Chapter 5

Little Wonders

Irene woke up to the sunlight streaming in from her bedroom window. She must have forgotten to close the curtains the night before.

She let out a groan and tried to sit up, but her hand made contact with flesh instead of fabric and she almost jumped off of her bed. She whipped her head so fast, she felt her neck crack.

Irene was greeted by the sight of Wendy’s sleeping face which had been dangerously close to hers just moments ago. The events of the previous night came flooding back to her.

It was the best sleep Irene has had in a long time. She never really slept well alone, and it had gotten worse after the accident. Wendy’s presence in the house helped, even when they were in separate rooms, but not a lot. Not like how last night did.

She sighed and sat up, watching Wendy sleep for a while. She looked so peaceful like this, Irene thought. Quite a rare sight. She watched her steady breathing, her chest rising and falling. As beautiful as Wendy looked with her bright smile and her twinkling eyes that were Irene’s favourite part of her, she was just as beautiful like this— so calm and carefree.

Wendy’s beauty wasn’t striking, but the kind of beauty that sneaks up on you more and more the longer you stared at her. Until finally, you find it difficult to look away.

Eyelids fluttered open, revealing the dark brown orbs Irene liked so much. Her heart skipped a beat.

“Morning…” she heard her mumble, rubbing her eyes. “Have you been awake long?”

“No,” she lied. “Just woke up too.”

Irene wondered if she would realize that she had been staring at her in a way that would be considered creepy by others (e.g. Joy and Yeri) for the past hour, but probably not since she was looking at her with mild concern.

“Is something wrong?”

“I’m fine, I just— Thank you for keeping me company last night,” she began, completely flustered. “I slept really well.”

“Oh.” Wendy bit her lip. She seemed conflicted about something. “ you want me to...I mean— when I stay over that is,”

“...that you sleep here with me?” Irene asked slowly.

“Yeah. I mean, you sleep better when someone's in the room with you and I can watch over you. It'll be easier for you to call me when you need something, I—”

“Is that really okay?" Irene only asked because Wendy would usually be more enthusiastic about offering. She didn't know what was on the other girl's mind and she'd hate to feel like she was being forced to do anything for her comfort.  

“Of course!” Wendy exclaimed and sat up, leaning closer to her. “Like I said, it'll be easier if you're with someone all the time. I mean I actually would be sleeping a lot better too if I don't spend half the night worrying about you,” she chuckled. "There's nothing wrong with it, right?”

Irene's face flushed, painfully aware of how they looked at the moment, with them waking up next to each other on the same bed and her being pregnant.

“Right.” She forced a grin. “You know what, I think I need to use the bathroom.”

Irene hastily got up and left a bewildered Wendy in her room, heading towards the bathroom as fast as she could. As fast as her 5 months pregnant self could anyway.









“No, Wendy, we are not naming our daughter after your favourite jazz singer, who, by the way, is a man. I’m sure you know what that’s like growing up, Seungwan.”

“Fine.” Wendy grumbled, focusing on the road again. “It’s not like we can’t have a female version of it though. But you know I’ve been talking to Seulgi about it and—”

“Stop right there. I’ve only known Seulgi for less than two months but you and I both know we’re going to end up with a child named after a superhero if she was in charge.”

“Well— Okay, you’re right.”

“Of course I am, and before you think of an English name, think of a Korean name first. My parents will kill me if we don’t give her one.” Irene noticed that Wendy’s grip on the steering wheel tightened at the word ‘parents’. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” Wendy scoffed, letting out an awkward laugh. “Hey, are you sure Joy’s okay with taking care of you for a while?”

Irene ignored the girl’s obvious attempt to change the topic. “Yes, she used to do it all the time anyway.”


Wendy pulled up in front of Joy’s house minutes later. The school counselor was already outside, waiting for them. Wendy lowered the passenger side window and waved at her.

“I promise I’ll be back as soon as I finish checking the orders.”

“Relax.” Irene chuckled. “Joy’s my best friend, not a shady babysitter.”

“Not sure about the shady part…”

“Go or I’ll tell her what you just said when I open this door,” Irene warned as Joy approached them.

“Going now!” Wendy exclaimed loudly. Irene laughed as the door opened.

“Hello, Irene’s baby mommy.” Joy greeted with a wide grin. Irene wished she could wipe it off her face with a punch.

