Chapter 6

Little Wonders

AN: You will notice that I changed someone’s name here because it felt weird using their real name. Anyway…


Things couldn’t be better. Wendy couldn’t remember the last time she had been that happy.

Every milestone, the slightest change she would notice in Irene, had her floating on cloud nine. She found herself searching for baby clothes and reading about pregnancy and babies on the internet at random hours of the day.

She kept counting down the days to Irene’s due date. Irene did tell her not to focus on it too much but she couldn’t help it. She was too excited.  

But, she knew it was too good to last. On Irene’s sixth month, Seulgi popped a question that almost made Wendy choke on her food.

“I'm- I'm not sure it's the right time,” said Wendy, downing a glass of water to stop her coughing.

“The right time was the moment you found out about Hyemi.”

Wendy whimpered. “They're gonna kill me!”

“So what's your plan? Wait till high school and say ‘Hey mom, dad, can you go to your 17-year-old granddaughter's graduation?’”  

“You’ve known them your whole life. They know everything about me. What do you think they’re going to do to me when they find out I’m about to have a child let alone me becoming a donor months ago?” Wendy asked, her eyes twitching.

“Well considering I’m your best friend who just goes along with everything you’ve done in your life and I still want to strangle you for not telling me, we’re looking at your sister becoming an only child here.” Seulgi smiled.

“That’s not funny.”

“Kidding, but you’ll still get hell for it. I do know your parents and they’re never going to let you forget.”

Help me” Wendy said desperately.

“They’ll be upset but you have to deal with it. Even my dad’s more upset than I was when he found out. I swear that man must think he’s the one becoming a grandfather or something. Anyway, the only way to fix it is to call them. Besides, your mom and dad call me every other day since you won't answer and I'm running out of excuses to tell them.”

“I'm busy at work!”

“Are you kidding me?”

“Okay fine, that's useless.”

Seulgi sighed and walked towards Wendy. “You. Need. To. Go.” She shook Wendy by the shoulders at each word. “If I wasn't scared, I might even come along to watch his reaction when he learns his kid got a girl pregnant.” Wendy stood up to grab her, but Seulgi backed away, cackling madly. “God, he probably never thought he'd hear those words since he only has daughters.”





“What do you think about this?” Wendy held up a baby blue onesie that was hanging at the top and peered over her shoulder. Irene immediately looked up and gave her a cheeky smile. “I—were you staring at my ?”

“And if I was?”

“I think I liked it better when you were shy.” Wendy shook her head and Irene let out a melodious laugh.

They moved to another aisle and Wendy browsed through the beddings and blankets eagerly.

“Wendy, when I agreed to come with you to look at baby things, I thought it was clear we wouldn’t be buying things for another month.”

Wendy’s gaze went to the almost full basket she was holding filled with clothes for Hyemi and maternity clothes for Irene and she hid it behind her. “But you’re already in your second trimester! And you do need more clothes. We could have even started months ago, if I knew. We should start preparing.”

“Like the minivan?” Irene raised a brow and Wendy pursed her lips, remembering how she went home with one last week after she said she was going out to buy milk.

“Okay, this will be the last basket for today, but I want to buy a stroller. Deal?” Irene sighed and nodded, and Wendy practically ran to the other end of the baby store where the strollers were.

“Look, look!” Wendy squealed when Irene managed to catch up with her. She pointed at a purple standard stroller.

“This is nice.” Irene smiled and Wendy knew it was only because of the colour. Irene then noticed the umbrella attached to it. “What on earth?”

“Look at this one too.” Wendy grabbed the handle of the stroller next to it. “It can be detached from the frame and it will be a car seat. I think that would be more convenient.”

A woman wearing an ID approached them with a smile on her face. “First time parents?”

“Yes.” Wendy beamed excitedly. She felt Irene nudge her. “What?”

“Would you like me to assist you and your wife?” The saleswoman asked Irene.

Oh. That's why.

“We’re not—” The woman stared at her curiously but Wendy wasn’t in the mood to explain. She just wanted a damn stroller. “Nevermind, yes please.”

“Alright. We have different types, as you can see. The standard single stroller, and you already know this one.” The woman pointed to the car seat carrier stroller. “You can also choose if you want a rear-facing or front-facing one.”

