The Ice Has Melted

About 2 hours being dolled up, Tiffany finally finished her courses at the beauty centre. Having a natural beauty make her face more shining after did the facial treatment. She doesn’t need a heavy make up to look beautiful. Her long, black hair was made into simple braided.

Tiffany was surprised to see the changes. She look at the mirror, examine her face and playing with her hair.

While smiling, she said “Thank you so much, this is so lovely. I like it.”

The staffs there smiling back to her. “No, thanks to your beauty Tiffany-ssi. We only give a small help to make you more beautiful.”

“Yes it’s true Tiffany-ssi. Your boyfriend must love you very much. Awwh! Another staff added into the conversation.

Tiffany become shy and her face started to blush. She smile sheepishly. Suddenly she think about Taeyeon. What is he doing now? Tiffany take a leave after that as she remember she need to go to another place. She thanked all the staffs there that has helped her a lot and giving a good time.

When she come out, the 2 man still there waiting for her patiently. Both of them quickly get up and a man rushed up open the door for Tiffany.

“You look beautiful Tiffany-ssi.” Another man said while opening the car door for her.

Tiffany smile. “Thank you. But I think Mr. Kim wouldn’t like it if he heard you though.” She tease them.

The smile on the man’s lips vanished. Tiffany can see his reaction changed from behind his black glasses. He looks panic and quickly closed the door after she went in. Tiffany laugh as she can lighten the mood.

“We have another place to go right?” She ask them.

The one that sit on the passenger seat next to driver answer her. “Yes, and it’s the last place before we go to Mr. Kim.”

Hearing to his answer, tiffany smiling. She can’t wait to meet her boyfriend and thanked him for all of this. Tiffany still didn’t get what will happen and she just want to see Taeyeon for now. Since the next place is not far, so it doesn’t need to take much time. They arrive there in less than 15 minutes.

As soon as they arrive, the owner of the boutique already there ready to welcome them. Tiffany went inside, escorted by the 2 man. A middle aged woman, Mrs Goo Hye Jung comes to approach them with her warm smile.

“Are you Tiffany-ssi?”

With smile was carved all around her face, she answer her. “Yes I am.”

“We’re expected for your arrival Tiffany-ssi. Oh my, you look so beautiful. How lucky Mr. Kim to have you.” She praised Tiffany.

Before talk more, Mrs Goo Hye Jung give Tiffany an envelope. It’s the same envelope she receives today. Tiffany take it and thanked her. She look around the envelope, finding a clue like in the previous envelope. Suddenly, 2 pieces of paper drop out from the envelope. She quickly take the paper and look at any words written there. She saw 2 alphabets there.

“L and P? What does it mean?” – Tiffany’s inner heart.

Tiffany get up after put the papers back into the envelope. She still tries to figure out all the alphabets she got. Didn’t ask for more, she just follow the owner inside. Mrs Goo Hye Jung asked Tiffany to wait for a while she get the dress that Taeyeon already choose for her.

Less than 5 minutes, the owner come out with a beautiful elderberry off shoulder cocktail dress. Tiffany’s eyes wide open. It’s really beautiful until she can’t say anything. As expected, Taeyeon is good in choosing an outfit.

“Is this f-for me?”

Without answering her, Ms Goo Hye Jung just smile and nods to her. She then handed the dress that being covered to Tiffany. Tiffany takes it and look around it. It’s so her taste.

“Do I have to change it?” Tiffany ask the question while still looking at every inch of the dress. She loves all about the dress. The colour, design and pattern.

Tiffany bring the dress to the changing room. Few minutes after that, it revealed she in the dress, looking beautiful and make everyone in the boutique widen their eyes. With her body in the perfect shape even though pregnant, she still looks elegant. Also with the little makeover she got at the beauty centre earlier. Her dress then being matched with a black ankle straps heels.

They might want to enjoy Tiffany’s beauty, but time keep running out and the 2 men need to bring her to the place where Taeyeon will wait for her.

“I’m sorry for interrupting, but we’ve to go now Tiffany-ssi.” One of the man said the look at his wrist watch.

Tiffany knows that it’s already nearly sunset means it will be night in a time, so she have to go. She thanked the owner of the boutique also everyone over there. They then quickly moved to the place. On their way, Tiffany suddenly feels nervous and can’t stay still. She don’t know and got no idea what will happen when she meet Taeyeon later on. Plus, her boyfriend didn’t contact her today after they met at his office. Without any clue that being given when they met, suddenly she got roses and being ‘dragged’ to the places.

30 minutes in the car, they finally arrived at the final place. It was a 5 stars hotel. Tiffany surprised when she see the place. Her bodyguards for today doing a good job by assist her and escorted to the place she went. They Tiffany to the main entrance and let her to find her own way after that.

“Excuse me, but you’re not going to come with me?” Tiffany feel weird as both of them walk away after her.