“Hey Joy.” Wendy greeted back nervously, while Irene glared at her best friend.

“I told you to stop calling her that.”

“Why? It’s cute” said Joy as she helped Irene out of the car. “I see Wendy packed some stuff for you.” She eyed the large duffle bag in the backseat. “You’re not planning on leaving her here for a few days, are you?”

“Just a few hours. You know how she gets.” Irene whispered the last part.

“I really appreciate this Joy,” said Wendy. “I’ll be back soon.”

“Don’t you worry your little head, she’s safe with me.” Joy assured her. “A pregnant Bae Joohyun is surprisingly a lot calmer and more tolerable than normal Bae Joohyun.”

“You can go, Wendy. We’ll be fine.” Irene smiled, but not before pinching Joy’s side.

Wendy drove off and Joy led Irene inside the house, letting her sit on the couch before heading towards the kitchen. Irene sighed and leaned back, closing her eyes. Joy returned after a few minutes with tea.

“You look like you feel like hell,” said Joy as she placed the mugs on the coffee table and sat next to her. “I'm emphasizing feel, because you sure don't look like it. You've gotten even prettier if that were humanly possible." She rolled her eyes. “Must be that pregnancy glow everyone speaks so highly of.”

“Thanks I guess” said Irene, still covering her eyes with a hand. “Car rides always make me nauseous now. It’s just another reason for Wendy to not let me out of the house.”

“I’m actually surprised she did. Are you still having trouble sleeping?"

“Actually, no” Irene removed her hand and turned to Joy, smiling a bit. “I've been sleeping really well the past week. I'm really glad Wendy doesn't snore. Practically everyone in my family did so when I ask them to sleep the—what?” She asked, noticing Joy's expression. “Now don’t give me that. We both agreed it's for the best since it’s more convenient and it is true we've both been sleeping better since she started sleeping next to me.”

“God I really do wonder how long you'll last,” Joy clucked her tongue, giving her a pitying look. “Does she like you back at least?”

How was Irene supposed to answer that? Sure, she caught Wendy staring a few times, but Joy didn’t need to know that. Besides, catching her staring would mean she was staring back.

“I'm sorry, I seem to remember you warning me about this...this thing with Wendy, and now you want to know when I'll accept defeat?”

“I'm just worried about you.” Joy shrugged. “If you do end up liking her and someone whisks her away, what are you going to do then?”

“What do you mean?” Irene asked confusedly.

“I'm saying Wendy is a catch and is still single even with that baby on the way. I'm sure a lot of people won't be discouraged by it.”

“Wendy won't agree to that.” Irene shook her head. She didn't know why she said it more to herself, it's not like it's her she's trying to convince. “Besides, Seulgi said it's been years since she last dated.”

“Ahh, Seulgi” Joy said the name with fake sweetness. "That girl still can't look at me properly. I mean how can you not, with a face like this?" Joy gestured to it with a hand under her chin.

“I'm surprised you managed to get in through the door with that ego.” Irene deadpanned.

“Speaking of her dear friend, why not her?”

“Why not what?” A bark of laughter burst past her lips when she realized what the other girl was implying. “You're seriously not suggesting—”

“They're best friends and that line is very easy to cross for them. It happens all the time.”

“Joy, you're more interested in Seulgi than Wendy is.” Irene snorted, but in her head she saw unwanted images of the two which weren’t difficult to imagine since they were already close to begin with.

“I could deny that but I won’t bother wasting my energy. You should try it sometime.”

“I’m not denying anything,” she said determinedly, feeling like she had the same conversation with the brunette a hundred times already. And with herself in her head. “So what’s stopping me from turning the tables in your little matchmaking game?”

“Who said anything about matchmaking? I’m not trying to set you up with her, I’m just showing you the possibilities here.”

“And I’m telling you you’re wrong. About all of it.”

“Stubborn as ever. Suit yourself, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.” She smirked.

Irene ignored her. “What’s a good name for a girl? Or do you think I should ask my mom?”

“Joy for her English name, Sooyoung for her Korean name.”

“I’ll ask my mom then.”




Irene heard the doorbell ring twice. She wasn't expecting anyone since Wendy was away on Sundays.

