The Ice Has Melted

Finish lunch, Taeyeon asked Tiffany whether she want to go back to office or just going home but Tiffany insist that she’s okay and want to continue doing her work. So as they arrive at the office, they continue to pretend like usual. Taeyeon let Tiffany went to her room first and he went in after that.



Taeyeon still thinking about what Yuri said. Maybe he’s right. Nana is now targeting Tiffany. If she dare to make fell down on the floor, there is no way she can make Tiffany fell down from a building. She’s kind of unpredictable woman.

Didn’t want to waste his time thinking of Nana, he then get up to take plaster from the first aid kit. He forgot to give Tiffany plaster. Her scratch might be infected if she didn’t cover it up.

As he walk towards pantry, Taeyeon heard few people whispering among themselves. That is probably some of his staffs. Taeyeon want to make his move but then he heard something that makes his heart burning.

“Did you see just now? She’s going out with Mr Kim,” A female worker said while make a drink.

“Who? Tiffany? Whoa she totally knows how to flirt with somebody rich. She never accept my offer though,” A male worker continue gossiping with her.

“Didn’t she knows that she’s new girl here? Who cares if she was senior designer? I think she got fired by kate spade for being like this. That’s why she came here.” Another female worker adding fuel to the fire.

“Heh, such a pathetic bit…-”

Taeyeon can’t hear it anymore. So he just barged into the pantry.

“Feeling good for insulting and slandering people?” Taeyeon’s face become red for endure the anger.

“Mr.. Mr. Kim…”

“We’re sorry…”

All three staff’s face already in panic.

“Oh please, don’t be sorry with me.” Taeyeon said softly with a smile but he’s actually mocking them.

They still keep quiet.

“Do you want to know something? It’s a gossip too. You must be like it when you hear this.” Taeyeon pretend to be excited. But his face did look scary.

“The thing that you always see, its true though. She’s going lunch with me. Do you know why she always rejecting your offer Song Jiyoung-ssi?” Taeyeon said calmly. He still try to control his anger. If not, they’ll be blown out from the pantry.

The 3 staff keep their mouth shut and just let Taeyeon speak now.

“That is because she have a date with me.” the 3 staff look up and saw Taeyeon smiling towards them. Well, that is not his usual smile. There is anger behind his smile. Without waiting for them to say anything, Taeyeon continue to speak.

“Yeah, woman that you labelled as a PATHETIC you want to say just now is my girlfriend. So don’t you dare saying bad things about her!” Taeyeon raise his voice. He purposely emphasize the curse word they say just now. Now everyone in that office can hear him. it’s been a while since he be the scary Kim Taeyeon.

Tiffany, who is room located near the pantry can hear Taeyeon were yelling. She shake her head. Thinking about Taeyeon’s anger that hard to be control. Sunny that having discussion with the other staffs also can hear his loud voice. Sunny went out from the meeting room since she never heard Taeyeon yell that loud and so do Tiffany.



“We were very sorry Mr. Kim. We didn’t know about that,”

“Yes Mr. Kim, we’re sorry. We’ll not do it again,”

The 3 staff there nonstop bowing and express their sorry to Taeyeon. But it’s too late. Taeyeon has been heard many things about them. Even if Tiffany didn’t tell him, the other staff also said the same things.

“Enough with the sorry, I’m sick of hearing it.” Taeyeon said. He’s already made his mind. He not gonna let them talk bad about Tiffany again. Plus, they didn’t have a good reputation in the company.

“Now, with all of respect, pack your things and out from this office! I don’t need staff like 3 of you in my company. You're all fired!”

With that, Taeyeon went out from the pantry and go back to his room. He didn’t realized that Sunny and Tiffany already stand there and being witnessed all of the thing. Tiffany feel so surprised until she can’t say anything. Sunny too, didn’t believe of what has happen just now.



Taeyeon slammed the door. He feel very mad about that. How could they talk something bad about her? Even they’re not talking about Tiffany, he still mad with them. He hate someone judging other people. Beside he have heard a lot about them from the other staffs. They like to spread negative vibes around. Can’t be denied, their performance are good, but Taeyeon he would rather have an incompetent staffs compared with them.

