
With All My Heart

Time showed 12 o'clock, I was so busy today until I didn't realize that it's already lunch time. Sometimes I even skipped lunch because of my work. I took my wallet and cell phone, ready to go lunch when Yoo Chun walked out from his office.

"Joo Yeon ssi, follow me. We go lunch together."

As usuall, it's an order not a question. I followed him from behind. 


I don't know where we're going, he drove without telling me where we're gonna have lunch and I also didn't dare to ask him. After twenty minutes we finally arrived at the restaurant famous for their ramen, my mom and I usually ate here too. Yoo Chun parked his car at the parking lot then we walked into the restaurant. He's well known here so without saying anything, the waiter took us to the VIP room.

I never went in any VIP room all my life so I was a little bit stunned with this room. The waiter pulled the chair out for me, I sat on it and Yoo Chun took the seat in front of me. The waiter handed us the menu and ready to take our orders.

"I’ll have the usuall." He said to the waiter and closed the menu.

"I'd like beef ramen and hot ocha. Thank you."

I closed the menu and handed back to the waiter, he wrote down my order and took the menu from our hands then bowed down before he walked out, left us alone. I don't have any topic to talk about so I kept silent. He finally started the conversation.

"So, I heard that Hye Rin came to your house yesterday."

"Ye, she came early in the morning looking for Jae Joong."

He frowned. "It looks like something urgent came up until she went there so early in the morning. But she didn't do anything..."

I shook my head. "No, she didn't do anything."

The waiter entered the room with our foods and placed it in front of us. While we’re in the middle of our meal, my cell phone ringed. I looked at the screen, only number and no name. Since the number's not restored on my phone, I reject it. Yoo Chun looked confused with my action.

"Why you didn't answer it?"

"Ah, I didn't recognize the number."

He nodded. "I see. How's the food? Do you like it?"

"Hm, Omma and I used to come here. This is our favorite restaurant."

"Used to? Does it mean you didn't come here again?"

I nodded. "The restaurant is a bit far from our new house. Besides, we often ate at home."

"Well, if you wanna come here just tell me. We can go together for dinner or lunch like this." He smiled to me.

I returned his smile. "Okay, I definitely gonna tell you next time."

We finished our lunch and go back to the office one hour later. Time flies so fast, it's already five o'clock and I'm still busy preparing minutes of meeting. I was typing in my computer when my cell phone ringing. I took it and looked at the screen. It's from the same number who called me previously. I wonder who this person is so I picked it up.


"Joo Yeon?"

"Ne, who's this?" The caller's voice sounds familiar to me.

"It's Min Woo." I shocked when I heard the name and he seems to know it cause he paused for a while before continue. "Can we meet?"


"There's something I need to talk to you. Can you spare time for me?"

I fell silent for a moment. I was gonna say no because I think we don't have anything to talked about but I'm curious with his motive to meet me so I accept his request.

"Okay, where?"

"How about I picked you up at the office?"

"Fine, six o'clock."

I gave him the address then hung up the phone and continue my works. When I walked down from the office at six, he already waited for me at the lobby, standing beside his car. He waved, I walked fast approached him.

"Joo Yeon ah." He smiled at me but I didn't smile back.

"Let's go to the nearest cafe, I can't stay too long."

"Sure, no problem."

He opened the passenger door for me and after I sit, he walked to the driver seat then drove away. I told him to turn left on the next block. It's the nearest cafe around the neighborhood I can think of. He pulled over the car on the side street then I stepped down from his car and walked into the cafe. He followed me from behind. The waiter came approach us when we seated and gave the menu.

"Orange juice." I ordered quickly without looking at the other food and handed back the menu to the waiter.

"Don't you wanna eat something?" He looked up from the menu.

I lied. "No, I promise to eat at home."

"Oh, okay." Then he talked to the waiter while gave back the menu. 

"Ice chocolate for me. Thank you."

After the waiter walked away, I waited for him to talk but he stood still. I keep on looking at my watches and I decided to talk first or else I won't be home in time.

"How did you know my number?"

"I asked Jin Hee." I stared at him but he didn't continue then suddenly he dropped the bomb. "Joo Yeon ah, I want to apologize."

I was taken aback by his apology. "For what?"

"I know it's too late to say sorry to you but I really regret it. I still can't stop thinking of you for the last three years."

I can't say anything and just stared at him in disbelief, is it true that he can't forget me all this time? I keep telling myself to not believe whatever he said. The waiter came with our order and placed them in front of us. He stretched out his hand across the table and held mine.

"Joo Yeon ah, I wished we can start all over again from the beginning."

