Chapter 7

Little Wonders

Irene is going to kill Wendy.

Screw having a normal life. She'll do this alone. She can manage. A lot of single mothers raised children— even multiple children alone and they're doing just fine.

How could she have been so stupid? She knew there was no way two people who raised a daughter like Wendy could ever settle for the lousy texts Irene assumed the younger girl sent them for updates as opposed to actually seeing them. Hell, they probably would fuss over Irene more than Wendy did and that was a scary thought.

But who was she to ask? What if Wendy became estranged from her family because of it and that's why they didn't talk as much anymore? Why she caught Wendy lying a few times? Irene had such thoughts.

She figured it was best not to ask, afraid that it will upset Wendy. Oh if she had known.

Irene looked at the clock. She was 8 minutes late, which isn't like the younger girl.

Maybe Wendy forgot. Maybe Wendy decided to go with Seulgi instead. Maybe all the roads are blocked because of the snow. Maybe there's a new disease going around and they can't leave the house for a while.

“I've packed our stuff in the car already. We need to get dressed.” Wendy announced upon entering the room.

The gods must hate her.




The drive to Wendy’s parents was shorter than Irene expected. Or maybe it wasn’t, but Irene was too busy wishing for a last minute saviour in the form of a deer blocking the road.

The time between Wendy pulling up in the driveway of her parents’ large 3-story house to them entering it felt like the fastest 5 minutes of her life and now here they were, sitting in the living room, being silently watched liked a hawk by Wendy’s father. Her daughter’s grandfather.

How was she supposed to behave in this situation? If she wasn't pregnant she would have done a full bow on the floor and on her knees. She even had half a mind to bow 90 degrees in front of him. The middle-aged man had deceivingly kind features for someone who was practically boring a hole through her skull. Irene wanted to turn into a puddle under his gaze.

It was utterly ridiculous, Irene thought. She had never touched Wendy inappropriately in her life (stared, perhaps) yet he was looking at her like she defiled his precious baby girl.

“I don't really know where to start,” Wendy confessed.

“Well you can start with why you brought a pregnant girl home,” her father said nonchalantly.

“It's not what you think...”

“Oh, but what exactly am I thinking? I know, why don't you answer one of my questions first? Just answer with 'yes' or 'no'. Are you planning on becoming the other parent of this child? Or worse, is this girl carrying your child?”

Irene wanted to run then and there, but Wendy had a vice-like grip on her hand which was already losing all circulation.

“...yes and yes?” Wendy said meekly. “But—”

She was interrupted by her father's sharp intake of breath. He pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes, seemingly trying to calm himself down from the shocking revelation.

“So you never bothered to tell us you were getting serious with a girl and inform us that you planned to have a child?” Her father asked, disappointment written all over his face.

“No! I mean, no, it's not like that at all! I didn't even know she was carrying my child until two months ago!”

Wendy, you goddamn idiot.

Her father stared at her long and hard, as if trying to process what he just heard. “Wendy, I know we gave you a boy's name when you were born, but I am quite certain you are not 'equipped' to get this girl pregnant.”

“Good God just kill me now.” Wendy stared up at the ceiling.

Same, Irene thought to herself.

“So what is this?” Her father raised a brow, gesturing to Irene with a hand.

Wendy winced. “Dad…I— I decided to become an egg donor at the start of this year and a couple chose me so months later we started with the procedures and it was successful but I didn’t hear anything after that then a few months ago Irene visited me and told me she had to raise the baby herself because the couple died and she’s the sister and also the surrogate but she can’t do it alone so she asked for help and I made a deal with them that I’m supposed to have custody in case something happened to both of them so now we’re here.”

Irene could barely understand what she just said because she spoke so fast, but her father must be used to words flying out of his daughter’s mouth at the speed of light because he was…well…surprised, to say the least.


“I’m sorry!” She flinched.

“For months whenever we asked if anything interesting happened to you recently, you never bothered to oh I don’t know, tell us you have a child?!”

“Technically, I didn’t officially have a child until two months ago.” Mr. Shon glared at her. “…and maybe I should have said something in those two months.”

“Do you know what raising a child means, Wendy? How this will affect you?”

Irene couldn’t stay silent any longer.

“Mr. Shon, with all due respect, I know I’m in no position to say anything and that this is between you and your daughter, but I feel that I’m partly responsible for this even though she had an agreement with my brother because I was the one who asked Wendy for help.” Mr. Shon merely studied her and listened, so she continued. “The past few months, I got to know Wendy, and she is the most responsible, thoughtful and caring person I’ve ever met.” Irene could feel Wendy’s gaze on her now. “I’m honestly very lucky that she’s who I’m going to raise this child with. Even though it’s a little early to say this, she’s already a great mother to my daughter.”