Sunny and Tiffany went straight to Taeyeon’s room after saw what happen. Didn’t bother to knock it, Sunny just barged into his office. Taeyeon that hear his door being opened already stand up and get ready to scold anyone that dare to barge into his room without knocking but he sit again when see the both women.

“Taeyeon.” Sunny call him but Taeyeon didn’t answer it. He just ignored her.

“Tae,” This time, its Tiffany turn. Taeyeon did not answer her, but at least he look up to her.

“Yah Kim Taeyeon,” Sunny call him again.

Taeyeon let out a sigh “What more Sun?” He answer her unwillingly.

“Do you know what you’ve done?” She asked him.

With slumber face, he answer her question. “I’m sober when I did it Sunny, of course I know. Hahaha,” Taeyeon answer her with laugh.

While Tiffany at the other side just stay quiet. She didn’t have any right when it’s about company thing. she was dragged there by Sunny that’s why she there.

“You’re firing a potential staff Taeng!” Sunny want to argue with him.

Taeyeon’s expression changed. “I don’t need staff that spreading negative vibes in my company Sun.” He said with strict voice.

“What negative vibes Taeng? That can’t be count as a reason why do you have to fire them!” She started to raised her voice. Feel not satisfied with his decision.

“That can’t be counted as a reason? Okay, then hear to my explanation. They maybe can be a potential staff but their attitude didn’t show it at all. They talk bad about other people. They even talk bad about Tiffany. And what I want to say here is, I’m not only mad because they talk bad about my girlfriend, but I also heard many complaints from other staff.” Taeyeon then continue his explanation.

“Want to know more? I got a report that not all of their work were original. They paid somebody else to do it for them. Remember when our company been accused for copy other company design? That is because of them.  I’ve been observed all this since beginning. And I think today is the right time to fire them.” He finish his explanation.

“Now that can be counted as a strong excuse to fire them, Sun?” Taeyeon asked her back.

Sunny that silent hear it all. Now she knows why. She’s been wrong in judging them all this while. Now she feel guilty with Taeyeon.

“I’m sorry Taeng, I didn’t know.”

They then settle everything with a smile. Tiffany too pat Taeyeon’s back as she want him to feel good. Sunny leave the couple and back to her room. But his mood already swing. There’s so many things happen today. First Nana, and now staff problem. He can’t do his work anymore. Taeyeon asked Tiffany to go home early with him, but Tiffany reject it. She want to continue doing her work. So she asked him to go home first. Taeyeon just agree as Tiffany said that she’s okay and so do her scratch. It just a few scratch and it won’t affect her.

Plus, she want to go home by herself. It’s been a while since she got time with herself. With that, Taeyeon go home first without Tiffany.



Taeyeon start to lift up his mood by taking a long shower that day. He quietly enjoy it. Then, he play some games in his Xbox. But still, his mood didn’t lift up much. He doesn’t know that a day without Tiffany can be bored to him. He usually can enjoy playing by himself though. So it’s true that he was so in love with her.

Giving up in playing games to distract him, Taeyeon then remember something. He quickly make his step to upstairs, going to his ‘secret room’. As soon as he open the door and walk in, he saw a canvas that has been covered by piece of cloth. He pull the cloth and it revealed an unfinished portrait.

“It’s been a while since I draw. I’m gonna finish it today,” Taeyeon said to himself.

With that, Taeyeon start to finish up his drawing and his mood going back to normal. No longer feel mad, he now feels calm as he did something that he likes. He diligently drawing and coloring the portrait, he also put an effort in every part he draws.


It’s 9.00 pm and Tiffany just move her of from her seat at the office. She finally finish up her work. So after this, her workload can be decreased. Most of staff in the office already went home, there’s only some intern who still there to finish up their work.

“Good bye Sunbaenim! See you tomorrow!” Chang Suk, one of the intern that still stay there greet her. He’s been observed under Sunny but he likes to greet everyone including Tiffany and Taeyeon.

Tiffany let out a smile “Good bye Chang Suk! Hwaiting!” She then wave her hand to him and went to the elevator.


