Mysterious Man

The Girl and The Wolf III: Soul Mate
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Seo In Guk: No Matter What


It was now February. The weather was still cold, but the snow had stopped.

It had been a month since Danji had found out about Alen’s true nature. They were still good friends, and the fact that he was a coyote had not changed anything. As for Luhan, he pretended that Alen didn’t exist and forbade her to ever mention the coyote prince’s name in his presence.

“Can you pass the milk, ge?” Danji stretched her hand out.

“Sure, mei-mei.” Lay held out the carton of milk.

“Thanks.” She accepted the carton and poured milk over her cereal.

Danji and the wolves were enjoying breakfast on a Thursday morning. Danji had stayed the night, but luckily, she had woken up on time.

“…A runaway from Seoul Prison has been reported to be up at the mountains near Myunghae and Malhwa destricts.” The reporter announced gravely. The screen switched to a photo of a heavyset man with dark eyes, bald head, and a grim glower. “Ma Daljun has been charged with three murders and two assaults and has also been diagnosed with insanity. Anyone who spots Ma Daljun should contact the police immediately.”

Xiumin turned back to the table and glanced at the others who were eating as if nothing major had happened. “Uh, did anyone else hear that news?”

“Yeah, there’s supposed to be rain this weekend. Thank God. No full moon.” Chen celebrated.

“No, not that news.” Xiumin rolled his eyes. “The news about that convict.”

“We heard.” Kris confirmed.

“How come there’s no reaction then? Aren’t you guys even worried? A murderer is on the loose.” Xiumin waved his arms in the air with a look of belief.

“Pfft. Why would we be scared of a human?” Tao scoffed as he spread butter on his English muffin.

“He’s not just a human. He’s a dangerous criminal who could easily hurt someone.” Xiumin pointed out.

Tao stopped his actions and sent Xiumin a look. “Like I said, why would we be afraid of a mere human? Did you forget we’re supernatural creatures? I could send the man to his death with one flick of my paw.”

Xiumin tossed his napkin on the table with an annoyed expression. “Are you all dense or what? I wasn’t talking about us. I was talking about her.” He pointed across the table to the one vulnerable human in this room. All heads swiveled around and stared at her.

Danji looked up and her fork dropped onto her plate with a clatter. Her eyes grew round in realization.

“.” Chen said it for all of them.

“I completely forgot.” Kris admitted as he rubbed his temple. “I keep thinking she’s one of us.”

“Mei-mei!” Tao ran over and threw his arms around her. “Don’t you worry! I won’t let no bad, crazy man hurt you!”

“Tao. You’re choking me.” Danji gagged.

Luhan shoved him off with a warning glower.

“Oh, dear. This complicates things.” Lay tapped his lower lip in thought.

“Maybe you shouldn’t go to school today.” Kris suggested.

“I can’t do that. I have a test and a group project meeting today.” Danji stated.

“Forget the grades! Your life may be in jeopardy, woman!” Tao shook her aggressively.

Luhan grabbed his collar and sneered, “Quit manhandling my mate!”

“Just lock her up in your room, Luhan.” Chen swayed his hand carelessly.

“I like Chen’s idea.” Luhan smirked. “I don’t.” Danji piped up.

“Lock her up in my room.” Tao added. He ducked before Luhan could hit him with a plate.

“I really can’t skip school today. I need to go. I appreciate all your concern, but I’ll be fine.” Danji picked up her finished bowl. “Besides, what’s the chance that I’ll actually run into this guy?” She headed towards the sink.

“With your luck, 100%.” Chen muttered under his breath.

“Make sure you keep your phone with you at all times!” Kris called.

“I still like Chen’s idea.” Luhan sighed.

“I like my idea.” Tao said, causing Luhan to chase him out of the dining room.


Luhan walked Danji to the bus stop. He was extra alert today and watched out for any psychotic murderers on the loose. “Hey.” She squeezed his hand, bringing him out of his thoughts. Danji smiled, entertained by his blank stare, “Are you worried?”

“Of course I’m worried. I don’t want you to be hurt.

” “I’ll be fine. Today will be like a normal school day.” Danji fixed his collar.

“Like Kris said, keep your phone with you at all times. Call if you need any assistance. One ring, and I’ll be there.” Luhan promised.

“Yes, sir.” Danji saluted. The bus came to a halt, and the doors flung open. “Bye, Luhan.” Danji pecked his lips before hopping on board. She looked out the window and waved cheerfully. Luhan softly smiled and waved back. He remained at the bus stop until the bus was out of sight. *Please don’t let anything bad happen to her today. For once, bring us peace.* With a sigh, he left.

