Complicated Relationships

The Girl and The Wolf III: Soul Mate
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Elliot Yamin: Wait for you

Alen's version of Wait for you


Day by day, the relationship between Alen and Danji progressed. They were growing closer, just like old times.

For Alen, it was living in a déjà vu. It was obvious that he had become a lot happier. s could tell the difference right away. He had life in his eyes that he had never had in a long time, and it was all because of Danji.

As for Danji, she had no more luck with friends, but she always had Alen, so she was never lonely. There was something unexplainable about him. Being around him…made her feel at peace. She felt secure and safe. There was nothing she had to be afraid of if she was with him.

After eating Chinese food, Danji and Alen went to the one campus café to get cold drinks.

“I’ll have an orange mango smoothie, please,” She ordered.

“And for you?” The employee gave him a flirty look. There was no doubt that she thought Alen was handsome.

Alen didn’t bat an eyelash. “Iced coffee with milk.” His eyes shifted to Danji, and his lips curled upwards in warmth.

The employee rang up the drinks. Danji took out her wallet, but as always, Alen was one step ahead of her.

“I have money! You already paid for lunch, oppa!” Danji complained as she waved some bills in the air.

“You can pay next time.” Alen said calmly.

“Like you would let me.” Danji sulked. She stood up straighter as she thoughtfully looked up in the air. “Now thinking about it, you always pay for me. You’ve been paying for me ever since we had our first lunch together.” I feel like I’m being a burden. I don’t know if he’s paying for me without a choice or because he really wants to. Concerned lines formed on her forehead.

“I’m paying for you because I want to.” Alen responded out loud.

Danji looked up, startled. How did he know I was thinking that?!

“It’s okay, Danji. Just let me treat you. It’s the least I can do…” *For erasing your memories and leaving you behind.* “For being your sunbae.” Alen gave her an affable smile that made her relax.

“Okay. Thank you. One day, I’ll treat you though,” Danji promised. Alen smiled and nodded.

They grabbed their drinks and headed back to the art department. Laughing and talking, they went up the stairs. He opened the door for her, and she thanked him as she entered. They were about to go up another staircase, but Alen felt Danji stop. He looked back and saw her gaze fixated on the music rooms. I haven’t heard that piano music in a long time. Is he not coming to play anymore? It’s a pity, since his music is beautiful.

*She’s talking about me. She wants to hear me play.* Alen softened. “Danji.” He called softly.

“Hmm?” She snapped out of her daze and looked up at him.

“Come with me.” Alen went down the steps and headed down the hallway.

“Where are we going?” Danji asked curiously as she trailed after him. He opened the last room at the end of the hall. It was the exact, same room she had seen the piano player in. Alen set his backpack on top of the grand piano and opened the lid to reveal the keyboard. Danji looked around the room. “Is it okay to be in here?”

Alen wordlessly sat down and placed his fingers over the keyboard. After taking a deep breath, he began to play. When Danji heard the beautiful music playing, she recognized it in a heartbeat. Eyes wide, she stared at Alen.

How did he know this music? Her heartbeat quickened, and she could not take her eyes away from him. His long fingers smoothly drifted over the piano keys. Danji studied him closely for the first time. He had milky skin with piercings on both ears. He had a chiseled jaw line with light brown hair.

Oh my god. That was him. The piano player I saw before…was Alen.

She was speechless.

Alen finished the song and looked up at her.

“It was you…” Danji whispered. “You were the one playing the piano in here on the first day of school.”

Alen nodded in acknowledgement.

“Wow…” She blinked in surprise. Is this fate or coincidence? *It’s definitely fate.* He replied in his mind.

“Wait…how did you know I saw you?” Danji asked, puzzled. She remembered staying as quiet as a mouse and unnoticeably leaving afterwards. “I saw your reflection.” Alen nodded at the mirror across the room. “Oh.” It was a plausible explanation, so she didn’t refute. “I never knew you could play piano.” Danji said softly.

