
With All My Heart

It's been a week since I moved to this house and today my parents are going to Europe for their honeymoon so practically they left me alone with Jae Joong. I asked my mom while we're on the dining room.

“Omma, why did you go just for one week? That’s too short.”

“Your appa actually wanted two weeks but he can’t leave his works for too long. He had a meeting with the shareholders next week.”

I nodded. One week without my mom at home means I don’t have to call Jae Joong oppa but that also means there's only two of us. Hmph, one good side and one bad side. Then I asked my mom again.

“And why don’t you take yesterday’s flight so I can send you off?”

She laughed. “Your appa wrongly remember the dates, he thought 6th is Sunday and his secretary also didn’t reconfirm to him when booked the tickets. So here we are.”

It’s kinda weird to go on a vacation on Monday but there’s nothing we can do. Jae Joong and I bid farewell to them at home, they left for the airport at the same time I left to the office. As usual, he sent me to the office. When I walked down from his car and closed the door, he lowered the car’s window and called me. I turned around and bent down my body a little bit.

“Make sure you came home today before seven.”

“Huh? What for?”

“Before seven, okay?”

“What do you—?”

Before I even finished my questions, he already flew with his car. I looked at it in disbelief and let out a deep sighed. I can’t believe he can drive away like that when we haven't even finished talked yet. I took a deep inhale and exhale slowly to put down my anger before walked in to the office. There are so many things to do today until I didn’t realize that it’s already 6.15. I remember he told me to come home before seven but I won’t obey him so easily. He can do that with the others but not with me. I was typing on the computer when my phone ringing. I don’t have to look at the caller ID to know that it’s from him.

“Ne.” I put the phone between my ear and my shoulder and continue typing on the computer.

“I knew you must be still in the office.”

“Is there anything you want?” I pretend to forgot.

I can hear his sighed. “Fine, I’ll picked you up right now and I’m gonna asked Yoo Chun to let you go.”

I immediately stop typing and hold the phone with my hand. “Yaaaa, don’t you ever think of doing that.”

“If you don’t want that happen, you better go home right now okay?”

I fell silent for a moment and think; he always serious with his threat and before I get embarrassed in front of my boss I better agree to his request.

“Ugh, how can you be so annoying? Fine, I’ll go now.”

“Okay then, see ya.”

I put the phone back to my bag and re-organize the paper on the desk then knocked on Yoo Chun’s door and told him that I’m going home now. While walking to the bus station I keep on thinking what’s so urgent until he need me to be at home before seven. It’s so unusual for him to make a request like that. My error, it’s not a request but an order. He better has a good reason for this.

I was walking through the gate when I saw there were many cars parked at the yard. I don’t remember that we’re planning on inviting people tonight. When I walked to the front door, I saw Jae Joong already waits for me. He looked at me from top to toe then back to my eyes.

“Perfect. Come on, everyone’s waiting.”

I frowned. “Hold on a sec, what’s going on here?”

“I’m inviting my friends over and make a little party to celebrate my new family plus introduce you to them.”

“What? Introduce me? No no no.”

I was walking behind him when he talked about introducing me to his friends. Suddenly I stopped and shook my head, signed that I disagree with his idea. He turned around when he realized I was left far behind. He walked towards me.

“What’s wrong with you? I just want to introduce you to my friends because you’re the hostess. Is it wrong?”

Of course nothing's wrong with that but why did he has to make the party tonight and not when our parents around? I wouldn't be the hostess tonight if mom was around. I took a deep breath, the party is on and all I can do is to be a good hostess tonight. I walked beside him through the front door.

As soon as I walked in, I feel all eyes in the room are looking at me. I feel uncomfortable with the way they looked at me so I backed up a little bit and I think Jae Joong can feel it. He put his hand on my back.

“That’s okay. I’ll be by your side.”

Then he started introducing me one by one to his friends. He’s the one who keep saying my name in front of his friends and all I did was stretched out my hand and shook theirs.

“This is my sister, Joo Yeon.”

It took almost half an hour to meet all of his friends and when it’s done, I stepped aside from the noise and stand in the corner. I scanned the room and looked at these peoples, I feel dizzy with the crowd and need sometime to be alone. My eyes looked for Jae Joong and when I found him, I walked approach him.

“Jae Joong ssi, I wanna go to the toilet.” I half whispered to him.

He smiled. “Okay, but don’t take it too long.”


Actually I wanna disappear to my room, the toilet is only my excuses to runaway from the party but I'm afraid he'll get upset so I put down the idea behind. But I feel something’s weird with the party, during my half an hour in the room I didn't see a single woman in there. The room is full of men which is weird because I thought he likes to be surrounded by women. It's his party and I think he should invited more women than men.

Because I can’t go to my room, I decided to go to the kitchen to get myself a glass of juice. I need something cold to refresh my mind. When I entered the kitchen, I saw Jun Su oppa was sitting behind the counter. I feel relieved, at least there's someone I knew from this party. He was fully occupied with his iPod so I silently looked at him for a moment. He looked up when he realized someone was watching over him and he smiled when he saw it was me.

“Oppa, annyeong.”

