You're Trapped

The Girl and The Wolf III: Soul Mate
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Henry: Trap



Henry looked down at the furious Luhan and huffed, “Me? Dishonorable? You’re the one dissing your own cousin. Calling me an as soon as you see me. That’s why I call rude.”

Danji gaped at him. “Y-You’re Luhan’s cousin? T-The one that…left the pack?”

Henry winked and saluted coolly. “Yep, the one and only Henry Lau at your service!”

“HENRY!” Luhan howled in rage.

The doors burst open, and Kris came out again. “God damn it, Luhan! I will sew your mouth shut! I swear I will-“ He froze when he saw Henry on top of the tree with Danji. “I don’t believe it. Henry?”

“Yo, bro!” Henry waved his arms in the air.

“He’s not your ‘bro’ so come down with my mate now!” Luhan snapped.

The rest of the pack came out.

“I don’t believe it! It’s Henry!” Lay grinned.

“Hi ya’ll!” Henry waved excitedly.

“That’s it!” Luhan darted upward.

“Uh-oh. Got to go.” Henry grabbed Danji around the waist and jumped. In the blink of an eye, they were on the ground.

Luhan arrived on the branch and looked around in confusion. Where had they gone? He looked down to see Henry waving at him with a smug smile. “Too slow as always.”

“I’m not slow! You have speed as your power, you !” Luhan snapped.

“Don’t be jealous.” Henry waved his hand.

The pack crowded around him. “It’s good to see you.” Xiumin grinned and clapped him on the back. “Yeah, ge!” Tao smiled cheerfully. Even Chen was smiling.

“It’s nice to see you all, too.” Henry smiled. He turned to Danji, and his smile broadened. “And you are a new face, but I know exactly who you are. You are Luhan’s mate, aren’t you?”

Danji nodded. She was still too shunned and shy to speak.

“It’s such a pleasure to meet a beauty like you.” Henry took her hand and charmingly planted a kiss on her knuckles.

“HENRY!” Luhan appeared out of nowhere and swung his fist.

Henry was lithe and swift. In less than a second, he was on the other side of the circle without a bruise. “Your temper is hot as coal like usual, cousin. I can see nothing much has changed.”

Luhan glared at him. “What are you doing here, you deserter?! Go back to your shameful ways of life!”

“I party for life, and there’s nothing shameful about it! Wahoo!” Henry cheered.

Danji chortled. “Don’t laugh! You’ll only inflate his overblown ego!” Luhan warned.

Henry grinned. “I like her. Do you have a sister I can date?”

“You mean mate?” Lay teased.

Henry wagged his finger. “No. Date. As in “have fun with and break up later”. You know I hate to settle down. And furthermore, I don’t believe in fate.”

*Wow. He’s so different. He’s almost like a human.* Danji thought in awe.

Henry caught her staring at him and smiled coyly. As fast as lightning, he was suddenly in front of her with his arm around her waist. “I noticed the way you stared at me. It’s the way a thousand girls stare at me. Are you perhaps falling for me, lovely girl?” He dipped her backwards, and she blinked in surprise.

“There the Casanova goes again.” Chen said, amused. Everyone laughed good-naturedly.

Everyone except Luhan, of course. He slapped his hands over his face with a moan. “Stop it! This is not the time to laugh and play!” Luhan glared at Henry and stabbed a finger in his direction. “YOU! You need to get the hell out of here! I don’t know why you came, but you need to go! I don’t need more unnecessary visitors here!”

Henry released Danji and tilted his head curiously. “Unnecessary visitors? Who else came to torture you?”

“Alen.” Lay replied.

“YIXING!” Luhan barked.

“Alen?!” Henry’s eyes widened in excitement. “He’s here?! No way! Where?! I want to meet him! He’s absolutely fantastic! He’s such a nice guy, completely different from the coyotes out there!”

Danji gave Luhan a look as if to say “see?!” Luhan waved his arms around. “Then go see him and leave us alone!” He grabbed Danji’s wrist and dragged her into the cabin.

“Sheesh. Was he always so annoying and possessive?” Henry asked. The pack chuckled. “Forget it. Don’t answer that. Useless question.” He waved his hand.

“Come inside, Henry.” Kris smiled and led the way. Lay slung an arm around Henry. “You’ll stay for a while, right?”

“Only for the day. You know me. Busy, busy, busy. I have parties to attend and ladies to attract.” He winked.

Luhan was in the kitchen gulping water as if he was dehydrated, and Danji was watching him with both amusement and worry. They heard loud chatter, and Luhan slammed the cup on the table with a groan. “Why is he coming into my home?”

Henry sauntered into the kitchen. “I’m thirsty, too. Mind getting me something to drink?”

“I can get you soda or juice.” Danji politely offered.