*You don’t know a lot of things about me yet.* Alen just smiled.

“You play beautifully.” She complimented admirably.

“Thank you. Do you want to hear another song?” Alen asked.

Danji nodded eagerly with a keen smile. “If you’re okay, that is…”

*I would never stop playing music for you. If you want me to go on forever, I will.* Alen placed his fingers over the piano keys once again. This time, he also sang. He looked up at her as he sang the lyrics that were from the bottom of his heart.

“So baby I will wait for you, cause I don’t know what else I can do.

Don’t tell me I ran out of time, if it takes the rest of my life.

Baby I will wait for you. If you think I’m fine it just ain’t true.

I really need you in my life.

No matter what I have to do, I’ll wait for you.”

Her expression softened, and she melted at the touching song. When he was done, she applauded with a glowing smile. “That was wonderful. You should have become a music player. Your skills are a waste.”

“Thank you for the compliment.” Alen laughed lightly.

“Do you think…you can teach me sometime?” Danji timidly traced her fingertip over the black piano key. “I always wanted to learn how to play. I mean, I did learn, but that was only for a short while before I came to Malhwa.”

Alen studied her expression as he read the sad, unspoken story of her past. “Sure, I’d love to teach you, Danji.” He accepted with a placating smile. She smiled back and rested her arms on top of the piano. “So…where did you live before you came to Malhwa?” Alen asked. He knew the answer fully well, but he was trying to open up a conversation about her grandfather.

“I lived in Seoul. When I was five years old, I moved to Malhwa to live with my grandfather,” Danji replied.

“Do you still live with your grandfather?” Alen cautiously asked.

Danji dropped her gaze as she swallowed hard. “Not anymore. He…passed away.”

“How?” Alen whispered. *How did the man I most respect in the world pass away?*

Grief was embedded in her eyes. Coyotes.

She had said the word so vividly in her mind that he became mind-blown. He panicked for a second.

Did she know his identity? Did she remember what he was? Did she realize he could read minds?

Then Alen realized there was more.

Those vicious coyotes killed my grandfather. They tore him apart without mercy and left him there to die. I never want to face another coyote again. They’re the most vile, heartless creatures out there, and I don’t want to be hurt by them again.

Her thoughts shocked him, but most of all, he was stunned and hurt. *What have these coyotes done to you? What sin has my kind done against you?* Anger stirred his heart, and his eyes flashed gold briefly.

“I need to go to my art photography class now,” Danji announced.

Alen snapped out of his antipathy, and his eyes turned brown again.

“Okay,” He nodded. “I’ll see you later.” She nodded, waved, and left the room.

He had heard one pack name in her mind. Bangtan Boys.

As the prince and her Other Half, he couldn’t just stand by. Alen would have to find them and demand an explanation.


Deep into the night, a certain captain of a coyote pack was sitting on a rocky cliff that overlooked the peaceful streaming river in Damyang. It was one of those nights where he could not fall asleep. *It’s been over 500 days since I’ve seen her, my Other Half, my baby girl, my…Danji.* Jin looked up at the crescent moon with longing.

All the memories of Danji flooded back to him so fast that his heart became bruised by the impact.

Jin put a hand over his chest and flinched slightly. He could still remember etching her into his heart like it had been yesterday. He recalled the first vow he had made as captain of the Bangtan Boys.

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Thank you so much for the congratulation messages, everyone! I'm really happy that this story is featured! Enjoy reading it ^^


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747 streak #1
Chapter 42: This was such a great series, thank you so much for sharing Luhan and Danji’s story with us.
Osekop12 #2
Congrats on the feature!!
rereading ♡
Omg love all 3 stories. Well written. So happy Tao gound his mate. Would love a sequel for the rest of the guys.
0000111- #5
cant wait to read this
Jongin! ???
chanelangel #8
Congrats in the feature!
Chapter 2: I’m crying because poor Jongin ㅠㅠ
1112 streak #10
Congrats on getting featured!