First gift

With All My Heart

It's three days since the last incident on my birthday party and I still can't forget what was happened that day. Jae Joong Oppa knew what I did to Joo Yeon and he lost his temper to me instantly.

"Hye Rin ah, can we talk?" Yoo Chun Oppa walked into my room.

I joined him at the couch. "What is it, Oppa?"

"About Joo Yeon."

"What about her?"

"Why did you do that? You could’ve killed her."

His face showed no expression but I knew he restrain from losing his temper to me. I never thought that he knew I pushed Joo Yeon to the pool. Who told him? I looked back at him in irritated way. "I did it because she deserved it."

"What had she done until you act like this?"

"Because she always stood too close to Jae Joong Oppa and I don't like it."

"They're siblings, so it's normal if they close to each other."

I stared at Chun Oppa and sighed. I don't know whether he didn't aware or his love to Joo Yeon has blinded him. "No Oppa, you don't know the truth."

"What do you mean?" He frowned.

"Oppa, you have to marry Joo Yeon immediately. I mean, at least you two engaged first. Don't wait too long."

"Can you explain to me what this is all about?" He looked confuse now.

I fell silent for a moment. "I think Jae Joong Oppa loves Joo Yeon."

I looked up to his face. He looked surprise by my words. I looked down to my playing hands on my lap.

"All this time, there are so many women around Jae Joong Oppa and I never do anything up to this far because they weren't a threat to me. But with Joo Yeon, it's different. She's the biggest threat in my life because he has feelings for her." I stared at him. "Mianhae Oppa, for treating her like that. I was just afraid that I might lose him. I'm just trying to protect what's mine."

"Well, I think your jealousness is no need here. Joo Yeon is my girlfriend right now."

"But Oppa—"

"That's enough, no more discussion. I hope you reflect on your mistake and don't let it happen again."

Chun Oppa rose from the couch and walked out from my room. I feel like something inside of me ready to blow up now. I really hate Joo Yeon, even Chun Oppa angry with me now. What does she has until Chun Oppa and Jae Joong Oppa both likes her?


"It’s Hye Rin who pushed Joo Yeon to the pool?"

Jun Su widened his eyes in disbelief. I didn't reply instead, I looked out through the window to the street. Right now we were at the coffee shop. I told Jun Su what happened on the party in detailed.

"And the reason was?"

"I don't know." I shrugged.

Jun Su shook his head. "Woman sometimes can be so scary and unpredictable."

My hands playing with the coffee cup in front of me. "I fell in love with her."

"Ye?! Who are you talking about?" Jun Su and I gazed at each other. He slowly made a guess. "Joo Yeon?"

I nodded.

Jun Su looked so excited. His wide smile framed his face. "See, I told you before. So what are you gonna do now?"


"Nothing? You love her, right? Then you should make some movement to approach her."

"I think there isn't gonna be any."

"And why is that?" He frowned.

"Have you forgotten? She's Yoo Chun's girlfriend."

"Ah, right. I forgot. Mian."

"Never mind." I tried so hard to smile but my lips only strecthed a little bit. It really hurts for not being able to show my feelings for her. Jun Su knew what I was thinking.

"Jae, don't give up like that. Even though Joo Yeon is with Yoo Chun right now but no one can predict the future."

Jun Su's words can always make me calm. "Thanks, Su. I'm glad I talked to you."

"As a friend, I'm glad if I can be of help. Moreover, it's for the first time you can finally love someone else after Hee Jin left."

Jun Su's right. Since Hee Jin left, looks like my feelings also gone with her. I don't know how it feels to fall in love again because it's so hard for me to forget her. Then Joo Yeon came and she makes me fall in love again.


Joo Yeon opened the car door and stepped in, she put on her seatbelt then I drove out from her office complex.

"Hm, what happened?" She looked at me suspiciously. "You never pick me up before."

"I’m hungry and I need a company."

"Okay, but it's a treat."

I glanced to her and laughed. "Don't worry, Oppa will pay for it."

I parked my car on the parking lot. To reach to the restaurant, we need to walk about 10 minutes because it located on the narrow alley which can't be access by car.

"Where are we going to eat actually?" She looked confuse.

"My favorite restaurant. I used to hang out there with my friends during college days."

She nodded. We stopped at the road side and waiting until the red light for pedestrian turned to green. From what I see, today’s traffic a little bit crowded unlike the usuall both for the cars and the people. When the light turned green, my hand reflex took her hand and held it while crossing the street. I once held her hand before when we're at the airport but this time it's different, I don't wanna let it go.

"Jae." She called me when we start walking along the alley.

I turned to look at her. "Ye?"

She lifted her hand, which is still I held, up and looked at me in perplexed way.

