Magical Summer

The Girl and The Wolf III: Soul Mate
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Summer was officially here. Every single day was spent in complete bliss.

Luhan and Danji never left each other’s sights, and they were practically glued at the hip. More than half of Luhan’s things were at Danji’s house now. She had even emptied half her closet to make room for his things that were growing daily.

“AHHH!” Danji shrieked as she raced down the hallway. She ran into Luhan’s room and jumped onto the bed, hoping to take sanctuary under the covers. As soon as she had ducked under the blanket, Luhan fluidly jumped onto the bed and dove under the blanket as well.

“Guess who?” He said in a sleek, low voice, causing her to yell in shock.

Danji quickly scrambled out from under the blanket and backed away.

Luhan caught her wrist before she could make her escape, and she fell back onto the mattress. He wrapped one leg around both of hers. Luhan sat up on his elbow and watched her struggle. His eyebrow raised in amusement.

“Luhan! You’re like a python!” Danji complained.

“You’re my prey. And I’m never going to let you go.” He leaned down, caressed her cheek, and pressed his lips against hers.

Danji smiled through his lips. Luhan deepened the kiss, and the room started to grow hot. He gripped the blanket and pulled it over both of them.

“Hey!” Lay suddenly darted into the room.

Danji broke apart and tried to get up, but Luhan held her down. “Shhh. If we pretend we’re not here, he might leave.”

Lay knocked on the open door. “Hello? I know you two are under the blanket."

“Plan failed,” Danji whispered. She pushed Luhan away and sat up with an embarrassed smile. “Hello, ge.”

“I knew you two were hiding in there,” Lay teased.

Scowling, Luhan snatched the blanket off his head and glared at Lay. “What the hell do you want?!”

“Luhan!” Danji whacked his arm with a stern look.

Lay wasn’t offended at all. “We’re going swimming! Come join us!”

“No. Leave my room. And shut my door on your way out.” Luhan pushed Danji back down and pulled the blanket over the both of them.

Lay scratched his head, shrugged, and then left.

“Luhan! Behave!” Danji got up. Flushing, she pursued after Lay. “Ge! Wait!” He stopped and looked back. “I’ll go with you,” She offered.

“What about Luhan?” Lay asked.

“He can play hide-and-seek by himself under the blanket.” Danji snorted and hugged his arm. Lay laughed, causing her lips to quirk upwards. Together, they left a disgruntled Luhan in the bedroom. He dashed to his balcony and looked out. Lay and Danji were leaving the house arm-in-arm.

“HEY!” Luhan yelled. They stopped laughing and looked up at him. Luhan jabbed a finger at them. “LET GO OF MY MATE, YIXING!”

Lay shrugged. “She’s holding onto me.”


Danji just stuck her tongue out. “Come on, ge. The others are waiting.” She dragged him away.

Luhan’s jaw slung open. Lay looked back with a good-natured shrug.

“GRR!” Luhan snarled and almost turned into a wolf right there. He spun around and went to find his swim trunks.

Danji and Lay arrived at the lake. The rest of the pack was swimming already.

Tao blew a whistle. “Look at you two having an affair! I’m telling Luhan ge!”

“He already knows.” Lay winked at Danji and went to put his camera and towel down. He took off his shirt and waded into the water.

“Come in, Danji!” Xiumin waved.

Danji smiled and shook her head. “I’m good.”

“She’s afraid of water,” Tao claimed.

Danji shot him a look. “I actually didn’t bring my swimsuit today.”

“Even better! Go !” Tao cheered.

There was a loud snarl from the woods. Danji looked back and blinked as a flash of silver rushed past her. *Did I just see something?*

There was a splash and a howl. She looked at the lake to see a silver wolf trying to bite Tao.

“Stop! Ge! Ow! I said STOP!” Tao growled and turned into a gray wolf. Danji watched as the two wolves wrestled and bickered in the water. She crossed her arms and shook her head. *Immature boys.* “That’s enough.” Kris had to pull them apart.

The silver wolf growled and snapped his jaws in warning. He padded out of the water and shook his soaked body. Water droplets flew in all directions.

“Luhan!” Danji covered herself from getting sprayed.

The wolf morphed back into a human. Danji saw his form and yelped. She slapped her hands over her face and turned as rigid as a stone.

“You deserve it for flirting with Lay and Tao,” Luhan muttered as he walked over to retrieve his swim trunks.

“Tell me when you’re decent,” Danji said.

“I don’t know why you’re so embarrassed anyways. It’s not like you haven’t seen everything before.” Luhan pulled on his swim trunks.

Danji shot him a nasty look.

“Now you look?” He gave her a look before walking into the water. She made a face and sank onto the dry log with her arms folded on her knees.

“Come in, Danji!” Lay called. “Yeah! The water feels good!” Xiumin claimed.

“I’m fine here!” She called back.

“Let her be. She didn’t bring her swimsuit.” Chen lazily swam backwards.

“She doesn’t need one,” Lay blinked.

Luhan shot him a fierce look. “You propose my mate swim in front of you?” There was an edge to his voice.

Lay shook his head. “Of course not. She could just borrow your shirt or something.”

“Can we say defensive, ge?” Tao smirked. Luhan pointed at him with a warning look. “Don’t you dare step out of the water. You ripped your last pair of swim trunk by changing.”

“Scared Danj

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747 streak #1
Chapter 42: This was such a great series, thank you so much for sharing Luhan and Danji’s story with us.
Osekop12 #2
Congrats on the feature!!
rereading ♡
Omg love all 3 stories. Well written. So happy Tao gound his mate. Would love a sequel for the rest of the guys.
0000111- #5
cant wait to read this
Jongin! ???
chanelangel #8
Congrats in the feature!
Chapter 2: I’m crying because poor Jongin ㅠㅠ
1112 streak #10
Congrats on getting featured!