“I don’t know…it’s so hard to choose. And they all look so pretty.” Wendy pouted. “This one’s really cute too.”

“Wendy, we’re not having twins.” Irene steered the girl away from the red double stroller, making the woman chuckle.

“Well you can always get it when you decide to have another baby after this one.”

Wendy’s face flushed. She should have just explained.

Her phone started buzzing in her pocket and she took it out, reading the text.


Tell her now, you idiot.


Wendy swiftly put it back in her pocket while Irene was still talking to the woman and had her back turned.

In the end they went with a purple car seat stroller with a reversible seat. The woman then suggested that they also look at rockers, and Wendy’s eyes lit up. Irene had to drag her to the counter by her collar.

“Oh no you don’t.  Let’s go before you end up buying diapers too.”

They reached the counter and Wendy was about to take her wallet out of her bag, but Irene beat her to it, waving her card in front of her.

“This one’s on me and the next few trips too.”


“Wendy, you just bought a minivan.”

“Fine.” Wendy grumbled.




Wendy would like to say that Irene is the perfect type of pregnant woman, but she would be lying.

Irene didn’t really have terrible mood swings. She was never angry or miserable, she didn’t have to deal with a sobbing, hysterical mess, and Wendy was truly thankful for that.

But Irene had really weird cravings. Sometimes disgustingly weird.

Who dips whole pickles in ketchup with crushed peanuts and tuna flakes? Kimchi and cereal? (Thank god she ate it separately) A fruit salad at 3 AM with 15 different fruits? Wendy even recalled a time when she asked for honey-glazed chicken drizzled with chocolate and raspberry sauce, and after she was done preparing it, she pushed it away and said she doesn’t eat chicken.

But that was nothing. What Wendy considered was the biggest problem is that Irene became very clingy.

Irene has already claimed both of her hands permanently and would be upset if she wasn’t holding one in hers when they were walking or even just sitting next to each and that was fine with her, but how was she supposed to sleep at night when her arm was wrapped around Irene with the older girl unconsciously keeping it there with her firm grip? It was driving her nuts.

She once woke up to Irene’s warm breath tickling her neck and she briefly considered sleeping on the floor.

Wendy sighed and stared at Irene’s belly; the other girl still slumbering peacefully.

“Please come out soon.”






“But Irene…”

The metal doors opened and Wendy breathed a sigh of relief as Irene loosened her grip on her hand.

“Sorry, elevators make me nauseous” Irene started pulling Wendy with her as she walked down the long hallway.

“I know,” said Wendy, mouth twisted into something between a smile and a grimace of pain. “I hope Seulgi’s already there so she can distract Yeri’s sisters.”

Wendy recalled the first time she met Yeri’s siblings when they visited the girl’s apartment weeks ago. Three hyper kids is not the way Wendy wanted to go.

“So you intend to offer her as a sacrifice? What a nice friend you are.” Irene teased with a grin, stopping in front of the door.

“Seulgi may be bad with babies, but she’s really fun. Trust me. Those kids will definitely like her better.”  

Not even ten seconds had passed since they pressed the doorbell and the door swung open, revealing three girls of different heights in identical dresses. They came out screaming, nearly knocking Wendy flat with a bone crushing hug.

“Wendy!” They squealed in unison.

“Girls, let her breathe.” Irene chuckled and Wendy could barely nod her head in agreement because she was already feeling lightheaded.

“Good, you’re here.” They heard Seulgi’s voice from inside.

The landscaper opened the door fully and Wendy cracked up at the girl’s disheveled appearance, her hair sticking out in every direction. She looked worn out.

Seulgi eyed the three girls still attached to Wendy’s legs and hips and she managed a small, victorious smile. “Your turn.”

She left them there, with the five still outside. Wendy finally noticed the girls’ outfits.

“Are you going somewhere?”

“No, silly.” The oldest giggled.

You’re here—”

“For your—”

“Baby shower!”


The three girls ushered them inside and Wendy and Irene immediately heard shouts of “Surprise!” from their friends and Yeri’s family, confetti falling on their heads.

“What is the meaning of this!?” Irene exclaimed, eyes wide with a hand over her chest.

“Well Wendy told Seulgi you went out shopping the other day,” Yeri explained.

“Seulgi told us and it gave us an idea so we started planning this.” Joy grinned devilishly.  “That’s exactly the face we wanted to see.”

