Chapter 11

Little Wonders

It's gonna get a little graphic, but I'm sure it's nothing you didn't learn in school. Unless you're like 8 and uhm...what are you doing here


If she wasn't sure about it before, Irene was now very much aware that nothing would ever be normal for her and Wendy so it really shouldn't come as a surprise that this happened to her.

It’s like after that fateful meeting between Wendy and her brother, they became the gods’ favourite toys and source of entertainment. They’re probably giggling in their seats, watching them.

And what else? It’s raining.

She knew she should be losing her mind, but someone had to be the sane one in the relationship, seeing as Wendy was doing enough panicking for 10 couples.

Luckily it didn’t take long for Joy to get there (After Wendy practically screamed at her on the phone).

"So what happens now?" Irene asked the younger girl.

"They're going to have to check your cervix and I think it would be better to just stay in the hospital anyway since you're already due. They'd also have to do some other tests for any signs of infection."

Irene tried to control her breathing, remembering all their classes and the research they had done for such cases. They waited for the ambulance to arrive in their bedroom with Joy holding her hand. Meanwhile, Wendy was talking to her sister on the phone furiously.

"Yeah I know, of course it was supposed to start before it happened...right? Yeah, yeah, the doctor told us before it could...I don't know, I don't think so. She didn't say anything!" There was a short pause before Wendy shouted again. "I am calm!"

"Aren't you glad you have such a wonderful, dependable partner to support you through this?" Joy deadpanned.

"Not a word to her." Irene warned with a stern look.

"I. Don’t. Know! Wait, just give me a sec." Wendy kneeled in front of her on the bed. "Have— have you?" Wendy continued to stutter but Irene already shook her head no, knowing what she was asking.  "Well..." She heard her gulp. "You'd have to go into labour in the next 24 hours but if not, you could be induced. It's l-less risky that way, but—"

"Wendy, it's going to be fine." Irene assured her, rubbing her hand gently. Joy took this as a chance to remove Wendy's death grip on her other hand.

"S-sorry. God." Wendy ran a hand through her hair.

Irene actually found it rather endearing, seeing her like this. She was glad she was concentrating so hard on putting on a brave face because she knew any reaction that she would give to that would be inappropriate for the situation.

"I’m sure the ambulance would be arriving soon," said Joy who was busy with her phone.

"Good, good. Help me up. Maybe we can move to the living room."

"You may want to let us help you put on something else first."

Irene then remembered that she was only wearing a bathrobe.

"Ahh...yeah. Well it doesn't really matter once we get there but that'll be great, thanks."




Irene already knew before the doctor even confirmed it. She explained the situation with what they already know from their classes and their readings. The medical term for it is called Premature Rupture of Membranes which happens in about 8-10% of pregnancies. Most end with no complications if the baby is not premature and she also said that it was a relief that it didn't happen a week or two earlier. But of course, it'll take a lot more than that to calm Wendy at this point.

They both listened to the doctor's instructions while Joy explained everything to Seulgi who stared at the doctor like she was speaking a different language.

She was grateful to Joy who managed to contact everyone who needed to be informed, including her family in South Korea. She was also grateful that she had the patience to update her father every 10 minutes.

Although she was starting to feel uncomfortable, it will still take a while for her to be in active labour. She prayed the contractions would start soon. If not for the risks, then for Wendy to stop asking her about it.

At around midnight she was left alone with Wendy in the room. Irene watched the other girl stare off into space, thinking that Irene was resting. Her legs were shaking and Irene was sure she was close to biting her thumb off.

"Do you want to start bleeding?"

Wendy paled at the word and she almost laughed.

"Sorry, I'm just—"

"Nervous? Scared to death?" She grinned.

"You already know." Wendy frowned. "This was just so sudden."

"I think we're already experts when it comes to surprises, don't you think?" She teased, trying to lighten the mood, even though she was scared beyond belief herself. As strange as the situation was, she felt like her girlfriend needed the comforting more.


They haven't really made that clear yet, but it is what it is. Irene's about to have a baby with her girlfriend. And that was both amazing and terrifying.

She felt that dull ache in her back and abdomen again, but stronger now.

