The Ice Has Melted


Taeyeon went back to Seoul after the incident. He left Sarang with Tiffany and Jessica since the little girl didn’t want to separate from her mommy and aunty. Tiffany feels something was not right with him since they met Nichkhun that day. Taeyeon rarely come to the café anymore. He will come to her house just because want to see Sarang and then left again. They also get barely to talk to each other these days. Even Taeyeon didn’t let them to send him at the airport.

Not only Tiffany, but Jessica also notice his changes. They were happy to know that his memory is back but that only last few moments. Jessica once saw Taeyeon walk by himself at the beach on a cold day. He looks like he was thinking something.

“Jess, don’t you think Tae look kinda different?” Tiffany ask the blonde girl that reading a fashion magazine.

She nod “Yeah he looks… kinda cold. Like before, when he still loss his memory.” Jessica said while flip the magazine pages.

Tiffany thinking whether she did a mistakes or hurt him. But she can’t find one. They were doing great before that jerk came. “I think there’s something bothering him. He changed after Nick came that day,”

Jessica put the magazine away and look at Tiffany. “What?! That jerk came? Why I didn’t know about this?”

Taeyeon didn’t want anyone to know about this. For those who already know about it, he just want to let it slip. Taeyeon don’t even want to think about it anymore. he already warned Nichkhun, so he hope that guy understand and stop bothering Tiffany after this for whatever reasons. That is why both of them decided to not tell they about this. But about Taeyeon’s sudden decision to went back to Seoul, no one knows what in his mind actually. Tiffany offered herself to go with him, but Taeyeon declined it.

While both of them were talking about Nichkhun, Sarang who just awake from her nap come out from Tiffany’s room.

“Mommy…” the little girl said while brushing her sleepy eyes.

Both of them look at her and Tiffany lift her up on her lap. “Our baby girl already wake up huh,?”

Sarang nod to Tiffany while her eyes still close. Tiffany smile looking at the little girl. It’s just few hours since Taeyeon went back, but she already miss him. Looking at Sarang make she think about Taeyeon.

“Sarang, want some?” Jessica offer the little girl some chocolate. Sarang accept her offer with a bright smile. But before she get to eat it, Tiffany stop them. She then look around the chocolate and check the packaging before give it back to Jessica. “No, she can’t eat this.”

Jessica take the chocolate back. “Eh? But why? It just a chocolate after all. Oh come on Tiff, just a bite won’t make her teeth decay though. Let she enjoy her childhood,”

Tiffany look at her. “It’s not about it Jessie, it is because Sarang is have allergy to peanuts same like Tae. See this?” She pointed at the chocolate packaging on Jessica’s hand. Jessica read it and nod to herself. It was almond chocolate though.

Sarang whimper to Tiffany. “Mommy ‘pweash’, I want to eat chocolate” The little girl pointed at the chocolate in Jessica’s hand.

“No, Sarang can’t eat that.” Tiffany said while pinch Sarang’s nose.

“But whyyyy…” Sarang pull herself away and throw a tantrum. She force Tiffany to let her down and Sarang stomped her feet then started to cry. Jessica already feel stress as she also didn’t good in handling a child even though she got a sister.

Tiffany get up and stop the crying girl. “You can’t eat that because it has nuts. Sarang can’t eat nuts. Remember? Mommy will buy another one for you okay?” She said while wipe the little girl teary eyes.

Sarang stop stomping her feet and listen to her mommy words. “Mommy ‘pwomish’ me?” She said while offer her little pinky finger to Tiffany.

Tiffany give her eyesmile to Sarang and did the same thing to her. “Yup, mommy ‘pwomish” you baby girl,” they then make a pinky promise.

Jessica that being quiet since Tiffany said about Sarang’s allergy just look at their interaction. Tiffany is really good in handling a child now. she’s more expert than Jessica.

“Oh my God… you’re not just her mommy Tiff, but you are her real mother!”

Tiffany just smile hearing to her statement. She didn’t know how she did it, all of it just come naturally.



Yuri and Hyoyeon has been waiting for Taeyeon at the arrival hall. They’ve been informed by Taeyeon even before he get on the flight at Jeju. Taeyeon have warned them not to be late or else they gonna get it from him.

Taeyeon walk out to the arrival hall and try to find the 2 dorks. There are so many people there. Plus, it was a domestic airport of course it will be packed with local people and tourist. Giving up because he can’t find them, he then make a call.

“Yah, where are both of you, dork?” He said after Yuri pick up his call.

“Turn your back dork. We’re here,” Yuri answer him. The line being cut off.  

With that, Taeyeon turn his back and saw Yuri and Hyoyeon already stand behind him. He take off his glasses and give a slight smile to them.

“Yah, look at this guy. He don’t even look happy seeing us!” Hyoyeon said when he notice Taeyeon’s facial expression.

“I guess he’s missing his girlfriend so bad right now, hahahah!” Its Yuri’s turn to teasing him.

 Taeyeon put on his glasses back, “Come on. We got work to do boys,” he then walk away from them.

