Pause for breath

Limee Academy

The days passed by with not much to do. You went to classes, practiced dancing, singing and even acting at times. You didn't see much of Jiyeon, L or any Exo member since they were probably promoting the Angel MV.

You walked in the corridor when you suddenly saw Hanul with you couldn't believe your eyes, Eunjae. 

Both of them saw you and smiled. 

"Hey Sora!" Eunjae smiled. 

You looked at both of them in front of you, side by side. You blinked a few times. 

"Um.. Sora.." Hanul began with a small smile. 

You were to shocked to say anything so she just continued. "I got into BEOL!" 

"WHAT!?" Your eyes widened in surprise and happiness. "YOU DID!!??" You beamed. 

Hanul nodded. "It's all thanks to you who always believed in me ,and Eunjae who have helped me a lot recently." She smiled. 

You turned to Eunjae. She had a shy smile. "Well... I regretted that I bullied her in the past so that's why I wanted to make it up a little to her by helping her.." 

You were speechless for a second and then you burst out into a big smile. "THAT'S GREAT!!!" You smiled big to your friends who newly found each other. 

They both looked at each other and smiled. 

Suddenly they attacked you with a big hug. "AND IT'S ALL THANKS TO YOU, SORA!!!" They beamed. 

"Aish you're choking me!!" You laughed. 

Then you hooked arms with the two of them by both your sides. With big smiles you all walked to your next class, together. "Finally something fun since I lost against Jiyeon!" 



The principal looked up from his many papers on his desk. "What is it Myungsoo?" He asked with a frown. "It's not often you come and visit me. Is there a problem with your oversea schedules?" 

It was true, he never visited the principal if he didn't have anything important to say. L bit his lower lip. "Do you still intend to let her be a trainee?" 

The principal lifted an eyebrow. "Why? Of course i'm doing what I can for the daughter of my important friends." 

"But don't you think that-" 

"I know, I know..." He sighed. "But.. I believe you can do it, and you know that this is what they wanted." 

L looked down to the floor. 

The principals face softened. "I know you want this too and I know her debut if she manages to  debut,is going to be renowned, even more than yours and Kai's. But I think she can make it." 

L looked at the principal. Then he sighed. "Yes, I think I finally have to accept that." 

The principal smiled. "I hope you're ready for your oversea work, you'll be really busy these weeks." 


Jiyeon saw you with your friends chatting happily with your arms hooked together. She smirked. "I'll make this place hell for you, Sora.." 


Sorry for short chapter! I promise I'll update soon again! =) 


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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 74: This story is really awesome ^^
14 streak #2
Chapter 74: i really loved this story! i can't wait to start reading the sequel ^^
this is sooooo awesome!
xinnie #4
you have been recommened by xinnie~!
JungJeWon #5
Chapter 39: Yah i think its L...dont know just my feeling though...^^V
JungJeWon #6
Chapter 27: my fav drama is 'the inheritors'...act by Lee Min Ho,Park Shin Hye,Kim Woo Bin,Min Hyuk(CN Blue),Krystal(Fx),Hyun Sik(Ze:A) and Choi Jin Hyuk and etc...
JungJeWon #7
Chapter 25: if you reborn as the wont have long life ya'know...hhhahaa..kidding L may take care of it and using everytime so yeah you'll be lucky to be the phone...
JungJeWon #8
Chapter 21: running man of coz...and kinda watch exo episode 3 or 4 times already...never in my life to watch that much...hahah
JungJeWon #9
Chapter 15: yup i shared with gikwang make him stay as my bias in beast though...hahaha
Chapter 74: I love your story!!
I couldn't stop reading it and I finished it all in a day :))