"Ah, mian." I immediately let her hand go.

We finally arrived at the restaurant. When we walked in, the small restaurant already crowded with youngsters which mostly were couples. I reckoned my old days and smiled, Jun Su and I were always spent our time hanged out here. Not only because the place was cozy but the price also affordable. I took Joo Yeon to the empty table on the center. The waiter approached us and I ordered two set of Bibimbap and hot tea. Bibimbap is the favorite menu here.

"So, how many women have you brought here?" She teased me.

"Don't always look negative to me."

She laughed. "I'm not, it's the truth."

"Of course not, I always came here with Jun Su. You can ask him to prove it."

"Fine, if I met him I'll definitely reconfirm your words with him." She laughed again.

Our Bibimbap finally came. She immediately stirred it then took one spoonful and brought it to . From her expression, she likes it.

"Hm, this one is great. I'll take Yoo Chun here someday."

"Yes, you should bring him here." I tried my best to smile to her words even though it hurts. "Speak about Yoo Chun. How's your relationship with him lately?"

"We're fine. He's so romantic and full of attention, even though I still feel uncomfortable with the way he treats me."

"Do you love him?"

I asked her before about this but I didn't get the answer because mom showed up in the middle of our conversation, but right now the urge to know the answer became bigger. I knew I'm such a fool for asking something I already know the answer. She didn't reply me immediately instead, she fell silent for awhile and seems to think about it.

"I don't know."

Her answer surprised me. "What do you mean?"

"It's been four months since Yoo Chun and I decided to be together but I still unclear about my feelings towards him." She looks frustated.

"Still can't forget about Min Woo?"

"Of course I already forgot him, especially after what he did to me."

"That's good if you're already over him and about Yoo Chun, just take it slow. I'm sure one day you'll fully give your heart to him." Is it really what I wish for? Of course not, but the most important thing now is her happiness.

She smiled. "Thank you so much, Jae."

"It should be me who thank you."

"Why?" She frowned.

"Because you starting to trust me."

I probably can't have her but at least I can still be around her, even just as her brother.


Hye Rin suddenly showed up today in my office before lunch. I told her to sit on the chair in front of me. "What is with this sudden visit?" I asked her while keep on signing the documents on my desk.

"If I told I'll come, you definitely avoided me and that's what Oppa has been doing the whole week."

I finished signing all the documents and piled them up at the right corner of my desk then rest my back to the chair and relaxed. I looked at Hye Rin.

"Oppa, are you still mad at me?"


"Then why did you avoid me?"

"I'm just too busy lately, that's all."

"Really? Thank God, I thought you still mad at me. Then as compensation, go with me to the mall okay?"

"Okay, but I can't go too long."

She smiled. "Gomawo, Oppa."

I drove her to the nearest mall and as usuall. I accompanied her shopping around the boutique. After an hour and a half shopping around the mall, my hand already full with Hye Rin's shopping bags. When there's still no sign from her to go back, I decided to remind her.

"Hye Rin ah, let's back to the office. We've been here for too long."

"Five minutes, Oppa. I promise this is the last shop."

Hye Rin dragged me in to the jewellery shop. While waiting for her to try on some earrings, bracelets, and etc from the display, I decided to look over some of the collections. My eyes attracted to one necklace with heart pendant from the display. I can imagine how that necklace would look good on Joo Yeon.

"Excuse me. Can I look at that necklace?" I pointed my finger to the display. Hye Rin, who is busy with herself all this time, approaching me, she stared at the necklace I held on my hand.

"It's so beautiful."

"Please wrap it."

I gave the necklace back to the store employee and walked towards the cashier to pay it. On the way back to the office, I can see that Hye Rin looked restless because she hasn't said any words since we left the last shop fifteen minutes ago.



"That necklace is for Joo Yeon, right?"

I fell silent and kept my focus to the road.

"Am I right?"

"Ne. The necklace is for Joo Yeon."

Luckily when I answered her, my car already entered the office building area. I stopped it on the lobby and gave the key to the valet boy. Hye Rin quickly collected her shopping bags from behind the seat and followed me from behind. She tried to chase my steps.


I stopped and turned around. "Hye Rin ah, you better go back to your office. I still have meeting to attend."

I left her on the lobby and walked into the elevator. In the elevator, I can't help but to smiled to myself looking at the small shopping bag on my hand. I'm gonna give it to Joo Yeon tonight, I wonder how's her reaction to this.


After dinner with mom and dad, I asked Joo Yeon to meet me at the pool. I waited for ten minutes before she finally showed up and stood beside me.

"What is it?"

I turned to look at her. "Close your eyes."