The men stop. They turn back and Tiffany can see their smile even under their black shades. “We can only you until here Tiffany-ssi. Now it’s time for you to find your own way.” They then continue to walk again. But suddenly one of the men stops and turn back to her. “Ah, and also. Enjoy your night, Tiffany-ssi.” He said while take off his shade and revealed his face.

Tiffany surprised to see his face. She knows this guy. He’s the one that save her and Taeyeon when they were kidnapped. He also the one with Yuri and Jessica when she’s hide at Jeju.

“Taecyeon-ssi? What are you doing here?” Tiffany don’t even recognize him when he keep on wear the black shade and cover his face with a cap.

He smile to her. “Well, Taeyeon did ask a ‘small favor’ from me. So here I am, helping you.”

Taeyeon not necessarily asked for Taecyeon’s help in being Tiffany’s bodyguard of the day. He invited him to the event later but when he told Taecyeon about his plan, Taecyeon offer his hand to help him. Well, they’re already be friend and he also want to get involved in making the couple’s dream come true.

Taecyeon make his way out and call Yuri to inform that the target has arrived. While all the staff at the hotel has been informed not to tell anything to Tiffany. Of course, they’re already aware about Tiffany’s preferences.

After being greeted by the receptionist, Tiffany didn’t know where to go. She waits for someone to assist her like when she went to the other places before. But unfortunately no one come to be with her.

“Excuse me, do you know Kim Taeyeon?” Tiffany ask one of the hotel staff there. But he just shake his head.

“You know, a stylish man that with a flawless face, but he’s quite short.” Even when she give him those clue, she still the same answer.

Suddenly Tiffany remembers something. Those cards she received before. There is something weird in every of Taeyeon’s messages. She takes a seat in a place and start to take out all Taeyeon’s note. She read it again, one by one.

“O², P and L? What is that mean? What is this? An equation? What’s with the power of 2?” Taeyeon really made her mind confuse now. Tiffany think. Why can’t Taeyeon just tell her the location?

Suddenly she figure out something. Tiffany arrange the notes.

“If using mathematical rule, power of 2 means we have to multiple the number twice. If O² means it will be double O? O O?” she’s mumbling by herself.

Tiffany look at the notes again. Now she got OO, P and L. Now she realise that she need to arrange it to be a word. She then randomly put the notes all over again.

“LOOP? What the…?” she try to ask about it at the receptionist but they didn’t have any idea about it. What’s LOOP have any related with that place?

“So let’s see if we put the P here and L over here.” Tiffany said while she arrange the letters. She see a word formed after that. Her expressions is like she just solved a hard puzzle.

“POOL? that’s it! Now it makes sense.” She put together the cards together quickly make her move to the receptionist.

“Excuse me, may I know where is the pool?”

The receptionist smile at her. “Ah it’s at the 11th floor miss.”

11th floor? Tiffany look at the first note Taeyeon gave her. 11 roses? The 11 number has been bold for her. Tiffany didn’t notice it.

“Duh why I didn’t notice it? Stupid me.” She feel frustrated with herself. She then thanked the hotel staff and make her way to elevator. While in the elevator, Tiffany just hope that it was right and she can meet her boyfriend. Nervous feeling can’t vanish from her right now, too many thoughts have been playing in her mind.

As soon as the elevator stop and open its door, Tiffany can see the outdoor pool that has been decorated with fancy lights, some balloons, also what surprised her is there is a big lcd screen. She saw a table and also a chair with her name being put there. It was facing with the lcd screen. Tiffany take a seat nervously and suddenly something being played on the screen. Something that catch her eyes. It was Taeyeon’s self-camera recording. He has been carrying it since morning until the time he arrived at the hotel to make the final preparation for Tiffany.

Her eyes widen. Feeling surprised and try to figure out when and how he do it. And the most important is, when he planned it?

The surprises continue. This time, the video showed on how Taeyeon plan the surprise. How he bought the flowers and ask Taecyeon to send it to her and after that he went to beauty centre to arranged her appointment lastly went to the boutique and choose the dress by himself. He did it by himself without ask for anyone help, not even his friend. It his friend the one that come and offer their help to him.

The video was filmed and edited nicely like in a drama or TV commercial. He was wearing a different outfit from today, means it has already being prepared. Only the self-camera recording were recorded today. Tiffany really speechless while watching the video. Actually she’s not alone, both of the families and their friends were there watching her from a far. They really praise Taeyeon for able to think of this kind of proposal event.

“You should propose to me like that too Yul.” Jessica whisper to Yuri as they were hiding.

Yuri who was watching the event run surprise to hear that from his girlfriend. “Nah, it’s too full with romance Sica-yah. Too cheesy.”

Jessica’s eyebrows curved and give him a hawk look. “Then, you want to propose me at the race track?!” she half whisper to him. Yuri flinched with her tone. Thinking on how he brought her to watch a race instead of eating popcorn while watch a movie at cinema.

“Ah, I-I…” Yuri stutter.

“Shut up will you too? We’re watching an important event here! This could be a beautiful moment.” Sunny scold them.

Not only Sunny, but Seohyun also disturbed with their small ‘argument’. “Yul oppa, I think you can start to read a lot of romance book.” She smile to him.

