What have you done to me?

With All My Heart

I wanted to ask Jae Joong Oppa to accompany me walking around the cottage. It should be a good opportunity to get closer to him. When I arrived in front of his room, I saw the door was open a little bit. I walked slowly, tried not to make a noise. When I grabbed the door handle, I heard Jun Su Oppa's voice from the inside and he's talking to Jae Joong Oppa. I stood still on my place and listen to their conversation.

"What happened to you today?"

"Ye? What do you mean?"

"Your eyes. You can't take your eyes off of Joo Yeon the whole day."


"It's just your feelings."


"I don't know but from what I saw today, your behavior is a little bit weird. You kept on watching her. What she did, what she talked. Your eyes were following her everywhere."

It's been three days since I heard their conversation on the cottage and I can't get them off of my head. Now I know I'm not the one who felt odd about this, Jun Su Oppa too. Jae Joong Oppa has been acting strange lately, especially when it comes to Joo Yeon. First, when I came with my family to his house Jae Joong Oppa immediately had a mood change when I tried to match Chun Oppa with Joo Yeon. Then, he wrongly gave me the ice cream. He never forgot my favorite flavor before.

I grabbed my cell phones and press number one, it shown my love. I waited for few seconds but no answer. I looked at the clock on my bedside table, it's already 11.23. Oppa probably had slept so I texted him.

Oppa, I'll come to your office tomorrow before lunch.


I woke up hearing the alarm from my cell phones. I grabbed it and turned it off. I got one message from last night and it's from Hye Rin. She told me that she's coming to the office today. It's so unusual for her to inform me if she's coming. I replied her message.

Okay, I'll wait for you.

Hye Rin arrived ten minutes earlier before lunch time to my office.

"Oh, you came. Do you need anything?" I asked her when she sat on the couch.

"There's something I need to ask you, Oppa." She looked at me.

"Okay, what is it?" I walked to the couch and sat beside her. She spun around her body and facing me.

"Oppa, do you support the relationship between Joo Yeon and Chun Oppa?"

I shocked with her question, why does she suddenly bring up this topic? "Why do you asking this?"

"Oppa, please answer me."

I felt silent. I don't know why it's so hard to answer her question. It's just two words "I support", but I felt like I'm lying to myself if I said so.

"Does Chun Oppa not good enough for Joo Yeon?" She touched my arms and made me back to reality.

"Yoo Chun is my friend for years. He's a good man and responsible." I said.

"Good, it means Oppa also support them. I'm gonna push Chun Oppa to marry Joo Yeon as soon as possible." She smiled.

"Marry?" I didn't realize I raise my voice tone.

"They're officially in relationship right now so it's not wrong if they get married soon."

They’re in a relationship? Then I'm guessing right, the last day when we go went back to Seoul I saw something different with them. Yoo Chun even held Joo Yeon's hand.

"Oppa?" Hye Rin stared at me.

"Huh? Ah, mian Hye Rin ah. I just remember that I have a meeting right now." I rose from the couch, she followed me.

"Okay then, I better go back to my office. Send my greetings to Joo Yeon." She walked out from my office.

I walked back to my desk and threw my body on the chair. My feelings start acting weird again. Why do I feel unhappy knowing that Yoo Chun and Joo Yeon are together now? What's wrong with me? I startled when I hear someone knocked on my door. The door opened and Jun Su walked in. He sat in front of me.

"What's up? Looks like you have so many things to think about." He stared at me

"Nothing, I'm just thinking about my works."

"If you said so. By the way, I bumped into Hye Rin at the elevator but she looked annoyed about something. What are you two talking about?"

"Nothing important."

Jun Su looked at me suspiciously. "What's going on? Looks like that ‘nothing important’ thing annoyed you too."

I rose from my chair and went stood at the window behind my desk, looking to the street below. "Jun Su ya, do you think it's weird if I act protective to my sister?"

"Well, it depends. Protection also has its limitation Jae, even if it's to our sister. What happen again with Joo Yeon?" He walked approach my standing place.

"Nothing." I don't get it, did my feelings for her these days was not because I want to protect her in brother-sister context?

"In my opinion, you didn't see Joo Yeon as your sister anymore. You probably didn't realize it from the beginning."

"So?" I confused with his words.

"I don't know but tell me first, what makes you so restless like this? Maybe I can give you some answers."

Jun Su is my best friend and he knew me well. I always told him everything. "Hye Rin told me that Yoo Chun and Joo Yeon are in a relationship."

