Believe Me

The Girl and The Wolf III: Soul Mate
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M4M: When You Leave Me


Danji looked out the window with a melancholy sigh. The bumpy bus ride to school felt like a ride to the dentist trip. She dreaded going.

How was she supposed to face Alen after what had happened yesterday? *He’s a coyote. He knew about the other side of my life, and I feel like such a fool. Am I even supposed to meet up with him anymore?*

Danji rested her forehead against the cool window and remembered Luhan’s warning this morning.


Danji tied her hair into a ponytail and came into the living room. Wangzi spotted her and immediately ambled over. Danji picked him up and cradled him tenderly against her chest. “Good morning, Wangzi.” She murmured lovingly and his soft, white fur. After feeding him, she went to find her own breakfast.

Danji popped toast into the toaster and tapped her fingers on the counter as she waited. When the toast popped up, she put one in and poured a glass of milk. Abruptly, the door flung open, and Luhan was in her kitchen. He looked her up and down and asked, “Going somewhere?”

“I have school.” Danji stated.

“Nuh-uh. You’re not going to school. You’re not going anywhere that demon is.” Luhan shook his head.

Danji rested her weight on one leg with her hip jutted out as she gave him a look. “I can’t just skip school. This is only the second day.”

“Didn’t you hear everything I told you yesterday?!” He asked. “I did.” She said calmly. “Alen oppa may be a wolf.”

“Not may be. He is a coyote. And he’s fooled you all this time.” Luhan stated. Danji kept silent. She couldn’t argue against the fact. The question was, why had he fooled her from the beginning? Somewhere deep inside her, she knew he wasn’t the kind of person to purposely trick her for a scheming reason.

Danji looked at the clock on the wall. “The bus is coming. I have to go.” She went to her bedroom to grab her school supplies. Luhan followed her to the bedroom.

“Are you serious? After all I’ve told you, you’re still going to go to school?”

Danji sighed and threw up her hands in exasperation. “Then what do you want me to do? Stay home? That’s not an option, Luhan. I have other classes that I’m committed to. I can’t play hooky like high school. You know that’s not me.” She stuffed her books into her bag and grew frustrated when all of them wouldn’t fit in there.

Luhan watched her struggle and softened with pity. He started to feel bad for bringing her into his world. He would always feel guilty whenever she was suffering because of what he was. Luhan walked over and gently pried her hands away from the bag. Her hands fell limply by her sides. Luhan turned her body to face him and squeezed her hands. “I’m sorry. I took my anger out on you. But I only want to protect you. Alen is a coyote…and I know you’ve been traumatized in the past because of coyotes. I don’t want him, or anything else for that matter, to hurt you.” He curled her hair behind her ear as he intently searched her face. “You’re my mate, and I won’t let anything or anyone hurt you.”

Danji softened. Her irritation dissolved immediately. “I’ll be fine. I won’t get hurt. I just want to go to school.”

Luhan nodded as he swallowed his pride down. “Fine. I won’t stop you. I know how studious you are.”

“Thank you.” Danji whispered appreciatively.

“You’re welcome.” Luhan murmured. He cupped the back of her neck, drew her near, and softly kissed her. Her eyes closed as their bodies melted together. Luhan drew back and searched her eyes. “Just remember not to get close to him. Don’t trust him. He’s a coyote, and they’re known for being distrustful. Be on your guard, and if you’re in trouble, call me.”

“I will.” Danji nodded.

“Be careful.” Luhan cautioned one more time.

“Okay.” Danji promised.

Danji closed her eyes and sighed softly. Today was going to be a long day.


The morning passed by quickly. Too quickly, in fact.

Before Danji knew it, it was time for ceramics. With each step she took, her heart pounded.

Danji paused by the door to the classroom. At the last second, her courage ran away, and she was left alone by the lion’s den.

Danji whirled around and pressed her back against the wall. She swallowed hard and wrapped her fingers around the leather strap of her bag. *Am I even supposed to be here? I’m going to see him for sure, unless he isn’t here today, which would mean that Luhan was ultimately right.* Her eyes shut as an impending pang hit her chest. She didn’t like the idea of Alen not being here. That would mean that he had really used her all along, so he had been too ashamed to come to school. *Maybe I should just go home. I should skip class. I shouldn’t have come here like Luhan had warned.* Her heart rate quickened, and she couldn’t breathe anymore.

Danji put a hand against her chest and took a deep breath to calm her nerves. Her courage seeped back into her, and she boldly squared her shoulders. *No. There’s no reason for me to cut class and jeopardize my grade. I’ll go in. If I see him…I’ll figure it out. But if he’s not…that might make things easier, but it certainly won’t make me feel better.*

Danji took another deep breath before taking a daring step into the classroom.

“Good afternoon, Danji.” The professor greeted.

“G-Good afternoon.” She stammered and bowed clumsily. Her eyes remained on the floor as she hastened to her seat.

Danji didn’t dare look up as she put her apron on and got her tools ready.

“Good morning, class. Shall we begin?” The professor asked. “Yes.” The students chorused.

Danji dared a glimpse to the front of the class. Her eyes scanned the room, but there was no sign of Alen anywhere.

He was not anywhere to be seen. He had not come.

Her heart crashed in disappointment, and for a second, blackness swept across her mind. *He didn’t come. He must have really only used me.* The professor gave a short lecture, which Danji could not fully pay attention to.

When the professor was done speaking, the class was able to begin creating their animal mugs.

Danji already knew what she was going to do. She was going to create a giraffe mug with the giraffe’s neck as the handle. Although she had her plan laid out, she couldn’t move or think clearly. Everything was moving sluggishly. The cold reality that her first friend had been a fraud hurt her. Numbly, Danji took the slab of clay in front of her and ripped it apart. With her m

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747 streak #1
Chapter 42: This was such a great series, thank you so much for sharing Luhan and Danji’s story with us.
Osekop12 #2
Congrats on the feature!!
rereading ♡
Omg love all 3 stories. Well written. So happy Tao gound his mate. Would love a sequel for the rest of the guys.
0000111- #5
cant wait to read this
Jongin! ???
chanelangel #8
Congrats in the feature!
Chapter 2: I’m crying because poor Jongin ㅠㅠ
1112 streak #10
Congrats on getting featured!