Her eyes met Wendy's. The girl started whimpering before she could even say anything, and had already figured out what just happened.





Irene woke up to the sound of hushed whispers. When she heard the door close, she opened her eyes and was greeted by a familiar smiling face.

"You're here." Irene winced and inhaled deeply as she felt another contraction. Mrs. Shon was immediately by her side before she could let out a sigh when it ended.

"It's alright dear, it's alright." The woman started rubbing the back of her hand with a thumb. "How long have you been in labour?

"I'm not sure...what time is it?"

"5 AM." The woman replied after a quick glance at her watch. She had only dozed off for 30 minutes.

"5 hours then." Irene took in a deep breath and closed her eyes for a few moments. She then offered the woman a tired smile. "I'm glad you came so quickly."

"Seungwan actually forgot to inform us and we only heard it from her sister a few hours ago," she sighed and shook her head. "I saw her earlier and she didn't even notice we're here. I think she'll need her own room soon if she doesn't calm down."

Irene noticed that Mr. Shon wasn't with the older woman and she assumed that he was outside, either giving a touching speech about becoming a parent or telling his daughter to get a hold of herself.

"They just left. I'm already at 4 cm."

Mrs. Shon nodded. "It's starting. That's good. When I heard about it, I thought it would be a lot faster for you and, well, more painful."

"I uhm...don't really have anything to compare to it, so I don't know." She let out a soft chuckle.

Irene didn't know if she somehow developed a high tolerance of pain because she sure as hell didn't have it before, but it was true there wasn't anything she felt at the moment that she would truly call painful. It only felt like cramps and the most annoying part was lying on the bed for so long and having the urge to pee every 10 minutes.

There was a soft knock on the door that gained both of their attention. Joy and Yeri entered and bowed in front of Mrs. Shon.


"How's the mother-to-be? Still good?"

Irene snorted. "I think you’ll notice if I’m not."

"Mrs. S, maybe you should check on your daughter," said Yeri sheepishly.  

"Why? She's not harassing any doctors or nurses, is she?" She got up from the chair. "Unbelievable. Her girlfriend's about to give birth and here she is, being—" Mrs. Shon continued to mutter to herself after she closed the door on her way out.

"What did she just call you?" Joy raised a brow.

Do all mothers learn to read their children's minds right off the bat? It seemed a like a scary but incredibly useful skill Irene wanted to acquire.

"That's— That’s nothing. I mean Wendy's been called my wife more times than I can count whenever we went out." She laughed nervously, then cleared . Joy remained skeptical and narrowed her eyes at her, so she exaggerated a wince when she felt another contraction to distract her.

"We should have done a bvlog," Yeri clicked her tongue.

"A what?" Irene asked.

"A bvlog." Yeri emphasized. "A birth vlog. Or a baby vlog, if you want."

"Like it was so hard to just say that?" Irene scoffed.

"We still need to record this though." Yeri took out her phone from her coat and pointed the camera at her. "I'm surprised Wendy didn't do this."

"Oh believe me she did." Irene rolled her eyes, thinking about hundreds of photos and videos of her stored in Wendy's phone. "I'm sure if she had my permission she would have set up a YouTube channel."

"That's like four months worth of content and wow, I just realized it's been four months already."

It has been a little over 4 months since she met Wendy. And, well, more than that since she first saw her. She can't even remember what life was like before she started living with her.

"It's crazy, isn't it?" Joy smiled.

"Yeah." She grinned.

"Say a few words to your daughter, Irene." Yeri held her phone up in front of her.

"This is weird."

"Just do it."

Irene let out a laugh and her gaze went to her bump. "I hope you'll grow up well...I hope you'll always be healthy. We promise we'll always be there for you, to look after you and guide you. And, I really hope you'll come out soon, because we can’t wait to meet you."

"But also because your mom's getting tired and your mommy's losing it." Joy added.

"Joy," Irene beamed at her.


"Would you like to be Hyemi's godmother? Or—"

Joy blinked at her for a few moments. "Are you serious?" Irene grinned and nodded her head, but her eyes widened when the normally calm and composed girl started to cry.

"What!? What about me!?" Yeri complained.

