The Ice Has Melted

Meanwhile at Taeyeon’s office still like usual, which is designing new thing and so on. Sunny on the other hand informing Taeyeon about Tiffany. Taeyeon said he know about that because Tiffany already inform him before taking leave. Yes, he lied to Sunny. Taeyeon didn’t want Sunny knows about Tiffany yet. Plus it has be new case which is Yuri involve too. He didn’t want their friendship become awkward.

Somehow, Taeyeon still thinking why did Yuri was there? He didn’t get Yuri’s explanation before because he was too angry and his anger can’t be control. He did suspect someone who cause Tiffany like that, but he never thought that it was Yuri. His own best friend! Taeyeon know that Yuri likes Tiffany from the beginning. The way he look at her, the way he talk to her, all of it was different. In fact he asked a lot about Tiffany even after they met at the car center. Taeyeon still remember when they have lunch together at the restaurant a month ago. Well this is one of few conversations that involved Tiffany as their topic.


While everybody was busy eating and chit chat among themselves, Yuri look toward Taeyeon who was eating his steak. Yuri seem like he wants to asked Taeyeon something but he didn’t dare to do it. Taeyeon realized that Yuri has been looking at him since the last few minutes after their conversation about Hyoyeon’s worker. But he just ignored him and continue to eat. Sometimes Yuri just like to see people around him, it has become like his habit since he was kid.

A few minutes looking at Taeyeon, Yuri then brave himself and asked Taeyeon what has been in his mind since just now.

“Taeng.” He called him.

Taeyeon who was cutting his meat stop when hear Yuri called his name. He put down his knife and fork then wiped his corner mouth. He put the napkin aside and looked at Yuri, giving sign to him to continue talking. The others still talking and enjoying the moment, ignored both of them.

“I’m just wondering... Um whether the thing between you and her have settle?” Yuri’s tone changed. He sounds so cautious.

“Huh? Her? Who?” Taeyeon blanked. He didn’t get what Yuri was trying to say.

“That girl, Tiff-tiffany.”  

Eh? Why did Yuri suddenly ask about her? Taeyeon feel curious. He didn’t know that Yuri has attracted to a girl like Tiffany. Well Tiffany is not y girl who be with him every night, she also not attractive like other girl out there. Wait, she is attractive but not in Kwon Yuri’s eyes. Well it supposed to be like that. In other word, Tiffany is not Yuri’s taste.

Taeyeon feel weird but he just let it be and answered him.

“Yeah, everything is alright. We’ve settle everything. Why did you asked?”

“You didn’t threaten her didn’t you?”

“What the heck? Am I look too cruel to him? I mean, well maybe he is more friendly than me but that doesn’t mean I dare to do that to her. I just being who I am though.” Taeyeon said in her inner heart.

Plus, why does he feel worry about her? it’s not like her never see Taeyeon deal with a woman before. It just a small thing, well if it doesn’t involve with police then it’s a small matter. There is nothing to worry about.

“No way man, why would I threat her? I’m not cruel as that.” Taeyeon let out a fake laugh.

“Who knows. Well you’re unexpected sometimes.” Yuri said while take a sip of his drink to decreased his nervous. He didn’t want Taeyeon knows his inner feeling towards her. He also didn’t sure with his feeling either. For now, he will just follow the rhythm.

“What?” Taeyeon widen his eyes and glare at him. This guy, seriously.

“Just eat your food Yul. Why so worry about the girl? She’s not your girlfriend though. Hahaha.”

With that, their conversation ended and they both then continue to eat their lunch. Yuri didn’t asked him anything anymore. It just sometimes he will join the others conversation and so do Taeyeon.  



Taeyeon flashback session has been cut off by a knock. He asked the person to come in. Taeyeon surprised when the door opened and reveal Yuri stand in front of it. Jiyeon, who assist Yuri to Taeyeon’s office leave when Taeyeon asked her to go back to her place. Yuri come towards Taeyeon and sit on the chair in front of him.

“What do you want?” Taeyeon shoot him straight. In his mind, he really want to punch Yuri’s face. How dare he come to his office after what he done? He really don’t get it.

“I want to explain everything Taeng. I-.” Yuri began to speak but before he can explain everything, Taeyeon cut him off.  

“You want to explain what Yul? What did you do to her? That’s it?” Taeyeon glare at Yuri. His anger began to raised up again. He will try his best to control it, he didn’t want cause more negative looks to his workers.

Yuri, who still have bruised and cut on his face just looked at Taeyeon. he come to his office today because he knows that all this thing will not be solved if one person didn’t make a move. And he knows Taeyeon will make the move. Since that day at the hospital, they didn’t contact each other at all. They even not joined the chat room.

“Listen Taeng, it’s not me. I didn’t do anything to her I swear.” Yuri put up his hand, signed as he’s swearing.

“Don’t swear with me Yul. If you don’t do it, what did you there at the hospital? Sudden visit?” Taeyeon who leaned on his chair changed his position and sit straight. He still didn’t believe what Yuri said even though he’s swearing now.

“I-I just…”

“You what Yul? Say it!” Taeyeon can’t stand anymore. Can’t he just say straight to the point? It’s really make Taeyeon feel irritated. He come to his office to explain everything then explain it properly. Don’t beat around the bush like this.

“Just wait another minute will you? I’m gathering my courage here!” Yuri shoot him back. He also have his anger. He hate it when someone keep pushing him.