She frowned but she listened to me and closed her eyes. Our relationships were closer than before lately, we barely argue like we used to. I move to stood behind her then pull out the necklace from my pants pocket. I put the necklace on her neck and arranged back her long hair then move back to stand in front of her. She slowly opened her eyes and touched the necklace.

"Jae, what is this?"

"Present." What I imagined before wasn't wrong; the necklace looks beautiful on her neck.

"Present? But it's not my birthday."

"You like it?"

"It's beautiful but I can't accept it." She lifted her hands and tried to unhook it but I quickly reached her hands and pulled them down.  "But—"

I cut her. "Please don't reject my gift."

"Hye Rin will furious if she knew you gave me a necklace."

"You don't have to concern about it. Besides, it's my right to give this necklace to anyone."

She let out a deep breath. "Okay, I accept it and thank you but promise me you will not give me anymore presents except on my birthday."

I laughed. "Who said I will give you present on your birthday?"

"I'm serious. Hye Rin is going to kill me, she's so jealous."

Her worried face make me smiled, I then caress her hair. "Mian, but I think I can't promise you anything for now."


"Night." I walked into the house with the smile still hanging on my face.


Hye Rin wants to meet me. My heart is fluttered but also questioning at the same time, what makes her wanted to meet me? I waited for fifteen minutes at the cafe until she finally showed up and as always, her appearance always took my breath away. I waved at her and smiled.

"Jun Su Oppa."

She pulled out the chair in front of me then called the waiter. I ordered sandwich and hot coffee while she has one slice of fruit cake and strawberry juice. She stared at me after the waiter left us alone.

"Mian Oppa, for asking you to meet me on Saturday morning like this."

"No problem. What's going on?"

"Uhm...about Jae Joong Oppa." She bit her lips, looks unsured.

"What about Jae Joong?"

"Is it true that he like Joo Yeon? I mean, does he love her?"

Her question surprised me. I raised my eyebrows. "Ye?"

"Oppa is so close with Jae Joong Oppa. I'm sure he told you everything."

She looked hopeless and I can't stand it. I wanted to tell her the truth and make her stop waiting for Jae Joong who only looked at her as sister, not more but I guess it would be better if Jae Joong told her himself.

"Mian, Hye Rin ssi but I don't have any clue about it."

"Really?" She sighed. "So Jae Joong Oppa didn't tell you anything."

"Men were different with women. Sometimes, there were several things that we'd like to keep for ourselves." It hurts me to lie like this to her just when we're getting closer to each other and talked openly like this.

"It's okay." She forced her smile while playing the spoon on the cake and cut it into small pieces.

"Did something happen that make you ask me this?"

Her face looked sad. "All this time, Jae Joong Oppa never gave me present except on my birthday but couple days ago he just bought a necklace for Joo Yeon and I knew it's not even her birthday."

I tried so hard to keep my smile shown on my face when I heard that Jae Joong bought a necklace for Joo Yeon. Geez, my best friend really fell in love this time. I stared at Hye Rin.

"What makes you sure that the necklace is for Joo Yeon? Did Jae tell you himself?"

"Ne. I was with him when he bought it and when I asked if it's for Joo Yeon, he admitted it."

"Don't think too much about it." I tried to calm her down. "Maybe it's only a present from brother to sister."

"No Oppa, I know what it means." She fell silent for a moment before her face looked serious. "I must take action immediately."


"I must talk to my parents immediately to make my engagement with Jae Joong Oppa official."

"Hye—" My words were cut by the sound of incoming message from her phone. She took it out from her bag and read it then put it back.

"Mianhae, Jun Su Oppa. I still need to go to other place. Thanks for today. I'll talk to you later." She smiled and rose from the chair. I rose too.

"Okay, be careful."

Hye Rin rushed out from the cafe and all I can do was sit back on my chair, let out a deep breath and watched her leave. Hye Rin really loves Jae Joong, looks like no hopes for me.

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sn123456 #1
Chapter 24: Welcome back. It tighten my chest too reading it. Please come back soon.
sn123456 #2
Chapter 23: I can just say OMG OMG so many time authornim. I hope u can come back fast time next chapter.
Chapter 23: no, everything is not gonna be okay
Chapter 22: complicated, why she so stubborn?
sn123456 #5
Authornim love this story a lot. Pls don't let us wait too long and update when u can.
Chapter 21: In actual fact, I dislike women like Joo Yeon, who does not know how to be selfish when come to love.
Darlovejae #7
Chapter 20: Joo Yeon ... Pls say NO...
Chapter 20: huaaaaa, I bet yoo jeon will be in big dilema
Chapter 19: nah, jaejoong, you need to make her yours asap
hope they can be a couple soon
Khab71 #10
Chapter 18: I want her to be with Jaejoong and only Jaejoong.