“Oh, Joo Yeon ah. Are you just arrived?” He pulled out the earphone from his ear.

“No, I already came since half an hour ago.”

He smiled. “I was in the kitchen the whole time so I didn’t know you’re come home already.”

I walked to the fridge and looked for some juice. I spotted an orange juice; I took out and pour it into an empty glass. I spun around facing Jun Su.

“Oppa, want some?” I showed the orange juice to him.


When he walked towards me, I passed him my glass and pour the orange juice into another empty glass then put back the juice to the fridge. We both walked back to the kitchen counter. We sat face to face then he suddenly raised his glass up to me and smiled.”

“Let’s cheers.”

I frowned. “Cheers? What for?”

“For the happiness of your new family and also for you, hope that you soon can find a boyfriend.”

I shocked. Boyfriend? Why Jun Su oppa suddenly brought up this topic? I fell silent for a moment cause I smell something fishy right here. I know something’s not right the moment I stepped into the house. When it’s come to my sense, I knew it must be Jae Joong’s idea to introduce me to his friends.

I squinted. “Oppa…did Jae Joong invited his friends to come here so that I can get a boyfriend?”

“Jae Joong even spent couple days to decide who he’s gonna invited to the party.”

“Really?” I raised my eyebrows.

“Hm. He even said that he’s gonna do some tight selection to the guys cause it’s about your future.” Then he laughed. “Such a good oppa, isn’t he?”

“Right. A really good oppa and I feel so lucky to have him.”

I smiled in front of Jun Su oppa but inside my heart I mumbled. How dare he intervene in my personal life? I don’t need his help to decided what my future life would be. If I want a boyfriend, I can search for myself. In my heart, I was thankful to Jun Su oppa for telling me this, cause if not I would still like a fool following Jae Joong’s plan like an idiot.

“Okay, let’s stop talking about it. Come here.” He pointed to the chair next to him. “I wanna show you something funny I downloaded this morning.”

I walked to the chair beside him and sat down. He was looking for the video on his iPod and gave me the earphone. I put it on my right ear while he put the other half on his left ear. He placed the iPod on the centre so that we both can see the video. After a minute passed, I realized what happened on the video and I can't hold my laughter. I burst into laugh so hard for seconds before I can speak.

“Oh my God, is he clumsy or just too groggy?”

“I think he’s just too groggy.”

I laughed again. “He looked shock when the pendant fell into the woman's dress and his friends immediately burst into laugh.”

He laughed too. “Yeah, I don’t think I can face that woman again if I were him.”

He showed me again another funny videos and I laughed so hard until my stomach hurts. I don’t know why I feel so comfortable beside him, not like the way I feel with Jae Joong. I didn't realize someone was watching over us until he talked to me.


Fifteen minutes has passed but she still hasn’t come back, what took her so long in the toilet? I decided to look for her in the toilet, it’s empty. I searched to her room, its empty too. Where is she? Did she runaway? I continue searching to the library, the living room but when I passed by the kitchen I heard laughter. I recognized the voice, it’s Jun Su. I turned back and saw Joo Yeon sat beside Jun Su and they were laughed at something. I looked at them silently for a while until Jun Su realized my presence there. He looked at me.

“Well, looks like our chat time is up.”

I saw Joo Yeon followed the eyes gestures from Jun Su and looked at me. Her laugh suddenly disappeared from her face when she saw me. Is it only me or did she suddenly had a mood change?

“Joo Yeon ah, I was looking for you everywhere but you’re here with Jun Su.”

“She’s already made a decision.” Jun Su said to me while smiling.

I raised my eyebrows. “So you choose Jun Su?”

She squinted. “Curious, huh? Just so you know, your choices are all .”

“Really? Even Jun Su too?”

“What she means is that all of them except me are , right?” He smiled to her and she smiled back.

“Next time, if you want to find me a boyfriend please at least ask me first about my type.”

“Did none of my friend suits with your type?”

She suddenly stood up. “That’s enough, I’m tired. Didn't they wanna go home?”

Then she walked out from the kitchen without looking back. I let out a deep sighed, I know she’s upset now. Jun Su half whispered to me.

“Her mood’s changed.”

“That’s what I'm talking about. She always likes that when he talked to me.”

He laughed, I frowned.

“Ya! Why do you laugh so happily like that?” I looked at the door where she left through few minutes ago. “Weird girl, I even tried so hard to help her.”

“That’s okay. So start tomorrow, learn how to have charisma like me. Want me to teach you?”

“You better proved your charisma effect to Hye Rin first. If it succeeded, then I'll learn from you.”

He laughed. “You brought her name up again.”

I walked out from the kitchen together with Jun Su and go back to the party. A couple minutes later, some of my friends are excused themselves to go home. As a host, it's my job and Joo Yeon to send them off till the front door. The last one leave is Jun Su.

“See you around, Jae.”

He turned to her after he say goodbye to me. “Bye Joo Yeon, hope you enjoy today party.”

“Ne, oppa. Be careful.”