"Maybe when you're mature enough. You can always try threatening Seulgi when she decides to have one of her own." Irene silently pointed to Joy ugly crying and Yeri pointed the camera at her with a pout on her face.




At the 10-hour mark Irene could already feel her eyes growing heavy.

The pain and people coming in to check on her every half-hour is what kept her awake.

She's having contractions every three minutes now which she thinks is less frequent than Wendy asking her how she's feeling. She was still very supportive— quick to answer to Irene's calls and requests, but she did admit it was too much. It got to the point where her mother actually decided to kick her out of the room and Seulgi had to drag Wendy outside for some fresh air.

"She's her problem now." Mrs. Shon joked.

She still would have wanted Wendy by her side but Mrs. Shon explained that she would need a break from her and it's best that it happened now. She told her what her pregnancy with Wendy was like and how Mr. Shon had been more nervous about it than with her sister. Mrs. Shon must have thought that it would help her relax to hear her experience with it, and although Irene didn't really need it, she still appreciated the woman's efforts and it made her feel closer to her.

"How's the pain?" She asked gently, caressing her head in a soothing manner. It reminded her of her own mother who used to do it when she was sick.

"Honestly, it's really bad now." Irene replied with a weak smile. "I can't even talk when it happens."

It was only uncomfortable and felt like cramps hours before, but gradually increased with each hour that passed and soon, it was like the pain was coursing through her body from each contraction, which also lasted longer. She felt it in her abdomen, back and pelvis. She was concentrating so hard on her breathing, to still find a way to relax and control it.

"You only have to tell us if it becomes too much, okay?"

Irene shook her head determinedly and Mrs. Shon nodded.

They stayed in silence for a while, with Mrs. Shon watching her and comforting her through every contraction. Wendy definitely took after her father more, but her warmth and kind gaze are definitely from her mother. Something she hoped Hyemi would have as well.

"If you don't mind me asking, how did you find out about us?" Irene asked. "Me and Wendy, I mean."

"I'm her mother," she said simply, and Irene nodded in understanding. She hoped that someday she would be able to say those words with just as much weight.

"And...what do you think?" She asked with some hesitation.

"I admit, I had my doubts about you."

"You didn't approve of me?" She asked jokingly, but waited for the woman's reply with bated breath.

"I don't approve of anyone for Wendy so easily in general," she smiled. "She may try to deny it, but she's a little sensitive and that worries me."

Irene has known Wendy long enough to know that was true. She bit her lip. "But now?"

"I still don't know you that well and even though I have to admit that you're very easy to like, I'm still not giving you a pass. I approve of you as the mother of my granddaughter, but as Wendy's girlfriend I'm still not sure."

"Fair enough," Irene said with a nod, finding it strange and amusing that she got an approval as a parent before getting an approval as a girlfriend.

"I really do think you're going to be a great mom. Both of you are."

"Thank you, Mrs. Shon."

She felt blessed that she was surrounded by so many loving and supportive people. Because she may need it more and more as each hour passed.

They heard voices from outside and the door swung open. Mrs. Shon stood up and crossed her arms when she saw who entered.

"Did you manage to clear your head?" She said in that stern voice.

"Yes, ma'am." Wendy's voice was meek, and she couldn't look her mother straight in the eye. Seulgi pursed her lips and wordlessly walked to the other side of the room where Joy and Yeri were sitting.

"Good. Now be a good girlfriend and comfort the mother of your child."

Mrs. Shon left the room, and Irene assumed it was to find Mr. Shon. Wendy was already by her side before she could even say anything.

"How are you?" She said at lightning speed.

"I'm in a world of pain but somehow managing." She had to pause when she felt another contraction and Wendy's brows creased with worry. "How are you?"

"I feel like I'm about to throw up and I almost did a few times today." Wendy frowned. "I'm sorry. I wanted to stay, but my parents..."

"Knew what's best. I don't think I can handle worrying about this baby and you today."


"Stop apologizing." She glared at her playfully. "Ideally it would only be a couple of hours or even sooner then it'll all be over, we're going to— oh my God, you're crying."

A hysterical Wendy is new for Irene. She usually just tears up at the most, with Irene crying more often than she did, and that was even rare for her. The girl let out half-choked sobs as more tears fell freely down her face.

