Other Half

The Girl and The Wolf III: Soul Mate
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Hyorin: Crazy of You


Danji took a deep, shaky breath. Then with trembling hands, she opened the box. Danji closed her eyes and held her breath as she took the lid off the box. Once she set it aside, she opened her eyes and breathed again.

All the inexplicable items were still in there.

Danji reached in and grasped the pictures she had once drawn. Her hands shook as she went through each foreign drawing. *This is my drawing style, but I have no memory of drawing any of this.* Danji stared at the picture of a dog sleeping underneath a tree.

Now that she took a closer look, she realized the animal was not actually a dog.

It was a coyote.


Danji sat at her favorite spot to sketch a nice view of the forest during midday. Her color pencils were laid out beside her, and she made careful, diligent across the paper. A warm, furry muzzle gently nudged against her right shoulder. Danji turned her head and became face-to-face with a giant, golden coyote. “Hey, you.” She smiled affectionately and ran her hand over his nose.

The coyote rubbed his face against her neck, and she giggled as his golden fur tickled her.

“Stop it!” Danji laughed loudly as he purposely pushed her sideways. The coyote obediently sat beside her and swished his tale side-to-side. Danji leaned her back against his sturdy body and continued to sketch the scene in front of her. She glanced up once in a while to see what Alen was up to. He just sat there patiently like a statue. His eyes were deep and velvety, and she wondered what he was thinking so deeply about.

Danji sat up suddenly. “I want to sketch you in your coyote form.”

The coyote tilted his head.

“Come on. Lay down.” Danji patted the grass. The coyote obediently sat on his belly and curled up into an inviting ball of warmth. Danji stepped back and got to working. The coyote watched her with intent, loving eyes. He could hear her busy thoughts in her mind as she tried to capture his perfection.

About an hour later, she seemed to be done.

“There. All done. Want to see?” Danji put her pencil down and walked back towards him. She sat beside him and curled against his warm fur. “This is you.” Danji pointed to the coyote. “Do you like it?”

The coyote gratefully nuzzled against her. She put the sketch down and wrapped her arms around his big body. “Yeah, I like it, too.” Danji closed her eyes.


Danji stared at the picture for another thirty seconds before moving onto the last drawing of the mystifying, beautiful male. For a moment, she could not breathe. There was a striking resemblance between the man in her drawing and Alen. The same golden eyes. The same piercings. The same gentle, loving eyes.

Was it a coincidence? She was beginning to think not.

“Oh my god…” Her hand flew over her face.


“Checkmate.” Danji moved her queen with a confident smile.

Alen squinted one eye in thought as he pretended to mull it over. Then he moved a knight over.

“Still checkmate.” She said. “I guess I’m stuck then. You win.” He smiled.

Danji took her queen and knocked his king over with her tongue stuck out. “Liar. You just let me win. You always let me win.”

Alen chuckled. That much was true. If he had put his whole heart into the game, he could have easily won, especially because he had been able to read her plan in her mind.

Danji moved the chess game aside and shifted to the space between his legs. He put a hand on her waist and gently rubbed the curve of her waist. She rested one arm over his propped leg and leaned her body weight against him. Alen tenderly her hair out of her face and ran his long fingers through her hair. “Aren’t you sleepy? It’s almost midnight.”

“No. Not yet.” Danji crossed her arms and rested them on top of his knee. She stared into the dancing fire and wondered what they should do next. Alen planted kisses on her temple, cheek, and jaw line. He kissed her slightly bare shoulder, wrapped his arms around her, and rested his head against hers. “I know you’re not sleeping because you don’t want me to leave.” Alen whispered against her ear.

“Of course you do. You can read my mind.” Danji mumbled.

“I can tell you’re sleepy. I’m not picking up on your thoughts anymore. Sleep, Danji. I’ll still be around.” Alen promised.

“No, no, I’m okay.” Danji slapped her cheeks as she stretched her eyes widely. She saw her sketchbook lying next to the fireplace, and her eyes lit up with an idea. “I know what we can do! I can sketch you!” Danji crawled over, snatched her sketchbook, and faced him with an eager smile. “The lighting is perfect.” She opened her sketchbook to an empty page and started to sketch. “Stay still, okay?”

Alen watched her with warm affection. He absolutely loved it every time she drew. The focused expression on her face was admirable, and he liked every crease that appeared on her forehead when she scrunched up her eyebrows as she tried to figure out how to sketch properly.

When Danji was finished at last, she sat beside him against the couch and held up the drawing. “How about it? Do you like it?”

“I love it.” Alen whispered with his gaze settled on her. He lowered his head and caught her lips.


*How come I can’t remember anything?! I don’t know where these drawings came from! I have no idea when I drew them!

In frustration, Danji clasped and pulled on her hair. She had no recollection of Alen, whatsoever.

Her eyes widened in horror. *Did he really erase my memories? What…what am I supposed to do then?*

Danji swallowed the hard lump in . She looked at the bracelet around her wrist and it cautiously.

Did this object have a connection to Alen also? *It probably does. He had been wearing the same thing.*


“I’m going out, grandpa!” Danji informed quickly before leaving in a hurry. She dashed through the forest until she came upon the lake. Alen was already waiting there as promised. “I’m here! Sorry I’m late! I had to clean the house before I left! Whoops!” Danj

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Thank you so much for the congratulation messages, everyone! I'm really happy that this story is featured! Enjoy reading it ^^


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747 streak #1
Chapter 42: This was such a great series, thank you so much for sharing Luhan and Danji’s story with us.
Osekop12 #2
Congrats on the feature!!
rereading ♡
Omg love all 3 stories. Well written. So happy Tao gound his mate. Would love a sequel for the rest of the guys.
0000111- #5
cant wait to read this
Jongin! ???
chanelangel #8
Congrats in the feature!
Chapter 2: I’m crying because poor Jongin ㅠㅠ
1112 streak #10
Congrats on getting featured!