Irene turned to Wendy in time to see her grateful expression. She smiled and placed her other hand over their interlocked fingers.

For a long time, Mr. Shon didn’t say a word, which worried and scared both of them.

His face softened. “I have a granddaughter?”

Wendy allowed herself to smile. “Yeah, dad.”

“Does she have a name?”


Tears welled up in his eyes, though you can barely see it through his black rimmed glasses. In that moment, Irene could see Wendy’s resemblance to her father because that was exactly how she looked when she first saw Hyemi in the ultrasound photo.

Her father sighed and crossed his arms, bringing his attention back to Wendy. “Are you really sure about this?”

“More than I’ve ever been about anything in my life,” Wendy said determinedly.

The middle-aged man nodded, his eyes flicking between both of them.

“Okay,” he said finally.

“…’Okay’?” Wendy repeated, confused.

“I said okay.”

“I'm not sure I understand. You're telling me you're not mad?” Wendy asked, completely stunned.

“Honey, in my eyes you're still young, but you're also of age and capable of making your own decisions. Although I do wish you didn’t lie to us. That’s not like you at all.” He frowned, and Wendy ducked her head in shame. “I just wanted to know if you’re sure about this and if you tell us you are, that’s enough for me.”

“B-but—” Wendy gaped at him.

“Don't be silly, Seungwan. If you want to make it up to us, bring Irene to us one more time before she gives birth and we have to be there when she does. I also want to see my granddaughter twice a month—no exceptions. Irene dear, you're turning pale.”

Irene jumped at the mention of her name. She nodded vigorously and took in a much needed deep breath. Mr. Shon smiled at her, seemingly amused.

“I'd have to get to know my future daughter-in-law too, don't I?”

“Future daughter-in-” Wendy stopped mid-sentence and shared a look with Irene whose eyes have gone wide as saucers.

“No!” they shouted in unison, startling Mr. Shon.

“Oh my.”

“Sorry,” they both mumbled guiltily.

Mr. Shon waved it off. “Now, what do you mean by ‘no’? ‘No’ as in you're not a couple? If that's the case I do apologize, it's just the way you were acting earlier.”

Irene briefly wondered what the man meant by that, but she remembered that Wendy had yet to explain their situation better.

“No we’re not, dad. We’re just raising her together. We are both her parents after all.”

“I suppose. I have to say though, this is probably the most unusual story I've heard.” Mr. Shon commented.

“Tell me about it. Seulgi thinks we should be on a show.” Wendy rolled her eyes.

Her father let out a chuckle, the first one Irene has heard from him since they arrived. He then gave them a curious look. “So you're really not a couple?”

“Uhm...yes?” Wendy furrowed her brows at the mischievous twinkle in her father's eyes. It took a second for them to realize that the man was staring at their still intertwined fingers and they both retracted their hands to their sides immediately.

“Alright then. I suppose you only have one more challenge to face.”

“Which is?”

They heard the doors open and Wendy whimpered, while Mr. Shon smiled.

“My wife.”




Although Mrs. Shon took it better than Mr. Shon did, it was way more difficult explaining it to the woman because she was more emotional than he was after they finished. But Irene became worried when she suddenly asked to be excused and to talk to Wendy in the kitchen.

Since they were still talking and her father had to take a phone call, Irene was left in the living room. She started to look around and approached a wall that caught her attention the moment they went in.

It was filled with medals, trophies, certificates and other achievements Wendy and her older sister received during their days in school. Irene saw various awards for music, and decided that it was a pity that Wendy never had a chance to explore a career in that field like she wanted. Irene stared at a graduation photo of Wendy's sister, wondering if it was the same for her. She wondered what she would be like, and what would be her reaction to her little sister starting a family before her.

“They're hardworking girls, aren't they?” A voice said over her shoulder, and Irene nearly jumped out of her skin.

Irene could see the mirth in the middle-aged man's eyes behind his glasses. A huge contrast to his intimidating aura when they were introduced.

“You're quite jumpy, has anyone told you that?” He chuckled. “Relax, I'm not going to kick you out. I'm pretty sure Wendy would give me hell for that and I don't think my wife would appreciate never seeing her daughter again or ever meeting her first grandchild.”

“Okay,” Irene gulped, lowering her head.

“What you said earlier about Wendy,” he began. “Do you only see those qualities as those of a parent’s?”

“Why do you ask, sir?” she asked, though she wasn’t daft to not know the reason behind it. Practically everyone who would ever hear their story would have the same questions.

