Familiar Stranger

The Girl and The Wolf III: Soul Mate
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M4M: When you leave me


The days grew warmer as summer approached. Before Danji knew it, it was graduation time.

Senior year would be over, and she would be on her way to college. She would become an official adult, and new decisions would have to be made.

On the same day of graduation, a former resident came back to Malhwa. He walked up the hill and stopped. His soulful brown eyes drifted over the trees. He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. The familiar fresh air of the forest calmed his heart and brought him to peace. *I missed this place a lot.*

Nostalgia hit him in the chest, and his eyes snapped open.

He looked up at the clear blue sky. “I’m back, teacher.”


The seniors were excitedly preparing for graduation in the classroom.

Everyone was in their graduation gowns. Girls were running left and right as they tried to do their hair and make-up. The boys tried to immaturely throw each other’s hats out the window.

Danji and Minyoung came back to the classroom after fixing their hair.

“You guys look, um, really pretty.” Uishik complimented with his face beet red.

“Are you complimenting us both or only your girlfriend, Uishik?” Danji teased.

“B-both,” He stammered. “Lie. But thanks for trying to make me feel better.” She patted his shoulder. He hid his hot face behind his hands.

Minyoung bit her lower lip to keep from laughing. Danji left the lovebirds alone and walked up to Exo-M. She crossed her arms with a grin. “You all look dashing in your gowns.”

“You look beautiful, too, mei-mei.” Tao blew her an affectionate kiss.

“Can I just not wear this stupid gown? I don’t mind not graduating. In fact, I don’t need to graduate. I’m a freaking werewolf.” Kris sighed unhappily.

“Awww, don’t be like that, oppa. You look very handsome in your graduation gown.” Danji took his cap, stood on a chair, and placed the cap on top of his head. “Perfect.” She smiled and hopped off the chair. When she walked away, Kris snatched the cap of his head and tossed it out the window with a scowl.

“Look at you, beautiful. You’re shining today.” Luhan kissed her cheek.

“You look good, too.” Danji smiled and smoothed his gown.

“You’re finally graduating high school.” Luhan tenderly curled a strand of her hair behind her ear. “How do you feel?” He asked.

“I feel good. I’m excited actually. I can’t believe high school is really over. It feels like a dream.” She smiled, dazed.

Luhan cupped her face and gently kissed her lips. “It’s not a dream. You worked hard to get this far. Congratulations, Danji.”

She smiled softly. “I haven’t got my diploma yet.” “You will, and you earned it.” He smiled back.

Danji hugged him tightly. Luhan held her securely and sighed in content.

Teacher Song came into the room. “All right. Settle down. I know you’re excited to graduate.”

“Yeah, we’re excited to get out of these stupid gowns.” Jonghoon tugged on the gown in disgust. For once, Kris agreed with him.

Teacher Song shot Jonghoon a look to remind him that she was still his teacher. “Be patient, and you’ll get out of those gowns soon enough.” She checked her watch. “Okay. It’s time. Let’s go get seated.”

The seniors eagerly followed her to the grass area. It seemed like the entire Malhwa population was there. Danji sat between Minyoung and Luhan.

“We’re almost there.” Danji whispered to her best friend who had been with her all these years.” Minyoung winked and squeezed her hand.

Danji looked at Luhan. He gave her a sweet smile and held her other hand.

Danji beamed in exhilaration. She could not wait to receive her high school diploma.


The mysterious visitor walked into the gated cemetery. He walked past the other graves and stopped in front of the one he was looking for.

Kim Pansuk.

A flicker of sadness appeared in his eyes. *So the rumor was true. You truly are dead.*

The visitor placed the bouquet of tulips on top of the grassy mound. He got on his knees and bowed respectfully. He stood back up again and gently weaved his fingers through the grass blades. “I’m back, teacher. Your indebted student Alen is back.” He lowered his head in shame. “I’m sorry it took so long to come. I didn’t hear about your…death until now. And then when I heard you were really gone, I was doubtful.”

Alen bent down and took care of the unattended weeds. “I should have come sooner. I’m sorry. But you know me too well, don’t you?” He paused and stared at the grassy mound as if it really was the old Hunter. “You knew I came every five years to check on Danji, didn’t you? I first met her when she was five. I came back when she was ten. Then fifteen. I bet she hardly remembers me.” Alen shook his head with a small smile. “I appeared so suddenly in her life and left just as abruptly.” His smile faded, and the seriousness came back to his face. “I know what you’re thinking. I came early, and you’re probably surprised why I broke my five-year rule. It’s not only because of you, even though that is one reason why I came back.”