I sighed. He fell silent and let me continue the story.

"What you said to me back on the cottage, about me always looked at Joo Yeon, you're probably right. Plus knowing that their relationship is not just boss and employee makes my feelings mixed up. I don't know what's wrong with me." I stared at my best friend helplessly.

Jun Su laughed out loud. "Ya, don't you know what is that? It's clearly implied y'know."

"What's so funny? I shouldn't tell you this." I shook my head. He didn't even show some sympathy to me.

"Sorry, it wasn't like that. You're the master in this field but when it involves yourself, you're just like a newbie with no experience."

"So are you gonna help me or not?"

"Hey, don't get upset so soon. Look, I've had this assumption all this time and it's proven now.  I'm 100 percent sure that Kim Jae Joong is falling in love with his sister." He smiled while patted my shoulder.

Falling in love?


Today was a tough day, I felt so tired. My heads were full of Joo Yeon for the whole day and the conversation I had with Jun Su, makes me more stressful. I glanced at the clock on my bedside table, it's already 11 pm. I was just about to close my eyes when I heard the thunder then in seconds, the lights go out. I rose from the bed, d my bedside table's drawer in the dark, looking for a flashlight.

I walked out from the room, heading to the electricity room but then I remember Joo Yeon. I knocked on her door but no answer. Is she already slept? Curious, I tried the door handle. She didn't lock her door so I stepped in slowly. The thunder shot again and this time followed by hard rain. Her dark room lightened by the lightning.


I heard her screaming but the bed is empty. Where is she? I walked further into the room and searched for her. With the help from my flashlight, I found her cowering down in the corner. She snuggled up to the wall while closed her eyes and with her both hands, she closed her ears.

"Joo Yeon ah." I approached her, she trembling when I touched her body.

"Th—the light…." Her voice is so small and shaking.

I reflex hugged her. "It's okay. I'm here." Then I remember the theater room. "Come with me."

I pulled her up. The lightning shot again and followed by the thunder. She snuggled up to me. Out of nowhere, my heart started beating faster. I tried to calm and focus on getting her out from the room and heading to the theater room. I put her on one of the couch.

"Joo Yeon ah, it's okay now. You're safe here. I'll go out for awhile to check on—"

She pulled my hand. "Please don't go. I'm afraid of dark."


I sat beside her on the couch. She lifted up her knees and hugged them, I just found out that she had phobia with thunder and darkness. She started humming. Fifteen minutes later, the humming's gone and replace with her regular breathing. She slept. Her body slowly leaned to me and her head now rested on my shoulder. She looked peaceful. I curled my arm around her shoulder and held her tight; she adjusted her head on my shoulder. I looked at her face. My left hand unconsciously rose to her face and caressed her cheek softly. My heart started beating fast again.

Joo Yeon ah, what have you done to me?


I woke up with slight pain on my neck. I lifted my hand and rubbed my neck when I realized I was leaning on something, or someone to be exact. I tilted my head slowly and looked up, only to found out that I was leaning on Jae Joong and I slept on his embrace the whole night.

What happened?

I tried to recall my memories from last night, thunderstorm, hard rain, and blackout. Damn, it's so embarassing. He probably made some jokes on me when he wakes up later. He opened his eyes slowly so I quickly rose from the couch.

"Joo Yeon ah."

I froze on my place. He stood up and walked approach me. We're standing face to face now. "Yes?"

"Are you okay?" His hand lifted up to caress my cheek. I widened my eyes and reflexed toss it aside.

"I'm fine, thanks for your concern."

"Hye Rin sent you her greeting. She said congrats to you and Yoo Chun."

"Say thanks to her. How about you? Don't you wanna say something to me?"

He stared at me for a minute. "We better get ready or we're gonna be late."

He walked out and left me alone in the room without saying anything. I stared at his back in disbelief, is it so hard just to say congrats to me?

I was surprised when I arrived at the office, my vase on the desk already filled with red roses. It's so beautiful. Suddenly, someone hugged me from behind.

"Morning, honey."

"Yoo Chun ssi? We're at the office now."

He laughed then released his embrace. I turned around facing him. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer then kissed my cheek. "Is it better like this?"

