The Ice Has Melted

Being admitted to the hospital for a week, Taeyeon finally discharged. His legs still hurt and he can’t stand for a long time. He still need to get more treatment. He awake at the next morning after being admitted. He smile as soon he awake because he saw Tiffany sitting next to him. Never once, Tiffany left him. She only left him when she need to go to the restroom and buy some food. But most of the time, she’ll spend her time with Taeyeon. Not too forget, their friend also come and visit everyday. And of course, Seohyun that worked at the same hospital will come and check for him every free time she got.




“You should sit Tae, I’ll bring it to you.” Tiffany said while bring a slice of chocolate cake to him. Even though he’s hurt, he still want to walk.

“Aish, I don’t want to sit here all day while you were there.” He’s whimper while pouting his mouth.

“But you can still see me from here right?” She let out a smile to him while put the cake on the coffee table.

He stop pouting his mouth and start let out a small smile as he saw a plate of chocolate cake being put in front of him. Acting like a kid now huh Kim Taeyeon?

Tiffany then take a seat beside Taeyeon and give him the dessert plate.

“But I want you here with meeeee~”

“Omo. I don’t know you can be this clingy when you’re sick Taeyeon.” She surprised when Taeyeon suddenly locked their arms together and put his head on her shoulder. He really got a lot of aegyo actually.

“Who is Taeyeon?” He unlocked their arms and pouting. Don’t know why, but Taeyeon didn’t like it when Tiffany call him with that name now. He more prefer to his nickname now. Plus, he trying to distract Tiffany actually since she has to go to office later on.

Tiffany always put Taeyeon as her number 1 now since he still in recovery mode. She will always take care of his needs first before get ready going to the office every morning. Since the cut still not heal yet and also he has to go physiotherapy now because of the injury on his legs, Taeyeon has been ‘prohibited’ from going to office. Usually Yuri or Hyoyeon will come to bring him to the hospital if Tiffany can’t make it.

“Uhm, I don’t know. Maybe some random guy that I’ve fall in love with?” Tiffany let out an evil smile and play along with him.

“Random guy?!” He then turn his head to tiffany and shot a glare to her. Feeling little bit toyed. And of course, with his pouting mouth.

“Hahahaha, I’m just kidding Tae. Awh my Taetae looks ‘shuper’ cute right now!” She pinch her boyfriend cheeks and look at the wall clock.

“Whoops. I’ve to go get ready now Tae. Finish the cake okay?” Taeyeon nodded when heard of Tiffany. He knows that it’s already time.

With that, Tiffany going upstairs and left Taeyeon eating his cakes while watching his morning BBC News.

Less than half an hour, Tiffany went down with her smart casual outfits. She shooting her eye smile to Taeyeon after saw him eyeing every step of her going down on the stairs.

“How do I look today?” That is Tiffany’s ‘must’ question everyday. She pose like a model in front of him.

Taeyeon put his index finger on his chin as a sign of thinking. He’s been quiet since a while. Tiffany that smiling widely now has change her expression. She looks confuse. Is there something on her?


“Why? What’s wrong?” She asked him.

“Why did you look different from yesterday?” He pointed his finger around her.

“Huh? What different?” Tiffany look around her. She checking her hair, outfits but found nothing. Everything seems fine though.

“Uhm… you look more beautiful today.” He said and winked at her. Hoping that she’ll smile or at least makes her blushing but all his guess was wrong. Instead of all those thing, he got hit by his girlfriend. Not by hand, but using her hard sketchbook. Fiuh, it must be hurt for him.

“Auch! That’s hurt Fany-ah!” Taeyeon whine while rub his shoulder that being hit just now.

“Serve you right!” Tiffany said while collecting the empty plate on the coffee table and make her way to the kitchen to wash it.

Done wash, she then back to living room and grab her things. She saw that Taeyeon still rub his shoulder watching the TV. Tiffany rub Taeyeon’s shoulder and said:

“Did I hit you too hard? Omo, I’m sorry Tae”

“Nah, it’s not hurt Fany-ah.” Taeyeon then saw that Tiffany already grab all her things. He knows that she has to go to the office.

“Already have to go?”

Tiffany nodded.

“Alright, drive carefully then. Text me when you’ve arrive okay?”

She nodded once again, but this time Tiffany answer him. “Don’t worry, I’ll text you Tae. You have your appointment today right? Who’s going to come here?”

“Hyo said he’ll come at 12 later on,” He let out smile that come along with his dimples.

“Ah really? Okay then. Don’t forget to eat your breakfast okay? I’ve put it on the dining table. See you tonight Tae, I love you.” She kiss Taeyeon’s forehead and want to make a move but being stopped by Taeyeon.

Tiffany turn back and look at Taeyeon with confuse look. “Anything Tae?”

With still in his blue pajamas and messy hair, Taeyeon said: “You kiss my forehead, then how about here?” He showed his lips with finger.

