The Ice Has Melted

Both of them wake up the next morning and get ready to face a new day. Tiffany’s back getting better. It still hurt but not as hurt as last night. Thanks to the medicine has been given by “Mr. Nobody”, she can sleep well and the patch really ease her back pain. She goes to the office with fresh smile. Some of her colleagues even asked her the reason of her smile today. She doesn’t know why, she just wanted to erased all the bad things happened last night. She hates to showed her weakness to others. That is why she always put smile on her face to cover up her pain. She’s not be fake or hypocrite, she just wanted to endure the pain by herself. Since her mother died, she always tries to be strong and tough. Didn’t want to depend to anyone.

Taeyeon, on the other hand headed to his office with a big smile pasted on his face. But he didn’t show it, he keeps his straight face and just like usual all workers didn’t dare to said anything. They just greeted him and keep doing their work back. While Jiyeon, the receptionist always greets Taeyeon with smile. Knowing her boss is happy, she was also happy for him too. Jiyeon has been worked for Taeyeon since the company first opened. So she knows what kind of boss he is. People always said he’s scary, grumpy and all of those negatives things. But he really managed the company well. He also didn’t get mad on purpose. She knows her boss having a hard time controlling his anger. Day by day, he really got better though.

Taeyeon glances at the all of his worker’s table. Scanning for a red hair girl. But there is no sign of her.

Is she really worked here, or I’ve been tricked? That is what in Taeyeon’s mind right now.

Jiyeon chuckled seeing her boss behavior. She knows that Taeyeon looking for Tiffany. Yeah since they bumped into each other in front yesterday and also about Taeyeon’s ‘little secret’, she knows something is not right here. They also know each other. Not as boss and employee, but look like they’ve already known outside office. Are they friend or what? But if they were friend, why did Tiffany didn’t realized that Taeyeon lied to her? Jiyeon didn’t dare to asked Sunny as she has promised to Taeyeon that she’ll ‘zipped’ and just let her boss solve his own problems.

“Ahem. Mr. Kim, her room is over there.” Jiyeon said and pointed her index finger to the last room that located at the corner.

“Huh? Whose room you’re talking about? I’m not looking for anyone.” He stopped his action and give an innocent answer to cover up. Great Taeyeon, great. Now you’re caught looking for that girl. He then makes his move to his office but his body didn’t listen to him. His legs brought him to the girl’s room. Just then he heard someone said:

“Um your room is in front here, Mr. Kim.” He looks at the room that he stands in front right now. Jiyeon once again caught him. Shoot! How bad he wants to curse right now. Luckily Taeyeon got a brilliant answer, yeah once again.

“Yeah I know, but I want to get myself a glass of water.”  Taeyeon guess he really got bad luck today. And his body didn’t function well today. It always be the opposite from he wants. He sure he didn’t drink a sip of alcohol at all last night. He then makes his way to the pantry, after a while he come back with a glass of water in his hand. He then showed the glass to Jiyeon and went into his room. Jiyeon who saw that just smile to her boss. She never knew Kim Taeyeon who always act cold and strict to everyone has this side of him too.

Taeyeon just sit on his chair when suddenly Sunny barged into his room with an angry face. There is no sign that the shorty will smile to him even a little. Taeyeon just looked at her with confused look.

“Yah Kim Taeyeon! Are you going to continue to look at me like that?!”

“Huh then what do you want me to do? Ask you to sit? Come on Sunny you can just sit by yourself. Hahahaha.” Taeyeon joked with her.

“No laughing Kim Taeyeon. It not funny at all.” Taeyeon didn’t know what this shorty want from him. There is no problem with the projects, all the proposal also has been signed by him. And the fashion show? She said that she already takes care of it. So now what?

“Yah Lee Sunkyu just spit already what do you want to said. I don’t understand.” That’s it. He has to know what is wrong with her. Why does she mad at this early morning?

“Pabo Kim. Where did you go last night? Why you didn’t join us?” Aish I thought there is something important. Duh she really makes me nervous.

“Ah about that. I-I got something important to do. I’ve told Hyo about this. He didn’t tell you guys?”

“He did, but I we didn’t know that you got something important with a girl Taeng.” sunny said with a straight tone.

Damn it! I should have known that he’ll tell the others about this. Great, now what I’m going to answer? Another lie? No, big NO. should I just tell them? Yeah just tell them Kim Taeyeon. They don’t even know who is the girl. Maybe not now. Taeyeon then let a sigh and explain to his best friend.

“Fine. Let me explain. I got nothing to do with that girl. I-I just save her okay? I just send her home and that’s it. Nothing more. Is it wrong Sunny-ah?”

