
Limee Academy

In your whole life until now you had never stolen anything. Your grandma was very strict when it came to stealing. That's why you had never stolen anything. So why was the usb with the exams in your pocket? 

"It...wasn't me.." You begin. Your eyes are widened as you look at it in your hands. Junho is really shocked too. 

The students are coming out from their classrooms and they stop when they see you and Junho. 

"What!? You stole the exams Sora!!??" Eunjae screams making sure everyone hears her.Everyone stop everything they're doing and are looking at you, and the usb in your hand. They seem shocked but some of them immediately begin to badmouth you. 

"What? So it was her?" "I never trusted that girl.." You hear them whisper. 

"No.. it wasn't me, I didn't steal it! Someone put it in my pocket but who?" You can't think of anyone or... 

You turn to Eunjae and your eyes flashes. "Eunjae you..." 

"Enough." You couldn't finish your sentence. You look at Junho. 

"Follow me to the teachers office Sora." 

Many studenst had surrounded the three of you out of curiosity. You three were now the center of attention in this school. 

"Eunjae! You put it in my pocket didn't you!?" You scream at her face. 

"What? are you accusing me?" She says innocently. 

"That's why you were nice towards me!" The puzzle pieces are falling in places now and it was all in Eunjaes plan! 

"What are you talking about? I really wanted  us to be friends but now that I know that  you're stealing i've changed my mind." 

Your anger overflowed. "This little.." 

"Enough Sora! Come here now!" Junho looks mad. He didn't seem like he wanted to listen to what you had to say anymore. 

You follow him through the crowd of students. They all glare at you. "Looser." "You ." "You don't deserve to be here." Are things you hear from them. 

"How could you accuse me like that Sora!" You hear Eunjae shout and you hear everyone comforting her making her the victim in this incident. 




"This is a very serious matter, Sora." The teacher responsible for all the exams in this school is the one lecturing you. He's an old man with glasses and he has a very serious look on his face.

You're at the teachers office with Junho. Some other teachers have gathered too. 

You're really mad at Eunjae for doing this kind of things to you. "I will never trust her again!" 

"In this school, stealing is a very serious matter." The teacher begins. You couldn't concentrate on what he said, you were to mad at Eunjae. 

"...i'm sorry Sora but i'll have to expel you from this school for a month. And i'll take back your BEOL-test too." 

You couldn't believe his words. "But it wasn't me, I promise, you must believe me, someone set this up to make me the culprit!" You were desperate for someone to believe you. 

"I'm sorry but the evidence is against you this time." He says with a serious look. 

"No I promise someone must have set this up to make me the thief! It must be Eunjae, she have never liked med since i entered this school!" 

He examines you. "I too want to believe that it wasn't you and maybe someone outside of this school but that's impossible. And to accuse someone else is very low of you." 

"But..!" You turn to junho. His  eyes avoid meeting yours. He looks dissapointed. 




You leave the teachers office with a sad face. You're expeled from entering this school for one month and you've lost your chance to enter BEOL, maybe forever. 

"Yaaah!! Shorty-Sora!" You turn your head. It's Sungyeol and Sungjong. 

"I've heard about the incident, I knew straight away that you wouldn't do it." Sungjong says. . You smile. 

"I wonder who set this up to make you the culprit..." Sungjong says and try to think of someone. Of course these two don't know what Eunjae thinks of you. 

"But we will look for someone who look suspicious!" Sungyeol says. 

You smile thankfully at them both and leaves to get your things in the dance room. You pass many students on your way to the dance room. The rumors have spread throughout the whole school, guess who spread them? 

The students you pass doesn't miss the chance to shed a nasty comment. "Looser!" "You embarass our school!" "Go back to where you belong!" 

And some of them even throw thrash at you. 

You get your things quickly and head out of the schoolbuilding. The people at the schoolyard are screaming "Don't ever come back!" as you rush out through the school gate. Never in your life has it been this hard to be at  school. 

You lean against the schools wall to catch your breath. Then you sit down with your back against the wall. You look up at the blue sky. "Why? Why isn't anyone believing me??" 

You sit there and just feel really mad. "It's all Eunjaes fault! I really hate her now!" You sit there a while with your head down. "I don't feel like going back to the door now..." You glance at the ground with your head down. 

Suddenly you feel something fluffy caressing you head. You look up. 

A dog was caressing your head with it's head. It's brown, with long ears and really fluffy fur. 

"Hi little dog, where's your owner?" You ask it while patting it. Of course you don't expect it to answer you. 

"Monggu monggu??" Come here!" 

This voice..

"Kai..?" You say while looking up. 

Kai is dressed in a t-shirt and jeans. Really ordinary clothes. 

"Huh? Why are you sitting here?" There's someone more beside Kai, Baekhyun. 



This is Kai's dog - Monggu! ^^ SOSOSOSO CUTE!! I want a dog like that" *__* ♥

OHMO and look at Kai too, he's as cute as the dog *__* ♥♥




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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 74: This story is really awesome ^^
14 streak #2
Chapter 74: i really loved this story! i can't wait to start reading the sequel ^^
this is sooooo awesome!
xinnie #4
you have been recommened by xinnie~!
JungJeWon #5
Chapter 39: Yah i think its L...dont know just my feeling though...^^V
JungJeWon #6
Chapter 27: my fav drama is 'the inheritors'...act by Lee Min Ho,Park Shin Hye,Kim Woo Bin,Min Hyuk(CN Blue),Krystal(Fx),Hyun Sik(Ze:A) and Choi Jin Hyuk and etc...
JungJeWon #7
Chapter 25: if you reborn as the wont have long life ya'know...hhhahaa..kidding L may take care of it and using everytime so yeah you'll be lucky to be the phone...
JungJeWon #8
Chapter 21: running man of coz...and kinda watch exo episode 3 or 4 times already...never in my life to watch that much...hahah
JungJeWon #9
Chapter 15: yup i shared with gikwang make him stay as my bias in beast though...hahaha
Chapter 74: I love your story!!
I couldn't stop reading it and I finished it all in a day :))