Chapter 1

Little Wonders

In your head, there is always that little voice telling you not to do one thing, and another telling you to go for it.

For Wendy, that was also true, except the voice telling her to go for it had an entire crowd cheering it on and constantly booed the other voice in her head for being a buzzkill.

A normal person would probably see someone about those ‘voices’. Then maybe she wouldn’t have spent an hour going over the mental list she created of the things she can blame for her problems.

The first would be that damned article. Yes, that cursed fine piece of writing that tugged at her heartstrings. Damn the writer too, she’s number two. The third would be her personality. Logic went out the window before you can say ‘cons’. Skimmed over that one real quick.

In her defense, she really couldn’t see a downside to it at the time. But Wendy only ever saw the positive things in everything so really, it should never count.

Crap, , , crap.

She repeated it in her head over and over. She can practically hear her mother reminding her cussing is not for ladies but if her mother ever found out she’d probably say it with her and in two languages.

Her mother. Her parents. Her sister. Oh god, what will they think? What will everyone think? She didn’t know. Nothing was making sense right now and she wasn’t even given a chance to breathe and think about her problem because here it was, sitting on her couch, drinking her tea.

Wendy has heard of fate knocking on your door, but this is ridiculous.


"Tall, handsome, a bit slim— oh, and has a beard. I know you don't really like—"

"Seulgi, no." She sighed, kicking at the red, brown and orange leaves at her feet.

"Fine, fine. Average height, blonde, insanely quiet, and she's kinda fond of mystery novels."


"Come on, Wendy. That's almost all of my coworkers! Just go out with one already!"

"No, because I told you a hundred times I'm not looking for someone. You go date that last guy or girl you just mentioned."

“Your last date was three years ago, and it was with that douche. Do you really want that on your record?”

“And what kind of record is that, pray tell?” Wendy smiled, humouring her best friend.

“You know, that list you’ll see in the afterlife.  The last thing you ate, your last kiss, the last thing you purchased, the last person you saw—“

“Are you implying I’m dying alone if I don’t start dating again now?” An old couple came into her line of sight, gazing at each other with adoration as they enjoyed their day in the park like she did. She inhaled deeply, filling her lungs with the fresh air; ignoring the familiar eerie feeling that creeped up on her.

“Well…I guess?  Time’s running out, and you really have no excuse, you don’t really need to do much at this point so you’re practically a bum.”

“You do realize I make a living even if I don’t have to work as much as I used to and excuse me, I’ll have you know I do in fact need to do what I’m doing,” said Wendy indignantly. “Besides, I’m only 25, Seulgi, so are you. And by your logic, you’re dying alone too.”

“But I don’t need one! You’re lonely and miserable, I know you are!”

“I don’t need anyone but you, Seulgi,” she said in a sweet, mocking tone.

“Get one or I swear I’ll put up a profile for you on a dating app.”

“Just try. I can end your life faster than you can say ‘Over 1,000,000 happy couples around the globe’.”

“You’re no fun.”

“And you’re annoying. Hey Seulgi,”


“Do you ever get the feeling that you’re being followed?”

“No,” Seulgi snorts. “Do you ever get the feeling you forgot something?”

“That’s only because you actually forgot something. I’m serious.” Wendy frowned, rubbing the back of her neck where fine hair stood out stubbornly.

“You’re just being paranoid again. You know you randomly get like this. It’s probably nothing.”

“I guess…”

Just then, she heard the crackling of dried leaves behind her and she almost broke her neck from how fast her head had turned.

Nothing again.

It must have started almost a week ago. It was only when she was right outside her house, or when she went to the park in the neighbourhood. She would feel like someone was watching her. No matter how hard she tried to catch the person, there was no one there when she looked. Seulgi insists she’s crazy and is using it as an excuse to make her go out with people. She had yet to find a connection between the two, but it’s pointless arguing with the girl’s insane logic.

She was perfectly content with what Seulgi describes as a miserable, mundane life. At least, that’s what she tells herself every day.

The walk home was thankfully uneventful. She was worried she would have to call the police soon. And if it turns out it’s only her imagination, well that would be embarrassing, and Seulgi will definitely never let her forget it. Might even convince her to take her up on that dating app offer.