“It not wrong Taeng. But didn’t it weird? You never care about anyone around you except people that you loved. Plus, you save her from what? A loan shark or her boyfriend? Come on, it a normal situation at club Taeng. You know it right.” Sunny feel weird with her best friend behavior lately. He’s not a person who care about other people. She still remembers when there is a group of man fought just beside him but he ignored it all. Didn’t give a damn about it because it unnecessary for him. That is until Yuri came to stopped the fight but instead Yuri was also beaten by them. Taeyeon then join the fight because of Yuri. He just dragged Yuri out from the fight scene and going home, leaving the group to continue fighting among themselves. And now Sunny heard her best friend save a girl? Wow. This is really not the ordinary Kim Taeyeon.

“Yes I know Sunny, but this time I saw the girl being treated roughly. That guy pushed her until her back hit the sink. I saw it with my own eyes, I also can see the pain that she bears. And I think that guy tried t-to-” Taeyeon explain to the shorty why did he save the girl.

“To what? her?” She trying to match with Taeyeon’s words. She then let him to continue explaining to her.

“I don’t know if my assumptions true or not but I think that guy really have a bad intention to the girl. Plus, he is the club worker.”

“What?! Are you sure Taeng you’re not wrong person?” Sunny surprised with Taeyeon’s answer. He is the worker at the Hyoyeon’s club. All this while, there is no club worker dare to cause a trouble. Maybe there is, but it is not serious as this one. Taeyeon then explain again. This time she even more surprised with the explanation.

“No, I’m not wrong Sunny. I saw he wore the uniform. He is a bartender. I guess he’s new, because he didn’t know me at all. He even told me to get lost.” Seriously that guy doesn’t know him? What is he? A foreigner? But Hyoyeon never hired a foreign worker. This is suspicious.

“Taeng, we should tell Hyo about this. I’m afraid that guy will create more troubles. It will cause a lot of problems to Hyo later.” Sunny suggested to Taeyeon.

“Yeah you’re right Sunny-ah. We’ll tell Hyo about this later. How about having lunch together today? My treat.” Taeyeon nodded and agree with her suggestion. And a lunch together will be a perfect time to discuss about this thing.

“That is a great idea Taeng! Nice one. I’ll call Yuri and Hyo. But what about Seohyun? Do you want her to come and join us too?”

“I’m afraid that she’ll be busy but never mind, just call her. If she can’t come then it will be 4 of us. Ah before I forgot, you guys can just set the place. I’m fine anywhere. Tell me once you guys have decide okay?.” Taeyeon knew Seohyun always be super busy. A lot of patients to handle, tons of conference to attend and there also she’ll be speaker in those conference. Well, be a psychiatrist is not easy. Plus, when you’re young. Deep in his thought, he did hope that the little girl will join them at lunch. It’s been a while since 5 of them gathered.

“Alright Taeng. See you later.” Sunny then get out from the room and get back into her room. Taeyeon then being left with his unfinished work.

Tiffany on the other room also busy doing her work. She need to finished all the design before the meeting. Not only she has to talk about her design, she also has to explain the latest update of the practical students that have been placed under her supervision since she starts working there. Before this, it was Sunny who supervised them, but now she has to take care of other things so all matters related to practical students have been passed to Tiffany. She really focused in doing her job when suddenly her phone ringing. She then pick up the call. Without even see the caller id, she already knows who was it.

“Yes Jess. What do you want?” She even put in on speaker as she knows Jessica will have a lot of things to talk and she didn’t want to waste her time so she put her phone on her table and keep doing her work while chat with Jessica.

“Wow is that how you greet you best friend? Ohmygod Tiff” Tiffany knows Jessica pissed with her flat tone. But what can she do? She got a lot of work to do and can’t even chat now actually but she understands, Jessica just care about her and want some updates.

“Sorry Jess but I got caught up with work. There’s a lot of work need to settle down before the meeting”

“I guess we can’t have lunch together too huh?” She can hear Jessica sighing on the other line. She really really can’t have lunch with her best friend even if she want to.

“You know the answer Jess. I’m so sorry. We’ll meet up later kay?”

“Yeah you said that yesterday too, but you didn’t show up last night. I call you thousand times Tiff! All I got to hear is the fcking stupid voicemail operator’s voice. Where are you Tiffany?”  Last night incident flashback to her mind. Should she tell Jessica about this or not? She can’t lie. Jessica know everything about her. There is no secret between them after all. She keep quiet for a while. Thinking about telling her about this or not.

“Tiff? You hear me or not? Hello?”

Tiffany snapped from her thought. Yes, she should tell Jessica about this. She can’t keep about this by herself. Well she will know about this eventually after all.

“I hear you Jess. Look, can we talk about this later? I really need to finish up my work now.”

“Always with your work, yeah right Tiff. You’re always busy.”  

“Aww Jessie don’t be mad please? How about we met tomorrow?” Tiffany laugh upon hearing her best friend has been sigh for the nth time today. Look like they really need cut off their work.

