Chapter 11

Can you keep a secret?
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“You shouldn’t have come back so late last night if you’re going to fall asleep like that every day.” Sehun said as he plopped into the seat in front of me during free period.
“Maybe if I didn’t have to help someone with literature I wouldn’t be this tired.” I said lazily while he laughed. “Well, you offered.”

“Morning Sehun!” Daeun chirped as she settled down beside Sehun.

“Morning!” Sehun flashed a bright smile and turned to me, “See Jimin, you should be like Daeun, she’s all energetic even though it’s a school day.” “Well, how about she tries practicing all day and then head back home to study.” I rolled my eyes and decided to catch up on my homework as they subtly glanced at me. Why are you even comparing me with her?! At least she doesn’t have to live like a guy every day!

“Could you lend me your textbook? I forgot to bring it and I was thinking of finishing the homework Mr. Kim gave just now.” Daeun asked while Sehun nodded. “Sure, I’ll just go to the table to take the extra exercises he gave just now, you can take the textbook from my bag.”

“Sehun, what’s this blue velvet box for?” Daeun asked as Sehun came back. Blue velvet box? I looked up from what I was doing and saw Daeun opening a box, pulling out the heart necklace that we saw at the mall yesterday. Why does he have it too?

Sehun looked flustered and dumbfounded as he stared at the necklace then back at Daeun, before turning to me. “Uhm… I…” He stuttered and paused for a while before Daeun cut in. “Is this for me?! Oh my, thank you so much Sehun! I didn’t know you were so sweet to buy it for me even though I was just merely mentioning it!” Daeun said happily as she admired the necklace. He bought it for her?!

“Uh… Actually I-“ “Could you help me put it on?” Daeun asked as she cut off what he was about to say. So he really bought it for her. A wave of disappointment washed through me and I unconsciously touched the same necklace that Luhan gave me. It’s the same necklace, but why do I feel like it’s different?

“You’re finally making your move!” Kai said exasperatedly while Sehun glanced at me again, with an expression like he had something to say but I just shrugged it off.
“Sehun, mind helping me put it on?” Daeun asked again and snapped him out of his trance. Don’t do it!

He stood up from his seat and clasped the necklace over her neck as she clutched it and smiled. “Thank you so much, Sehun!” She said and kissed his cheeks while I widened my eyes. DID SHE JUST KISS HIM?! What the hell?!

Sehun and Kai seemed shocked as well as Kai’s mouth gaped open and Sehun widened his eyes and snapped his head towards Daeun. “It’s just my way of saying thank you.” She said shyly while I rolled my eyes, again. “You don’t have to kiss someone’s cheeks to show thankful you are.” I said softly but Sehun seemed to catch it as he shot me a small smirk.

“What?!” I mouthed as he looked at me. “Nothing.” He smirked and a small smile played on his lips while I went back to my work. Weird.

“So, what do you say, Sehun?” Daeun asked and Sehun was flustered as he didn’t seem like he was paying attention.
“What?” Sehun asked and Daeun pouted. “I asked if you want to go out after school to get your favorite bubble tea!” Oh Sehun, I’ll really get mad if you say yes.

”I can’t, we’re having practice today.” Sehun replied and Daeun sighed. “Alright, we’ll go next time then.” Phew.

Wait, why don’t I want Sehun to be with Daeun? I should be happy for him, shouldn’t I?


We gathered with the other members at the practice room after school and practiced for a few hours straight without resting. As the debut approached, I was actually getting nervous, something that I thought I wouldn’t feel since I wasn’t debuting as myself.

During our break, Chen and Baekhyun were showing me some crazy dance they made up while I laughed so badly. “You guys are too funny!” I said between breaths while they smiled. “It’s good, right?!” Chen said excitedly while I nodded. Their gaze suddenly turned to the door and I looked as well, and that caused my laughter to die down.

“Sehun!” She called out as she entered the room. Seriously? Coming to the company? Is she that desperate to see him?

“What are you doing here?” Sehun looked confused as he saw Daeun bringing in packs of food in plastic bags.
“You couldn’t go out with me after school, so I came to the building to bring you and your members some food. I coincidentally met Kai downstairs so he brought me in.” Daeun said as she pointed to Kai who just shrugged and gave a teasing smirk to Sehun.

Some members seemed taken aback by her kindness while some were happy to welcome her, well, probably welcome her food.
“Is she trying to up to us or something?” Baekhyun whispered while I just shrugged. “She seems really interested in Sehun though.” I said nonchalantly and Baekhyun widened his eyes.
“Really? Is this some ploy to make him like her?” Baekhyun narrowed his eyes while I laughed. “You can ask her if you’re that curious.”

I wasn’t really in the mood to eat anymore so I decided to excuse myself since I didn’t particularly like seeing Daeun with Sehun either. “I’m going out for a while.” I said and everyone seemed too immersed into the food so I walked out of the room unnoticed.


I headed to the vending machine to get a drink and I decided to head to my secret hideout place, the stairway beside the corridor.

I was about to enter the stairway when I saw Hyoyeon approaching from the other side. She seemed to notice me as well as she ran towards me and engulfed me in a hug. “Unnie!” I whispered as we parted from the hug. “Just a few weeks not seeing me and you missed me, right?” She teased while I laughed.

“What are you doing here?” She asked as we entered the stairway. “We were practicing when suddenly this girl from our school came in with packs of food for the members. I don’t particularly like her so I decided to leave before my mood gets ruined.” I explained and took a sip of my water.

“A girl from your school? How did she get in and why?” Hyoyeon asked curiously. “She’s Sehun’s childhood friend, and our classmate, she probably has this major crush on Sehun ever since I don’t know when and it probably deepened today because he gave her a necklace.” I said with a hint of irritation and anger. She looked at me encouragingly, seeming like she wanted me to continue on.

“I don’t even know why he gave it to her! I mean, I obviously looked at it as adoringly as her, but he chose to give it to her! He even compared me with her today morning! How could he! He doesn’t even understand how much I go through to be a guy every day, when I’m obviously not!” I ranted to Hyoyeon.

It felt so good to let out what I’d been keeping in. I always had to tell someone about my problems, which was a bad habit because sometimes I felt like I was burdening other people. However, back in California, Alfred and Laura had already embraced this trait of mine and had always been there whenever I encountered problems. This time, I’m glad Hyoyeon saw through me and wanted me to spill everything, because I really needed someone to talk to.  

“Ooooh, someone sounds jealous~” Hyoyeon sang as she nudged me teasingly. “I’m not! I just don’t like it.” I said defensively while she raised an eyebrow at me.

“It’s not wrong to fall for a guy, you know.” She said encouragingly while I shook my head. “But It’s wrong if you’re known to the entire world as a guy.” I corrected her.

“Even if you’re cross-dressing as a guy now, at the end of the day, you’re a girl. It is perfectly okay to fall for a guy that makes your heart flutters.” She advised while I just laughed it off. “Unnie, you’re talking as if I really like him.”
“You know yourself the best.” She patted my shoulder while I sighed.

“I don’t know, I really don’t know.” I said in frustration as I thought about it. “Jihyun, you’re only 18 years old, you don’t expect to have your entire life planned out in

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Chapter 20: hai~new reader here...tq authornim for making this story!!!!!i like it >_< please update soon
angel41195 #2
Chapter 20: you know, I'm still having trouble on whether I ship JiHun or JiHan more lol
ailuludeer #3
Chapter 4: Your story is nice.. I am very enjoy reading it.. Its daebak
Chapter 16: poor jihyun :(
thanks for the update authornim
Chapter 15: oooooooo sehun<3 hahaha love this update! Can't wait for the next one!