Yuri hate read. “No books please Seohyun-ah.” He whimper to her.

Again, Sunny turn around but this time Hyoyeon follow along. “Yul.” Hyoyeon call him. Yuri look at him. Simultaneously, both Sunny and Hyoyeon ask him to be quiet. “Ssshhh!” while the rest of them smile and there are some of them give out a small laugh. After Yuri has been scold by his friend, his girlfriend pinch his arm for revenge. Yuri just can shut his mouth and endure the pain of her sting pinch.

On the other side, Taeyeon is waiting for his queue. He went up to the pool right after Tiffany and wait at the side. He rub his pocket. He wants to make sure that he bring the most important thing that night which is the ring. Mineral water in his hand already in half as he keep on drink it to distract his nervousness. He put aside the water and take a deep breath as he already got his queue. The video near to end. Taeyeon get ready and take a peek of his girlfriend who was watch the video with full of focus.

In the last part of video, Taeyeon was wearing the same outfit he was wearing now and he said he want to ask a question to Tiffany and the video was finished with Taeyeon was running in the hotel and take the elevator to the 11th floor. The screen then went black. Now it’s time for the real show.

Taeyeon get out from his hiding spot and come approaching Tiffany. He cough as a sign to Tiffany. She turn and see Taeyeon already stand facing her with a big smile.

“Hey beautiful, how’s your day today?” He ask her but in the same time, Taeyeon was admiring his girlfriend beauty. With the dress he picked and also some help from all those places. He didn’t feel regret for making the plan.

“Um hi Tae. It’s has been great. Thank you so much.” Tiffany smile to him. Realised that she’s being observed since then, Tiffany feels shy suddenly.

“Why do you look at me like that? It makes me…-”

“Shy? Because you look so beautiful tonight baby. So beautiful, really.” He repeated the word twice. It’s true she looks so beautiful. Tiffany feels speechless. Taeyeon never being like this before. He looks truly fell in love with her for a second time.

Taeyeon still remember, he still has one last task tonight. He takes a deep breath and look Tiffany in her eyes. “Ah I have a question for you. Remember Fany?” She just nodded to him and wait for him to speak more.

This is the moment. “We may not know each other for a long time. But it’s long enough for me to have a feeling for you Tiffany. You’ve caught my heart since I saw you at the restaurant. All the hardship we’ve been in together, I’m sure it’s all strengthen our love and I want to make this relationship become official.” Taeyeon stop talking. With a warm smile, he kneels down in front of her and takes out the ring from his pocket.

Tiffany who was focus in listening to his word and surprised to see he kneel down suddenly. Now she knows what is happening. All the things she did today were all a preparation for her proposal.

Taeyeon take her hand, and look at her face. “Tiffany Hwang, will you marry me?”

Tiffany cover . The surprise in her face cannot be hide. Tears started to form in her eyes, feels touched for what Taeyeon has done for her. Also she thought on how they’ve going through a lot, then finally Taeyeon propose her. It was the best feeling for her. While Taeyeon nervously waiting for her answer.

“Yes. Yes, I will marry you Tae.”

Hearing to her answer, Taeyeon’s eyes widen. He stand up and while still holding her hand. He kiss the soft hands. “Thank you baby, thank you so much.” He’s too happy until he shed a tear. He put the ring to her ring finger and hug her after that. Taeyeon keep on thanking her for accept his proposal.

Taeyeon then broke the hug and stare her face. “Thank you Fany.” Thanking her for the last time. He truly feel grateful for having her in his life. Tiffany can’t say any words as she’s too happy and just nod. Like have been planned, both of them lean in and share a smooth kiss. While Taeyeon grab her waist, Tiffany hold onto his neck and they’re kissing in synchronize.

I'm sorry for late everyone! *bows i'm trying to finish this story before update but it seems like i dont have heart to let all of you waiting. i'll update more soon. maybe today? who knows? xD

ciao! xx


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Chapter 1: Lookin forward to this... ;)
18 streak #2
Chapter 80: This story was beautiful I shed a few tears a couple times but you really did great <3
Gaejihyo815 #3
Finished this in 2 days! The plot and flow was nice! One of the best Taeny story out there!
1131 streak #4
Chapter 61: I love this and i keep on rereading it... Hahaha Yul is jealous...
Chapter 79: This is good... Thanks for writing a good story author.. ^^
Chapter 80: Yeaheyyyyy I can't believe that i finish it in one sitting hahahaha btw author-sshi your story are really good and so wonderful to read I love it hahaha
owheyjae_ #7
Chapter 80: Woah done reading this. Its a great story author this deserve an upvote tho :)
Chapter 80: I hope there's a sequel for this. This is nice though, thank you for this author ;)
Chapter 80: What a beautiful story~
( ⁎ᵕᴗᵕ⁎ )❤︎
Thank you author.
But taeyeon really less dorky in this story, hehe
cwright01_ #10
Finished the story! Its so good! Thanks author for writing and completing the story!!