The Ice Has Melted

Dr. Park Seo Joon has been informed about Taeyeon by Dr. Im Yoona. So today he decide to check on him again. When he arrive at Taeyeon's room, he saw Mr and Mrs. Kim was there and Taeyeon's friends. 

"Hello everyone," Dr. Park Seo Joon greet them. 

All of them were looking at him and shot a smile. Mr. Kim approach him before he get to Taeyeon's bed. "Ah doctor, is it true.. Taeyeon..." Mr. Kim silent. He can't finish the question. 

Dr. Park Seo Joon smile to the old man. He already know what he'll be asked since Dr. Im Yoona already inform him beforehand. "It's not confirm yet Mr. Kim. That's why I'm here to check on him." Mr. Kim nod and let he approach Taeyeon. 

"Hello Taeyeon, how are you today?" He ask. 

Taeyeon adjust his position, "Hello. Yeah I'm feeling better. It just.... i want to walk..." He said while stare at his bandaged leg. 

Dr. Park Seo Joon smile to him. "You'll walk soon if you keep on going to physiotherapy session with Dr. Im Yoona okay?" 

Taeyeon just nod to him. Using that chance, Dr. Park Seo Joon start to ask him again. "Dr. Im Yoona said you don't remember her. Is it true?" 

Taeyeon look up when heard that name. He did heard that name few days ago. "Yy-yeah. I've said that i just met her few days ago, but she keep on saying we've met before." 

Dr. Park Seo Joon nod while everyone in the room listen to their conversation. "Maybe she's wrong," 

but then Yuri said "Um excuse me doctor, but do we need to go out since you want to examine him..?" 

He turn to them, "No its okay, all of you can stay here. Plus, i might need you guys later on." He smile and continue to check on Taeyeon. 

While he was checking, he try to have conversation with Taeyeon to check on his memory. "Your friends come here everyday visit you but i don't know them yet. Can you introduce them to me?" 

Taeyeon smile. Of course he glad to introduce his friend to other people. He start by point his finger at Hyoyeon. 
"That is Hyoyeon, he's my cousin. I bet you already know him since he's the one always accompany me." 

Hyoyeon smile sheepishly to him and Taeyeon's finger moved to Yuri. "And beside him is Yuri," 

"Ah so you're Yuri, what did he do?" Dr. Park Seo Joon move back his sight to Taeyeon after smile at Yuri. Yuri want to answer him but being stop by Hyoyeon. He knows that doctor just want to make a test. 

"He's an owner of a car centre near here," Taeyeon then continue to introduce Sunny and Seohyun but stop when it Jessica's turn. Taeyeon's face started to change. 

He pointed at Jessica. "And this blonde woman.... I-i don't know her," 

Everyone's eyes widen. "Yah, don't play with us. You don't know me? Seriously?" Jessica walk towards him. 

"Me? Play with you? Who are you for me to play with? I'm serious, I don't know you!" Taeyeon glare at Jessica. 

Everyone started to gather at him and of course they were all asking him. Jessica keep on reminding him about their memories before this including about Tiffany. Taeyeon can't recall anything, his head started to to hurt again. Like someone was banging his head multiple times. 


Everyone surprised when Taeyeon started to shout in the room. And at the same time, Mr. Hwang come in with Mark. 

"Taeyeon...?" Mr. Hwang call him. 

Everyone turn their head including Dr. Park Seo Joon. Mr. Hwang has been informed by Mr. Kim since Tiffany can't be found in these few days. As soon as he heard the news, he quickly rushed to the hospital with Mark since his other children has going back home. In his way, Mr. Hwang try to call the number Tiffany used to call him few days ago. But it was the hotel number and they said Tiffany already check out this morning. He let out a sigh. 

Taeyeon turn and saw an old man looking at him with confuse look. He become more stress. He can't remember a thing and now more unknown people come to him. 

Dr. Park Seo Joon ask everyone to leave as Taeyeon started to shouting and out of control. Taeyeon's head become more hurt and he really can't take it. He nearly throw out everything. Few nurses come in to help the doctor to give Taeyeon sedative. They were not allowed to see Taeyeon as Dr. Park Seo Joon wants him to rest after having hard time remembering things. 


"Why can all this happen Chul Soo-yah?" Mr. Hwang ask his best friend. 