Irene opened the door to Wendy's familiar smiling face, but what surprised her was the large white box she was carrying. She peered over the shorter girl's shoulder and Irene saw several boxes right by Wendy's car, confusing her even more. “Wendy, what—”

After bending down to give her belly a kiss, the girl brushed past her and placed the box in the living room.

“I thought about what you said about moving in here and I think it's completely irrational to still be living away from you two when I'm needed here and I spend 90% of my time here anyway.”

“I- well yeah, and—”

“So I decided I'll be moving here in the next few days. I already packed some of my stuff, as you can see, and I'll clear out the room I've been using. I'll help with the bills and the chores and—” Wendy paused when she noticed Irene's stunned, but amused expression. Wendy bit her lip. “Am I being too spontaneous?”

“A little I guess, but nothing will surprise me anymore. I mean I have your idea of spontaneity right here,” said Irene, patting her belly. 

“Haha. Very funny.” Wendy deadpanned, stepping out of the house to get a few more boxes.

“Your daughter kicked just now! I think she agrees with me!”

“You can't take sides! You haven't even been born yet!” Wendy shouted from outside, and Irene laughed.




The drive to Kevin and Daewon’s house was fairly silent.

They both agreed to check the house for anything the couple may have wanted to give their daughter. They figured it was only right, and she will have something to remember her intended parents by.

With her family’s help, most of their furniture and belongings had been moved to different rooms in the house weeks after the accident.

“You know, I actually thought I would be a little scared, but I’m just sad,” said Wendy, letting her fingers graze the cloth-covered couch and table.

“Don’t be.” Irene smiled. “You’re doing them a favour and they couldn’t ask for a better parent to raise her.”

“Thanks,” she said sincerely.

With Irene instructing her, Wendy put whatever was left in the rooms in boxes they found in the house or simply stored them in cabinets and drawers. Irene took a few things that belonged to her brother which they planned on taking home with them. They entered the master’s bedroom last, the only room left untouched since the accident.

“Seems like they were a great couple” said Wendy, wiping dust off framed pictures on the drawers.

“They were,” Irene chuckled. “A really loud couple too. I imagine if our daughter had my personality it would probably be a lot to take in.”

“Well, she still has one loud parent to worry about.” Wendy joked.

“If I can handle you, she can too,” she snorted.

“I envy them though,” said Wendy, grabbing another frame. “Must be nice to have someone like that.”

Irene felt something in the pit of her stomach after hearing that. She was itching to ask the question. Damn you, Joy.

“So…you’ve never had someone like that?” She asked carefully, somehow dreading her response.

“Nothing as special as this, but I did. A few years ago. It didn’t work out” Wendy answered, not a hint of pain, or sadness, or anything that could give away her thoughts.

“Can I ask why?”

Wendy pursed her lips. “Hmm…I guess I realized he was settling?”

“Settling?” Irene asked curiously.

“In a way, I think we both were.” said Wendy. “With the exception of Seulgi, I think I've only had people who were just content with my presence in their lives. Like I'm someone who's just...there.”

Irene never broke her gaze as she silently urged Wendy to continue.

“If I'm going to be with someone, I want them to crave it. I want someone who'll seek me out as much as I would with them.” Wendy smiled and stared at the wooden floor. “Is that unreasonable?”

“Not at all.” Irene answered honestly.

“You don't think it's old-fashioned and cheesy?” she teased.

“Cheesy comes naturally for you and I’m the last person to judge you about being old-fashioned.” Irene grinned. “But honestly, you deserve someone like that in your life. For someone who gives as much as you do, you should find someone who'll at least care as much, if not more.”

“Thanks.” Wendy beamed at her. “But that can come later. Right now, I want to focus on her.” The other girl’s eyes went to her bump. She raised a hand and caressed the small bump then she stared back up at her. “Both of you.”

Wendy stepped away from her after noticing a doorway leading to another room and entered it, leaving Irene feeling giddy and relieved.

“I’m guessing this was supposed to be her room?” Wendy asked after Irene followed her inside.

They had finished converting the room to fit a child’s taste, with its yellow walls and various animals painted over it. It was still bare, but the shelves were filled with plushies and other toys that probably wouldn’t be appropriate for infants yet.

“As you can see, Kevin was really excited.” Irene sighed and shook her head. “Why that boy would buy toys before a crib baffles me.”