“Soda. Thanks, sweetheart.” Henry lightly pinched her cheek with a wink.

Danji went into the refrigerator, grabbed a soda can, and handed it to him.

“Thank you. Dang Luhan, you’re so lucky. You managed to snatch yourself quite a catch. She’s sweet and lovely. Why is she with you?” Henry took a long, thirsty gulp of the soda.

Luhan scowled. He crossed his arms and leaned against the counter. “What are you doing here anyways?”

“I was just passing through, but I heard you live up here, so I decided to drop by. I wanted to see how you were doing.” Henry replied.

“As you can see, I am doing just fine. So you can go.” Luhan said.

“Don’t lie, cousin. You’re not doing fine. Alen is here. So there’s no way you can be fine.” Henry stated. Luhan’s scowl deepened. “Frankly, I have no idea why you have anything against the guy. He’s kind and loyal.” Henry tossed the empty can in the trashcan.

“Not like you, right?” Luhan snapped. “Of course not like me. I’m one of a kind.” Henry wedged his chin between the space of his thumb and index finger.

They heard laughter and saw Danji laughing. She slapped her hands over . “I’m sorry.”

Henry sidled close to her. “You find me funny, don’t you? I love making girls laugh.”

“Get away from my mate.” Luhan growled.

Henry shook his head. “How can you live with him? He’s suffocating.”

Danji giggled.

“I like you. You laugh at everything I say.” Henry smiled widely.

Luhan couldn’t stand it any longer. He grasped Danji by her shoulders, whirled her around, and steered her out of the kitchen. The rest of the pack entered the kitchen and conversed with Henry. Luhan sank onto the couch and touched his head. A migraine was threatening to emerge. Danji put a hand on his back. “Are you okay?”

“No, I’m not.” He muttered. “Just calm down, Luhan. I know you dislike your cousin, but he seems completely harmless.” She pointed out.

Luhan sighed and looked at her tiredly. “Why do we not see eye-to-eye when it comes to guys?” Danji blew air into the bottom of her cheeks and shrugged.

Henry came out to the living room with a bag of chips. “So I heard about your whole ordeal with Alen from the guys.”

Luhan moaned quietly and looked away.

“You think he’s using your mate?” Henry asked. “I don’t think. I know.” Luhan stated.

“You don’t know anything, Luhan. All you know about Alen is that he’s a coyote and a prince just like you. You’ve only met him on the battlefields, so you’ve only seen his aggressive side.” Henry pointed out.

“Oh, like you know him better!” Luhan snapped.

“I do. We’re friends.” Henry blinked.

Luhan threw his hands in the air in defeat. “Why am I not surprised?”

“Look, I know you dislike Alen, but don’t assume things. He’s not someone who would use anyone like that.” Henry stated. His words assured Danji more than they comforted Luhan.

“Shouldn’t you be on my side?! You’re my cousin!” He exclaimed.

Henry crossed his arms. “Oh, now you admit I’m your cousin.”

“Whatever. Besides, you’re a wolf! Have you no pride?!” Luhan questioned.

Henry’s eyes softened with pity. “Pride is overrated, Luhan. Don’t let something useless like pride cloud your vision.”

Luhan fluidly stood up and snarled, “If you’re going to be try to teach me, just leave right now.”

Danji grasped his rigid arm. “Luhan! Be nice!”

“Yeah, Luhan. Play nice and calm down.” Unaffected by Luhan’s tantrum, Henry sat on Kris’s armchair.

Luhan glared at him. “Sit down.” Danji tugged on his arm, and he reluctantly sat back down.

“Just so you know, I’m neutral. I’m Switzerland. I’m a peaceful person. I do not take anyone’s sides. But as your cousin, I just want to tell you what no one else has the guts to say. Don’t assume things without actually seeing the fully story.” Henry stated. Luhan’s expression flattened, and he looked at Danji. She gave him a meek smile. *I told you everyone has a side to the story.* Luhan sighed in surrender and leaned back against the couch.

“Then what’s your theory on why Alen is in Korea?” Lay asked.

“Well…” Henry rubbed his palms in thought. “Personally, I think Alen is here because of his Other Half.”

Eyes widened. “Other Half?” Tao cocked his head.

“Alen has an Other Half?” Kris ask

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747 streak #1
Chapter 42: This was such a great series, thank you so much for sharing Luhan and Danji’s story with us.
Osekop12 #2
Congrats on the feature!!
rereading ♡
Omg love all 3 stories. Well written. So happy Tao gound his mate. Would love a sequel for the rest of the guys.
0000111- #5
cant wait to read this
Jongin! ???
chanelangel #8
Congrats in the feature!
Chapter 2: I’m crying because poor Jongin ㅠㅠ
1112 streak #10
Congrats on getting featured!