“Smile!” Seulgi appeared in front of them with her Polaroid camera and snapped a photo.

Wendy was sure they both looked like a deer caught in the headlights.

“I am so happy for you two!” Mrs. Kim approached them from the kitchen and engulfed them in a tight hug. “What is her name again?”

“Hyemi.” They both answered with a smile after the woman released them from her embrace.

“Such a beautiful name.” Mrs. Kim remarked. “Now is she a Shon or a Bae?”

They discussed it in the past, even before they gave her a name.

“We thought it would be best for her to have Kevin’s surname,” Wendy began. “That way she’ll have a part of him with her and she’ll have the same surname as Irene.”

“I see. How far along are you, Irene?”

“About 25 weeks.”

“How wonderful!” Mrs. Kim’s face glowed and she clasped her hands together excitedly. “Oh these months will be the best for you. Try and enjoy it before you reach the third trimester. It’s going to be a little rough, especially for your first time.” She chuckled.

She felt Irene stiffen next to her but Wendy just smiled and reached for her hand to give it a reassuring squeeze, even though she was scared to death herself.

She scanned the apartment and saw balloons and banners decorating the place. On the table, she saw cupcakes and a two-layered cake. She would have thanked their friends, but Yeri was busy texting on the couch and Seulgi and Joy seemed like they were bickering about something. What a weird way to flirt.

Wendy played with the Kim sisters while Mrs. Kim finished preparing lunch by herself. (The woman practically kicked her out of the kitchen when she offered to help.)

Irene stared with a smile. “You’re really good with kids.”

“So I’ve been told.” Wendy grinned just before the youngest covered her head with a blanket. She heard Irene laugh and pulled it off of her.

“Behave, kids.”

“Can we listen to the baby?”

“Can we? Can we?”


“Alright.” Irene gave in, not strong enough to resist three puppy dog pouts. “Be careful though.”

The three scrambled to sit around Irene and pressed their ears to her bump. Wendy watched the scene, finding it both amusing and endearing. A wave of affection rushed through her.

After they finished eating and all questions had been answered, they started giving their gifts.

Seulgi gave Hyemi a rocker and Joy gave her five sets of onesies in different colours with matching hats and mittens.  (Wendy was chuckling when she saw one that said ‘I love my mommies’ until she saw the small rainbow.) Yeri gave them animal hooded towels and a photo album, while Yeri’s mom’s gifts were more for Irene. She also gave them a book for first time mothers. Yeri’s sisters gave them toys and Seulgi’s and Joy’s parents also sent gifts. Irene’s family also sent gifts from Korea.

No one really wanted to discuss the elephant in the room and it made Wendy uneasy. She actually expected Mrs. Kim to ask, but the woman kept mum about it.

“Do you think you’ll have more kids?” She asked instead, making Yeri snicker.

Wendy wondered how the 18 year old explained Hyemi’s conception to her mother. If she even bothered to, that is.

“We don’t know yet. Cause you know, we are still single.” Wendy emphasized the word with a nervous laugh, shooting each of their friends a dirty look.

“Of course, of course, I’m sorry.” Mrs. Kim laughed. “I’m just so happy. I can’t wait to have my first grandchild.”

“You can wait next year and I’ll give you one right away if you want.” Yeri shrugged, and Mrs. Kim pulled her by the ear.

“You little—”

“Isn’t it just heartwarming thinking about grandparents and grandchildren?” said Seulgi, the sudden question unmistakably directed at Wendy. She warned her with a pointed stare, and Seulgi responded with a grin.

“Oh but I really do think it’s a different feeling learning about your first grandchild.” Mrs. Kim let out a deep sigh. “It would be so nice.”

Guilt trickled through Wendy as she thought of her entire year so far.

“But enough about that.” Mrs. Kim smiled. “So Irene, are you planning on taking pregnancy classes soon?”

“A pr— what?”

“Childbirth classes.” Irene whispered to her, and Wendy’s eyes widened.

Out of boredom, Wendy had watched some of those videos in her youth and already knew what to expect. Those classes also meant the start of Irene’s third trimester and Wendy wasn’t looking forward to it.

She took it back. Hyemi doesn’t have to come sooner, no matter how much Wendy wanted to meet her.




Breathe. She whispered to herself.