She waved to him when he walked to his car. We both waited until his car disappeared from our sight then without words, she just walked into the house. I wanna talked to her for moments so I followed her but she’s already get into her room. Looks like she already lost her mood for a little chat with me and only with Jun Su she never lost it.

The next morning, I walked down to the dining room. She already sat on the chair, eating her breakfast while reading novels. I sat in front of her, took a piece of bread and spread it with strawberry jam then pour a glass of milk. She didn’t move at all, her eyes still looking at the novels like I wasn’t there. I looked at her for a moment but she still reading.

“Joo Yeon ah.”

“Hm.” She didn’t take her eyes off of the novels.

“About last night…what do you think about Kim Joon and Kyu Han?”

She suddenly closed the book, put it on the table then looked at me.

“Jae Joong ssi.” She stopped for a second before she continues. “You shouldn’t take omma’s words so seriously.”

“Joo Yeon ah, there’s nothing wrong to have friends right? You’re too introvert.”

“I’m busy."

“People must have time to make friends no matter how busy they are.”

She fell silent so I continue talked.

“So, is there anyone from my friends that you like?”

“No.” She answered me briefly.

“Or do you really like Jun Su?”

She shocked. “Huh? Of course not.”

“But I saw you really closed to him. I agree if you really like him, Jun Su is a good guy.”

She stared at me. “Stop it. I only saw him as an oppa, nothing more.”

“Okay, so what is your type? I still have a lot of friends so maybe—“

She cut me fast. "Please, stop with this match making thing. I’m already upset with what you did last night but I’m cooling down this morning so don’t added with new problem this morning.”

I raised both my hands up in the air. “Okay, I gave up.”

She looked at her watch. “It’s already 7.30. Do you want to sent me or not?”

She stood up and grabbed her bag on the chair then walked out from the dining room. I looked at my watch. Right, I was so absorbed to the conversation until I didn’t realize that we’re late. I finished my breakfast in seconds and rushed to the garage.

At night, while I was watching TV in my room, the phone ringing. I picked it up.

“Hello, Jae Joong? It’s Omma.”

“Omma, how’re you doing? How’s the honeymoon?”

“Great, I have so much fun here. Is everything alright there?”

“Hm, everything’s fine here.”

“Great, Joo Yeon?”

“She’s fine too. Wanna talk to her?”

“Yes, please.”

“Okay, I’m gonna hold it for a minute. By the way, say hi to abuji from me.”

“Okay, I’ll tell him.”

I hold the phone and walked to her room which is across my room. I knocked the door and waited; no answer from the inside. I knocked again, still no answer. I'm sure she's already came home because I saw her walked into her room. I hold the door handle and tried to open it, she didn't locked the door. I decided to come in. No wonder she didn't hear me, she the music player so loud but I didn't see her in the room. I just wanted to turn around and get out when I saw her walked out from the bathroom, with only a towel wrapped her body.

For first few seconds, she still hasn't realized my presence then she spun around and when she saw me, we both looked at each other before she finally realized her state. She looked shock and widened her eyes, her hands immediately crossed in front of her chest.

“Yaaa, what are you doing here?”


I walked towards her and stretched my arm to give her the phone. It's so obvious she looks scared and stepped back each time I stepped forward.

She half screamed. “You ert! Don’t come closer.”

“What did you say? ert? Give me a break. It’s you who did it on purpose. I did knock on your door for few minutes but you didn't answer it.”

“So why did you just came in like that if you know I didn’t answer?” she accused.

I didn't answer her instead, I walked towards her closer and each time I did that, she stepped back too until her back bumped the table and she can't move again. She closed her eyes and bent her body down a little bit when I shorten the distance between our bodies to only one steps. I smiled at her behavior and stretched out my arm to turn off the player behind her.

“Next time, don’t play the music too loud. Take this.”

I handed her the phone, she looks confused for a while. I wanna laugh looking at her frightened face, did she forgot that I’m her brother? Even though I’m just step brother but I won’t do something to her.

“Omma is looking for you.”

When she still didn't move to take the phone, I grabbed her hand and put it into her palms then walked out. Outside her room, I still have a picture of her in my mind using only towel to wrap her body. She obviously has a white and smooth skin and as a man, I found her so attractive. I shook my head. I shouldn't have that thought about my own sister.

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Please let me know if you want to read in Bahasa by posting your message on my wall. Love you all


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sn123456 #1
Chapter 24: Welcome back. It tighten my chest too reading it. Please come back soon.
sn123456 #2
Chapter 23: I can just say OMG OMG so many time authornim. I hope u can come back fast time next chapter.
Chapter 23: no, everything is not gonna be okay
Chapter 22: complicated, why she so stubborn?
sn123456 #5
Authornim love this story a lot. Pls don't let us wait too long and update when u can.
Chapter 21: In actual fact, I dislike women like Joo Yeon, who does not know how to be selfish when come to love.
Darlovejae #7
Chapter 20: Joo Yeon ... Pls say NO...
Chapter 20: huaaaaa, I bet yoo jeon will be in big dilema
Chapter 19: nah, jaejoong, you need to make her yours asap
hope they can be a couple soon
Khab71 #10
Chapter 18: I want her to be with Jaejoong and only Jaejoong.