Wendy sighed as she entered the door, carelessly dropping her keys in the glass bowl on the dresser. She let herself sink into the warm couch of her living room, closing her eyes and enjoying the silence.

Seulgi was wrong. She wasn’t lonely and she was definitely not losing her mind because of it. She can go another year without meeting someone. If she avoided social gatherings enough, she definitely won’t. If she just stayed in her house 80% of the time like the bum Seulgi is accusing her of becoming, what can happen?


It seemed like the eerie feeling she kept getting whenever she stepped out of the house disappeared after the incident at the park. A week had passed and she was less wary of her surroundings.

Saturdays were spent making her rounds at the stores for a few hours before driving back to her house and spend the rest of the day watching movies or shows or occasionally, reading books. It’s days like this that make her wonder if Seulgi had a point. Wendy shook her head and focused on the screen.

She was watching a lion with her cub on the discovery channel when her doorbell rang.

Strange. Especially on a Saturday.

She opened the door, and the sight before her made her breath hitch.

A woman. Possibly in her 20’s. She definitely can’t be more than a year older than Wendy. If she could focus on anything other than the girl’s stunning features, she would have noticed sooner that one, she looked awfully familiar, and two, her hands were resting on the small bump on her stomach protectively.

"Uhh..." Wendy's mouth hung open, still frozen and holding the door open halfway. It barely even registered that the brunette had said something. “What?”

"W-Wendy Shon?" She repeated in a meek voice, bringing her back down to earth.

"Yes!" Her sudden outburst made the woman jump. Embarrassed, she cleared , trying to calm herself down. "Yes, I’m Wendy Shon. Uhm…who—?"

Before the stranger could answer, Wendy finally noticed the bump. It was rude to ask or comment,  or even stare, especially on their first meeting, so she quickly averted her gaze and looked back up to the woman’s face.

Wendy studied her. She looked nervous, to say the least. Hands shaking and pink lips trembling. A million things were running through her head about the nature of her visit. Was she an acquaintance Wendy somehow forgot about? Impossible, Wendy remembered everyone and everything. Was she here to ask her to join her religion? She can’t be here to murder her, she looks like she’s scared Wendy would murder her instead. Was she homeless and looking for a place to stay? She had thought of every possible reason.

“I-I’m carrying your child.” The woman blurted out.

Almost every possible reason.

Wendy stayed still for a few moments, contemplating on her next move. She then smiled politely and cleared , moving to close the door.

“No, wait, please! I’m not crazy! I can explain!” The woman exclaimed, putting an arm through the doorway to keep Wendy from closing it. Wendy silently wondered if she really should have called the cops earlier.

“Look, I’m sure you feel confused right now and I understand that most people in your current condition are. I’d gladly offer you help if that’s what you’re looking for, but I should tell you I’m pretty sure we’ve never met before and unless I’ve had a different body other than this, I can definitely say I can’t possibly get you pre—“

“Do you know Kevin Bae?”

Wendy's heart stopped. Realization suddenly hit her like a truck and she’s now very much aware why the girl looked familiar in the first place. Memories of a white room came to mind, of documents being signed, and a pair of voices, excited and grateful. Her hand went to her abdomen unconsciously.

“T-they’re gone.” She faintly heard the woman’s voice, but Wendy was no longer listening.

This can’t be happening.

“I came because of the agreement.”

She was so sure of it at the time.

“I-I’m sorry, I can’t raise it alone.”

She is so screwed.

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1700 streak #1
Chapter 15: Idkw I remembered this gem last night, so here I am re reading again
Nat25nat #2
Chapter 15: Still loving the story, still wait for the update
been years but im still waiting for the day this gets updated

for now, rereading again for the nth time
I still go back here to check from time to time if there are any updates. I hope you're doing well :)
Chapter 15: i love you and your works, author. thank you for this
Chapter 11: It was quite a long journey, finally the baby came out huhu 😭
Chapter 9: yeay, finally they kissed 🤧
Chapter 7: oww Jealousy has started to grow 😂
Chapter 3: I really need an au family like this with cute babies 😚
Chapter 15: it’s been years and this fic is still my roman empire