Chapter VI: The Past

Dance Of The Shadows
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Mingyu still sat silently with his hands supporting his head, and gripping his hair quite tightly. He stared straight ahead blankly. I just put a pitcher of water and poured it into two glasses, which I gave to Yongsun and Mingyu. Thirty minutes earlier, Yongsun had told him everything, and contrary to what he had expected, Mingyu really didn't seem to know anything. He didn't know about Yongmi's pregnancy, let alone about the miscarriage. From his eyes, I could tell how broken his heart was at that time, and it was definitely not something he faked.



"Noona. I love her so much. I would never do that." He smiled faintly. "No words can be able to explain how broken my heart is right now to hear everything from you. I just keep on questioning why she has to run away from me like this? Keeping all this from me?"
"This is absurd."
"Yong noona. Actually—"
"My father asked me to run the business and I have to move to Singapore next year and will probably stay there for several years." He sighed. "I told Yongmi about the plan and actually think to propose her, asking if she's ready. I mean, we can get engaged first and she can either continue the study or do things that she likes after the marriage, but she changed after. I was wondering if she's scared of the idea."


This doesn't make any sense. If Yongmi's really pregnant of Mingyu's child, then why did she run away when the man was actually planned to propose her? Why would she be so depressed over thing? And the most important part is that, why would she keep it all from Mingyu? I couldn't stop the noise inside my head. There were too many unsolved questions. I glanced at Yongsun who seemed to be surprised of the confession.


"It feels like she's ignoring me. Now that you told me everything, I can't hide the confusion in me."
"You want to marry her?" Yongsun was dumbfounded, and same.
"Of course." He stared with those watery eyes. "She's the love of my life, noona."
"But why—I'm sorry, but I'm so confused right now."
"Can I meet her?"
"Not now." Yongsun shook her head. "Definetely not now."
"I understand. I will come again when the time's right, and I hope you'd help me."
"Mingyu, I'm sorry."


The ice wall had fallen. Yongsun's tears rolled down her cheeks without being able to stop them. I could see her tiredness and how I hated that I couldn't hug her freely there. Apart from Yongmi, Yongsun wasn't very open about our relationship yet, and of course it wasn't the right time for that. I tried to gently rub her back, looked into her eyes closely, reassuring her that everything would be fine. On the other hand, I agreed that everyone involved in this matter really needed a break. Everyone neded that time to breathe a little.



"She's in Jeju. She's taking some time to heal."
"I'm pretty sure she'll be fine." He smiled. "I'll give her that time until she's ready."
"Thank you."
"But noona, please let me know if something happens. I need to know. I'm begging."
"Okay. I will."
"Thank you so much, noona. Thank you."
"So, you're staying in Seoul while waiting?"
"I think it's better that way."
"If you say so."
"Also, noona. Actually, I thought you're reuniting with Daniel hyung? I heard he flew to Seoul last month and from what I heard, he was visiting her girlfriend. I haven't met him since—anyway, did you two—"



Daniel? Who? Visiting a girlfriend? I was trying to keep up. Yongsun, on the other hand, seemed quite taken aback by the question. I could somehow hear how her breathing stops for a few seconds and her eyes widen. Mingyu stared at Yongsun in silence and even though he seemed to catch the possibility that he had just asked a question that was not according to the mood at the time, he seemed to be confused by the reaction the older woman in front of him had.


"Noona. I'm sorry. Did I ask you wrong?"
"Nevermind. No, I haven't met him since that day."
"I'm sorry. I really am."
"Well, anyway. I will let you know the update then."
"Of course." He nodded. "Thank you, Yong noona."
"I'm sorry for all the bad thoughts I had in you. Surely we'll be verifying things when Yongmi's condition get better." Yongsun said. "And if you lie—"
"I don't. And I will not." He determined.



