Chapter IV: The Sister

Dance Of The Shadows
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I haven't had time to say anything when suddenly Yongmi hugged me tightly while sobbing silently. After receiving her messages—after eating the lunch Yongsun had prepared for me, I asked permission to go out to visit a friend, and I was obviously lying. Yongmi asked me not to tell anyone, including Yongsun, her own and only sister. I pulled my body to check the state of the little skinny girl in front of me. Her face was pale, her eyes glazed over, and her lips looked dry, not to mention the added bags under her eyes that looked a little swollen. I watched her closely, wondering in silence what had happened to her. That was definitely not about Yongsun's birthday surprise. That girl really needed help.


"Yongmi-ah, what's going on here?"
"You didn't tell—" She sighed. She tried the hardest to calm herself down. "You didn't tell Yong-unnie, right?"
"I didn't." I shook my head.
"Thank you. She should not know this."
"She should not know what?"
"Unnie. I'm—"


I was so clueless. I stared at her blankly, trying to find that answer. I saw how Yongmi's body shook violently, and how she tried to hold all the weight. I thought she needed a more comfortable position, so I asked her to sit on the sofa while I went to the pantry to make a cup of hot tea to calm her down. My mind was a mess. As usual, my brain tried to give me several possibilities that could happen to that young girl, but I was the one who dismissed all of that. I returned to the living room to give her a cup of tea and sat beside her to provide the support she needed.


"Whose place is this?"
"It belongs to a friend. I think I need to stay here for a while."
"And Yong really don't know that you're here in Seoul?"
"No." She shook her head with such a faint smile. "She hasn't replied to my birthday message. You must kept her occupied all night long?" She joked aside that we smiled bitterly. The girl was in a big trouble and I could sense that. "Now she just replied it."
"I came here after finished the lunch she prepared for me."
"What did she cook for you?"
"Yukgaejang? With some buchujeon."
"Oh, all the effort? She loves you. I can guarantee that."
"She told me that."
"Wait. Did you two finally—" She closed . "Chukkaeyo. I'm so happy for you two. And I couldn't be any happier for her to finally found someone who loves her, and takes care of her. Just like you. After everything, she deserves somebody like you."


After everything? What did she mean? As much as I was curious about that sentence, I looked back at the glazed eyes that radiated sadness, so I didn't have the heart to be selfish. I shook off my curiosity and saved it for another time, maybe later on a more convenient occasion. Yongmi hugged my arm from the side and leaned her head slowly. She hugged me tight enough and for a few seconds again sobbing though almost silently.


"My boyfriend just ditched me."
"What happened?"
"I'm pregnant. It's been two weeks."


My jaw dropped as her sobs getting louder. It felt like my body was no longer connected to my mind. The bad feeling I felt during my trip to reach Yongmi's place was answered already with the information that she just told me earlier. I tried to calm myself down—that was clearly the very first time something like this has happened to me, and somehow Yongmi chose me to tell all of this. I was definitely not the right person to help her hide all this from Yongsun—not that I can hide it and lie to Yongsun. I'm really bad at that, especially with the fact that Yongsun is my girlfriend. We stared at each other when we finally reached our peace and started to talk again.



"How is he ditching you like this?"
"Let's just not talk about that for now, unnie."
"Where is he? Where does he live? Somebody should punch him in the face, Mi-ah."
"Unnie, help me to hide it all from Yong-unnie."
"Why? She must feel upset, but she will support you. She's your sister."
"She went through hell you won't understand. Now that you make her happy, I just don't want to ruin it."
"Yongmi-ah." I whined. "You're such a stonehead. Just like your sister."
"It runs in our blood, I guess?" She smiled faintly. "Promise me?"
"But will you finally tell her?"
"I will find time."
"Promise me?"
"I do. But promise me you won't tell her."
"I promised." I said. "Wait. You don't think to do—"
"I don't know."



I bit my tongue. I knew it wasn't my place to say anything about the decision so I remained silent. As much as I respect her, I believe no decision should be made at that time. Everything was like it's coming from the oven. There were a lot of things inside my head. Will it be the right decision to hide it all from Yong? But maybe Yongmi's right. She needs some time to be able to tell Yong everything. I had no idea where do I start it all, so I kept on shutting my mouth.

I opened my phone and typed a name in my contact book. Amy Lee. She is someone I have known since childhood, my old neighbor in Jeonju who works as an obstetrician. I obviously didn't know what Yongmi was up to, but I wanted to guarantee her health, and the baby she's carrying, at least until she finally ready to tell Yongsun about everything, and so do I. I sent Amy-unnie a short message to meet and hope she would help me.


"Did you ever feel like, you're not loved? That you're always being shadowed?"
"What do you mean?"
"Ah. I'm sorry." She took a deep breath. "This damages me so bad, after all."


