.Joe laughed and poked her cheek, tossing his sticks when they burnt out. "Hey this is quite fun, take a picture of me while I draw a portrait pig of you."

"Lee Byunghun!!" Chaekyung groaned and tried to attack him from behind by surprise, but instead L.Joe turned around just in time and wrapped his arms around her, trapping her in when she tried to hit him. "Yahhh." Chaekyung pouted up at him. "Let me go." she eyed the people around them who were looking at their public display.

"Okay, I'll give you 3 seconds." L.Joe suddenly consented, releasing his arms around her. It took her two seconds to realize what happened and one second to turn around to run away from him.

But when the third second was up, L.Joe clamped his arms around her once more, laughing into her hair. "Your reaction is as slow as an eighty year old."

"You should have counted down to when you were going to release me." Chaekyung complained, feeling oddly comfortable and not even realizing that she was leaning back against L.Joe's chest.

L.Joe rested his chin on the top of her head. "Oh so I have to warn you before I do anything in the future?" he laughed softly. God she had the nicest smelling hair. He must sound like a creeper right now.

"Ooh yes that would be preferable." Chaekyung smacked his arm around her waist. "You know I have a slow reaction and you keep flicking my forehead all the time! Give me some heads up so I can dodge."

"You're an idiot, princess." L.Joe moved to put two lit firecrackers in her hands and moved her hands around. "B. A. B. O." he spelled.

"You're so mean!" Chaekyung whined and spelled it out with her sticks. "M. E. A. N."

L.Joe chuckled. "I'm going to mess your hair." he said suddenly. Chaekyung turned to him, confused. "Huh?"

He took the chance to reach out to mess up her hair, ruffling hard. Chaekyung gaped at him in surprise. "What, you told me to give you a warning and I did." L.Joe couldn't stop laughing. "You're really a babo Lee Chaekyung."

"Ariel!!' Chaekyung hit his arm lightly a thousand times, huffing but having no good comeback. It was true her reaction was slightly slower than others.

L.Joe smiled softly down at her, the warm feeling bursting in his chest once more. If Chaekyung was an idiot, he was too.

He had no idea what he was doing still leading Chaekyung on about the deal between them, but all he knew was that he didn't want to stop. He wanted to stay like this, forever.

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amicoolikethat #1
Chapter 33: It's 2024 😭
Omg it's been so long. Just came back to this website to check if this has been updated but sobs. I guess it'll never be. But thanks to this author for raising teenage me lol
amicoolikethat #3
Still no update 😢
Chapter 33: Please continue 🙏 😔😔😔
amicoolikethat #5
It's been years :(
Chapter 22: I just had to scoff. Heh, I came here for jaesoo couple so I guess I'll stop here since the story isn't even completed anyway :( I might die from curiosity if I continue
Chapter 20: L.joe is such a hypocrite lmao. As if he's not whipped for chae! And both of them are so dense i just wanna bump their head together
Chapter 19: Idc if I'm being mean but at least chaekyung know her place ( ̄ヘ ̄)
Chapter 16: Ahhh jaekyung really deserve everything the world. I kinda hate chaekyung at first, but I'm glad to see her changing into a better person