Chapter 2

Can you keep a secret?
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Laura and Alfred seemed to know that I didn't want to be bothered so they just subtly glanced at me every now and then through the rear mirror. 

When the car pulled to a stop at the college dorms, I frantically opened the doors and plunged out of the car, only to see my brother leaning against the rails of the entrance. 

"Hey." He said as he approached me and ruffled my hair. 
"You come all the way to California to find me and all you say is Hey? Are you kidding me, Kim Jimin?" I narrowed my eyes at him. 
"Chill, Sis! Of course I didn't fly a thousand miles here just to say Hey! I actually have a very big favour I have to ask of you so let's settle down somewhere quiet and talk about it." He said as he pulled me into the nearby park. 

"So what is all this about?" I asked as I sat down on the bench. Sure, my family came by every now and then but I would've at least been informed of it, not like this time, where I knew absolutely nothing about my brother's arrival.
"Promise me you won't freak out." He said while I held my breath and nodded.

"You know I'm a trainee in one of the entertainment companies in Korea, right?" He said carefully, waiting for my response.
I nodded slowly and wondered why he was telling me things I already knew. 
"So, recently, I got a huge injury and the doctor said I wouldn't be able to dance for probably a year or so, depending on the condition of my leg." He said. With that, I immediately freaked out. I have always been protective over my family members and I never wanted any of them to get hurt.
"Are you okay now?!" I literally screamed and he jumped a little. 

"Not really. I asked the doctor if I could continue dancing and he said I can't do vigorous activities for at least a year, but the thing is, the group that I'm training with is going to debut in about 5 months. If I can't dance for a year, the CEO is going to kick me out of the group and I don't know when I have another chance to debut..." He trailed off. It was the first time I had seen my brother so vulnerable. He had always been the confident and outgoing one, and if I was cheerful, he was even more cheerful. I never saw his weak side, and he never showed it to anyone. However this time, the confident and outgoing guy was gone, and all was left was his fragile side. 

"So what's going to happen now? Do you wanna join me in Cali? We could rent a house here and-" 
"I need you to replace me in the group I'm debuting with." He dropped the bomb he had been holding on me.


"What?" I gaped and whispered as I looked at him, as if he's talking in an alien language.
"I know this is the craziest thing ever, but I really don't want to miss this chance of debuting! It can be my one and only chance, and if I miss this, all my years of training will go to a loss! I've already spent 6 years of my life training, I don't want to aimlessly spend years of training again, it's a hard process and I really don't want to go through it all over again. I'm sorry for being selfish, but Jihyun, could you do this for me?" He pleaded and went down on his knees. 

I was still trying to process what was happening and I realized my brother was on his knees. He always held his pride up high and kneeling was never something he would do. I knew this opportunity meant a lot to him, and if I didn't help him with it, he will probably never get this chance again. 

"But I'm a girl! Aren't the members you are training with all guys? How can I even fit in with them? I'll probably get exposed on day one." I

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Chapter 20: hai~new reader here...tq authornim for making this story!!!!!i like it >_< please update soon
angel41195 #2
Chapter 20: you know, I'm still having trouble on whether I ship JiHun or JiHan more lol
ailuludeer #3
Chapter 4: Your story is nice.. I am very enjoy reading it.. Its daebak
Chapter 16: poor jihyun :(
thanks for the update authornim
Chapter 15: oooooooo sehun<3 hahaha love this update! Can't wait for the next one!