Tiffany laugh and bent down a little bit to him. Acting like she want to kiss him. “Teasing Mode” ON. Just when Taeyeon can feel Tiffany’s breath and close his eyes, he then heard something:

“Go and take a bath first then you can have my lips okay?” instead of kissing his lips, Tiffany just kiss his cheek and quickly run away from him.

Taeyeon that hear that open his eyes and already saw Tiffany run from him.

“I’ll hunt you tonight! Be prepared!” He shout at her. Taeyeon knows that she can heard him. He then laugh and continue watching TV.



Since the day Taeyeon fired his staff and also reveal Tiffany as his girlfriend, there is no one dare to badmouthing her again. She feel relieved that she can work in peace now.

Being a CEO girlfriend plus a billionaire son also make her feel irritated sometimes. The news regarding Taeyeon being admitted to the hospital has been spread. Hyoyeon was right, they can’t believe anybody’s eyes. There must be someone from hospital report then the TV Station started to make stupid speculation about him.

*knock knock knock* Tiffany’s door being knocked.

“Come in,” She said.

The door then opened and revealed Chang Suk, one of the intern that worked at Taeyeon’s company.

“Oh Chang Suk, come on have a sit. What can I help you?”

That boy then sit, following her order. He smile and seems hesitated to said. All he did just hug an A3 file size. Tiffany guess that the file contain sketching.

“Uhm… If sunbaenim have some free time, could you please take a look at this?” He hand in the A3 file shyly to Tiffany.

Tiffany take it and open the file. She take out all the design paper. She look at it one by one and impress with his idea. This intern surely got a lot of fresh ideas. Finish looking at it, Tiffany put it back all of the design paper into the file.

“Wow, Chang Suk this is good! you should show this to Sunny, she will be impress of you!”

“But… she’s busy. I don’t want to disturb her.” The intern hung his head down. Well, he was right. Plus with Taeyeon absence, Sunny got a lot of work to do.

“Ah yeah, but don’t worry. Sunny will surely see all this. I’ll make sure her eyes turn to be bug eyes. Hahaha!”

Chang Suk laugh along with Tiffany and he excuse himself to get back to work but before he went out, he did ask about Taeyeon at Tiffany.

“Is Mr. Kim alright suunbaenim?”

Tiffany smile and answer him: “He’s alright, don’t worry. He’s now undergo recovery session.”

“Oh, I hope he can get well soon. Hwaiting sunbaenim! Thank you!” He answer and went out from Tiffany’s room.



Now Taeyeon is going to physiotherapy session with Hyoyeon at the hospital. Hyoyeon come sharp at 12 pm and drive him to hospital. Taeyeon have to undergo this recovery session as his back of knee is injurt and makes him hard to walk. Doctor said that luckily it was not a serious injury and it can be treated without perform a surgery.

“How’s your condition today Mr. Kim? Did you eat your breakfast?” The doctor asked him.

“I’m feeling good today and yeah, I’ve already got my breakfast.” Taeyeon answer with cheerful tone.

“Okay, that’s good. So you must have enough energy for our session today. Isn’t?”

“Yes doctor, I will.”

“If that so, we can upgrade to all day session for you Mr. Kim since I can see your positive aura today. Shall we?” She said with a slumber while writing some notes in Taeyeon’s report.

“Eh?” His face change. Seriously this doctor?

“Hahahaha I’m just kidding Mr. Kim. Your face look so scared just now.”

Taeyeon just keep quiet and look down since he kinda embarrassed showing her that kind of expression to her.

He’s lucky because he got a cheerful doctor. Can’t be denied, she’s beautiful too. She always make a jokes around the patient and be friendly to them doesn’t matter who they’re. like just now when she . She look so young and people might mistakes her as practical student if she didn’t introduce herself as a doctor. Her baby face shows it all. Almost all people in the hospital knows her for being ‘happy pill’ for everyone there. Yeah, that is his doctor. Doctor Yoona.

They then started their session by Taeyeon tried to walk without crutch. So he just walk with just grabbing the pole near him and wall. Before this, he can’t even stand but with the practices at home and therapy, he’s getting better.

It’s hard for him to keep balance but Taeyeon try as much as he could so he can recovery fast and get back to work. His performance is getting better day by day. The therapy then stop after few hours.

“You’re doing great today Mr. Kim. I think you can get full recovery less than 2 weeks if you can maintain it like this.” Doctor Yoona compliment him.

“Really doctor? Thanks to you, I manage to be like this now. I’ll practice more at home.” Taeyeon feel happy that she’s compliment him. He can’t wait to tell Tiffany about this. Soon, he can drive for her again and most important he can go to office again.

“That is good, but don’t force yourself okay? you must have enough rest and take the medication.”

“Will do, doctor. Thank you.”

With that, Taeyeon went home with Hyoyeon that waited for him from the beginning until he’s done.


Tiffany went home early that as she didn’t have many work to do. When she gets home, Taeyeon still didn’t finish his therapy yet. So she just went up for bath and going back to the kitchen to cook their dinner.

