Wounded Alpha

The Girl and The Wolf III: Soul Mate
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Master's Sun OST: Painful Memory instrumental


“Kris! Come on!” Holly dashed through the forest.

Kris automatically ran after her. She looked back and laughed freely. There was no other celestial angel for him. She was the epitome of beauty.

Kris noticed that she was getting farther and farther away from him. Concern washed over him, and anxiety rushed through his veins. “Holly, wait. Slow down.”

“Hurry up, you slowpoke!” She laughed and waved at him.

Kris reached out, but she was running too fast. He tried to speed up and lost sight of her. Kris skidded to a stop and turned 360 degrees in search of his mate. “Holly? HOLLY! Where are you?! HOLLY!”


“HOLLY!” Kris shot up in bed as he took in a big gulp of air. His face was wet, and he realized the drops of liquid on his face were his own sweat. He looked around his bedroom and exhaled deeply. The bedside beside him was empty. Years ago, it had been filled. But then years ago, she had been alive.

*It was a dream. It was only a dream.*

Kris pressed his palm against his forehead and shut his eyes for ten seconds. When he opened his eyes, he was calm but empty. Kris put a hand over the void in his chest.

*Get a hold of yourself. Holly is dead.*

Kris looked up at the calendar to see that it was the 25th of December. It would be another Christmas without Holly.

Kris sighed, yanked the blanket off of him, and stood up. He shuffled to the window and dragged the curtain away from the window. Light filled up the room, and the scenery was covered in white. Kris rubbed his eyes and went to take a cold shower to wake up.


Hours passed. Now, the entire cabin was awake. Danji had come, and the Christmas celebration had started to take place. Everyone was having a jolly time inside.

Kris stood alone on the patio though. He was still disoriented from last night’s dream. He had been visited by Holly many times in his dreams, and yet, it was hard to shake awake from this one. It had felt so real. Yet, he knew in his heart, that dream would be anything but real. *Damn.* Kris closed his eyes with his clasped hands against his forehead. *I’m starting to lose hope again. I’m becoming weak.*

Before he could really lose his mind, an angelic voice called him back to earth.

“Kris oppa.”

His eyes snapped open, and he looked back. Danji walked up to him. “What are you doing out here alone? Everyone is waiting for you to open presents.”

“I…” Kris looked away, speechless. How was he supposed to explain such complicated feelings to her? He wanted to vent to someone, but he had no idea how.

Kris just shut his mouth and stood there rigidly with his fists gripped tightly. Danji examined his ashen face that was filled with tension. “Is something wrong?” She asked carefully. “You look…upset.”

*Upset doesn’t even describe it.* “No, nothing’s wrong. I’m fine.” He forced himself to say.

“Okay then…come on. Let’s go inside.” Danji touched his enclosed fist. At her touch, his grip relaxed a little.

“Come on.” Danji coaxed gently. She slipped her hand into his and led him inside. Kris sighed in surrender. They went into the living room where everyone was sitting in a circle.

“Finally you’re here! Now can we open presents?” Tao asked.

“Yes.” Lay nodded. Everyone began tearing apart the boxes.

This year, Danji had gotten everyone authentic leather bracelets with their names engraved on them.

As always, Danji received exquisite gifts from the pack. Kris had gotten her an ipad with the excuse that the Macbook he had given her for her birthday was too heavy to take to school. Lay had gotten her a USB memory key with actual Swarovski crystals. Xiumin gave her a diamond watch, and Chen had prepared a famous Pandora bracelet. Everyone stared at Tao’s gift suspiciously.

“If it’s pepper spray, boxing gloves, or a wu shu stick, I’ll personally beat you with this candy cane here.” Chen menacingly waved the striped candy in the air.

Tao rolled his eyes. “It’s not any of that. I actually got her something ‘normal’. Boring, but normal.”

Danji opened the box and beamed happily. “Ugg boots! Thank you, Tao! I love them!” Tao grinned and blew her a kiss.

“Where’s your gift, ge?” Tao asked.

