The Ice Has Melted

It's been more than 6 months since Taeyeon and Tiffany dating but never once Taeyeon got to meet her family. He thinks that it's not fair for only his family knows about this. Her family have the right too so he decide on going to meet her family today. Since both of them didn't have much work at office, it's a perfect timing.  

Taeyeon keep on asking Tiffany what would he do or said later on when they meet her family. He never feel this nervous even when he met international investor. This feeling is totally different from anything.

Tiffany laugh at him as she never see the nervous Kim Taeyeon. He's too nervous until nearly drop a box of mineral water at the convenience store where they stop for a while. He became clumsy and keep on acting cool even though she knows that he's fighting with his nervousness right now. 

Few hours driving, they finally arrive at a white bungalow. Taeyeon can see that this was the biggest house around and it was really beautiful. They arrive in the evening and he can see the sunset shined around them. 

Feeling happy and excited got to be back to her home, Tiffany pull her boyfriend's hand to went into the house but he stopped her. 

"Why? What's wrong Tae?" She ask him as she can see his unexplained expression. 

"Okay, let's make a final check. Do i look okay?" He said while turn around to make sure everything was alright. Tiffany laughing at him and nod. 

Taeyeon fix his collar and take a last deep breath "Come on, you can do this Taeng. Be tough man," - he talk to himself.

They began to walk together, going inside the house. Tiffany ring the bell and door was open then revealed an old man that semms have the same age like his father. 

"Daddy! I miss you!" Taeyeon see his girlfriend jump around and hug the old man that of course her father. 

Tiffany's father give her a warm smile and reply her hug by brush the back of her hair. "Ah my miyoung has back," he said while let out small laugh. 

Taeyeon knows that her father was teasing her just like they before this. Tiffany hit her father softly and continue to walk together into her house. Tiffany didn't forget about Taeyeon. She was holding his hand secretly behind her father's back. They were brought to the living room. It was almost the same like at Taeyeon's house. Big and comfy. 

"Sit first, I'll ask them to get your room ready. If only you tell me earlier Stephanie," her father said while shot a glare at her. Tiffany just smiling sheepishly. 

His father glare now turn to Taeyeon. He look at him like a hawk targetting his prey. Taeyeon gulp and look down to the floor. 

"Mind to tell me who are you?" He said. Taeyeon stand and when he just about to introduce himself, Tiffany cut in "Dad, he is...." But her father was faster. "Cut off Stephanie, i just want to hear him." Tiffany can't do anything. She realized her father expression has changed. Now it's only depend on Taeyeon. 

Taeyeon gather all his confident and introduce himself followed by a 90 degree bow sign of respect. Her father nodded and ask him to sit back. 

"So you're claiming that you're my daughter's boyfriend?" Her father ask as he reading a political magazine. 

Taeyeon gulps. Never thought that her father could be strict like that. Well after saw his lovely interactions with Tiffany just now, he's totally different now. "Yes Mr Hwang."

"So you're the one be with her in Seoul, not Jessica?" 

"No, we're both there for her Mr Hwang" 

While Taeyeon got to be intwrviewed by her father, Tiffany make her way to kitchen to drink some water. And at the same time, a man came to between thier conversation. 

"The room has ready. You better go in and rest." 

Just at the right time, Tiffany also come back after drink some waters. She was told that their room has ready and Taeyeon also went back to the car to take their bags. 

Few minutes after that, he come back with 2 bags and went up following Tiffany to her room. Not realising that her father was following behind, Taeyeon let out a deep sigh while climbing the stairs. Just when they want to enter the room...

"Ahem." Her father coughed. 

Both of them turn their back and saw her father was standing in near them. 

"Who said that you'll stay there? Your room is over there, next to my room."  He said while pointed to few room after Tiffany's. 

"Ah yy-yes Mr. Hwang. I just want to put her bag in here."  Tiffany turn around to cover her laugh. If only they can see his face right now, he must be a joke now. 

Her father nod and want to make his way but then stop again and turn to Taeyeon. "You better out after put her bag. Don't you dare stay in there more than 5 minutes. Remember, I'll be watching you."  He then continue to went downstairs. 