"I don't know much, but based on the driver report he said that Taeyeon is the one who suddenly run in front of his car. It was green light at that time. Obviously it was his fault," Mr. Kim explained. Mr. Hwang take this time to ask Mr. Kim since didn't get to talk much on the phone just now. 

While on the other side, Mark was sitting next to Sunny when Jessica suddenly approach him. 

"Hey Mark, when did you come here?" 

Mark look up and saw a woman talking to him. He smiles to her, "Oh hey babe, I'm here about a week ago." 

She nod, "I guess you miss Korea huh?" She laugh. While the others just listen to their English conversation.

Mark laugh along with Jessica, "Well that one of it, but the main point is I'm here for a modelling interview. And guess what...?"

Jessica give him a curious look. "Guess, what?" 

"I'm also here because i miss you," he said and shoot a wink at her with his blue eyes.

Jeasica laugh hearing Mark's last statement. This guy really can melt any girl's heart. "Hahahaha silly Mark,"

Yuri that looking at them from the beginning suddenly come to approach. He don't know why his heart hurt so much when see Jessica smile widely and laughing along with that man. He rarely saw Jessica smile when Tiffany was not along with them. She don't even laugh that hard when they're together. 

While they're having further conversation, both of them realised that Yuri already stand beside Jessica. She turn to Yuri, "Yul, what are you doing here?" 

Yuri give innocent look to her. "Hum? Ani, just want to check on you." He smile to her. 

Jessica smile and nod to him. Check on her? That was different. He was not like that usually. Jessica then introduced Yuri to Mark. At the time Yuri want to accept Mark's handshake, he pressed it a little bit harder and that makes Mark flinched. Yuri smirk, "I'm Kwon Yuri," 

"Yy-yeah I'm Mark Hwang." Mark answer while at the same time try to bear the pain. Yuri let his hand go after few seconds. Jessica just look at them with innocent look. Well she didn't know what happen at their handshake though. 

Mark then was introduced to the others and Sunny recognise him as she's one that give the briefing before the interview started. Mark can get along with all his new friends but not with someone. Of course, its Yuri. 

Dr. Park Seo Joon out from Taeyeon's room after giving him sedative. He just went straight to Taeyeon's family. Mr. Kim that saw the doctor approaching them then stand. There must be something he want to tell. 

"Mr. Kim, i need to ask few questions to you." 

Mr. Kim silent and let him continue. While everybody else also quiet to listen on what the doctor going to say. 

"Taeyeon said he didn't have any memory meeting Dr. Im Yoona before, when he actually did met her. I'm sure Dr. Im Yoona wouldn't lie and we actually have his record here. It's true he have been here for a knee injury treatment about 3 months ago." He explain. He take a look at everyone there. They all seems worried about what he gonna say later on. 

"And you see it yourself just now, he also doesn't have any memory on one of his friend. He can explain everything well before but when he try so hard on recall the memory, his head started to hurt and that makes him in the state you saw just now." Dr. Park Seo Joon stop talking and turn to Jessica that listen to his word carefully. 

"And you, how long has it been since you know him?" He ask Jessica. 

She look up and count something using her finger. when done with calculating, Jessica answer him "Nearly 6 month,"

He give a slight nod as a thank you sign for answering his question. Dr. Park Seo Joon turn back to Mr. Kim. "There is only thing will happen in this kind of situation. Dr. Seo Ju Hyun, can you diagnose this? I'm sure you know about it." He purposely ask Seohyun since she's a doctor too even though in differently field. 

Everyone's eyes turn to Seohyun. She stand and walk towards Mr. Kim while her mind thinking about all the possibility being said by Dr. Park Seo Joon just now. She already can figure it out and give a look to him. He give a sign to her to answer his question. 

"Based on the possibility, he might having...," She stop for a while. Looking at everyone's eyes who waiting for her answer, she continue with a heavy heart. "Anterograde amnesia." 

"Yes, correct. Anterograde amnesia is a condition where Taeyeon loss information he stored in recent past. That is why he can't recall anything "new" to him while the long term memories before this remain intact." He explain. 

"You said nothing was serious and we shouldn't be worried before this. Then how can he loss his memory now?" Mrs. Kim that being silent since just now suddenly open . She sound pissed off and glare at the doctor. 

