Chapter 3

Little Wonders

In hindsight, Irene probably should have given it more thought.

She was 28 and already at a right age to marry and have kids, but that didn’t mean she ought to have kids for other people, while she was still single and have not been in a proper relationship in years.

Moreover, she probably should have listened to her brother when he laughed at her face and called her mad for offering to be a surrogate when they were looking for one.

It wasn’t Irene’s fault she didn’t trust most people, especially strangers. After reading all of those shady stories on newspapers and the internet, it was difficult for Irene not to worry, so she took a year off from her teaching job and let herself carry the baby.

Her mother also thought she was crazy and her twin brother still thought it was the funniest thing he has ever heard and witnessed in his life, but Irene could see how grateful he was in his eyes, and that was enough for her. Besides, it was also funny to see him get jealous over his husband fussing over her more during the pregnancy.

It was expected, but Joy’s reaction was the worst.

The first week after she made her decision, the young guidance counselor spent it by calling her every single word synonymous to being a lunatic and sent her numerous links to photos and videos of pregnant women and the difficulties they faced during the pregnancy. Her favourite was the childbirth videos. Irene almost changed her mind at that one. Almost.

Irene sighed and stared at a family photo hanging on one of the walls of her living room.

More than anything else, she was sad Kevin and Daewon never had a chance to be fathers. She thought Daewon especially, suited being a father the most.

Irene found herself comparing him to Wendy, who had replaced him in the process of their daughter’s conception.

If she really thought about it, Irene couldn’t find a better mother. She exuded warmth like no person she has ever met before, and that was only from their first meeting. She was extremely thoughtful and sensitive, and Irene couldn’t believe she was already making conclusions about her when it’s only been a day. She had so many qualities Irene would look for in a partner herself.

Not to mention, she was incredibly attractive too.

Irene blushed at the thought, remembering how Wendy had stared at her with those dark orbs when she thought she wasn’t looking. Irene had realized later that day just how beautiful she was when they were already more comfortable with each other and Wendy kept talking animatedly. Her expressions were a joy to watch.

Irene also guessed that Kevin was shallow enough to not allow someone who he thought wasn’t as attractive as how he thought Daewon was, or at least have some similar features for that matter, be their donor.

She recalled Kevin gushing about how perfect their mysterious donor was, and after meeting her, Irene now understood why and felt like gushing about her herself.

Joy is probably the wrong person to do that to though.

“You’re insane.”

Irene gave a tight-lipped smile, already numb to the word after hearing it every other day for about 5 months now, and counting.

Joy asked to see her at their favourite café/bakeshop after her meeting with Wendy, unaware she met her. (Because Irene didn’t feel like hearing a two-hour speech about why she shouldn’t)

“She’s the biological mom, Joy, and the contract states— “

“So you’re both moms, whoop-dee-doo, but you said it yourself, she just did it out of the goodness of her heart so why bother tying yourself to a complete stranger when you can do this on your own?”

“You really think I can? You want to deal with me in the last few months of my pregnancy, when I give birth, and after?” Irene smiled grimly, and Joy was silenced for a few moments after that.

“Okay so you do have a point, but then again, I did tell you not to do it, about a hundred times I may add— “

“I believe it was 108.”

“Quiet, don’t interrupt me. Where was I? Oh yes, a hundred times that this was a bad idea from the start. Don’t forget I also showed you an article about what would follow should this particular situation happen to you.”

Irene didn’t forget. Joy was very thorough, but she had already made up her mind. And once Irene Bae decides to do something, nothing can stop her. She was usually proud of that fact, but not at the moment, since it’s the root of her problems.

She didn’t need enough reminding, either. She was reminded of it every morning when she woke and it’s becoming more and more distracting as the days passed. It’s not like it wasn’t hard for Irene physically and emotionally. It took a few weeks to think of the baby she was carrying as her own and deal with the loss of her brother and another family member.

“I can’t believe this girl convinced you to trust her after a day and we’re talking about the you who’s in this mess in the first place because she didn’t trust other people to carry a baby for her brother for 9 months.”