Taeyeon quiet, didn’t say anything. Fine. He’ll wait Yuri’s explanation. He hope that his waiting is worth it. Few minutes of silent, Yuri then began to speak. Taeyeon look up and hear carefully what he gonna say.

“It just a coincidence. I came to your office that morning. But-…” He being cut off by Taeyeon’s question. Yeah, again.

“Why did you came to my office?”

“Aish! Just let me finish this first! Then you can ask me even tons of questions!” Yuri is getting annoyed with Taeyeon. He keep on interrupting when Yuri speak. Excuse me, he’s trying to explain here.

Taeyeon put up both of his hand, showing his palms to Yuri like an offender. He then ‘zip’ his mouth and tell Yuri to continue with explanation. Yuri just nodded and shot a glare at him.

“Where I stop just now? Ah that morning. I came to your office but the lady in front said that you already going out.”

Just after Taeyeon went into the elevator to go to the parking lot, Yuri came to the office. They even pass their shoulder, but didn’t notice it. Taeyeon went into another elevator while Yuri went out from the other one. After been told that Taeyeon already went out few seconds before he came, Yuri went back to the parking lot. He saw Taeyeon walked quickly towards his car. Taeyeon expression is not looking good. “What does he rushed for?” that is what in Yuri’s mind when he saw his friend. He tried to called him but he didn’t hear it. Maybe because of the noisy cleaning machine. Yeah, they clean up the parking lot that day. Out of many days, why would they clean at that time? Ugh.

“I tried to call your name, but seems like you didn’t hear it and just get in your car. You didn’t look okay at that time, so I follow you up. Worried there might be something happen later to you. Didn’t expect that you’ll end up going to an apartment. The security didn’t let me in even though I said you were my friend, so I just wait outside.”

Yuri followed Taeyeon until he arrived at a neighborhood and saw Taeyeon went into an apartment residential area. He wants to follow him in, but have been stopped by the security. Just when he wants to call Taeyeon, he realizes that his phone out of battery. So he just waited outside the residential area. A few minutes of waiting, he then saw Taeyeon drive out from the apartment. This time he’s driving than before. Yuri saw someone sit beside him on the passenger sit. He curious and want to know who, so he keep following him. Yuri surprised when Taeyeon went to the hospital.

“I saw you drive out and followed you until you stop at the hospital. I saw you get out and bring a girl along. I want to ask you about the girl, but I know that is not the right time. So I just waited in the car. But it was too long, so I went inside and saw you at the registration counter. I heard you said Tiffany’s name. It really surprised me. I want to see her but afraid what will you think about. So I decide to go home first and come back when you’re gone.” Yuri stop. He see Taeyeon that look at him since he tell everything and didn’t interrupt him anymore.

“So that’s it? You just follow me from the beginning?” Taeyeon asked him.

Yuri just nodded. He really speaks the truth. He just wants to see that night, didn’t have any bad intention. He didn’t expect Taeyeon will appear again. Maybe the luck is not on his side that night.

Now everything is make sense. Taeyeon now understand. Suddenly he feels guilty towards Yuri. He even didn’t let he explain to him that night.

“Sorry Yul. I didn’t hear your explanation first.” He said while looking at Yuri who was smiling at him now.

“Ey don’t be sorry Taeng. This is nothing, I’ve see you do more than this. Hahaha.” Yuri said and pointed his finger to the wound while laughing. He really don’t mind about Taeyeon punched him. But what in his mind now is what Taeyeon’s do with Tiffany? He even know her house! What the…

“But how do you know her house Taeng?”

Darn it! Now what he gonna answer this? He didn’t want to reveal it yet, but look like he already caught in his own trap. Taeyeon then answer unwillingly.

“She works here Yul. She’s one of the designer here.”

“What?” Yuri widen his eyes.

With that, Yuri asked Taeyeon to explain everything. But not the part when he saves Tiffany at the club and so on. He stated that he just visited her because she has been absent for 3 days without inform anything to the company. So as a boss who concern about his worker, he wants to checked on her. that’s it. They continue to chat and after a few more conversation, Yuri excuse himself to back to his car center.


yeah for some that guess about Yuri, you were right. Dang! 1 point for you xD . how come you always can read my mind. haih~ hahahaha. miss taeny moment? wait for the next chap ><

Wait, it's kinda short right? you want more? ahah maybe i'll update another chapter tonight? let's see if it gonna be a double update ;) keep read and comment! i love to read it :D


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Chapter 1: Lookin forward to this... ;)
18 streak #2
Chapter 80: This story was beautiful I shed a few tears a couple times but you really did great <3
Gaejihyo815 #3
Finished this in 2 days! The plot and flow was nice! One of the best Taeny story out there!
1130 streak #4
Chapter 61: I love this and i keep on rereading it... Hahaha Yul is jealous...
Chapter 79: This is good... Thanks for writing a good story author.. ^^
Chapter 80: Yeaheyyyyy I can't believe that i finish it in one sitting hahahaha btw author-sshi your story are really good and so wonderful to read I love it hahaha
owheyjae_ #7
Chapter 80: Woah done reading this. Its a great story author this deserve an upvote tho :)
Chapter 80: I hope there's a sequel for this. This is nice though, thank you for this author ;)
Chapter 80: What a beautiful story~
( ⁎ᵕᴗᵕ⁎ )❤︎
Thank you author.
But taeyeon really less dorky in this story, hehe
cwright01_ #10
Finished the story! Its so good! Thanks author for writing and completing the story!!