Chapter 1

Can you keep a secret?
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"Jill! Get out of bed!" Laura called out as she threw a pillow at me.
"Argh... Laura, one more minute..." I grunted as I clutched the pillow and turned to the other side.
"C'mon Jill, you gotta get out of bed, we have Mr. Steve's singing class at 10am and if we're not getting there by 10, we'll get detention and I definitely do not want that since I wanna check out that new ice cream parlour that just opened!" Laura whined as she sat on my bed and shook me.

My name is Jihyun, but most people call me Jill around here. My parents own one of the most well-known hotel chains over the world and they had expected their children to take over, but my twin brother and I just weren't interested in it. They were reluctant at first but in the end, they were understanding enough to allow us to pursue our dreams because our eldest brother had offered to take over the chain, which we were very thankful for.

My brother decided to continue pursuing his dreams in Korea in one of the entertainment companies and he had been training for awhile, while I decided to come to California instead to pursue my dream, hoping for a chance to get into Hollywood. Well, a girl can dream, right? 

"Alright, I'll get up..." I said groggily as I dragged my feet to the bathroom and washed up. When I finished freshening up, I quickly went down and gobbled the breakfast that Laura made.
"Hey, you gotta slow down!" She passed me a napkin as I choked on the pancakes. 
"Not my fault you make the best pancakes in the world." I gave her a goofy smile while she just laughed it off.

After breakfast, we linked arms and headed to school, which was just a stone's throw away, considering the fact we lived in the college dorms. When we arrived at the entrance, we were tackled by a hug and I immediately knew who it was. 

"Eww Alfred Lee, you gotta stop doing that!" I screamed as I pushed him off while Laura laughed at my reaction. 
If I said Laura is my girl best friend, Alfred is no doubt my guy best friend. Laura and I became close when we were assigned to be room mates and we're both Koreans. We met Alfred in our singing class, who w

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Chapter 20: hai~new reader here...tq authornim for making this story!!!!!i like it >_< please update soon
angel41195 #2
Chapter 20: you know, I'm still having trouble on whether I ship JiHun or JiHan more lol
ailuludeer #3
Chapter 4: Your story is nice.. I am very enjoy reading it.. Its daebak
Chapter 16: poor jihyun :(
thanks for the update authornim
Chapter 15: oooooooo sehun<3 hahaha love this update! Can't wait for the next one!