“It’s hard not to. She really seems like a genuinely nice person. You have to meet her and you’ll see what I’m— what?” Irene stopped when she noticed Joy giving her a pointed look.

“Don’t think I missed all those ‘cute’ and ‘charming’ parts in your description of her.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Irene feigned ignorance.

“Do you know how messed up it is to fall for your dead brother’s egg donor who’s also the mother of the child you’re carrying?” Joy asked with a raised brow. “Never mind the fact that it will eventually look natural should you succeed.”

“Succeed at what? I don’t like her like that.” Irene said firmly. “I just think that she has plenty of great qualities and it’ll be good to know what the other half of my kid will be like.”

“So this is going to be a purely platonic relationship where you have mutual love for a child who will consider both of you parents? Sure, that’s not gonna be weird at all. That’ll be really easy to explain at parent-teacher conferences, and you’re not even divorced. Or married. Oh yeah, about that—”

“For the last time, nothing’s going to happen. We barely know each other right now anyway.”

Irene started rubbing her belly unconsciously. She decided it is for the best that she did not fall for Wendy. Scratch that, Irene was determined not to fall for Wendy. Besides, she likes her enough to want to keep her in her life, even as a friend. It would also be good for the child if things weren’t complicated between her parents.

She just hoped Wendy will make it easy for her.


Three days after their last meeting, Wendy invited her for brunch with Seulgi. Irene spent the past few days talking to Wendy, so she was already comfortable around her. Seulgi, on the other hand, was still a stranger.

"I'm usually awkward with new people." Irene whispered anxiously.

Wendy smiled and patted her on the shoulder. "You'll be fine, it's just Seulgi. Probably the most harmless person you'll ever meet. Come on, it's not like you haven’t met before anyway."

With that, Wendy dragged her to the corner of the street where Seulgi was waiting for them, hands tucked in the pockets of her coat with a tiny scowl on her face.

"I thought you'd never get here!" Seulgi complained when they reached her. Her eyes went from Wendy to Irene and her expression immediately changed to a more cheerful one. "Hey! Nice seeing you again." The taller girl held out a hand which she shook reluctantly.


Seulgi continued to stare at her with that bright grin on her face. It was slightly unnerving.

Wendy reached forward to hit Seulgi's arm. "Don't scare the poor girl, you idiot. Why are you waiting for us out here anyway? It's freezing!"

"Really?" Seulgi rubbed the spot Wendy hit. "I think it's a bit warmer than yesterday."

"I know you have like ten layers of skin but we don't. Move." Wendy grabbed Seulgi and started pushing her until they were inside the restaurant. Irene watched the two, finding their relationship quite entertaining.  

After being led to a table, Wendy pulled her chair out for her and Irene smiled at her in appreciation. She hated to admit it, but she was getting used to being taken care of by the younger girl and she liked it. She caught the glint in Seulgi’s eye just before she gave her an innocent grin and faced the waiter.

“Alright, so I’ll have a cup of coffee first while I’m still deciding. Her too.” Seulgi pointed at Wendy. “Irene?”

“Oh, I can’t drink coffee.” “She can’t drink coffee.” They said at the same time.

Wendy blushed and lowered her head shyly.  Irene smiled in amusement.

“Yes, I can’t drink caffeine.”

“Right.” Seulgi snapped her fingers and laughed. “Pregnant. Forgot about that. So, juice, milk…uhh… water? Water then? ” Irene nodded. “Okay, she’ll just have water, thanks.” Seulgi told the waiter, then turned her attention back to Irene. “Wow, that must be hard. I really can’t live without coffee.”

Irene shook her head. “It’s fine for me, I don’t really drink coffee anyway.”

“Really?” Wendy exclaimed. “Hmm, noted.”

Irene giggled at Wendy bobbing her head as if she could see her mentally writing it down.

"I'm really glad you could join us for brunch." Seulgi beamed at her. "I know we didn't talk much the last time we met, but then again, last time we met Wendy was about to move to Mexico to get away from you."

