
Limee Academy

"I'll tell you." 

You looked at L with teary eyes. 

He looked at you with an unwavering look. "I'll tell you everything you want to know, I won't keep it a secret from you anymore." 


L walked past you to the desk and opened one of the drawers. He took out something that seemed to be a cd and a dvd. 

He approached you with the things in his hand. 

You lifted one eyebrow. "What does he want to say with those things..?" 

L raised his right hand with the cd. 

You drop your jaw. 

The person on the cd in much younger than you're used to see him. But you can recognize him immediately even though you've never seen him in real life, the only picture you got of him is forever etched in your memory.

Tears began to form in your eyes. 

L bit his lip before the spoke. 

"You recognize him, right?" 

You cupped your hands in front of your mouth and nodded. 

"This is indeed your father, Lee Hyunwon, he was a very famous singer and songwriter whose music was loved by many. His talent had no limits and just like you, he was a great dancer and entertainer. He wrote his own music and to others, there are many many hit songs that's been created by him." 

You couldn't believe it. "My dad was a singer and a CELEBRITY!?" 

"I think the principal told me that you liked the drama You're beautiful? He was the one behind the music." 

Tears streamed down your face. "My own dad... is the writer behind the music I've loved so much??" 

L raised his left hand with the dvd. 

If the shock you received from seeing your dads cd wasn't enough, this could be it. 

It was your mother, she looked young and was so beautiful and looked like a goddess. 

"This is your mom, Lee Kahri, she's an actress, pianist and singer. Her voice is amazing and have gotten world wide recognition. She has starred in a few movies and dramas. She was called Korea's goddess." 

You shook your head, this was unbelievable, both your parents were famous idols!? 

But in a way it made sense. You remembered the times when your grandmother didn't want you to watch too many variety shows or anything that revolves around the music industry. She never told you what your parents worked with and you could never have thought that they had a stage name because as you know, your parents real names are Lee Hyunbin and Lee Taeyoon.

Tears streamed down your face while you watched the cover of the cd and the dvd. If you looked at these two younger pictures of them, you could tell that you were their child since the resemblance is huge. 

"Two of Korea's most famous and loved figures got married and had a child without anyone knowing who that child was.." L looked at you with sad eyes. "They must have really loved you since they wanted to protect you from the media that badly.." 

You couldn't stop crying. Even though you couldn't receive their love you knew that it was still so big. 

"B-but.. how.. d-does you and t-the principal know them..?" You said between your sobs. 

L's face softened. 

"The principal is a childhood friend to your dad and a songwriter and drama producer. Also a few teachers knows about this like Junho, he was actually learning from your dad at a time."

You listened to him. "So that's how he seemed to know me...Junho too has always been a little like he knew more about my parents.."

"And I..." L's eyes softened and he looked at you with such a soft gaze that you forgot to breath. "I met you when we were younger.." 


"Myungsoo-aah, this is a friend of your parents." L's assistant said and patted L's back to take a step forward towards the girl same age as him. 

You were standing opposite him with curious eyes. 

"Ohh ~ Is Myungsoo also seven as Sora?" Your grandma smiled next to you. 

L examined you with small eyes. "This girl is ugly and seems boring." He thought. 

"I'm so sorry his parents couldn't come, they're so busy these days even though Sora is the daughter of their dear friends." The assistant said while she flashed a guilty smile. 

"They never have time to do anything with me, it's not just today stupid assistant." L thought. 

"Oh no no! It's okay! I'm happy that Myungsoo wanted to come to our house and meet us!" Your grandma beamed. "Right Sora?" 

You nodded and smiled at L. 

L glared at you. "Stupid idiot, why is she smiling?" 

"Well then, I'll let you two youngsters get to know each other then, would you like some coffee?" Your grandma offered the assistant. 

"Yes please." 

And they both went inside while you were outside in the garden with L. 

He sat down on the edge of the porch and looked out over the small garden. "Pft, what a small garden, the house is a joke too." 

Then he felt someone sitting next to him and he turned his head. 

You were smiling at him. "Neeh what do you dream of?" 

L blinked a few times. "What's this girl talking about?" 

"I dream of one day getting to meet my parents.." You said with dreamy eyes. 

L lifted an eyebrow. "Of what I've heard her parents are.... dead." 

"What is your dream?" You asked with a smile. 

L didn't really want to answer this but there was something about you that made him do it. 

"I want to be a singer." He said in a nonchalant voice. 

"A singer? Waaah that's awesome!!" You beamed. 

L glared at you. "No it's not! Because I can't!!" He looked straight out to the garden. "I can't decided myself what I want to become, I can't follow my dreams!!" 

"This girl thinks it's so easy to follow your dreams and do whatever you like? Stupid, she's the stupidest person I've ever met." 

L glared at the small stupid garden. "Isn't that stupid assistant done yet? Everyone's so worthless." 

Suddenly he felt a hand on top of his. 

He turned his head to glare at the one who did it. 

You looked at him with a smile and soft eyes. "I don't know why you can't follow your dreams but it doesn't matter, what I want to know is why you WON'T follow it." 

L blinked a few times. 

You just kept smiling and L thought you were and idiot. 

He sighed. 

"My grandparents want me to inherit their company, that's why... I can't choose myself." He said in a low voice. 

You tilted your head. 

"Aish she doesn't get it, does she?" He sighed. "Never mind-" 

You brightened up in a big smile. "I believe you can become a singer! I'll wait for you to appear on tv, you can definitely make it!" 

L was stunned. 

This was the first time anyone had accepted his dreams. No one, not even his own parents who are entertainers themselves wanted to accept his dream.

This felt....


"Let's make a pinky promise!!" You smiled and held out your pinky. 

L blinked a few times confused over this girl. 

But then he smiled and reached out his pinky to hook it with yours. 

"PROMISE ~" You beamed. 

L snorted. "Stupid.." He smiled. 



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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 74: This story is really awesome ^^
14 streak #2
Chapter 74: i really loved this story! i can't wait to start reading the sequel ^^
this is sooooo awesome!
xinnie #4
you have been recommened by xinnie~!
JungJeWon #5
Chapter 39: Yah i think its L...dont know just my feeling though...^^V
JungJeWon #6
Chapter 27: my fav drama is 'the inheritors'...act by Lee Min Ho,Park Shin Hye,Kim Woo Bin,Min Hyuk(CN Blue),Krystal(Fx),Hyun Sik(Ze:A) and Choi Jin Hyuk and etc...
JungJeWon #7
Chapter 25: if you reborn as the wont have long life ya'know...hhhahaa..kidding L may take care of it and using everytime so yeah you'll be lucky to be the phone...
JungJeWon #8
Chapter 21: running man of coz...and kinda watch exo episode 3 or 4 times already...never in my life to watch that much...hahah
JungJeWon #9
Chapter 15: yup i shared with gikwang make him stay as my bias in beast though...hahaha
Chapter 74: I love your story!!
I couldn't stop reading it and I finished it all in a day :))