Danji arrived at her classroom safely and took her test. Her second class was canceled unexpectedly, so she went to kill time at the library. The seat next to her was suddenly pulled out, and she gave an involuntary jump. Who is that?!

Alen smoothly sat down. “It’s okay. It’s just me.”

“Oh. Hello.” Danji put a hand over her racing heart.

“Who else were you expecting?” He teased. A serial killer. Her thought made his smile fall. *Serial killer? Is she talking about that murderer that was on broadcast today?*

“Is something making you uneasy?” Alen asked.

“No. Well…” Danji paused. “You can tell me anything, Danji. I won’t think you’re stupid.” He answered the looming question in her mind. “Okay, well, have you seen the news today?” She asked. Alen nodded. “Yes.”

“Well, the insane criminal is on the loose…near our school. I know there’s a really low chance that I’ll actually run into him, but still, it makes you a bit nervous, you know?” Danji admitted.

Alen softened. He was nervous for her as well. She could be a target for a madman. “Do you want me to you to your classes today?”

Danji waved her hand. “No, I’ll be fine. I was just being foolish and paranoid. I’m sure I’ll manage well on my own.” She gave him an assuring smile and finished taking her nutrition notes.


Night snuck upon Danji. Before she knew it, the campus was dark. It was her first time being at school so late.

Danji looked out the window of the library. All she saw was blackness. She chewed her lower lip in apprehension. Earlier, she had not been really worrying about the criminal on loose. But now that it was dark, she grew a bit fearful.

“Danji.” Her group mates called. “Huh?” She whirled her head around.

“What kind of media do you think we should use for the presentation?” They asked.

“Oh. Uh, let me see.” Danji scooted closer and focused on the project.

An hour later, the group work was done, and her classmates started to pack up.

“Did you hear about that felon on loose?” One girl asked. Danji paused at the mention of him.

“Yeah! Did the police catch him yet?” Her friend questioned.

“Nope. Not yet.” The first girl responded.

Her friend shuddered. “That’s creepy. That means he might be lurking around here somewhere.”

“Good thing we dorm here. Let’s go.” The girls left, leaving Danji alone.

*I guess it’s just me now.* She slung her purse strap over her shoulder, hugged her folder to her chest, and carefully walked out of the library. Now that she was actually in the darkness, she was definitely scared. Trying to be calm, she took out her phone from her purse. There was only one bar left on her battery. *I better make this quick.* Danji put the phone to her ear. Each ring made her heart pulsate. She clung onto her folder as her eyes darted around the blackness.

“Danji!” Luhan’s voice brought relief washing over her. *Thank God he answered.* She sighed.

“Are you all right?!” He demanded.

“I’m fine.” Danji assured. “But can you-“

There was a beep as her phone died. She gaped at her phone in horror. *No way! Please don’t tell me my phone died right now!* Danji struggled to turn it back on, but her phone was dead. It would not come back until she recharged it. Danji sighed and shoved her useless phone in her purse. *I guess I have no choice then. I’ll just have to be brave and go to the bus stop.* She walked quickly down the pathway. The school looked eerie at night, especially without anyone else around. *This is so spooky. I feel like I’m in a horror movie.* Danji tried to think only about good things. She nervously played with the paw necklace around her neck and kept Luhan’s name on her lips, as if it was a spell that would prevent her from getting attacked.

Danji had just been starting to calm down when she heard it.

The sound of footsteps following her.

At first, she thought she was only being paranoid, but the sound of a branch snapping in half made her realize that someone really was following her. Her heart thudded anxiously against her ribcage, and she became dizzy. *Oh my god. What do I do? I think it’s the criminal after me. No, wait. Calm down. You don’t actually know if it’s the criminal or not. It could just be another student.* But a random student wouldn’t stalk her. His footsteps quickened, and she panicked.

*Run!* Her mind screamed.

Danji didn’t hesitate any longer. She made a run for it. She sprinted across campus. The man was speeding up also. From the reflection off the buildings, she could see that the man was wearing all black. His pudgy figure was an exact resemblance of the man she had se

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747 streak #1
Chapter 42: This was such a great series, thank you so much for sharing Luhan and Danji’s story with us.
Osekop12 #2
Congrats on the feature!!
rereading ♡
Omg love all 3 stories. Well written. So happy Tao gound his mate. Would love a sequel for the rest of the guys.
0000111- #5
cant wait to read this
Jongin! ???
chanelangel #8
Congrats in the feature!
Chapter 2: I’m crying because poor Jongin ㅠㅠ
1112 streak #10
Congrats on getting featured!