"I didn't say that!" said Wendy indignantly, though she looked like she had thought of it.

 “I’m also glad I’ll get a chance to redeem myself. You must think I’m really weird and rude for popping out of nowhere and dropping this on Wendy like that.”

“Nonsense.” Seulgi snorted. “If anything you just made her life a hundred times more interesting than it has been in the last five years in just one day. The stalking part was awesome.”

“Oh God, you told her.” Irene looked at Wendy before burying her face in her hands.

“No, I was telling her I felt like someone was stalking me and she figured it out on her own after our first meeting. I just confirmed it.” Wendy chuckled, taking their orders from the waiter.

“You really have nothing to worry about. Wendy hasn’t shut up about you since you two met and from what she’s been telling me— Oww!” Seulgi cried out, her hand reaching for something under the table. She shot Wendy a dirty look, but the other girl just smiled innocently.

“Anyway, it really is amazing that you did this for your brother,” said Seulgi. “I mean Wendy becoming a donor was shocking and apparently very easy to hide” Seulgi glared at Wendy, and Wendy avoided her gaze. “But you had to leave your old life completely for this. What exactly did you do before all of this anyway? Oh wait sorry, is that too personal?”

“Not at all,” Irene waved a hand at her as she took a sip from her glass. Wendy also stared at her curiously since the topic surprisingly never came up in the few conversations they’ve had. “I’m a teacher.”

“Oh, cool.” Wendy commented. “What do you teach?”

“You didn’t know?” The taller girl asked with wide eyes.

“Shut up, we talked about other stuff, okay?”

“Like what? Doesn’t that come up when you’re getting to know someone?”

“Social studies.” She interrupted the two bickering friends. It worked, and the two focused on her once more. She inwardly sighed in relief.

“So you just left your job like that?” Seulgi asked.

“Pretty much, yeah.” Irene nodded.

“Wow,” said the landscaper. “The nicest thing my brother ever did for me is buy me food.”

Irene let out an awkward chuckle and Wendy shook her head.

“Hey, so what are you two planning on doing now? Like, how are you going to handle this pregnancy thing? Are you going to live together?”

Irene and Wendy froze. Now that was a topic that did come up, but they weren’t sure at the time how to answer it and they still weren’t sure now.

“We don’t know yet, we still have to talk about it mo— “

“Actually,” Wendy cut in. “I think I’ll be uncomfortable leaving you alone now.”

Irene looked at her in surprise. “What?”

“Maybe I’ll visit you a few nights, or you stay at my place. Then if we get used it to it, we’ll decide what to do?” Wendy stared at her, waiting for her approval. “I don’t know, I just don’t like the idea of you not being around someone. You told me you lived alone, so,”

Irene pursed her lips in thought. “Hmm…alright then.” Irene smiled at her. “We’ll see how it goes.”

The thought of spending the night with Wendy made her uneasy, but it was not an entirely unpleasant thought. She actually looked forward to coming home with someone for once, even if they had to be a room apart.

“Great, glad that’s settled.” Seulgi grinned at the two. “Who’s ready to order? I’m starving.”


Wendy had been hesitant when Irene asked if they could walk down the street so she can stretch her legs, but she insisted that it wasn’t as cold as it had been hours before. Wendy clarified that that wasn’t the only reason, but Irene simply walked in front of her gracefully, as if showing she was fine.

“You know it still amazes me that you decided to become a donor just like that.” Irene told Wendy sincerely. She heard her sigh.

"I read an article about how hard it is to find donors, and honestly, I didn't even know if I would have a family of my own or not, so I thought I could help someone else inste—" Irene couldn't help but let out a tiny giggle, which stops Wendy. "I- is that weird?"

Irene nodded, still grinning. "It would be for others, yes, but honestly it just makes you so much more interesting to me."

Wendy's eyes widened and she stiffened, but Irene shook her head and placed her hands on her shoulders. "No, no, don't take it the wrong way. I're still so young and you're already thinking of things like that, and you don't even have any ulterior motives. I don't think I've met anyone quite like you."