“Tomorrow? Don’t you have to work tomorrow?” Oh my god. What’s wrong with this girl? Caught in depression or what?

“Look at this Jessica Jung. Seems like handling big cases made you this stress until forgetting days didn’t you? Tomorrow is Saturday pabo-yah, we are both free from work. Duh.” Tiffany knows Jessica also busy just like her. If she was struggling in designing, for Jessica she was struggling in handling cases. Be a criminal defense attorney is not easy as you think. In fact, Tiffany think Jessica has faced a lot stress than her. But thank goodness, she can manage it and she can even hide it well from everyone but not Tiffany of course. She was thankful that she didn’t have to be a lawyer like Jessica. Well her father himself have a law firm. Of course he wants at least one of his child to following his footsteps to become a lawyer. Since her brother is an engineer and her sister become an anthropologist. She’s the only one left in the family since she only has 3 siblings and she is the youngest one. Not to disappoint her dad, but she wants to pursue her dream job. So she declines to be a lawyer and be a fashion designer instead.

“Oh really? Sorry Tiff I’m kinda messed up today. Never mind ignore it. Great! We’ll meet tomorrow. Don’t you dare to didn’t up tomorrow Tiffany Hwang, or you gonna get it from me!”

“Hahaha easy Jess. I’ll show up tomorrow, I promise. See ya tomorrow Jessie!” After Tiffany answered her best friend, the line being cut off. She then turn off the speaker phone and let her phone on the table and continue doing her work.



Taeyeon and Sunny already arrive at the restaurant. When they went in, they saw Seohyun already wait for them with a smile. Indeed, this girl really punctual. Sunny saw Seohyun and ran towards her then hug the girl. Seohyun replied the hug and they then sit.

“Where is Yul and Hyo? They didn’t come?” Taeyeon break the silence. He then looked at Sunny as she’s the one who was supposed to call them earlier.

Sunny just shook her shoulder and Seohyun who sit beside Taeyeon answered.

“Oh, Hyo oppa called me just now. He said he’s waiting for Yuri oppa to fetch him. Maybe they’re now on their way.”

Hearing Seohyun’s explanation, Sunny laughed then replied.

“Hyo must be lazy af to drive. Hahaha” Hyoyeon is a good driver but unfortunately he’s too lazy to drive. Sometimes he’ll asked either Taeyeon or Yuri to fetch him. But there only one time he didn’t lazy to drive. It when he joined a car race. Remember Yuri’s illegal racing? Yes, Hyoyeon invited him. It not a normal illegal racing, it a racing that full with business agreement. Like Yuri, he’s racing to determine who will be the sponsor of the FIA World Endurance Championship and he win the race. All the bets are not little but it worth to millions, even billions sometimes.

“Whoops sorry maknae. Pardon my mouth.” Taeyeon shot his glare at Sunny after hearing her cursing. Giving sign to Sunny about their maknae. Seohyun hates hearing someone cursing. She always remind her oppas and unnie to not to curse. It’s a bad word after all. There’s nothing can be solve by cursing.  Seohyun just stare at Sunny, didn’t say anything. Well she just slip her tongue. Sunny who sit opposite her just grinned sheepishly.

“Should we order now?” Taeyeon said as he was really hungry since he didn’t eat his breakfast this morning.

“Shouldn’t we wait for them first Taeng?” Sunny asked him.

“Nah they can order later Sunny-ah” Taeyeon replied. He then call the waiter. Seohyun on the other side just agree with anything.

The waiter come to take their order when suddenly Yuri and Hyoyeon appear.

“Thinking of eat first without us huh Taengoo?” Hyo said as he saw Taeyeon already take the menu from the waiter.

“Why are you suddenly asked us for lunch? Trying to bribe us for last night thing?” Yuri said as everybody laugh at his statement.

“Hey Yul, Hyo. Come on sit. Sorry but my stomach can’t wait for you. Hahaha.”

“You and your 24/7 empty stomach Taeng” Yuri said to Taeyeon while take his seat next to Sunny.

They begin to order their food. While waiting for the food, Hyoyeon began to speak.

“Taeng who is the girl with you last night?” Taeyeon who is drinking his apple juice chokes upon hearing Hyoyeon’s question. Here it is, the topic has come.

“Taeng oppa with a girl? Seriously?” Seohyun who sit beside him also surprised with it. They already aware that Taeyeon never approach any other girl after being suffered from severe heart broken. Although it was 5 years ago, Taeyeon still didn’t forget about his ‘first love’

Hyoyeon just nodded with Seohyun’s question. Seohyun then look at Taeyeon. Wondering about what in his mind when he helped the girl. Is he becoming better? She need to ask him more but this will be like therapy and she know this is not the right time. So she decides to ask Taeyeon casually.