Taeyeon nod and put the bag in the room while said "Your dad is scary Fany-ah" 

Tiffany laugh and pat his back "No he's not Tae, he just be protective to me." 

"NOT MORE THAN 5 MINUTES!"Just when he want to open his mouth, they heard her father was shouting from downstairs. 

"You better go now Tae or my dad will kill you. We'll  see tonight okay? i love you." She said and managed to give him a quick kiss on his forehead. He then being pushed out from the room. 

"I love you too baby," but it was meaningless now because he was talking to the closed door. 

Taeyeon bring his bag to the room showed just now. It's 2 doors away from his girlfriend room. As soon as he went in, Taeyeon put his bag away and throw away himself on the bed. He was mumbling by himself. 

"Am i not good enough? I'm smart and well, have a good looks too. Why so fierce?" 

"Didn't her father was a lawyer? Was lawyer always being like that? But Sooyoung are not like him though."

"Or maybe her father was not a lawyer before but actually was army?" 

He let out another sigh, "it must be tough to convince her father then." 

Continue mumbling, Taeyeon then fell asleep. 


Jessica meet Yuri at a cafe near her office. Yuri call her earlier to tell her information he got from Nichkhun. He offered himself to go to her since he doesn't want to trouble her so they were agreed to meet here. 

When Jessica come, Yuri already wait for her at the corner of the cafe. Well they want to talk about a famous supermodel and also a crazy bartender.  Of course they have sit a bit far from others. 

"Sorry for calling you early in the morning. I just can't wait to tell you this information i got." he said while sip an apple juice in front of him. 

She smile and said "It's okay, Im  not busy today, since i already went to the court yesterday. So what is it? You seems so excited Yul" 

"Last night when i met that jerk, he accidentally blurt out something. He said that he hate Tiffany for ruin his family." Yuri explain. That was something beyond his expectation. He think that it was an important clue that's why he eager to tell Jessica about this. 

Jessica's face become frown and think of something. "You said he accidentally blurt it out?" 

Yuri nod "Yeah. I purposely ask him a lot about his past and he end up talk about Tiffany which is a bonus point for me. His face changed like a person full of anger and quickly change to another topic when he realised we're going too far." 

Jessica was still thinking, why would Tiffany ruin his life? Isn't he was the one ruined her? This guy really crazy. Instead of that, she also remember something. 

"Ah I've something to tell you too," 

"Really? What is it Sica?" 

Jessica take a sip of her chocolate drink before speak again "I got some free time last night. So i make a background check of Nick." 

"Eh? Didn't you know him already? Why with the background check?" 

Jessica nod and smile "Yes i know him, but we didn't know why he was here when he doesn't have anything here right?" 

Yuri stop munching his vanilla hazelnut cookies when heard her explanation. She was right. That guy is from LA so what is his purpose coming here? "Tell me more Sica, this is getting interesting. We're like CSI right now. Hahaha" 

"Silly Yul," She laugh before continue. He truly dork like his other friends too. 

"His father was a well known businessman back then in Cali. But he's a womaniser and one day media got to know about it. That news really shocked all their investor and it threaten his company's performance." Jessica stop talking and drink her chocolate drink once again. 

Yuri that saw her stop talking then said "Aha... Then? That's all?" 

She shot a glare at him "Wait for a minute will you? I didn't stop talking since yesterday so let me catch a breath here okay?"  

"You still talking in your sleep? Whoa you really a dedicated lawyer Jessica-ssi" He said while laughing. 

Jessica knows that Yuri being sarcastic with her and she look at him let's imagine there's a fire around her now.  

Looking at her now, Yuri know he's facing with a 'HellSica' right now. "You gonna die Kwon Yuri"

"Whoops my bad. I'm sorry Sica-yah. Let's continue okay? I'll not playing again."  He smile sheepishly to her. 

His face that like a innocent puppy make Jessica laugh and continue back. "A newspaper report said that all the investor that invest in the company started to back off and the company performance started to drop. His father business partner that knows about the news also want to back off and guess what happen to him?" 

"Huh? Um he got summoned?" 