Tiffany drive her car to Taeyeon’s home. But something popup on her mind. She thought of cooking something for Taeyeon since he got a bad day today. Tiffany stop at supermarket near Taeyeon’s house. She parked her car at the side of the supermarket since she doesn’t want to be long there.

Tiffany reach her phone in her bag and dialing Taeyeon’s number but few seconds waiting for his response, she got nothing. Taeyeon didn’t answer her call. She just want to asked him whether he want to eat something specific tonight.

While Taeyeon on the other side busy focus in finishing his drawing. He left his phone downstairs so he didn’t heard it ringing.

Because there is no response from her boyfriend, Tiffany just send him a text.


Text message

From: Tiffany

To: Tae  

Tae, I’m at supermarket near your house. I’m going to cook tonight. Wait for me okay? I love you!


Tiffany hit the send button. She then continue her shopping and buy some groceries also the ingredients for her cooking later on.


Finish shopping, Tiffany make her way to her car with some groceries bag she hold. She parked at the side of supermarket since parking in front are full. It’s quite dark and there’s no car parking there except for her car.

She unlock her car also open the boot to put all the groceries. She went to put all the groceries in the boot. Just when she want to shut the boot, someone stop her by grab her wrist. Tiffany startled of the action.

“Who are you?! What do you want?!” Tiffany yell at the unknown person.

The unknown man that only wear a black beanie and a mask smirk under the mask. Not only one man, but there is also 3 men covering him.

Tiffany’s mouth has been covered by another man. She then being dragged by the 4 men to the end of the hallway. Tiffany struggling to release herself but she can’t as she has been grabbed tightly by those men.



Finally, Taeyeon finish his drawing after spending few hours in the ‘secret’ room. Suddenly he feel thirsty and went downstairs. He look at the clock that ticking on the wall. It showed 10.30 pm nearly to 11 pm but he doesn’t see any sign of Tiffany is home. He went to drink some water at the kitchen and finally noticed his phone that has been put on the coffee table at the living room as he played his Xbox few hours ago.

He check it and saw there is a missed call from Tiffany. He hit his own forehead for no noticing her calls. He then saw the text that has been send by Tiffany after calling him. He smile when read the text.

“I love you too Fany-ah” He mutter the words by himself.

Just when he want to put his phone back, it’s ringing.

Taeyeon look at the caller. It’s Tiffany. He began to smile widely. He answer it right away.

“Hi baby! When will you come home? I already miss you here!” But there is no answer from Tiffany.

“Fany, are you there?” Taeyeon asked again. This is weird. Why did she call if didn’t want to talk?

Taeyeon thought that maybe she accidentally press it since she always put her phone in her bag. So just when he want to cut the line, he heard something:

“Hold her tight! We can’t let her go!”

“Let’s go before people see us!

Taeyeon heard noisy sound after that and he can hear that the phone is being thrown as he heard ‘pak’ sound.



“Fany-ah answer me! are you okay?”  Taeyeon keep calling her name but there is no answer from her.

Bit by bit, Taeyeon can hear the noise slowly fade away. He then quickly run out from his house as he feel something bad happen to his girlfriend.




Tiffany can’t think of anything else. These men were too strong until she can’t let herself go. All she can think about now is Taeyeon. Luckily she set Taeyeon’s number as an emergency number beside her father and Jessica. Secretly she press the number 3 button. Now she just hope that she press the right button and the call will be connected.

She can hear somebody is talking after few seconds dialing Taeyeon’s number. She can’t hear it well so she just hope that it was Taeyeon who talking. A man saw that she hold her phone so he grab it and throw it away.


Taeyeon drive as fast as he can. He drive over the speed limit and didn’t care about being fines or what. What important now is Tiffany. Usually it will took about 20 minutes to reached the supermarket near his house. But thanks to the clear road and his speedy drive, he can make it within 10 minutes. Taeyeon parked his car near the supermarket and start wandering around the area.   