“Oppa how did you found her? Is she okay now?” Seohyun asked him. Hoping that he will tell them.

Taeyeon then tell them the whole story. About how he met the girl, who is that girl actually. But he didn’t tell them is her name and he’s working in his company. He’ll save that for now. Everyone there just listen carefully to the story. His story come to the main point. Yeah right, about that man. When Taeyeon said that man is Hyoyeon’s worker, they’re all surprised. Sunny who is already know about that just eat her food peacefully. Hyoyeon then asked Taeyeon.

“A bartender? Who? Jonghyun? Key? Or Taemin?”

“We know all of your worker Hyo. But this guy doesn’t even know Taeng. Don’t you remember hiring a new guy Hyo?” Yuri asked Hyoyeon back while take a sip of his orange juice.

Hyoyeon thinking for a while. He put his index finger on his chin remembering about the new worker. Just then he remembers something about that guy.

“I remember guys!”

Everyone is anticipating and wait for Hyoyeon’s answer. They keep silent, their eyes look at straight to Hyoyeon.

“He just work at my club a month ago. I don’t know him much. His name is Nichkhun. He was introduced by Key. I guess he is a friend of him. Key told me that Nichkhun just move here last year. They know each other at a club, he found Nichkhun being beaten by some guys. He told me that Nichkhun owed all those guys. Since then they become friend and he suggested him to work here to pay his debt. They also become housemate after he worked here. Yeah that is all I know.”

“Look like he causes many troubles. Oh he didn’t have a place to stay?” Sunny asked Hyoyeon.

“Key said he has been kicked out from his house for not pay the rent. I heard it quite a lot.” He replied while eat a spoon of soup.

“I need to know more about this guy. Hyo, you’ll not fire him didn’t you?” Taeyeon really feel something odd about this guy. He wants to know more, so he asked Hyoyeon to not fired him.

“I want to at first, but if you say no so I won’t fire him then.” Did I told you that Taeyeon also Hyoyeon’s business partner? Taeyeon just be one of a founder to the club. He did paid attention to the club but he just let Hyoyeon handle everything. In fact, he agree to be a co-founder to the club just to convince his uncle that his son can handle a business. Hyoyeon just like Yuri, didn’t interested in family business. So Taeyeon the only who will continue the legacy. Well maybe after this Hayeon?  

“What do you want to do Taeng?” Yuri asked. He know his buddy had something up in his mind.

“Don’t do anything stupid Kim Taeyeon.” Sunny also warned him.

“Nah, I’m not going to do anything with him. Just wanna be his friend. That’s all.” Friend? Yes, a friend. Or maybe an enemy soon? We’ll see. Seohyun that quiet since earlier just looked at Taeyeon. Taeyeon notice that Seohyun look at him with worried sense. He then smile at her and  put up his hand as a promise sign to not do anything to the guy.

They then continue their lunch with small talks and get back to their work after finish their lunch. Sunny and Taeyeon that come together to the restaurant go back in split way as Sunny have to go to other places. Hyoyeon follow Yuri to his car center since he didn’t have anything else to do. Seohyun rushed to another appointment and here Taeyeon back to his office alone. In his mind, he keep thinking about that guy. How can he know more about this guy? Just then an idea popped in his mind. He thought of someone.


so that's it. i think nichkhun is the cliche' character for fany's boyfriend or ex. i cant think of anyone else. sorry for nichkhun's fans *bow

and yeah little bit intro for sica and hyoyeon. will try to slip intro of others too. sorry for taking long time. got no ideas. plus, the surroundings really didnt help it much. cant concentrate bcs of noisy ><. so who is taeyeon thinking about and what will he do? Stay tuned! 


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Chapter 1: Lookin forward to this... ;)
18 streak #2
Chapter 80: This story was beautiful I shed a few tears a couple times but you really did great <3
Gaejihyo815 #3
Finished this in 2 days! The plot and flow was nice! One of the best Taeny story out there!
1120 streak #4
Chapter 61: I love this and i keep on rereading it... Hahaha Yul is jealous...
Chapter 79: This is good... Thanks for writing a good story author.. ^^
Chapter 80: Yeaheyyyyy I can't believe that i finish it in one sitting hahahaha btw author-sshi your story are really good and so wonderful to read I love it hahaha
owheyjae_ #7
Chapter 80: Woah done reading this. Its a great story author this deserve an upvote tho :)
Chapter 80: I hope there's a sequel for this. This is nice though, thank you for this author ;)
Chapter 80: What a beautiful story~
( ⁎ᵕᴗᵕ⁎ )❤︎
Thank you author.
But taeyeon really less dorky in this story, hehe
cwright01_ #10
Finished the story! Its so good! Thanks author for writing and completing the story!!