Jessica shook her head. "Nope. He got killed." 

Yuri's eyes wide and his jaw drop. Luckily his apple juice didn't ejected from his mouth. "WHAT THE ?! REALLY?" 

Jessica put her index finger on her lips, asking him to slow down his voice. Yuri cover his mouth and whisper to her "Who kill him? Don't tell me..." 

She nod as she knows that Yuri already figure out his answer "Yes, it his father." 

"And i got another surprise for you." She speak again. 

"What? Don't tell me there's another person got killed....." 

"Hahahah no Yul, this time guess who the lawyer that defend him?" 

"Another guessing game? Ahhhh I don't know Sica-yah. Is it you?" This guy really... Is he really a 27 years old man? Why is he behaving like 15? Duh! 

"Ugh no, you pabo Yul. It's Tiff's father" 
She'll not played this guessing game with Yuri again. Didn't wait for Yuri to speak, Jessica continue to talk. 

"Her father fail to defend Nick's father and they lose. How can he defend him? They got all the evidence and witnesses to accuse him." 

Yuri put his index finger on his chin. Seems like he can figure out something. 2 minutes of silent, he finally speak. "So that's mean he's hunting Tiffany now because of her father lose the case and make his father being prisoned?" 

"Yup we can conclude it like that. Um look like you've changed and be like a 27 man. Great. Finally." She said with a slumber. 

Yuri look up and saw her slumber face. What was she thinking about him all this while then? "YAH!" 

With that, they continue to talk and planned on telling all of them about this. They must be quick before Nana and Nichkhun do something worst. 


Taeyeon being wake up by non stop people knocking on his door. He open up his eyes and push himself forcefully and open the door. He surprised when he saw Mr. Hwang stand in front of the room. 

"Mr. Hwang... I'm ss-orry i fell asleep."

"It's okay, i know you're tired. Freshen up yourself, dinner gonna get ready soon." 

"Ah yes, Mr. Hwang." Taeyeon answer and look down to the floor. 

Mr. Hwang nod and looking at Taeyeon who is still looking sleepy. He then make his way and went downstairs. 

Taeyeon just want to close the door back when suddenly it was stopped by someone. He got shocked. He thought Tiffany's father went back to him. But when the door was opened, it revealed Tiffany stand in front of him. Taeyeon stick out his head and look around the way, afraid her father might come back.  So he pull her into the room and close the door. 

"Ah i miss you baby," he said and hug her. 

Tiffany smile "I'm not going anywhere Tae, I'm just 2 doors away from you. You can always knock my door." 

He pulled away and pout "Yah, your father was watching me all the time, I can't even stay in your room more than 5 minutes!" 

She cover his mouth "Ssshh you're too loud hun. Dad might hear us. Get ready okay? I'll wait for you downstairs." Tiffany make her way to get out from the room when Taeyeon grab her. 

"Can i get something to cheer me up?" 

Tiffany smile. She knows what he mean. So she lean in and kiss his lips gently. She pulled away after few moments and make her way out, left he alone in the room. 


Taeyeon has finish getting ready and went downstairs and saw Tiffany's father was reading a book. 

"Ah just at the right time, come on Taeyeon. dinner is ready. Stephanie already at the kitchen." He said and put the book away. He then lead Taeyeon to dining room. 

At the dining table, they were eating peacefully when suddenly Tiffany's father started to speak up.

"So Taeyeon, what did you do for living?" 

Taeyeon stop munching and wipe corner of his mouth. "I'm just an ordinary businessman." 

Mr. Hwang nod and continue to ask him "What business did you do?" 

"I open a clothing company," he look at him and give a small smile but just got replied with simple nod. 

"My daughter here is a fashion designer. While you just an owner of a clothing company that i don't even know whether it's established or not. How can you make sure you're the one for her? Or... You know, you just want be with her for benefits?"

Taeyeon smile. He didn't expose about his company purposely. He just want to be an ordinary man who want approval from her family, not showing off his money to them. 

While Tiffany on the other side of the table getting uneasy. She thinks that her father quite harsh towards him and afraid Taeyeon burst out. She really pray a lot that time. 