“Sounds like something I would do, actually.” Wendy chuckled, tiptoeing to grab a white rabbit plushie from one of the shelves.

“I take it you like that one?” Irene raised a brow.

“It kinda looks like you, doesn’t it?” Wendy grinned and held it up next to her face.

“Yeah, okay, you can take it home but I don’t want it near me until it has been washed at least thrice.” Irene pushed it away lightly and started coughing.

They only managed to add a few more things to their small box and Irene went back to Kevin and Daewon’s bedroom while Wendy carried the box to the car. She pulled out her brother’s office chair from his desk and dragged it to their bedside table, rummaging through its contents.

Irene saw a green journal that she recognized from when the pair still lived with her and her parents. It was their thing. They sometimes wrote on it before bed and Kevin jokingly warned her that reading it would give her nightmares for weeks, and she believed him. Normally, she wouldn’t dare read it. Not because of her twin’s warning, but out of respect for the couple. She didn’t know what urged her to flip it open to the last page with writing.

She smiled. She was glad she did.

“I suppose this will go to her when she grows older,” said Wendy after returning from the car. “Wow, that kid's gonna be loaded. She's already getting three properties from all of us.”

Irene let out a laugh and beckoned Wendy to come closer. Wendy obliged and stood next to her. Her eyes flicked from Irene to the journal.

“What do you think?" Irene asked, showing Wendy the page where names were written in blue and black ink— the last one was in her brother's familiar handwriting and was encircled with blue.

Wendy grinned. “I love it.”





It’s probably all in her head, Irene thought.

While she didn’t doubt Wendy’s excitement over their daughter especially now that she actually has a name, she couldn’t help but worry. Even for the bouncing ball of sunshine, it was possible to be too happy. Wendy took care of Irene’s every need but she did wish she would tell her whatever was troubling her and she knew there was something because her behavior the past week could only be described as suspicious. But Wendy had been nothing but considerate and the least she could do is respect her decision to keep it from her.

As if to prove a point, on the dinner table was a hot meal waiting for Irene. Wendy was already aware that Irene took naps before noon and would wake up in time for lunch.

Kind, caring, smart, talented, pretty, rich, can the girl get anymore ridiculously perfect?

After she finished eating, Irene noticed Wendy’s phone vibrating on the table. She had a habit of leaving it there. She grabbed the device and headed towards their shared bedroom.

Irene stood frozen in the doorway, hand gripping the knob tightly. Across from her, Wendy was standing near the dresser and staring at her confusedly. She was holding her discarded shirt in her hands in just her slacks and black bra, showing off her curves and toned stomach.

“I…I’m sorry, but y-your phone.”

Irene suddenly found the floor a lot more interesting as she waited for Wendy to approach and take the phone from her outstretched hand.

“Sorry about that. T-thanks,” Wendy stuttered, and Irene didn’t need to look at her to know that she would be a deep shade of red because Irene could feel the warmth of her own cheeks.

She risked a quick glance and inwardly sighed in relief when she realized that Wendy was already decent. After taking the device from her, she heard a familiar ringtone and the screen lit up. Irene could make out the word ‘Mom’ on it but Wendy quickly turned it off.

“Why won’t you answer it?” Irene asked.

“Don’t worry about it.” Wendy shook her head. “I can call her later.”

“Okay then” Irene nodded, still unsure, but she didn’t want to push the younger girl. She tried to lighten the mood instead. “I didn’t know you work out.”

“Oh god.” Wendy buried her face in her hands and laughed, acting like nothing happened.

Like she said. Suspicious.

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1700 streak #1
Chapter 15: Idkw I remembered this gem last night, so here I am re reading again
Nat25nat #2
Chapter 15: Still loving the story, still wait for the update
been years but im still waiting for the day this gets updated

for now, rereading again for the nth time
I still go back here to check from time to time if there are any updates. I hope you're doing well :)
Chapter 15: i love you and your works, author. thank you for this
Chapter 11: It was quite a long journey, finally the baby came out huhu 😭
Chapter 9: yeay, finally they kissed 🤧
Chapter 7: oww Jealousy has started to grow 😂
Chapter 3: I really need an au family like this with cute babies 😚
Chapter 15: it’s been years and this fic is still my roman empire