He smiled. “Indulge me.”

“I think she’s a wonderful person in general. Anyone would be lucky to have her. Have her as a parent,” She quickly corrected herself, blushing furiously.

Mr. Shon’s smile widened. “Thank you. That’s all I needed to know. Do you want my advice though?”


“My daughter rarely makes the first move.”

Irene was about to ask what the man meant by it, but Mrs. Shon and Wendy had returned from the kitchen. The latter was lost in thought, but put on a reassuring smile upon seeing Irene. She would definitely ask about it later.

Mrs. Shon approached Irene and placed her hands on her shoulder.

“I know you’re taking care of yourself and I know Wendy is too because I know my daughter, but if there is anything I can do to help, I’m only a call away. If you feel the slightest discomfort or if you’re worried about something, don’t hesitate to ask, okay?”

“I will. Thank you, Mrs. Shon and to you too, Mr. Shon.” Irene bowed in front of the couple.

“Ah, what to do?” Irene heard the woman say to her husband in Korean.

“Ey. Really, it’s okay.” Mr. Shon replied.  “They’ll be fine.”

“Our baby’s all grown up and having babies of her own.” Mrs. Shon started to tear up again, moving to hug Wendy.

“Ahh…Mom,” said Wendy, face red from embarrassment.

“Honey, let her go already. Your daughter’s a responsible woman.”

“Be quiet, you. I know you’re going to cry later when no one’s looking.” Irene stifled a laugh, astounded by the similarities between Wendy and her father. “But I really should let you go now. It’s getting late and Irene should get some rest.”

“Come here.”

Mr. Shon wrapped his arms around Wendy tightly and the hug said more than any words of praise or expressions of pride that parents had for their children in that situation. It was a heartwarming sight.




Joy asked to hang out three days later for dinner which Irene considered a ‘surviving meeting Wendy’s parents’ dinner. Wendy said she was exaggerating but Irene reminded her that she kept it a secret for almost a year. That shut her up.

“I’m actually surprised they’re okay with seeing her twice a month. I mean knowing Wendy I thought they would have just forced you two to move there,” said Joy and Wendy gave her a sarcastic smile.

“Very funny.”

“I have no complaints. Her dad’s both scary and playful and that’s a dangerous combination.” Irene shuddered for effect, remembering the man’s icy stare. 

“It was really not that bad.” Wendy rolled her eyes. “It’s actually kind of funny if you think about it.”

“You want something to laugh about? You still have to meet my parents.” Wendy immediately stiffened and Irene smirked. “That’s what I thought.”

“Look at you two, meeting each other’s parents and Hyemi’s grandparents.” Joy grinned.

Irene gave her a pointed look, as if saying ‘drop it’. Thankfully, Wendy was more concerned with her phone.

“She’s not answering.” Wendy frowned.

“Don’t worry about it, I’m sure she’s—” They heard the bell ring. “On her way.”

“Whoa, what happened to you?” Joy commented, everyone immediately noticing how the landscaper was covered in snow and shivering.

“My car got stuck on the 11th but it was only a block away so I just walked here.” Seulgi shrugged, taking a seat next to a fuming Wendy. “Oh. I already called someone, but I think I need a ride.”

“Do you want to get sick!?” Wendy scolded, helping Seulgi remove her wet coat before she took out her handkerchief and proceeded to wipe her face with it. Irene noticed a few people staring at them and giving them strange looks.

“I wasn't expecting it.” Seulgi defended, eyes shut tight as Wendy wiped her forehead.

Irene watched the exchange, feeling an unexplainable pang in her chest from the gesture. She told herself she was being unreasonable and that it was probably something they’ve being doing for years, being so close and all. She blamed it on the hormones.

Hearing a snort, she turned her head towards the source and saw Joy smirking over her cup of hot chocolate. “What?”


“Nothing?” Irene raised a brow.

“Yeah, nothing,” said Joy, reaching forward. She was surprised to see the now crumpled up receipt taken from her hand. “Nothing at all.” She grinned.

“I stopped by the building you told me about yesterday and they have a full one-day class or you can attend them weekly. Your choice. You also have to go there to register, but I already gave them your name.” Seulgi took out a folded piece of paper from her bag and gave it to Wendy.

“I love you, you’re the best.” Wendy gave the girl a side-hug.

“I thought I was the worst?” Seulgi chuckled.

“What’s that?” Irene piped up.

“Pregnancy classes.” Wendy grinned. “We can start as early as…” Wendy looked at the paper. “Friday!”