Spend few minutes walking around, Taeyeon finally found Tiffany’s car that being parked near the supermarket. He checked the car. No blood stains, the car is in good condition. But the car keys still in the car and the front door opened. He curious of what happen actually. He didn’t find any sign of Tiffany when he look around the supermarket. So he decided to walk along the hallway.

On his way, he dialed Tiffany’s number. She’s not picking up but Taeyeon heard something. Tiffany’s ringtone. He look around and found her phone on the ground. Taeyeon took it and start quicken his step. He walk along and look anywhere he could.

He then saw 4 men trying to forced a woman to get into a car. And of course he knows her. It his girlfriend.

“YAH!” He shouted. The 4 men then turn and look at him.

Taeyeon run towards them with anger full in his body right. They can see fire on him if they were in comic books.

“What do you want to do?! LET YOUR HANDS OFF!” He said while running and throw a punch to one of 4 men but he missed it and he got punched instead.

“Trying to be hero huh shorty? Just mind your own business!” Same man that punch Taeyeon spoke while grabbing Taeyeon’s collar and pull him up.

Didn’t talk much, Taeyeon elbowed him hardly on the jaw and he can see blood start to flow from his mouth. He then kicks him away and the man hardly fell on the ground. Well, at least Taeyeon manage to broke his jaw even though he’s ‘shorty’.

“In your dreams, giant!” Taeyeon smirk. One down, 3 to go.

This time, he’s been attacked with 2 men simultaneously. Taeyeon ready to be attacked as he got a iron rod near him. He grab it and swing it to the 2 men. One of them got to avoid but the other one got hit. He collapsed to the ground. Taeyeon take the chances to kick his vital organ which is, his kidney.

That man groaned in pain and try to get up but Taeyeon is faster. He jumped on the man and swing the steel rod once again towards the man earlier.

“Look out!” The man that have Tiffany in his hand give warning to his friend.

Once again, that man got to avoid his swing and this time he got something in his hand. He got to grab another iron rod near him and take the opportunities to hit Taeyeon’s back of the knee.

“Arghh!” Taeyeon groaned. He fell down. He can feel the pain. But he have to endure it. his girlfriend is still there, hoping for him.

The 2 men laugh looking at Taeyeon who now sat on the ground.

Taeyeon’s anger really at the maximum level right now. He doesn’t care about the pain. Just when the man about to walk away, Taeyeon stand and grab the iron rod. With his sore leg, he walks towards him.

“YOU BAST*RD!” He shout and ‘boom’! This time, he swing right hit the man’s head. Automatically blood start all over flowing his face. Taeyeon finish his last touch by swinging the rod at the man back of knee. The same place he’s been hit just now.

“Feel the pain !” Taeyeon said. That man collapsed on the ground and didn’t move anymore. Taeyeon drop the iron steel and walk slowly towards the last man.

“Now, it’s your turn bloody bullsh*t!”

That covered man release Tiffany and pushed her hardly on the ground. Taeyeon saw it and that makes him feel angrier. He then swung back around and gave him a fast and powerful roundhouse kick in the ribs, he howled in torment but still raced towards Taeyeon. The covered man give Taeyeon a sharp punch to his jaw. Taeyeon can hear a ‘crack’ sound made by his body. Also he can taste something different in his mouth. So he spit out blood and get up to fight again.

He run as fast as he could towards the covered man and pushed him down to the ground. He then jumped on him and punch him as much he could.

Tiffany that still sit on the ground cry as she saw blood all over the ground and all these people laid on it make her scared.

“Tae…” That is the only word she can say now. Tiffany sitting in pain and still sobbed.

Taeyeon, who like being possessed stop punching the man and look at his girlfriend that look scared. Without his knowing, the man take out a knife and ready to stab him. But Tiffany saw it.

“Tae, look out!” She screamed as she afraid that he’ll not be able to avoid it.

As usual, Taeyeon was faster. He got to avoid it, but still the covered man manage to slash his arms. He then pushed Taeyeon to the side and fled by car So do the other 3 men.

Ignoring the pain he got, he went to Tiffany and hug her. He comfort her by saying that everything is fine.

“Fany-ah. Sshh it’s okay, everything is alright. They’re gone.”

