Two moons

Limee Academy

You're just standing at the door opening not knowing if you should enter or not. 

"Yah! Chanyeol where are you!!??" 

Chanyeol quickly grabs your waist and pulls you in and closes the door fast. You're standing close to him and you're like 5 cm from his chest. 

"Chanyeol did you play a prank again?" D.O asks without looking at you two too busy making pancakes. 

Chanyeol let go of your waist and you can see that he blushed slightly. "Cute.." 

"What did you do to him to make him that mad?" D.O still making pancakes, it's smells delicious. 

"Oh, D.O you should have seen!" Chanyeol looks all excited telling what he did. "You know my and Kris's song "Two moons"? I thought of a funny sentence in that text and decided to make it real. You know "rolling like a buffalo"! I wrapped him in his mattress while he was sleeping and rolled him down the stairs!" Chanyeol looks all excited while telling. 

D.O on the other hand have stopped making his pancakes. "You rolled him down the stairs?" 

You can't help but burst out to laughter when imagining it. "hahahahahahaahaahah!" You can't stop laughing and they both just look at you. 

D.O looks a little worried. But Chanyeol is smiling because at least you laughed at his awesome prank. D.O then shakes his head, "You really have to take it easy on your pranks Chanyeol." 

You have stopped laughing and your stomach hurts from all the laughing. 

"All the people in BEOL are so serious all the time, I just wanted to have som fun." Chanyeol says with a smile. "It was fun right, Sora?" 

"Yeah, I wish i was there." You chuckles. 

Then your stomach decided to make some rumble that reminded you of an earthquake. 

"The pancakes are done, would you like some too?" D.O asks with a smile. You can see the pile of delicious looking pancakes that screams to you. And your stomach decided to answer with another rumble. You couldn't say no. 

"Yes!" You walk towards the table and everyone takes a seat. "Eating with Exo-members isn't something you do everyday."

The pancakes tastes heavenly good, you had never eaten such good pancakes. 

"Delicious isn't it?" Chanyeol says across you. "D.O is the best chef ever!" 

You can nothing but agree. 


After eating so many pancakes that you've lost count, you look out through the window. The window is a little weird making it look like there's  two moons instead of one. 

"This window is really weird!" Chanyeol says, still eating. 

"Yeah.." D.O says and looks at the two moons. "But whenever I see those two moons I always think that they can be my two important persons. Always shining there in the dark whenever i need it." 

You look at D.O and then at the two moons. "Two important persons..." 

"But in the end it's still only one moon. You can't have two, but it's still a comforting thought." You just look at the two moons. 

"Then who's your important persons D.O??" Chanyeol asks with a sneaky smile. 

"Of couse it's my parents. They're always supporting me." 

"But since it exist only one moon you can only choose one!" Chanyeol says. 

"Then... I choose my dad, he's always been there for me and supporting me and giving me courage to keep going. But I like the thought of two moons since I love my mum very much too." 

"But shouldn't you associate those two moons as two girls you can't choose between?" Chanyeol says and chuckles. 

"Two moons eh? I wonder who my two moons are..." 

"But it's still beautiful with two moons, right Sora?" Chanyeol says and smiles at you. 

"Yeah, it is..." You look dreamy up to the two moons. It really is beautiful. 


Back with a new chapter again! :D 


And thank you for all the cute comments, it's those who keep me going! Kamsahamnida ~♥

And silent readers, thank you too for reading hehe! :D

And thank you all new subscribers! ^__^ free hugs to yoooouuu! ~


My birthday is on the same day as Sungyeol! ^^ ~

Do you have someone that you share the same birthday as? :D 

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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 74: This story is really awesome ^^
14 streak #2
Chapter 74: i really loved this story! i can't wait to start reading the sequel ^^
this is sooooo awesome!
xinnie #4
you have been recommened by xinnie~!
JungJeWon #5
Chapter 39: Yah i think its L...dont know just my feeling though...^^V
JungJeWon #6
Chapter 27: my fav drama is 'the inheritors'...act by Lee Min Ho,Park Shin Hye,Kim Woo Bin,Min Hyuk(CN Blue),Krystal(Fx),Hyun Sik(Ze:A) and Choi Jin Hyuk and etc...
JungJeWon #7
Chapter 25: if you reborn as the wont have long life ya'know...hhhahaa..kidding L may take care of it and using everytime so yeah you'll be lucky to be the phone...
JungJeWon #8
Chapter 21: running man of coz...and kinda watch exo episode 3 or 4 times already...never in my life to watch that much...hahah
JungJeWon #9
Chapter 15: yup i shared with gikwang make him stay as my bias in beast though...hahaha
Chapter 74: I love your story!!
I couldn't stop reading it and I finished it all in a day :))