I'm Sorry

The Girl and The Wolf III: Soul Mate
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Master's Sun OST: Painful Memory


Three days later, Luhan arrived at his birth home in Haidan, Beijing. He dressed into the extra garments he had been able to retrieve and headed up to the mountain to the hidden valley where his father lived with some of the wolf population. He knew he was nearing his father’s kingdom when he began to sense wolves in the area.

Most of them were of gray fur, but some were from different packs that had chosen to stay with the old prince.

The wolves recognized him and revered him. They gave him full respect and lowered their eyes as he passed by.

“Where is my father?” Luhan asked one of the wolves that looked bigger and older. He barked softly and nodded upwards.

Luhan continued his way up until he arrived at the top of the mountain. There was a fortress there that no one knew about. Any humans who dared ventured north was met by vicious wolves who threatened to take them down. Hence, no humans knew about this majestic castle that was hidden from view.

“Luhan!” Tao’s mother spotted him and ran over immediately. She was a beautiful woman with shining amethyst eyes that were filled with love and affection. She had been Luhan’s mother’s best friend when she had been alive.

“Huang Ayi.” Luhan embraced her warmly.

“It’s so good to see you again.” Tao’s mother embraced him warmly like a mother would. She pulled back and gazed into his eyes. A frown of concern came upon her face. She touched his cheek with worry. “You look sick.”

“I’m fine. Is my father home?” Luhan asked.

Tao’s mother nodded. “He came back just a while ago. He’ll be happy to see you.”

*I highly doubt so.* Luhan thought.

“How is my son? Has he found a mate yet?” Her eyes shined.

He softened and shook his head. “Not yet.”

Her shoulders deflated with a sigh. “He needs to find his life partner soon.”

Luhan touched her shoulder. “He has plenty of time, ayi. He’s young.”

Tao’s mother beamed. “Have you found your mate? I’ve heard rumors that you have. Are they true?”

“…Yes.” Luhan confirmed with a hard swallow.

“Good for you, Luhan. I know your mother would be proud of you.” Tao’s mother smiled.

Luhan dropped his gaze to avoid her eyes. “I must go see my father. Good-bye, ayi. I’ll let Tao know that you said hello.” He headed towards the colossal fortress and stepped inside.

Luhan approached the main iron doors and paused. He exhaled deeply. To be honest, he dreaded seeing his father. Luhan had disliked his father who ruined with an iron fist. He also resented his father for his mother’s early death. With a deep breath, Luhan opened the door. He looked up to see his father looking through old scrolls. The man was centuries of years old, and yet, he did not appear a day older than 40. He was fully aware of Luhan’s presence but did not acknowledge him.

Luhan cleared his throat and came closer. “I’m here, father.”

“And so you are.” His father turned the page. He seemed more interested in the ancient scrolls than his son.

Luhan gritted his teeth and glared resentfully at his ignorant father. *For how much longer will you put royalty before family? You’re not even the prince anymore. I am!*

“If you stare at me any longer, you might as well drill holes into my face.” His father stated with calmness and authority.

Luhan looked away shamefully. A scowl was plastered on his face. His father never failed to make him feel little and helpless. Luhan felt like he was a pup again who was challenged and scolded for not being strong enough.

His father finally looked up. “To what do I owe this visit to?”

“Can’t a son come visit his father?” Luhan asked sarcastically.

“Of course, but I sense that is not your purpose.” His father tilted his head. “Tell me about your mate. I heard you have one, but I know nothing of her.”

“I do have a mate.” Luhan stood taller. “And we became official.”

“Good to know. You should bring her someday. You can live here with her and guide the wolves.” His father turned his back to Luhan to retrieve a book from the shelf.

“My mate is human.” Luhan declared. Seeing how rigid his father became made him feel smug. “She is a human girl. She knows about us though. I told her everything, and she gladly accepted to become my official mate. I’ll bring her one day, father, so you can see your daughter-in-law.”

His father whirled around. His eyes were blue-green, but his temper cooled down, and he turned towards his son. “A human girl? That is interesting. Did she help you unleash your full powers?”

“I can heal myself now.” Luhan retorted proudly.

“That’s good.” His father didn’t seem too impressed though. He turned back to the books. “If that’s all you came for, you may return. I am busy.”

Irked, Luhan glared at him. “Actually, I came to ask you something.”

His father neither urged nor discouraged him.

Luhan continued. “Fourteen years ago…did you ever kill a family of hunters?”

His father laughed at the outrageous question. “My er zi, I kill hunters every day. Those prejudiced people should be put to death.”

Luhan clenched his fists as his stomach churned. He had a feeling Alen would be right. He didn’t want to ask. He didn’t want to know the truth. But he had to…so he bravely carried on. “I’m asking about a specific family. The grandfather’s name was Kim Pansuk. His son-in-law and daughter were Choi Yoonjae and Kim Soyeon-“

His father abruptly spun around with flashing blue-green eyes. “Whose names did you just spout in front of me?!”

“Do you know them?” Luhan asked.

“Of course I do. They were the worst Hunters, slaughtering our species left and right.” His father snapped.

Luhan swallowed hard. “You…didn’t murder them, did you?”

His father straightened up and composed himself as his eyes turned back to a normal brown color. “I did.”

Luhan’s heart fell. “You really killed them?”

“I avenged my pack. They killed our population, so I justly went after theirs.” His father spoke. His eyes were devoid of guilt.

“So like a little child, you paid them back, eye for an eye.” Luhan sneered.

“No, like a man, I made them pay the price of bloodshed so that my people could rest in peace.” His father defended. “It’s time you learned how to lead your pack also. You gave your leader position to Yi Fan. Do you know how shameful that is as a prince?”

Luhan stepped back with bitter eyes. “I am not like you, father. Unlike you, I actually have a beating heart. I care for family instead of power.”

“I’ve never regarded you like me. If I did, I would have had more respect for you.” His father claimed.

Luhan winced at the cold comment that hit right below the belt.

“I wonder why you are questioning me about this incident that happe

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747 streak #1
Chapter 42: This was such a great series, thank you so much for sharing Luhan and Danji’s story with us.
Osekop12 #2
Congrats on the feature!!
rereading ♡
Omg love all 3 stories. Well written. So happy Tao gound his mate. Would love a sequel for the rest of the guys.
0000111- #5
cant wait to read this
Jongin! ???
chanelangel #8
Congrats in the feature!
Chapter 2: I’m crying because poor Jongin ㅠㅠ
1112 streak #10
Congrats on getting featured!