Hyoyeon and Yuri look at each other. They feel confuse. He was all alone and now he said they got work to do?

“What work?” Yuri asked Hyoyeon. But all he got was Hyoyeon’s confuse face and shoving his shoulder.

While they were wondering, Taeyeon already far leaving them behind. He didn’t want to wait for them as they got many things to do today. Taeyeon’s decision to come back to Seoul not because of his office work, its because he wants to settle everything. Taeyeon has inform them to ask the others to gather at their club house.

“Now?” Hyoyeon kinda surprised hearing Taeyeon’s order to gather everyone at the clubhouse right after he landed.

Taeyeon nod to him. He didn’t want to waste his time. “Yeah, now Hyo.”

Yuri who is driving feel curious. Taeyeon sound so rush. And he also look cold. He didn’t bring Tiffany nor his daughter along with him. Even his appearance look like he’s bringing a cold aura. He’s wearing all black for God sakes like he was in mourning mode. Yuri take a glance at Taeyeon who was sitting at the back. He’s like zoning out. Hyoyeon has been babbling along the way and Taeyeon don’t give a damn to reply nor respond to him.

“Hey Taeng, want to drop by and get some coffee?” Yuri ask him as they nearly pass Taeyeon’s favorite coffee shop.

Taeyeon look at in front. As much as he feel cold right now, this is not the time to drink coffee. “No Yul, just keep on driving. We need to get to the clubhouse quick,”

“Why are you so rushing today Taeng? You just arrived though, we can still meet tonight.” Hyoyeon’s turn to ask him. Not only Yuri, but he also can sense something weird is happening.

Yuri continue to drive to the clubhouse. Taeyeon has being silent along the way and there’s a time Yuri or Hyoyeon will take a glance at him. But all he did was looking out the window.



Sunny and Seohyun come to the clubhouse as soon as they’ve been informed by Hyoyeon about Taeyeon’s arrival. Since the company didn’t have anything serious, so Sunny can make her time and went to the clubhouse. Same do as Seohyun. Luckily she didn’t packed with appointment and her last appointment was 10am. After that, she’ll be free.

3 of them also arrived at the clubhouse few minutes after both of the woman. Since they’re the member of the clubhouse, they already got a specific room where they can enter anytime. As usual, Taeyeon lead the way while the 2 dork were walking behind him.

Taeyeon open the door widely and it revealed Seohyun and Sunny already waiting for him. Taeyeon take a seat on the couch and so do all of them. Before he speak, Taeyeon took a sip of mineral water there.

“So Taeng, you called us at this hour. Why? Why can’t we just meet tonight? We still got time though,” Sunny is the first one to talk. Well of course everyone feel weird with his action. It look so unusual.

Taeyeon put the bottle back on the table. “No. I got no time until tonight. So I want to finish all of this today if it possible.”

Hearing his answer. They all look at each other. All of them can’t get his mean.

“Finish what oppa?” Seohyun’s turn to ask him.

Being carrying a wide clutch, Taeyeon then open his bag and take out a crimpled envelope. Taking out some papers and pictures from it, he then show it one by one to the others.

“I’m sure all of you know who she is, right? Since you guys already be friends?” He sound sarcastic. Taeyeon show a picture of a young girl smile widely on her graduation day and there’s someone standing beside her. That person is Nana. There are also some pictures where all of them were meeting at a restaurant.

Everyone’s silent. They quite surprise seeing those pictures. “Dr. Im Yoona. Im Nana’s little sister. Ah, why did I never know about this?” Taeyeon pretend to think about it.

Just when Hyoyeon want to open his mouth, Taeyeon show them another picture again. “Look what we got here, Kwon Yuri is meeting with the douchebag. Seems so happy there huh Yul?” It was the picture of Yuri meeting Nichkhun at the club few weeks before Taeyeon’s accident. Taeyeon shoot a glare at Yuri who’s sitting in front of him.

And lastly, he show them a picture of Nichkhun. There are his past and present pictures. There is also a picture of him with Tiffany back then at the university. “I think I don’t have to do any introduction to this. All of you already know him. And I’m sure all of you also know that he is Tiffany’s ex!” He throw all the pictures on the table. Some of it even fly to Yuri’s and Hyoyeon’s face since they sit in front of him. Everyone flinched when hear Taeyeon’s yell. He really feel disappointed with his friends. All of them look down to the floor. they didn’t know how he manage to know about all of that. What they’re sure now is, Taeyeon is really mad.

“Taeng… wwe-we can explain this…,” Hyoyeon began to speak.

Taeyeon move his sight to him. “Explain what more Kim Hyoyeon? Explain on why did all of you put me behind when its involve my life?”

Hyoyeon keep his head down. Taeyeon look at all 4 person around him. “Why all of you quiet? Didn’t you want to explain to me about all of this?”

Still, no one dare to open their mouth to explain. “How about you Seo Juhyun? You’re the person I trust the most and I thought you’ll at least tell me something, but you too… same like the others.”

