Official Mates

The Girl and The Wolf III: Soul Mate
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Yoon Mi Rae: Touch Love


Six pairs of eyes watched the famished wolf boy eat fervently. He was grabbing everything nearby and stuffing his mouth eagerly as if he had starved for a month or two. He was eating so fast that he was practically inhaling his brunch.

“The miracle of mating.” Kris muttered under his breath while shaking his head. He got up and went to refill his mug with coffee.

Chen raised a questioning eyebrow with an expression of both awe and concern. “How can you stuff your face with all that food? Last night, you were dying.”

“But that was before they got it on.” Tao sent Danji a wicked smile. She blushed and stared straight down at her plate of waffles and strawberries. This was her first meal today, and considering how long she had gone without food, she was pretty ravenous also. She just had weird butterflies floating in her stomach that prevented her from taking in any food. Not to mention, her body felt strangely sore.

Danji felt someone staring at her. She looked up and saw Xiumin staring at her neck. Her neck covered with hickeys, or what Luhan liked to call them: “love bites”.

Danji slapped a hand over her neck as flush crept up her neck. “W-what are you looking at?”

Xiumin grew embarrassed. “Nothing.”

“He was staring at your love bites,” Tao snickered, earning a glare from Xiumin.

Danji wanted to crawl under the table and die. It was so mortifying that everyone at the table knew what Danji and Luhan had done last night. As soon as they walked in through the door hand-in-hand with Luhan completely healed without even one scar on him, the wolves knew what had restored him to health.


Danji’s theory had been right after all. Mating had caused his imprisoned powers to be unleashed.

Now, Luhan was able to heal his own wounds at the spot. He had become invincible in the end.

“Slow down, will you?” Chen shook his head. “Are you eating that?” Luhan pointed to his plate.

“No. I lost my appetite after I saw you engulf your waffles like some undomesticated pig,” Chen muttered.

Luhan shrugged and took his plate. He started to “engulf” Chen’s unfinished waffles as well.

Chen snapped his head around and glared at Danji. “What the hell did you do to him?! Did you turn him into a hog?!”

“I didn’t do anything.” Danji mumbled as she poked her waffles.

“Leave her alone. And I think it’s nice that Luhan is eating a lot. He probably needs to refuel after going through so much. He almost died last night.” Lay pushed his plate towards Luhan. “Here, Luhan. You can have my waffles, too.”

Tao raised an eyebrow. “Ge almost died, huh?” He grinned slyly and wiggled his eyebrows. “You were that good, huh, mei-mei?”

Danji turned a darker shade of pink. Tao yelped as he earned a smack on the back of his head.

“What they did last night isn’t any of your business, so quit teasing her.” Kris chided as he sat back down.

Danji threw him a grateful smile

. Chen leaned back in his chair. “So…you’re really completely healed? Your stomach wound is mended for good?”

Luhan nodded. “Yeah. It’s like I never got hurt.”

“You look great,” Lay beamed.

“I feel great. Better than before, in fact.” Luhan looked up and flashed Danji a smile across the table. She blushed but smiled back.

“Whoa, whoa. Let’s not just mate anywhere now.” Tao held out his hands. Danji grew embarrassed all over again.

“Shut up and eat before I eat your food, too.” Luhan devoured the strawberries and poured syrup over Lay’s pancakes. “You eat, too, Danji. You need to replenish after last night.”

“Luhan!” Danji squealed.

“Yeah, mei-mei. You must be so weak after what Luhan ge put you through last night.” Tao doubled over with laughter.

“Tao!” Danji complained.

“Enough about their life, okay? Sheesh. I need to go clean my ears now.” Kris got up and left the table.

“So, ge,” Tao sat up straight with a smile. “Can you really heal yourself now?”

“Yeah, I can heal myself within an hour,” Luhan answered.

“Whoa. That’s awesome. Can we try that out now?” Tao held up a fork with an evil grin.

“You do that, and I will personally stab you with a fork myself. And you won’t be able to heal yourself either, like I can.” Luhan sent him a look.

Tao pouted and lowered the fork. “You’re no fun.” 

“Will your power enhance as time goes along?” Lay asked.

"I’m hoping I can heal bigger injuries in shorter amounts of time. For that,” Luhan grinned at Danji with a wink. “I’ll need your help.”

She got up at once. “I’m done!” Danji grabbed her plate and rushed into the kitchen. She heard the hormone-riddled boys laughing in the dining room.

Danji shook her head with a sigh as she dumped the uneaten food in the garbage bag and placed the empty dish in the sink. She went into the living room and saw Kris lounging on the couch.

Danji sat next to him. “What are you doing?”

“Reading the news.” Kris turned to the next page. He stopped reading and looked at her. “Why do you look so down? Shouldn’t you be thrilled?”

“Huh?” Danji blinked in confusion.

Kris folded the newspaper and placed it on top of the coffee table. He settled back and looked at her. “You and Luhan are official mates now.”

“Oh. Yeah.” She started to smile.

“Congratulations. You finally sealed the deal,” Kris chuckled.

“Yeah,” Danji sighed. Frankly, she was glad she had gotten that over with. For one, Luhan was able to survive. And two, they were actually official mates now, which meant they were in a committed relationship. No one, even Kai (she was sorry to say), would be able to break them away now. They would be joined eternally for the rest of their lives.

The thought sent a warm shiver down her spine. It felt amazing to know the one person she loved the most would always be with her.

“How does it feel to be Luhan’s official mate?” Kris inquired.

“It feels…” A slow smile spread on her face. “Nice.”

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747 streak #1
Chapter 42: This was such a great series, thank you so much for sharing Luhan and Danji’s story with us.
Osekop12 #2
Congrats on the feature!!
rereading ♡
Omg love all 3 stories. Well written. So happy Tao gound his mate. Would love a sequel for the rest of the guys.
0000111- #5
cant wait to read this
Jongin! ???
chanelangel #8
Congrats in the feature!
Chapter 2: I’m crying because poor Jongin ㅠㅠ
1112 streak #10
Congrats on getting featured!