Alen looked at the stone tablet. “I thought it was time I reappear in Danji’s life. She may be in danger, and I can’t stay back anymore. After all…” He dropped his gaze. “She’s my Other Half. I shouldn’t have left her in the first place, but I had to for her sake. I wanted her to live a normal life as possible. I didn’t want her to be in any danger just because I had chosen her to be my Other Half. And I know you didn’t want that either. You were the one person who I looked up to. All the other Hunters resented me merely for my identity, but you looked that aside and took me in when no one else would. I would never betray you by putting your granddaughter in danger.”

Alen gently placed his hand over the hard stone. “I promise I’ll take care of Danji. You don’t have to worry. You can truly rest in peace now. I’ll take your place and be her comfort.”

A soothing wind passed by and caressed his hair. Alen smiled softly. “Thank you, teacher.” He got up, bowed, and left the field.


One by one, the seniors received their diplomas.

“Choi Danji.” The principal called. “Go! Go!” Minyoung cheered.

Smiling widely, Danji went up to receive her diploma.

“Good job. You have the second highest GPA in the school.” The principal smiled.

“Thank you.” Danji beamed, shook his hand, and took her diploma.

“YEAH! GO DANJI!” Tao shouted. Xiumin stuck his fingers in his mouth and whistled. Kris and Chen applauded extra loudly. Luhan gave her a big kiss when she came down. Danji flushed and sat back down.

After all the seniors got their diplomas, the principal made one final announcement. “You all will go far in life, but don’t forget your hometown. Congratulations, seniors! You have now graduated high school!” A loud cheer came from the crowd. Hats were tossed into the air.

Kris fluidly took off his gown. “Finally,” He muttered.

“We graduated high school! We graduated high school!” Tao sang at the top of his lungs.

“Pipe down, will you?” Chen flinched at the volume.

“CONGRATULATIONS, GE!” Tao yelled in his ear.

“Conniving brat.” Chen grumbled as he stuck his finger in his ear.

“Congratulations, gongzhu.” Luhan smiled affectionately. “You, too.” Danji beamed lovingly. She saw her friends and eagerly ran over. “Congratulations to you both!” She hugged them tightly. “Congratulations!” They recited back. “I can’t believe high school is actually over. We’re going to be in college. Can you believe it?” Minyoung blinked, wide-eyed.

Uishik grinned. He could not wait. College had to be better than high school.

“Here we come fresh, new start!” Danji grinned. Uishik’s grin broadened. He was hoping for a fresh start also.

Minyoung took her hands with a sad pout. “But we won’t be going to the same school anymore.”

Danji softened. Minyoung and Uishik had decided to both go to colleges in Seoul while Danji had chosen to remain near Malhwa. With her fantastic grades, she could have gone anywhere in the country, but she could not bear to be away from her hometown. Minyoung sniffled as tears ran down her face.

“Hey, hey, don’t cry.” Danji wiped her tears away. “No matter how far apart we are from each other, we’ll always be best friends forever.”

Minyoung smiled tearfully and nodded. “Always.”

Danji smiled back.

“Don’t cry, Piggy. Your hideous face will turn even uglier.” Jonghoon snidely remarked before walking away.

“He never changes,” Danji frowned. Minyoung looked at the ground in dejection.

Uishik frowned. He could no longer take Jonghoon’s bullying. No, he wouldn’t. Uishik marched bravely towards the bully. “Hey!”

Jonghoon paused and looked back. His eyebrow raised in skepticism. “You talking to me?”

“Yeah. You.” Then Uishik did something he had never had the guts to do before. He punched Jonghoon.

Danji and Minyoung gasped when Jonghoon crashed onto the grass.

“What the hell?!” Jonghoon touched his lip. His face grew pale when he saw the blood. He looked up at Uishik in bewilderment.

“Don’t call my girlfriend Piggy or hideous. She’s beautiful just the way she is. You need to stop bullying people. It’s about time you grow up.” Uishik fixed his tie and coolly walked away.

Jonghoon’s jaw slung open. Uishik came back to the girls. He exhaled and smiled weakly. “How was I?”

In response, Minyoung grabbed his face and kissed him. His eyes widened as his cheeks flamed red. Then Uishik shut his eyes, boldly wrapped his arms around

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747 streak #1
Chapter 42: This was such a great series, thank you so much for sharing Luhan and Danji’s story with us.
Osekop12 #2
Congrats on the feature!!
rereading ♡
Omg love all 3 stories. Well written. So happy Tao gound his mate. Would love a sequel for the rest of the guys.
0000111- #5
cant wait to read this
Jongin! ???
chanelangel #8
Congrats in the feature!
Chapter 2: I’m crying because poor Jongin ㅠㅠ
1112 streak #10
Congrats on getting featured!