She must have been staring at her phone on the desk for nearly an hour, trembling in her chair.

If it was up to her, she’d rather face a group of hoodlums or a hungry tiger. But no, she should face her problems like a responsible, self-respecting adult.

“Mommy” she whimpered. 

Crap, she can’t even run to her because it’s them she’s running away from. Why did it have to be so difficult?

“Clock’s ticking, Wendy.” She heard from behind her, followed by a crunch.

Seulgi was sitting on a stool a few feet away from her, holding a can of Pringles. How can she just eat when Wendy’s about to lose it?

“If you’re not going to help, I’m kicking you out.”

“Want me to get Irene? I’m sure she can still go up the stairs.” Seulgi smirked.

“Sit!” Seulgi placed the can on a table instead and stood up, walking towards Wendy. “What are you doing? I said sit!” She held up a hand in front of her to block the taller girl, but Seulgi ducked and grabbed the phone from the desk. She gasped in horror. “NO!”

Seulgi started tapping on the screen and Wendy wrapped her arms around her best friend, faking sobbing noises.

“Have mercy!”

“You’ll thank me for this later.” The phone started ringing and Seulgi tossed it at Wendy who managed to catch it with her fast reflexes. Wendy stared at it like it was a bomb.

“Answer.” Seulgi crossed her arms, and Wendy shakily held it up to her ear with a gulp.

“Hello? Dad...I—”

“Oh, dad? Is that you Seungyeon? Did you change your number?” It felt weird hearing her father’s voice again after a long time.

“Dad no, it's Wendy.”

“Oh my, do I know a Wendy? Honey, do we have a daughter named Wendy?” Wendy heard his muffled voice towards the end.

“Dad, be serious.” She sighed.

“I'm not sure I have a daughter who doesn't call or answer calls for two months and just sends a lousy 'I'm fine, how are you' every three days. I did have a daughter who used to call or send texts the length of a novel almost everyday, but I think she got abducted and never came back.”

“Alright, I'm sorry, okay. Really really sorry. I didn't mean to do that to you guys, I was just going through something and I need to explain something to yo—

“Oh no you don't. I don't want to hear anything from you unless you say it directly. Unless you're dying, so tell me now if that's the case. But if it isn't, then come visit me and your mom, who, by the way, has been worried sick about you.”


“You're not dying then? Good. We'll be expecting you tomorrow. I know you won't be busy since Seulgi told me you're practically a bum these days anyway. Goodbye.”

“No, Dad, wait! Dad? Dad? Crap!”

Wendy growled at her phone and she threw it on the bed in frustration. She rubbed her temples and glowered at Seulgi who was still munching happily.

“I take it it went well?” She grinned.

“You are truly a horrible person.”

“Am I? You’re the one who’s been keeping the existence of their first grandchild from your parents.”

Now, Wendy was flooded with guilt.

“Like I said, truly a horrible person.”




Wendy took a few careful steps towards the living room where Irene was resting. She had a beautiful serene smile on her face as she read the book Mrs. Kim gave her. Too bad it’ll be gone in a minute.

Irene looked up, finally noticing her presence. “Come sit next to me and read this with me.” She patted the empty space on the couch next to her.

“We have to talk first.” She grinned nervously. After explaining, Irene’s confused expression changed to shock, and was quickly replaced by a scowl. “If it’s any consolation my dad will kill me anyway.”


Double update as an apology for being late. (Although it’s not that long) I promise the next update will be posted a lot faster. I hope you’re still enjoying this fic. Hyemi is an OC and not any idol with the same name, sorry. As always, thanks for all the upvotes, comments and for subscribing! 

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1700 streak #1
Chapter 15: Idkw I remembered this gem last night, so here I am re reading again
Nat25nat #2
Chapter 15: Still loving the story, still wait for the update
been years but im still waiting for the day this gets updated

for now, rereading again for the nth time
I still go back here to check from time to time if there are any updates. I hope you're doing well :)
Chapter 15: i love you and your works, author. thank you for this
Chapter 11: It was quite a long journey, finally the baby came out huhu 😭
Chapter 9: yeay, finally they kissed 🤧
Chapter 7: oww Jealousy has started to grow 😂
Chapter 3: I really need an au family like this with cute babies 😚
Chapter 15: it’s been years and this fic is still my roman empire