She was started to feel crumbled, and I knew how it feels. The phase...

"I was quite a heartless myself. Somebody that I loved left me for someone else, and I didn't think I could ever be in love again. Beside, it was a young love and I was so dumb for him." I felt like it would help her, so I told her my story. She glanced at me and was being so serious listening. "Then I met your sister. She changed my life, and it's a better one."
"Yeah. Him." I replied. "Yongsun is my first girlfriend."
"I'm happy for you." She stared at me with her watery eyes. "Yong-unnie told me how you take care of her, pay attention to even the smallest details, and that you're being so patient for her. She loves you, that I know. But now I can see that you love her as much."
"And it applies for everyone. There'll be somebody for everybody."
"Even for me?"
"You're no exception, I believe." I patted her shoulder. "Now, relax. Okay?"
"I don't think so. I don't deserve—"
"Yongmi? What's the matter?"
"Can I just hug you?"


She hugged me tightly, burying her head in my chest. I her back, trying to give her an extra boost so she could calm herself down after the shocking revelation of her pregnancy. Several minutes passed and she no longer spoke. I glanced at the girl in my arms, and she was fast asleep. I exhaled heavily, trying to think clearly when I received a call from Yongsun.


"Hey." I actually felt so awkward with the position.
"Baby. You're still at Hyejin's place?"
"Yes. Why? Miss me already?" I joked a little, hoping that'd help to cover.
"Of course I miss my girlfriend who just left three hours ago."

We laughed. I missed her so much suddenly.

"Actually, how about a Sunday morning stroll tommorow? I feel like bringing Yongkeey outside."
"Sure. We can bring him to a park." I suggested. "But I don't think masternim Ggomo will want to follow."
"She's still at the vet. Remember?"
"Ah right. Too bad." She added. "Is he okay now?"
"He's recovering from the diarrhea. Don't worry." Slowly, I felt a movement from Yongmi who was still hugging me tightly. "Yong. I think I should hang up now." The girl woke up and right when she wanted to open , I covered it with my palm. "I need to help Hyejin with something. I'll pick you up tommorow morning, okay?"
"Sure. Send my hug to Hyejin."
"I will."
"Okay. I love you. Bye."
"I love you. Bye."


Yongmi rubbed her eyes a few times while yawning, and then stared at me mutely. I still haven't decided what was the best step to do, but I also thought that staying around Yongmi and monitor everything was the most reasonable option I could choose. Yongsun would find out, and by that time, I will need to explain it. I thought about starting the preparations: Yongsun is a stubborn person, but her heart is so soft. The first thing that will occur was how she would desperately blame herself for everything that happened to Yongmi. Regardless, and it's clearly something I would not let happen.







Almost two months passed since Yongmi and I visited Amy Lee unnie, the obstetrician. I insisted her to come and make sure that both her and the baby condition were in a good state. Her womb was healthy and Yongmi's condition was also good, although Amy unnie told me that Yongmi should be given a special attention, especially by those closest to her. Postscripts were provided as an option fo

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Remember, everything is only Whee’s pov… yet.


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weird-salad #1
Chapter 17: Update please, can’t wait for the next chapter 🙏
Knightlym #2
Chapter 17: Ahhhhhh WE KNOW WHY !!!! I had a small hunch that Yongmi might be involved with the separation and the whole marriage situation. Thank you for this chapter !! I am looking forward to the next one 🤩
Chapter 16: Just read this story. I was surprised when moonbyul came into this at one point and now I feel a bit sad =( I wish that wheein would have give yong the benefit of the doubt and let her explain and so on but did not. Now there will be another broken heart (maybe one that was shattered will break even more).

Still I am excited for what you have in mind for us =) And keep the chapters coming ;) =)
Chapter 15: Finally an update! Please more updates!!😄
Knightlym #5
Chapter 15: Just catch up the two last chapters ! Wow Yong is back ! I wonder what will happen now. I am sad about Byul and Wheein cause they are cute but Wheesun is THE ship 😭 ahhhh authornim ! I am looking forward to the next chapter !!
Idotbae #6
Chapter 15: Wheein is for moonbyul
vitawheeiny #7
Chapter 15: Finally they met again. Why im so nervous
Chapter 15: Please don’t leave me hanging like this. I’m screaming. They met again? 🥹🥹🥹
Chapter 13: Her adoration to Moonbyul is cute, but we all know who owns her heart though. Poor girl still dreaming of her ex girlfriend. I have an impression that Wheein regret the breakup?? Wondering what’s going on with Yongsun?
Chapter 13: I’m still waiting for Yongsun’s pov and a happy Wheesun ending, but I don’t want Moonbyul to get hurt when/if Yongsun comes back :(
I’m hoping Wheebyul don’t fall too much for each other just in case 😂
I’m really curious to read Yongsun’s pov and