Seohyun surprised at the moment Taeyeon call her full name. She feel guilty towards Taeyeon. He was right though. They shouldn’t keep it all secret from him when they actually messing with her love life. “I-I’m sorry oppa…,”

All of them then take turn to explain to him about what they did. Taeyeon listen to them without even interrupt. After all of them finish talking, Taeyeon speak again. “So all of you did this because of me? because you want to help me?” They nod weakly.

“I appreciate all of your efforts, but still I’ve the right to know what happen around me. What happen to our friendship promise to not keep anything from each other? You guys break it,” Taeyeon said. His voice didn’t loud anymore. Instead, he was actually holding back his tears. He got a lot of heart to take care off, a lot of responsibility, and he also going through a lot of thing just because of his love but he never give up even once.

“We’re truly sorry Taeng, you know we just want the best for you.” Yuri state his feeling.

Sunny then speak up after being silent throughout the talk. “Taeng, you’ve been suffer for a long time. when you told us you fell in love with a woman after 5 years, we feel thankful because you finally got your happiness back. And all of us want that happiness to last long.”

Taeyeon then explain from where did he got all the information and pictures. Ever since Nana blackmailing him, he hired some people to protect all of his friends including Tiffany also his family. Taeyeon told them not to stop keep an eye to his loved ones no matter what happen. This is why he can get to know the things that happen when he involved in an accident. All of them then apologized to each other and everything back to normal. Taeyeon didn’t be grumpy anymore and Hyoyeon make plan to meet back at the club tonight.

While Tiffany on the other side feels worried as Taeyeon didn’t contact her at all after landed. She afraid that might be something happen to him as Taeyeon didn’t get the full recover yet.


That night after went back from the club, Taeyeon didn’t went straight home. Instead of going home, Taeyeon went to his secret park. He still remember bringing Tiffany there long time ago. He sit at the only bench there and saw something has been carved on it. Taeyeon then removed all the dust and greenish thing that already started to cover up and saw the entire thing.

A memory come to his mind, it was a clear and simple vision. The vision where he and Tiffany come over there and talking to themselves. His head didn’t feel hurt but Taeyeon notice something unfamiliar with the carving. Look like someone has despoil it.

While he was wondering, suddenly his cellphone ringing. It was Jessica.


Sound like panic, Jessica said. “Hello? Taeyeon! is Tiffany there with you?”

Taeyeon feel confuse. What kind of question she ask him? ”Huh? Fany? How can she be with me when she’s at Jeju with you?”

“Oh my God, this is bad…” Jessica said.

Hearing to her sigh and answer, Taeyeon become more curious. “Why? What’s wrong?”

She then explain to him. She and Tiffany make a decision to fly back to Seoul after notice something wrong with Taeyeon. Tiffany really worried about his condition as he also didn’t contact nor inform her anything. Yuri is the one told them that Taeyeon has safely landed. But it’s already too late, they already arrive at that time. Tiffany separate with Jessica after she told her that she want to send the little girl to the Kim’s mansion. She said she’ll find Taeyeon right after she’s back from the house. But when Jessica try to call her again, Tiffany cannot be reach. Feeling something not good, Jessica went to the Kim’s mansion with Yuri. Taeyeon’s parents told them that she already left an hour ago after Sarang fell asleep. Plus, they saw her car being left without lock and it’s kinda suspicious. That makes Jessica more worried and decided to call Taeyeon to check on her.

Taeyeon listen to her explanation and end the call. He then try to call Tiffany’s number but still inactive. Just when he want to open his car door, Taeyeon feel his head being hit so hard. Soon his eyesight become blur and dark. 

Hi ! So this is a new update (of course you've read it) xD. What happen to Tiffany actually? Where did she go? Is she alright? Also what happen to Taeyeon? Who hit him? Stay tuned!

i think this story will end soon and i'm very sorry for the late update. I've try to find time to write, but i can't do much. Lastly, I WISH ALL OF YOU MERRY CHRISTMAS !  ENJOY YOUR HOLIDAY AND CELEBRATION ! ^^


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Chapter 1: Lookin forward to this... ;)
18 streak #2
Chapter 80: This story was beautiful I shed a few tears a couple times but you really did great <3
Gaejihyo815 #3
Finished this in 2 days! The plot and flow was nice! One of the best Taeny story out there!
1130 streak #4
Chapter 61: I love this and i keep on rereading it... Hahaha Yul is jealous...
Chapter 79: This is good... Thanks for writing a good story author.. ^^
Chapter 80: Yeaheyyyyy I can't believe that i finish it in one sitting hahahaha btw author-sshi your story are really good and so wonderful to read I love it hahaha
owheyjae_ #7
Chapter 80: Woah done reading this. Its a great story author this deserve an upvote tho :)
Chapter 80: I hope there's a sequel for this. This is nice though, thank you for this author ;)
Chapter 80: What a beautiful story~
( ⁎ᵕᴗᵕ⁎ )❤︎
Thank you author.
But taeyeon really less dorky in this story, hehe
cwright01_ #10
Finished the story! Its so good! Thanks author for writing and completing the story!!