“I’ll give it to her when the mood is right and none of you are around to ruin the atmosphere.” Luhan confirmed. Tao pouted. “You make us sound like party poopers.”

“Because you are. Not me. You.” Chen pointed at him. Tao tried to bite his finger off.

“Let’s go ice skating.” Xiumin suggested out of nowhere.

“I agree with that!” Danji cheerfully raised her arm in the air. “I can use the skates Chen got me last Christmas.” Chen tried to hide a rather large grin on his face.

“All in favor of ice skating, say ‘Danji is mine’.” Xiumin grinned.

“Hey!” Luhan protested.

“Danji is mine.” Everyone chanted with a grin.

“Idiots! Shut up!” Luhan snarled.

Danji chuckled. “I’ll go with Tao back to my house to get my ice skates.” Tao beamed. “She chose me.”

Luhan rolled his eyes. “Only because you’re easy.”

Tao stuck his tongue. “Doesn’t change the fact that she still chose me over you.” Luhan glowered at him.

Before a fight could break out, Danji steered Tao towards the door. “We’ll see you at the ice rink!” Together, they went to her cabin. He waited by the doorway while she dug through her closet for her skates. She finally found them stored away safely in a box and brought them out. Tao and Danji headed towards the frozen lake.

“So what did you get Luhan ge for Christmas?” He asked curiously. “Something special.” She smiled mysteriously.

“I want to know! Tell me!” Tao poked her side, causing her to burst into laughter. “I won’t tell him! I promise!” He swore.

“I don’t know…you kind of have a light mouth, Tao.” Danji teased.

“No, I don’t! I’m good at keeping my mouth shut!” Tao pretended to lock his lips.

“I don’t know.” Danji shrugged.

“Come on, mei-mei! Spill the secret!” He tickled her side, and she giggled and squirmed.

Tao smiled, but his smile soon vanished when he heard the shot of a gun. The air became thick with suspense and tension.

Danji froze with wide eyes. “W-What was that? Was that a…gun?”

Tao stared up at the tree tops with a fearful expression. He silently counted to ten in his mind.

Then he heard it. The howling of a wolf.

It was filled with mourning and alarm.

*That was Lay ge. He’s warning us. The hunters are here!*

“We have to go.” Tao grabbed her arm and quickly led her in the opposite direction.

“What’s going on? Was that a wolf? Who changed, Tao?” Danji demanded as she stumbled on a rock. She looked up at his pale face for answers. “Tao! Tell me!” Danji grabbed his arm and spun him around. He stared at her, and for the first time, she saw fear in his eyes. Tao, the one who was always confident and sturdy, was afraid, and that really scared her.

“T-Tao, what’s going on?” Danji asked fearfully.

“The Hunters are here. They found us finally. We need to get out of here fast, Danji. We’re in danger, and you’re in danger for being with us.” Tao grabbed her hand and dragged her away.

“I don’t understand! Who are the Hunters? Why would we be in danger?” Danji questioned, but he did not reply.

Another howl made his blood freeze. *This isn’t fast enough. I’ll have to change.* His clothes shredded off as he swiftly morphed into his wolf form. The gray wolf bent down with a growl. “Get on. Hurry.”

Danji still had more questions, but she knew this wasn’t the time to ask them. She climbed up on Tao and held on for dear life. He ran through those trees like a bullet. She clung onto him and hoped everything would be all right. There was another gunshot. This time, it was closer. Bullets whizzed past h

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Thank you so much for the congratulation messages, everyone! I'm really happy that this story is featured! Enjoy reading it ^^


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747 streak #1
Chapter 42: This was such a great series, thank you so much for sharing Luhan and Danji’s story with us.
Osekop12 #2
Congrats on the feature!!
rereading ♡
Omg love all 3 stories. Well written. So happy Tao gound his mate. Would love a sequel for the rest of the guys.
0000111- #5
cant wait to read this
Jongin! ???
chanelangel #8
Congrats in the feature!
Chapter 2: I’m crying because poor Jongin ㅠㅠ
1112 streak #10
Congrats on getting featured!