*** ***



Two weeks have passed since the day Mingyu came and told us everything from his perspective. And afterwards, Yongsun told me about a man named Daniel Wang, the one she had dated for several years and how it was possible that Mingyu had been misinformed since they were clearly not together anymore. Even though that didn't answer the strange reaction she showed, I decided not to ask further considering that Yongsun's mental state was as bad as Yongmi's at the moment. During those weeks, I was busy working on several campaigns and three days ago Yongsun decided to visit Yongmi in Jeju and left her activities for a while. I let her go and have her own time, the time that maybe even I really needed it.



"I feel sorry for him though. Dabin oppa is actually a good man."
"And?" I teased the woman in front of me after a full spoon of warm tofu miso.
"I just can't, Whee."
"Cause he's too good to be true?"
"No such thing like that."
"Let me tell you one thing."
"Yes, grandma?"
"Yah." I chuckled. "At least try, Jin-ah. It's also the same story with the woman you met earlier?"
"Well I was trying to see if I could feel something."
"And in conclusion, you're straight?"
"Not gonna make a conclusion like that."
"Or you basically dislike human."
"That's more like it."
"Stay single. It's also fine."
"But I want affection."
"Go have a pet."
"Sure?! I hate Ggomo from taking all the love from you and maybe I should have one?"
"And I hate Yongsun as well." She laughed. "Kidding. Anyway, how is she?"


I took a deep breath after that one question. How is Yongsun? She's doing well? She made a call in the morning after her yoga session and told how much she missed my scent. But is it really the proper answer? My mind was in a chaos. I stirred my spoon slowly and a bit in a rage while thinking out loud what really happened to shake me that much. The fact about Yongsun's ex-boyfriend shouldn't be an issue for me—not with the fact that I also have one, the one who spent years dating me. But to think about the reaction Yongsun showed, the shock on her face, everything made me think that there were more facts about them that I needed to dig up.


"Stop thinking too much."
"I didn't say anything."
"Yeah. And that's why."
"Stop reading mind."
"It's all over your face. Duh."


Hyejin put the spoon aside and stared at me deeply.


"Is it about her ex-boyfriend, Daniel Wang?"
"I don't think I should be

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Remember, everything is only Whee’s pov… yet.


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weird-salad #1
Chapter 17: Update please, can’t wait for the next chapter 🙏
Knightlym #2
Chapter 17: Ahhhhhh WE KNOW WHY !!!! I had a small hunch that Yongmi might be involved with the separation and the whole marriage situation. Thank you for this chapter !! I am looking forward to the next one 🤩
Chapter 16: Just read this story. I was surprised when moonbyul came into this at one point and now I feel a bit sad =( I wish that wheein would have give yong the benefit of the doubt and let her explain and so on but did not. Now there will be another broken heart (maybe one that was shattered will break even more).

Still I am excited for what you have in mind for us =) And keep the chapters coming ;) =)
Chapter 15: Finally an update! Please more updates!!😄
Knightlym #5
Chapter 15: Just catch up the two last chapters ! Wow Yong is back ! I wonder what will happen now. I am sad about Byul and Wheein cause they are cute but Wheesun is THE ship 😭 ahhhh authornim ! I am looking forward to the next chapter !!
Idotbae #6
Chapter 15: Wheein is for moonbyul
vitawheeiny #7
Chapter 15: Finally they met again. Why im so nervous
Chapter 15: Please don’t leave me hanging like this. I’m screaming. They met again? 🥹🥹🥹
Chapter 13: Her adoration to Moonbyul is cute, but we all know who owns her heart though. Poor girl still dreaming of her ex girlfriend. I have an impression that Wheein regret the breakup?? Wondering what’s going on with Yongsun?
Chapter 13: I’m still waiting for Yongsun’s pov and a happy Wheesun ending, but I don’t want Moonbyul to get hurt when/if Yongsun comes back :(
I’m hoping Wheebyul don’t fall too much for each other just in case 😂
I’m really curious to read Yongsun’s pov and