"Hey, hey, it's okay.'s going to be okay. I'm— we're going to be okay."

"It's just...maybe if we were more careful. Maybe I could have done something more—"

"Wendy, you and I both know that our situation doesn't fit the most common causes for this. It just came as a shock for both of us, but they already said there's nothing to worry about."

"I know, I know." She wiped her tears away with her palm.

"Then why are you still crying?" Irene chuckled.

"I don't even know anymore," said Wendy. "I don't know if I'm crying because I'm scared or because I'm so excited."

Irene stared at her in amusement and disbelief.

"I'm just so happy right now, and I'm so glad that I can experience this with you. That...that you showed up at my doorstep all those months ago, and f-for trusting me. You've both become such an important part of my life."

Irene shed tears of her own, probably for the same reasons, but also pain which she couldn't care less about at the moment. Wendy's saying all these wonderful things and she's angry at herself for not saying anything back but Wendy didn't seem to mind and just continued to pour her heart and soul to her and Irene felt like her own heart was bursting with happiness.

"You are such a cheeseball." She said instead, causing Wendy to let out a teary chuckle.

Minutes passed, and they stayed like that in silence, but Irene was trying hard not to scream.

"Irene, I—"

Irene held her arm to stop her. She couldn't ignore it anymore. The pain was too much.

"Wendy, I really hate to interrupt you but I think the baby's coming." She masked her grimace of pain with a smile. She inhaled deeply as she felt another contraction. "Like, for real now."


"I can''s—" She started squirming. Irene wanted to be stronger, but it's nothing like she has ever felt before. It was much worse that she had imagined it to be.

"Oh God." She heard Seulgi's voice from across the room.

The nurses were approaching her and another went to inform the doctor while Yeri ran out to tell Wendy's parents.

Irene continued to squirm in pain as Wendy held onto her hand tightly; spurting out every curse she can think of in one breath.

"This is usually the part in shows where the girl screams at her husband 'I'm never having with you again!'"

"This isn't the time, you moron!" Joy screamed at Seulgi, dragging her with her to leave the room.

"Then why are you laughing?" 

Irene wondered who's going to die first. Wendy or their friends, by her hand.




After an hour, Irene was already having all these unreasonable thoughts in her head.

She wondered what women ever did to deserve this kind of torture when bringing out another human being to the world is a magical thing they should be rewarded for. She felt sorry for ever having the gall to argue with her mother who did this thrice. She ought to get her a trophy.

She let out another squeal of excruciating pain as she felt another contraction and pushed.

"You're doing really well, Ms. Bae." A nurse said soothingly.

Irene didn't need that. What she wanted to hear is that they see the head, or something to assure her it'll be over soon.

Wendy whimpered next to her. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I won't ever let you do anything like this again, I swear!"

"Wendy, shut up!"

Irene let out a shrill scream a second later, Wendy wincing and clutching her hand with just as much strength as if she could feel her pain.

She can't even focus, but she does know that as she was laying there preparing for her daughter's head to come out of her , she'd have to have another insane moment to go through this again or to even ask Wendy to do it.

20 minutes passed, and Irene is exhausted. She could feel the sweat dripping down her temple. She knows her limit and she is reaching it. She started shaking her head.

"You're okay, Irene, you're okay. We're almost there. Just look at me, okay? Baby, look at me."

Irene's sure her legs had gone numb at that point, but still, she cried out and pushed with all her strength, tears forming in the corner of her eyes.

"She's crowning." The doctor announced.

Thank God, because it sure as hell feels like it, Irene thought to herself. If she had one way to describe it, it felt like it was on fire.

Wendy, surely out of excitement, went to take a peek, but seemed like she regretted it immediately and closed her eyes in horror. Idiot.

"Just a few more, Mrs. Bae." Another nurse said, and turned to Wendy. "Mrs. Bae, please step back."

Irene would have corrected her, but who the cares right now. She shrieked and pushed again.

"Just one more, Ms. Bae." The doctor said after another push. "Deep breath and push as hard as you can."

She shared a look with Wendy who nodded her head encouragingly. She screamed and used all her strength for one final push.