Irene hoped that her smile and her words were genuine enough for Wendy to relax. She'd hate to think she offended the girl, especially when her fondness for her was growing more and more with each passing day. She was relieved when Wendy returned the smile shyly.

"That's nice to hear I guess. I’m pretty sure everyone who finds out will think I’m crazy."

“I know that feeling.” Irene sighed, thinking of Joy and her family.

“I can’t do anything about it though. I mean it’s not something people just do.”

Irene pondered on the thought for a minute. "Well it is true I don't often see donors as young as you. I mean they're often 35 or older who dedicate their lives to helping people, going on and on about the joys of life. If they are as young as you, it's usually for cash."

She didn't know how to react to Wendy's horrified expression.

"Aren't you not allowed to—"

Irene grinned. "Wendy, they don't usually follow that. There's like a way to get around it."

"Oh." The shorter girl pursed her lips. "Well I didn't—"

"I know." She snorted. "You look like you're pretty well-off, and I'm betting you are, so you're basically a saint in my eyes right now."

"Is that a good thing?"

"Of course it's a good thing, how can that even be a bad thing?" Irene laughed.

“You do realize you’re the real saint here?”

“I wouldn’t do this for a total stranger.” She patted her belly lightly.

When they reached the corner, Irene finally noticed their clasped hands and dropped Wendy's.

"I— Sorry, it's kind of a habit." Irene confessed, completely flustered.

Wendy smiled and grabbed her hand, her fingers intertwining with hers.

"I don't mind."


It was already late when Wendy drove her to her house. Before Irene could finish unbuckling, Wendy had already stepped out of the car to go over to her side and open the door. Irene narrowed her eyes at her playfully, but Wendy just smiled at her smugly, hand outstretched. She sighed and took it, allowing herself to be lifted from the passenger’s seat.

Irene saw Wendy staring and she realized that it’s her first time seeing her home. She recalled taking a cab back to her house on the day they met even though Wendy offered to drive her.

“So,” Wendy began after walking her to her doorstep. “This is goodnight, then?”

“I guess so.” Irene smiled.

“Okay.” Wendy nodded, but a few moments passed and neither moved an inch. When Wendy turned to leave, Irene reached for her arm.

“Would you like to come in?” Irene asked, biting her lip.

“Why, do you want me to stay the night already?” Wendy asked in a teasing tone before chuckling.

“Would that be so bad?” Irene asked, half-playful and half-serious.

Wendy tilted her head adorably, staring at her front door.  “Should I?”

Irene shrugged. “It’s already late, it’s a 40-minute drive to your house, we’re both tired, and I have some unused clothes you can wear. It doesn’t hurt to start now, right?”

“A lot of good points there.” Wendy showed a toothy grin.

Irene shook her head with a smile and took her keys from her bag. Once they were inside, Wendy walked slowly, admiring the well-decorated room.

Several paintings hung on the walls, along with framed photographs of her family. There was enough furniture to make it cozy, but not too much to make it cramped. The house itself was mostly painted a plain cream colour. She liked to keep things simple.

“Your house is really nice.” Wendy commented, and Irene thanked her politely.

The younger girl’s presence felt strange to Irene who couldn’t remember the last time she had someone who wasn’t a relative or Joy and Yeri come over. It was even lonelier since the accident, though it was partly her fault for declining Joy’s offer to live with her.

“Do you want anything?” Irene asked as she tried to arrange some of her things on the coffee table which wasn’t even messy to begin with.

“I’m good, thanks” said Wendy, stopping in front of one family photo that she had hanging on the wall.

Irene approached her from behind and watched Wendy stare at it curiously.

“Your parents?” Wendy asked, letting her know that she was aware she’s there.

“Yeah.” Irene smiled at the photo. “This used to be their house when they moved from South Korea but they decided to go back with my little sister a few years ago to live with my grandmother.”

Wendy nodded and smiled. “You look a lot like your mom. She’s very pretty.”

Irene’s face flushed at her words, but Wendy didn’t seem to notice what she just said. “T-thanks.”