Tiffany still can’t stop crying even after being hugged by him.

“I’m scared Tae…” She mutter the word between their hug.

Taeyeon wipes her tears and fix her hair. “Sshh, don’t be scared. I’m here, Fany. I’ll protect you. Now, stop crying okay?” Tiffany wipes her tears but Taeyeon still can hear her sniff.

For now, they have to get away from that place. It’s not safe. They might come again.

With his bleeding arms and other parts of his face, also his leg that still in pain, He strengthened himself and help Tiffany to get up. They then walk while holding hand tightly to Taeyeon’s car that being parked not far away from that hallway. Taeyeon can’t walk fast, he just walk with a limp. It’s already late, so there are not much people there.

As soon as he unlock his car, he help Tiffany to get in and next is his turn. He turn on the engine and when he about to press the pedal with his leg he groaned in pain. That is the leg that being beaten just now. Tiffany look at him that struggle in pain so she offer to drive but Taeyeon doesn’t allow her. He’ll try to drive no matter what.

Not even a half way driving, Taeyeon give up as he can’t take it anymore and make a stop at the side of the road. At this time, he need his friend. So take out his phone from the pocket and dialed Hyoyeon’s number and wait for him to pick it up.

“Yo, Taeng what’s up?” Hyoyeon answer him.

“Hyo… where you at right now?” Taeyeon talk with difficulty as he had to endure the pain both on his arm and leg.

Hyoyeon can feel something different with his cousin “I’m at the usual place Taeng, wae?”

“Ca can- you come to me Hyo? Bring Yuri along. I need both of your help now,”

“Alright Taeng, send me your location. We’ll go now.” Hyoyeon rushed out from his office and find Yuri that busy dancing with all the girls. They then head to the location that has been send by Taeyeon right after their call ended.


While waiting for them, both Taeyeon and Tiffany stay quietly in the car. Taeyeon still try his best to endure the pain. While Tiffany started to cry when think about what has happen just now.

Taeyeon turn his head and saw his girlfriend crying. He then slowly grab her hand, Tiffany flinched and she feel trauma with the sudden touch. But she stay calm when saw Taeyeon is the one touch her.

“We’ll be alright. I promise you Fany-ah.”

“I’m sorry Tae…” She feel guilty towards him. she has troubled him a lot since their first meeting.

“Hey… don’t say that. I’ve promise to protect you right? So here I am, protecting you.” Taeyeon still manage to let out a smile even though he’s in pain.

“I won’t let anything happen to you Tiffany, I love you.”

With that, Taeyeon close his eyes and wait for Hyoyeon and Yuri to arrive. 

Hey my lovely readers! I got some idea and plot something, so tadaa! new chapter update! poor Taeny. First Nana came, then the office conflicts and now this? too many bad things happen in one day. 

P/S:  i would like to express my deepest condolences to my friend, which is she just lose her grandpa today. So, i'm sure all of my readers are kind hearted right? Can you please pray for him? No matter what religion you are and your belief or faith, let just pray for him okay? i really appreaciate that, thank you :)


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Chapter 1: Lookin forward to this... ;)
18 streak #2
Chapter 80: This story was beautiful I shed a few tears a couple times but you really did great <3
Gaejihyo815 #3
Finished this in 2 days! The plot and flow was nice! One of the best Taeny story out there!
1130 streak #4
Chapter 61: I love this and i keep on rereading it... Hahaha Yul is jealous...
Chapter 79: This is good... Thanks for writing a good story author.. ^^
Chapter 80: Yeaheyyyyy I can't believe that i finish it in one sitting hahahaha btw author-sshi your story are really good and so wonderful to read I love it hahaha
owheyjae_ #7
Chapter 80: Woah done reading this. Its a great story author this deserve an upvote tho :)
Chapter 80: I hope there's a sequel for this. This is nice though, thank you for this author ;)
Chapter 80: What a beautiful story~
( ⁎ᵕᴗᵕ⁎ )❤︎
Thank you author.
But taeyeon really less dorky in this story, hehe
cwright01_ #10
Finished the story! Its so good! Thanks author for writing and completing the story!!