"And...there we go!" Irene felt flesh graze her thigh barely and she just started crying then and there. "She's out!"

“You did it! You did it!” Wendy said happily, jumping for joy.

Irene's heart clenched at the sound of her daughter's first wail and everything around her just seemed to fade into background noise. Even with the ecstatic voices around her, all she could focus on was Hyemi crying, letting her know that she's alive and well and she was partly responsible for it.  

Nothing could ever hope to compare to seeing your child for the first time.

Tears were obscuring her vision, but her eyes remained fixated on her, as if she feared she would disappear. Irene continued to sob after Wendy cut the cord and they brought her to her, placing her over her chest. She held her daughter close, unbothered by the nurse wiping her small form with the towel. She didn't want to let her go.

She looked so small and fragile with her pink face all scrunched up as she continued to wail, but she is the most beautiful thing Irene has ever seen. Before she knew it, she was crying again.

Wendy the wisps of dark hair on her head, refusing to look away for even a second. She was surprisingly silent, but Irene knew she was also crying as they watched the beautiful creature they both created.

Everything led to this moment, and whatever pain she had felt in almost a year until she gave birth was forgotten in an instant. She has never felt happier.

She beamed at her daughter. "Hello, Hyemi."




Irene was glad Hyemi remained calm and quiet as she was passed around in the room to more than 5 people. Everyone got the chance to hold her and say their praises, including Seulgi's father who somehow found his way there earlier than expected. They humoured the man as he made claims about who Hyemi resembled more. Seulgi opted to just stay close each time a person held her, still not trusting herself to hold something so small and precious.

She made a comment about how Hyemi's an adorable wrinkly potato, which Irene was sure Wendy would have murdered her for if she wasn't so busy cooing at their daughter.

The nurse offered to take a photo of the three of them first, then, they were joined by everyone who came.

Wendy seemed so proud, watching everyone gush over Hyemi. She could see the pure joy underneath the tears, and something else in the tender way she looked at Irene that made her heart flutter.

"You are amazing," she whispered. "Truly amazing. I don't think I can say that enough."

Irene was completely and utterly exhausted, but still managed a smirk. "You're welcome to try. After all that, feel free to shower me with compliments for a while and show me just how incredible that was."

She inhaled sharply when she felt Wendy's soft lips against hers, her free hand automatically wrapping around her head.

"O...kay..." She thought she heard Joy say. It could have been Yeri, but Irene really couldn't care less.

"Everybody out!" Mrs. Shon announced. "Let's give the parents some time with the baby."

Seulgi whined her protests but Mrs. Shon pulled her and Mr. Shon who didn't budge by the ear and dragged them outside while Joy, Yeri and Mr. Kang followed the woman silently.

Wendy gave her another kiss on the forehead when they parted.

"You realize you just outed us?" She raised a brow.

"That's an odd way to put it." Wendy laughed. "Prepare for Joy's 'I knew it' speech later."

"Looking forward to it," she said sarcastically.

Wendy grinned and lowered her head to kiss the top of Hyemi's head. "My girls."

As scary as the future was, Irene didn’t mind. They had months to think about that anyway, and this is what they both signed up for. They were a proper family now, and that’s all that mattered to her.



Aaaand welcome to the family, Bae Hyemi! Sorry this took a while, but I'm back!

I hope you guys liked it, and yes, I see that sea of 'The baby's coming' again lol. She's here!

As always, thank you for all the comments, new subscribers, and upvotes. Really appreciate it. Let me know what you guys think!


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1692 streak #1
Chapter 15: Idkw I remembered this gem last night, so here I am re reading again
Nat25nat #2
Chapter 15: Still loving the story, still wait for the update
been years but im still waiting for the day this gets updated

for now, rereading again for the nth time
I still go back here to check from time to time if there are any updates. I hope you're doing well :)
Chapter 15: i love you and your works, author. thank you for this
Chapter 11: It was quite a long journey, finally the baby came out huhu 😭
Chapter 9: yeay, finally they kissed 🤧
Chapter 7: oww Jealousy has started to grow 😂
Chapter 3: I really need an au family like this with cute babies 😚
Chapter 15: it’s been years and this fic is still my roman empire