“You’re awfully enthusiastic about this. From your reaction to it last week I thought I was going to have to attend them with Joy,” said Irene.

“Nonsense! I am with you every step of the way.”

“If you say so.” Irene smiled.

“Wonderful. It’s excellent practice. Before you know it, Irene’s already about to give birth for real.” Joy grinned, and Wendy paled instantly. Irene was not amused.

“Joy,” she said in an exasperated tone.

“I’m kidding.”

Irene pat Wendy’s lap lightly. “You’ll be fine.”

“Do you realize how sad it is that she’s the one comforting you?” said Seulgi, and Irene giggled as Wendy glared at her best friend.

Wendy brought out her tablet so they can look at the site, checking the classes and reading reviews. They were both satisfied with what they’ve seen and decided to sign up.

After a couple of hours, the four decided that it was already late and that it’s time to head home.

Seulgi was about to follow Wendy and Irene out, but Joy held her arm.

“I'll give you a ride instead,” said Joy as she stood up and put on her coat.

“I think Wendy can drive me home. It's not that far from here,” Seulgi said nervously, trying to scoot closer to Wendy.

Joy sighed and looped her arm around Seulgi's and Irene swore the other girl almost screamed.

Irene saw her obvious discomfort and noticed Wendy hiding her smile with a hand. Seulgi continued to fidget next to Joy, not knowing what to do with her hand which was hanging awkwardly between them.

Wendy once told her that the landscaper had never been comfortable with physical interactions and that Wendy's one of the few people in the world that's not her relative who receives proper hugs from the girl. Briefly, she wondered what she was like in her past relationships.

“What are you, an alien? I’m not gonna bite.”

“I know, you're just...too close.”

“Oh, am I?” Joy wrapped her arms around Seulgi's even tighter and leaned her chin on her shoulder. “How about now?”

Wendy lost it and laughed at Seulgi's horrified expression. Joy started pulling her away and Seulgi looked over her shoulder, mouthing 'help' to them.

Wendy just grinned and waved at her. “Have fun!” She turned her attention back to Irene and smiled. “You ready to go?”

Irene nodded.




“You are driving slower than I usually do and that's saying something.” Irene snorted, but Wendy shushed her, eyes focused on the road.

“I am being very, very careful.”

“Wendy, it's fine, but I think we may have a problem if we go even slower. The people in this city are far too polite to start honking at us but I'm sure even they have their limits.”

“I just...I don't want anything to happen.” Wendy frowned.

Irene was suddenly reminded of her brother. Guiltily, she mumbled an apology. Wendy shook her head.

She decided to change the topic.

“When we visited your parents…what were you and your mom talking about?” Irene asked. “Is it something I should be concerned about?”

To most people, it probably wouldn’t be noticeable, but Irene knew Wendy enough to know that the slight tension in the way she was gripping the wheel and the subtle movement of her lips meant something.

“Nothing much. She was worried about me being too young to raise a kid, but you know my dad already took care of that.” Wendy spared her a glance. “Are you okay?” she asked worriedly. “If you're still thinking about my parents, don't. They adore you and I'm sure they couldn't be happier about Hyemi.”

“I don’t know.” Irene sighed. “They probably figured that when you started having children of your own, it’s when you’re in a normal relationship and that they’ll grow up in a normal household.”

“Come on, we already talked about this,” Wendy began, looking to her side once more to give Irene a reassuring smile.  “This was my decision and this happened because of it. I’ll never think of it as a mistake.”

“But you will have one eventually, right? An actual relationship?”

“I don’t know. Maybe? I already told you that’s not something I’m looking for yet. But if it happens, it happens, right?” Wendy chuckled.

Irene pictured Wendy holding a woman’s hand— perhaps even a man’s. She pictured her waking up next to them, taking care of them, even the simplest things like being on the receiving end of the girl’s warm smiles. Things she was doing with her now.

Irene wasn’t sure what it meant, but there was at least one thing she was sure of.

She didn’t like it one bit.


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1700 streak #1
Chapter 15: Idkw I remembered this gem last night, so here I am re reading again
Nat25nat #2
Chapter 15: Still loving the story, still wait for the update
been years but im still waiting for the day this gets updated

for now, rereading again for the nth time
I still go back here to check from time to time if there are any updates. I hope you're doing well :)
Chapter 15: i love you and your works, author. thank you for this
Chapter 11: It was quite a long journey, finally the baby came out huhu 😭
Chapter 9: yeay, finally they kissed 🤧
Chapter 7: oww Jealousy has started to grow 😂
Chapter 3: I really need an au family like this with cute babies 😚
Chapter 15: it’s been years and this fic is still my roman empire