“I guess there’s a chance our daughter will look like that too, huh?” Wendy grinned.

“Or she might look like you.” I hope she does. Irene wanted to say, but managed to control herself. Her hand went to her stomach instinctively.

Wendy smiled wistfully, as if picturing it. She sighed and went back to staring at the photo. “Kevin would have been a great dad,” said Wendy. “I never got to know him that well but he was a really nice guy. Daewon too. I’m just hoping I’ll become a parent who’ll be as good as they would have been.”

“The way you take care of people, there’s no way you won’t be.” Irene assured her, hoping Wendy believed her words as much as she did.

“Thank you, that really means a lot,” said Wendy softly, her eyes boring into her own. “I’ve been scared out of my mind since I found out.”

“You actually seem calm most of the time, but you do have your moments I guess. I mean I see you panicking sometimes when you let your imagination run wild and you start making these weird faces—”

Stop” Wendy pouted, eliciting a laugh from her.

 “I’m serious though, you’ll be fine. I’m the one who should be worried here.” Irene snorted.

“What are you talking about? You’ll be a great mom! The best mom!”

Irene laughed again, watching Wendy’s very expressive eyes widen as she spoke.

“Okay, okay, why don’t we just agree we’ll try to be the best moms for her, hmm?”

Wendy beamed at her.  “Sounds good.”

“That’s settled then.” Irene smirked. “Come with me, I’ll give you some clothes to change into.”

“Lead the way.”

After giving Wendy her spare clothes, Irene sat in the living room, drinking a glass of warm milk as she waited for Wendy to finish freshening up in the bathroom.

Wendy returned after a few minutes, holding a towel in her hand. Irene tried to ignore how good she looked even in just a plain black shirt and a pair of shorts.

“I saw a few more frames in the hallway. I hope you don’t mind that I looked at them. So you were a kindergarten teacher too?”

Irene nodded with a smile. “For two years.” She sighed and leaned back on the couch. “I actually miss teaching kids.”

Wendy chuckled. “Well we’ll soon have one you’ll be teaching forever.”

 “I don’t mind that at all.” Irene let out a laugh.

“I’ll be helping you a lot, don’t worry.” Wendy smirked, continuing to pat her face dry with the towel.

“Of course you will, and I expect you to be around all the time since Seulgi tells me you’re a bum.”

“That girl has a messed up definition of the word ‘bum’. I go to work some days of the week and I’m doing just fine. Just because I’m at home most of the time, doesn’t mean I bum around.”

“What exactly do you do? I know you told me you own a store.”

“I bake.”

Irene was about to ask for more details, but she suddenly let out a loud yelp, holding her stomach.

Wendy dropped the towel and was immediately by her side on the floor. “What’s wrong!? Does it hurt anywhere!? Do we need to call someone!? Are you— “

Irene wordlessly held her hand in hers. Wendy looked worried and confused, but allowed Irene to guide it to her stomach. She heard her gasp as soon as she felt it.

“That was— That…oh my God.”

Irene giggled as she watched Wendy’s expression change from confusion to amazement and finally joy.

“That’s incredible.” Wendy jumped a little when she felt it again, now laughing happily.

Irene smiled at the sight fondly and continued to watch, focusing on Wendy’s reactions and the warmth of her hand on her stomach, her hands still covering hers.

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1700 streak #1
Chapter 15: Idkw I remembered this gem last night, so here I am re reading again
Nat25nat #2
Chapter 15: Still loving the story, still wait for the update
been years but im still waiting for the day this gets updated

for now, rereading again for the nth time
I still go back here to check from time to time if there are any updates. I hope you're doing well :)
Chapter 15: i love you and your works, author. thank you for this
Chapter 11: It was quite a long journey, finally the baby came out huhu 😭
Chapter 9: yeay, finally they kissed 🤧
Chapter 7: oww Jealousy has started to grow 😂
Chapter 3: I really need an au family like this with cute babies 😚
Chapter 15: it’s been years and this fic is still my roman empire