He laughed again when he saw no reaction from me then he left me and went back to his room. Time passed so fast, it's already 7.10 when I saw the clock. Yoo Chun was busy with his meeting the whole day. He just got back to his room fifteen minutes ago. I wanna go home right now but I don't know what Yoo Chub doing in his office so I decided to read my novel while waiting for him. I just opened the first page when Yoo Chun walked out from his office.

"Sorry for keep you wait." He walked approach me.

"It's okay. Are you done?"

"Hm, what a day. C'mon." He took my hand and held it.

Because it's already late and Yoo Chun said he's tired so we didn't go anywhere and went straight to my house from the office.

"Don't want to come inside for a minute?" I asked him when he sent me to the front door.

"It's late. Next time." He smiled.

"Okay, be careful."

He stepped forward, positioning his body close to mine then he tilted his head. His face was getting closer and closer to mine until our lips locked. At first I thought it was only a goodnight kiss, but no. Yoo Chun grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to him, he deepened the kiss. For a minute, I was shocked and stiff but then I responded his kiss. I don't know how long we've been kissing when finally he ended it.


After saying that, he turned around and walked to his car then leaving the house. When I spun around, heading to the front door, I saw Jae Joong standing not far from the terrace and he was looking at me. He must be walked out from the garage after parked his car but how long has he been standing there? Did he see me and Yoo Chun kissing? Jae Joong walked pass me and went inside without saying anything. I chased him from behind.

"Jae, have you eaten?"

He kept on walking and went to his room. What's wrong with him? I just wanna asked him to have dinner together. I went to my room and sit on the bedside. I recall my memory of Yoo Chun kissed me and my fingers lifted to touch my lips, traced back his lips on mine but I feel odd. I don't feel anything when he kissed me, no sparks. My daydream scattered when someone knocked on my door. I walked to the door and found Jae Joong was standing there.

"What?" I retorted, still upset with his ignorance back then.

"I'm hungry."

"Ye?" What is this? Knocking on someone's door and says hungry. "That's why—"

I haven't finished grouse but he already grabbed my hand and pulled me to the kitchen.

"I'll make ramyun."

I pulled my hand from his grip and took two ramyun from the cabinet while boiling water in the pan. He sat on the counter that connected to the kitchen area. He kept on staring at me when I busy making ramyun.


"Nothing, just looking."

Few minutes later the ramyun is ready to serve. I put the pan on the counter between us. We spoon it out and put it on our bowl.

"So you can make ramyun."

"Of course, don't underestimate me." I glared at him, he laughed.

"Then what else can you make?"

"Uh..many." I spoon the ramyun too much to my mouth and ended up choke, I cough couple times. Jae Joong patted my back and handed me a glass of water.

"Don't be greedy, your mouth is not that big."

Aish, I choked and he still made fun of me. What kind of brother is he?

"Done. I'm going to bed." I collected the used bowl and pan and brought them to the sink. He suddenly asked me a question when I walked passes him.

"Do you love him?"

I spun around and looked at him. "Sorry?"

"Yoo Chun. Do you love him?" He looked back at me.

"Why are you asking me this?"



"What are you two kids doing here?"

His words cut by mom's presence in the kitchen. She walked to the fridge and took a glass of water.

"Oh, Omma. Oppa and I were hungry so we cooked ramyun."

"I see. Omma go back first. Nite, kids."

"Nite, Omma." I replied.

I turned around to continue our conversation but he bid goodnight to me. "I'm going back too. Nite."

I raised my eyebrows, he's the one who asking me the question but he's also the one who left first. He's totally acting weird tonight. On my way back to my room, I keep on thinking. Why does Jae Joong asking me that question? And when I ask that question to myself, why I don’t know the answer?

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sn123456 #1
Chapter 24: Welcome back. It tighten my chest too reading it. Please come back soon.
sn123456 #2
Chapter 23: I can just say OMG OMG so many time authornim. I hope u can come back fast time next chapter.
Chapter 23: no, everything is not gonna be okay
Chapter 22: complicated, why she so stubborn?
sn123456 #5
Authornim love this story a lot. Pls don't let us wait too long and update when u can.
Chapter 21: In actual fact, I dislike women like Joo Yeon, who does not know how to be selfish when come to love.
Darlovejae #7
Chapter 20: Joo Yeon ... Pls say NO...
Chapter 20: huaaaaa, I bet yoo jeon will be in big dilema
Chapter 19: nah, jaejoong, you need to make her yours asap
hope they can be a couple soon
Khab71 #10
Chapter 18: I want her to be with Jaejoong and only Jaejoong.