"I'm sorry Mrs. Kim, but this is an unpredictable situation. We can't fully diagnose everything until the patient fully recover or awake. He loss his memory because of severe impacts during the accident which is we can't diagnose just from his MRI report. I'm sorry once again," he explain. 

Mrs. Kim nod and sit back. She let out a sigh. But then, another question pop out "Is there any possibility for him to recover?" 

"Since he only loss some of his memory, there is a possibility. All of you can help him in remembering some of the things. But please, don't put too much pressure on him." 
Dr. Park Seo Joon leave them after confirmed that no more question from anyone. 


Everyone leave Taeyeon to rest that day. Mr. Hwang stayed at Taeyeon's house for a few days so it's easy for him to visit him within that time. 

Meanwhile, Taeyeon's friend have been discussing about how they can help him to regain his memory back. All if them promised to meet at the hospital cafeteria since Seohyun working there and they want to visit Taeyeon after that. 

"So what are we gonna do now?" Sunny start to speak up. 

Everyone were thinking. They were all silent for a while and Hyoyeon break the silence. "Okay here i got a plan." 

Everyone focusing at him at the moment he open his mouth. No one ever see Hyoyeon this diligent and also serious. All this while, he's the one who always play and joked around. But now he's the one lead everyone. "We going to split into 3 group. 1 going to...-" 

"Yah, you're dividing us into 3 group? What group? We're not playing treasure hunt right?" Yuri barge in. 

Everyone turn to him. Yuri can see their serious expression. In unison, all of them ask him to shut up. "Ssshh!" 

Yuri smile sheepishly. He put up his hand like a person caught doing crime. "Okay okay ss-sorry. Go on Hyo," 

Hyoyeon shook his head and continue to talk. "Where was i just now?" 

"The grouping things," Sunny answer him. 

"Ah yeah. So, i was planning to split us into 3 group which has their own mission. First group will help Taeyeon to  gain his memory, another one will try to find Tiffany because we need her now and the last group will keep on eye on those 2 devil. Well all of us can't just stick to Taeyeon all the time. Remember the doctor said? Don't put pressure on him. We can change position in helping Taeyeon got his memories back. So how was it?" Hyoyeon finish his explanation with a bright smile. He take a look at everyone  in front him, waiting for their answer. 

Yuri stand and give a big clap to Hyoyeon. He never thought a pabo Kim Hyoyeon actually said that. "Bravo bravo!" Everyone at the cafeteria were looking at them now. Jessica quickly pull Yuri's hand to sit back at his seat. 

"Yah Kwon Yuri! What are you doing?!!?" Sunny shoot a glare at him. 

Seohyun lower her head, trying hide behind the shorty Sunny. "Yul oppa, this is my workplace. Please... You're embarrassing us!" 

"Look! Even the maknae embarrassed of you!" Sunny speak again. 

Hyoyeon sigh. "Kwon Yuri always be the silly dorky Kwon Yuri. Taeng was right." All of them then laugh when heard Hyoyeon's statement. 

While Yuri still didn't let go of Jessica's hand. Jessica look at him with confuse look. She brought her sight to their intertwined hands as a sign so he can let it go. But Yuri ignore her and keep on holding her hand. She try to let her hand go but he hold it tightly, and that makes Jessica give up then just let him hold it. 

They're all then continue the discussion. 

"I agree with him!" Sunny agree with Hyoyeon's plan. 

Seohyun that still hide behind Sunny also agree with him. "That was a great idea Hyo oppa! I'm with you!" 

Hyoyeon glad that they're showing positive reaction towards his idea. "How about you Mark? Want to join us? It's fine if you don't..-"

Hyoyeon being cut off by Mark. What are you talking about? I would be happy to help all of you!"

Now the only left is Yuri and Jessica. "How about you two?" 

"Count me in!" The blonde girl said. She just about to raise her hand but stop when realised Yuri still hold her hand. 

"Yeah of course me too Hyo," the last answer given by Yuri. 

They then being divided. 

Group 1 : Seohyun and Sunny 
Mission : Help Taeyeon gain his memory. 

Group 2 : Jessica and Mark
Mission : Find Tiffany

Group 3 : Hyoyeon and Yuri 
Mission : keep on eye on the 2 evil

They're all satisfied with the group given, but there's one person not enjoying it. 

"I have objection about the group." Yuri speak. He looks so serious. 

The others that discussing among their teammates stop and looking at Yuri. 