While she was cooking, Tiffany heard the door opened and reveal Taeyeon and Hyoyeon. Taeyeon quickly send his cousin out since Tiffany was early that day.

“Seriously Taeng? Can’t I even come in and have some juice?” Hyoyeon asked him. he is already outside since Taeyeon push him out earlier.

“You can buy all that at the convenience store down there Hyo.” He answer him.

“How about games? Let’s play your Xbox today, I want to have rematch” Hyo gives another idea to Taeyeon.

“Not today, maybe tomorrow. I’m sick playing with a loser like you Hyo.”


“No.” He got rejected.



“Meat? Snacks? Steak? Pasta? Sushi?”


Hyoyeon nodded while smile sheepishly.

“Then go and get some food somewhere okay? Bye!”

“Yah!” Taeyeon ignore him and just lock the door.


Tiffany that heard all the noise just smiling while she cutting some vegetables at the kitchen. Suddenly she feel someone touch her waist. It’s Taeyeon, who hug her from the back.

“Whoaaa. What this delicious smell?” He said while still hugging her.

“I’m making stir-fried meat with sugar snap peas and…”

“Asparagus!” Taeyeon continue to said the last ingredient.

Tiffany laugh and nodded to him but then she noticed something.

“Where is your crotch Tae?”

“I put it over there. See? I can walk without crotch now.” He give a big smile to her and showed his walk.

“Wah! That is great Tae! you’ve improve a lot!” She turn her body and facing him. Tiffany then hug him. Feeling happy and proud with Taeyeon.

Tiffany then asked him to take bath and come down again after finish. While she still have to finish up her last dish. Taeyeon just follow her order and went up lazily.


Less than 15 minutes, Taeyeon come back down with his grey jogger pants and white T-shirt. He went down slowly as he doesn’t want Tiffany to notice him and the second one is he want to be careful of his legs.

Slowly he approached Tiffany that standing outside and standing beside her the wrap his arm around her waist. Tiffany startled and hit him gently and tilt her head on his shoulder. 

While wrapping his arms on her waist, Taeyeon thought of something. He thought of what she did to him this morning.

“You know what, tonight I got a mission to do.” Taeyeon suddenly speak up while they were looking at the night sky.

“Huh? What mission you talking about Tae?” Tiffany totally forgot what did she do this morning. t

He then whisper to her ear: “Hunt your lips.”

Tiffany’s eyes become bug eye and now she remember all of that thing. She didn’t say any word and she can feel Taeyeon stand near to her and his hand move from her waist to her back.

With that, Taeyeon bent down, his lips against Tiffany’s cheek, brushing it lightly and still that light touch sent shivers through her nerves, shivers that made her whole body tremble. While Tiffany already close her eyes and let him lead everything.

"If you want me to stop, tell me now," he whispered to her.

When she still said nothing, Taeyeon brushed his mouth against the hollow of her temple. "Or now."

This time, it was his turn to . Taeyeon keep brushed his face with Tiffany’s. he didn’t even touch and lastly with traced the line of her cheekbone and said: "Or now." his lips was near to hers but he keep on moving to somewhere else.


Tiffany seriously feel annoyed with him. She open her eyes and said: “Just kiss me already!”. She knows that he’s teasing her now that’s why.

Taeyeon let out an evil smile. But she had reached up and pulled Taeyeon down to her, and the rest of his words were lost against . He kissed her gently and slowly make his tongue slips inside . It was gentle but demanding. They then continue to live in their own world and being witnessed by the night sky and moonlight. 

i got 2 more paper in my final exam and i'm here writing for you guys. kekeek~  i'm sorry for late! pardon all grammar and spelling mistakes >< 

do comment or tell me anything that you don't like or you want to add. well it's not too late to add anything. we're using our imigination so why not? ^^



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Chapter 1: Lookin forward to this... ;)
18 streak #2
Chapter 80: This story was beautiful I shed a few tears a couple times but you really did great <3
Gaejihyo815 #3
Finished this in 2 days! The plot and flow was nice! One of the best Taeny story out there!
1130 streak #4
Chapter 61: I love this and i keep on rereading it... Hahaha Yul is jealous...
Chapter 79: This is good... Thanks for writing a good story author.. ^^
Chapter 80: Yeaheyyyyy I can't believe that i finish it in one sitting hahahaha btw author-sshi your story are really good and so wonderful to read I love it hahaha
owheyjae_ #7
Chapter 80: Woah done reading this. Its a great story author this deserve an upvote tho :)
Chapter 80: I hope there's a sequel for this. This is nice though, thank you for this author ;)
Chapter 80: What a beautiful story~
( ⁎ᵕᴗᵕ⁎ )❤︎
Thank you author.
But taeyeon really less dorky in this story, hehe
cwright01_ #10
Finished the story! Its so good! Thanks author for writing and completing the story!!