L's manager day 1 part 1

Limee Academy

A/N: I've decided to divide these two "manager days" into parts, day one will be two or three parts, not sure yet hehe :) But enjoy! 




L who had terrorized you with evil words whenever he had the chance. L who thought you didn't belong in Limee. L who you hated more than anything. L who you now have to for, as a manager. "This is hell." 

You felt your anger boiling over but tried to calm down. "Why? Doesn't he already have a manager?" 

"The current manager wife gave birth earlier today and we haven't found a substitute yet." 

"But... Am I even qualified for this job?" 

He massaged his eyes and you wondered if he was tired. 

"Yes it's an easy job, you don't have to do difficult things. This job includes making sure he eats well, make sure he's on time to every appointment and do as he tells you. And if he need something, make sure to fetch it for him." 

You look at him with a doubtful expression. 

"It's only for two day, you'll make it someway." 

Slaving for L wasn't something you could bear with only for a second and two days was another big challenge. Slaving for L. Just the thought of it made you want to puke. 

But you maintained your smile. This wasn't them time to be picky about jobs when you finally got accepted to BEOL. 

"Yes, I'll do my best, thank you so much principal." And somehow you managed to squeeze a smile, a fake one but still a "smile". L wasn't someone you would smile talking about. 

"Word hard." Was the last thing the principal said before you bowed and left the office. 



That day you couldn't sleep, so many things had happened today. You were now laying in your bed with your eyes targeted at the ceiling. 

"But I'm happy that my expulsion got lifted. And it's all thank to-" 

You blush and can't seem to say it out loud, that name. 


"How nice wouldn't it be to be his substitute manager ?" You sighed. 

"But i'll do my best as L's manager, a job is a job." 



Next day when you entered the schoolgate you met Sungjong. 

"Aaah Sora i'm so happy that your expulsion got lifted!" He smiled big and looked really happy for your sake. You couldn't help but smile too. 

"Yes me too! And guess what? I'm joining BEOL!!" 

If his smile wasn't big enough already it became even bigger now. 

"Whaaaat!? Really?? You're joining our class!? That's awesome! It's going to be so much fun!" 

You two were chatting loudly with Sungjong by the schoolgate when you heard a car horn. 

You turned around and on the road close to the gate was a black acar. The window in the backseat rolled down. Inside was L. 

"Yah, I can't believe you're having me picking you up, it should be the opposite." He looks at you. 

Every student close to the gate seemed curious and gathered around you two. 

"Oh L-hyung!" Sungjong said surprised. 

L didn't even bother greeting Sungjong. Or even you. 

"If you make just one mistake i'll drop you off immediately. I won't accept you as a BEOL member if you can't fulfil this easy job." 

"What? Is she a BEOL member now?" "Wow that's amazing!" "What happened to Eunjae?" You hear the crowd of students gossip.

"Being a BEOL member sure gives you a lot of attention." 

"Yah, hurry and jump in." L glared at you showing that he was tired of waiting. "And Sungjong i'll see you later!" L said to Sungjong who just stood there with a questioning face. 

You quickly jumped into the car on his side and he moved to the other side to give you his seat. The car started to roll and towards it's first destination. The driver didn't greet you. 

When you had sat down comfortably L suddenly dump a big map and papers on your knees. 

"My appointments today, make sure you write them down on that schedule and make sure we're on time." 

This jerk, who does he think he is? You had only been with him for a minute and he had already made this mad. You sigh. "He's really testing my patience." 

You look through the papers and note the most important things. This really isn't a few appointments. Photoshoot, radio interview and shooting a commercial were just some of the things. 

"Wow this..." Your eyes widened. "..must really be stressful.." 

You turn to L, but he's looking out the window not answering you. 


Then you begin to scheme his things. "This is going to be a long day.." 




How will your day with L continue?? 

Read next chapter to find out! ~

Imagine being L's manager, ohmoooo! *__* ~~




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Angelz0715 #1
Chapter 74: This story is really awesome ^^
14 streak #2
Chapter 74: i really loved this story! i can't wait to start reading the sequel ^^
this is sooooo awesome!
xinnie #4
you have been recommened by xinnie~!
JungJeWon #5
Chapter 39: Yah i think its L...dont know just my feeling though...^^V
JungJeWon #6
Chapter 27: my fav drama is 'the inheritors'...act by Lee Min Ho,Park Shin Hye,Kim Woo Bin,Min Hyuk(CN Blue),Krystal(Fx),Hyun Sik(Ze:A) and Choi Jin Hyuk and etc...
JungJeWon #7
Chapter 25: if you reborn as the phone...you wont have long life ya'know...hhhahaa..kidding L may take care of it and using everytime so yeah you'll be lucky to be the phone...
JungJeWon #8
Chapter 21: running man of coz...and kinda watch exo episode 3 or 4 times already...never in my life to watch that much...hahah
JungJeWon #9
Chapter 15: yup i shared with gikwang beast...it make him stay as my bias in beast though...hahaha
Chapter 74: I love your story!!
I couldn't stop reading it and I finished it all in a day :))