"Why? What's wrong?" Hyoyeon ask him. 

"Can i change with him?" Yuri point to Mark that sit beside Jessica. They're all changing their seat after being divided. 

"Why do you want to change with Mark? Their team is perfect, Yul. Jessie is Tiffany's best friend and Mark was Tiffany's cousin. They can work well together." Sunny said, she didn't understand why Yuri want to change. 

"I-i i want to find Tiffany too!" He give his lame excuse. He just want to be with Jessica. He can't let she went with that man. 

"If you change with Mark, how can he help me to watch over Im Nana and Nichkhun? He don't even know them!" Hyoyeon said. His anger going to the max level. Yuri being acting weird since yesterday. 

At the same time Hyoyeon speaking, Dr. Im Yoona walk passed by them while holding her food tray. She just want to get her lunch but she stop when heard something familiar. Dr. Im Yoona turn back to their table that still discussing something.  

She put her food tray down and look at them. "Ahem." 

They're all look up at her. "Oh hello doctor!" Hyoyeon greet the young doctor. 

Dr. Im Yoona let out a bright smile to all of them but then she notice someone. "Hey i just notice that you're one of doctor here too right? Dr. Seo Ju Hyun isn't? From psychiatric section?" 

Seohyun nod shyly to her. She didn't know that some people recognise her. 

"I'm Dr. Im Yoona from orthopaedic section. Nice to meet you! Oh my God, all this while i just read and heard about you. But now I can see you live!" Yoona have been checking out Seohyun since she was worked there. She adore that girl actually. 

"Hahaha yah Seohyun-ah, you're so popular these days!" Sunny pat her back.  

"Waah our Seobaby is a hot doctor!" Hyoyeon tease Seohyun. 

"Stop it Hyo oppa, Sunkyu unnie! You're embarrassing me!" 

They all laugh and forgot about their discussion just now. Yoona continue to talk. "Well who doesn't know her? She's the youngest person to be a psychiatry specialist! It just her being down to earth." A praise was given to Seohyun. 

Seohyun then being teased by all of them. Hyoyeon then notice that Yoona still standing there, laughing with them. "Oh gosh, we're laughing too much until take her time. Omo we're sorry doctor!" 

"Ah ani, i just want to have lunch but stop here when heard all of you were talking about someone." She explain her intention when she first stop there. 

"Who?" Seohyun ask her. 

"I heard you talking about Im Nana just now, that's why." 

"Ahh yeah we just talk about her. Do you know her?" 

"Silly question Hyo, of course she knows her. She's a supermodel!" Sunny said even before Yoona get to said anything. 

"What if i said i know her more than a supermodel?" Yoona said. 

"Huh? What do you mean?" Yuri said after being silent for a while. 

Yoona let out a wide smile. "I'm her younger sister, Im Yoona." 

Hyoyeon choked while drinking water while the others' eyes widen. 


All of them said in unison. And again, all people watching at them. 

So Dr. Im Yoona was Nana's sister? Gosh this will be hard. And Hyoyeon with her brilliant idea and is Yuri being jealous with Mark? Omo. 

Pardon for all mistakes and give your thoughts! By The way, I'm updating this while watching WebAsia Tv Award. I miss to see SNSD  on tv again and of course our pink princess! >< 

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Chapter 1: Lookin forward to this... ;)
18 streak #2
Chapter 80: This story was beautiful I shed a few tears a couple times but you really did great <3
Gaejihyo815 #3
Finished this in 2 days! The plot and flow was nice! One of the best Taeny story out there!
1130 streak #4
Chapter 61: I love this and i keep on rereading it... Hahaha Yul is jealous...
Chapter 79: This is good... Thanks for writing a good story author.. ^^
Chapter 80: Yeaheyyyyy I can't believe that i finish it in one sitting hahahaha btw author-sshi your story are really good and so wonderful to read I love it hahaha
owheyjae_ #7
Chapter 80: Woah done reading this. Its a great story author this deserve an upvote tho :)
Chapter 80: I hope there's a sequel for this. This is nice though, thank you for this author ;)
Chapter 80: What a beautiful story~
( ⁎ᵕᴗᵕ⁎ )❤︎
Thank you author.
But taeyeon really less dorky in this story, hehe
cwright01_ #10
Finished the story! Its so good! Thanks author for writing and completing the story!!