"Mr. Hwang. I approach your daughter not because of her money, not because of her beauty or not because i want to use her but I've seen her kindness. She got inner beauty that not anyone have it. What i want to say here is, i was not playing with Tiffany." 

Mr. Hwang feel impressed with Taeyeon. He satisfied with his explanation. He did look like a good man. But well this doesn't mean he can get away. There are more waiting for him. 

They finish eating dinner peacefully without any problems. They did talk a lot about Taeyeon and Tiffany's sibling. Taeyeon got to know a little bit about her family. He knows that she got a brother and a sister. 

After having dinner, Taeyeon and Mr. Hwang sit at the mini park near the swimming pool outside the house. Taeyeon was curious about Tiffany's mother. He doesn't get to see her since they arrive that evening. While Tiffany went up to her room to get some things. 

After sip a hot coffee, Taeyeon begin to spoke "Mr. Hwang can i ask a question?" 

He look up and answer him "What is it Taeyeon?" 

"I didn't see Mrs. Hwang ever since evening,  where is she?" 

Mr. Hwang let a sigh and his expression changed. "She didn't tell you?" 

Taeyeon feel confuse. Did Tiffany hide something from him? 

"Look like she didn't tell you looking at your expression." 

Taeyeon just let out a small smile to him. He really feel left out now. Is he not important to her? She told him to tell her everything but she's the one hiding from him. His thought was cut off by Mr. Hwang words. 

"My wife died long time ago. We lose her when Tiffany 12 years old. She once get depress because she can't accept her death. Both of them was so close and she can't share her teenager life with my late-wife. I feel sorry for her. But Tiffany was a strong girl, she manage to do everything by herself without depending to others. Now, she grow become a strong woman." 

Now he know the reason why he didn't get to see Tiffany's mother since earlier. 

"I'm sorry Mr. Hwang, I didn't know." 

He laugh "it's okay Taeyeon-ah. Its not your fault. Ah by the way, we've a fruit farm near here. Want to go for a look tomorrow? Plus we're getting ready for fruit festival."

Taeyeon's expression become bright and he quickly nod to him. 

Since he was retire, Mr. Hwang continue the land that has been left for him by Tiffany's grandparents. All this while,  he just asked some people to worked on it since he was abroad and he just observed it from a far. Now he already have time also he has moved there, he decide to work it out by himself. 

"Good. Now go to sleep, we going to wake up early tomorrow." 

Taeyeon get up and give him a big smile. He really can't wait for tomorrow. "Good night Mr. Hwang. Have a good sleep." 

The old man look up and replied him with a small smile. "Good night Taeyeon, see you tomorrow."   

Taeyeon went up to his room, leaving Mr. Hwang alone with his book. While Mr. Hwang already got everything set up in his mind. 

"Good luck Kim Taeyeon,"  - Mr. Hwang

Sorry guys it kinda mess. I'm writing using notes in my phone and when i transfer it all format changed. So do read and comment okay? Look like Mr. Hwang did have something on Taeyeon though. And credit for YulSic for being CIA and FBI for TaeNy. Enjoy! 

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Chapter 1: Lookin forward to this... ;)
18 streak #2
Chapter 80: This story was beautiful I shed a few tears a couple times but you really did great <3
Gaejihyo815 #3
Finished this in 2 days! The plot and flow was nice! One of the best Taeny story out there!
1130 streak #4
Chapter 61: I love this and i keep on rereading it... Hahaha Yul is jealous...
Chapter 79: This is good... Thanks for writing a good story author.. ^^
Chapter 80: Yeaheyyyyy I can't believe that i finish it in one sitting hahahaha btw author-sshi your story are really good and so wonderful to read I love it hahaha
owheyjae_ #7
Chapter 80: Woah done reading this. Its a great story author this deserve an upvote tho :)
Chapter 80: I hope there's a sequel for this. This is nice though, thank you for this author ;)
Chapter 80: What a beautiful story~
( ⁎ᵕᴗᵕ⁎ )❤︎
Thank you author.
But taeyeon really less dorky in this story, hehe
cwright01_ #10
Finished the story! Its so good! Thanks author for writing and completing the story!!