I widened my eyes and pulled back my hand from his grip. "What do you mean?"

"I never forget you. When I met you again at the reunion, I still have that feeling for you. I still love you, Seo Joo Yeon."

Love? He said he still love me? How can he say such thing in front of me after what he done to me? I started feeling upset right now.

"What about Jae In? You chose her and you stay with her for three years. Doesn't it mean anything to you?" Every words came out from my mouth were full of anger towards him.

"I was such a fool, Joo Yeon ah. I neglected you. The truth is I never love her."

I can't believe it. "You never love her? Then why you did stay with her?"

"I can't leave her because I owed her too much. His father paid for my master degree."

He seems to have reasons for all my questions. "I don't know what to say anymore."

He tried to convince me. "I'll break up with her tomorrow and I hope you can give me another chance."

I sighed. "Min Woo ssi."

"I really mean it, Joo Yeon ah. Deep inside your heart, you still have love for me right?"

Okay, I confused right now. "I—"

He cut me. "You don't have to answer now. I'll wait until you're ready."

"It's late. I..I need to go home." I rose from my chair and he followed me.

"I'll send you."

I shook my head. "No need, I can walk by myself. Thank you."

I rushed out from the cafe as fast as I can. The longer I stay with him, the more confused he made me. I'm walking with no direction while recall all my conversation with him at the cafe. What should I do now? I hate him but I can't forget him, even though it's been three years but I still love him. I don't know how long I've been walking until the sound from my cell phone awakes me, it's from home.


"Where are you, Joo Yeon ah? It's already ten o'clock."

It is mom and I can hear her worried voice on the phone. I looked around, wondering where am I now while searching for the road name. Walking with lots of thought in mind makes me lost direction and ended up walking to the opposite direction with my house.

"Oh Omma, I met with my friends after office hour but I'm on my way back right now." I walked to the side street and stopped a taxi.

"Next time, let me know if you wanna go out."

I stepped into the taxi. "I forgot. Mianhae, Omma."

"Okay, just come home quickly."

"Ne." I hung up the phone and told my address to the taxi driver.


I walked down to the dining room to have some breakfast this morning. When I stepped inside, I saw mom and dad were busy talking to each other but Joo Yeon, she just staring at the bread in her plate without doing anything, looks like her mind was wandering somewhere. I took the seat beside dad and keep watching her while grabbed two pieces of bread.

"Joo Yeon ah."

Mom is calling her name but she didn't replied, she still staring at the bread in front of her. Then mom touched her arms lightly, she jumped off a little bit and turned to look at mom.


Mom frowned at her. "What's wrong with you?"

Dad also looked curious and now waiting for her answer.

"Eh? What do you mean?" She raised eyebrows.

"I saw you just staring at your bread for minutes without doing anything. What is it? Did something wrong?"

"Ah, no. Nothing. It's just some problem at works." She pretend to be busy spread some jam to the bread.


"Ne, don't worry Omma. You know how works sometimes." She forced too hard on her smile but mom is not aware of it.

"Okay then, but do tell us if you have problems. Don't keep it by yourself." I saw mom tapped her arm lightly.

"Ne, Omma."

I know there's something more serious than problem at works that disturb her, so I try my luck to ask her in the car on our way to the office.

"Joo Yeon ah."

"Hm." She was busy with her cell phone.

"What kind of problem you're facing actually?"


"You seems like thinking about something which I'm sure have nothing to do with your works."

"Nothing." I saw she put back her cell phone to the bag. "It's really problem at works, that's all."

"If you say so." She turned her head and looked throughout the window. "Where were you last night? Omma asked me if I knew where you were."

She answered without even looked at me. "I went with my friend."

"Man or woman?"

No answer.

"Jae Joong ssi, I think it's not your business."

She began to irritate with me, I can feel it from the way she answered. "Sorry, I think you're right. That's not my business but I just want to remind you. You're a woman. Don't stay out until late night moreover if you meet a guy."

"I can take care of myself!" She raged.

She immediately stepped out from my car when I pulled over without saying anything and just walked without looking back. I let out a deep sigh and rested my head on the chair. Did I ask her too much? I know she's upset with me right now.  I drove my car to my office, feeling bad mood after what happened with Joo Yeon so I decided to stop by at Jun Su office. I knocked on his door and walked in when I heard he replied.

He looked surprise when he saw me walked in. "Jae?"

"Busy?" I took the seat in front of him.

"Like usuall. What's up? You don't look too well."

I didn't answer.

He observed my face then smiled. "Ah, Joo Yeon? Did you two fight?"

I nod. Jun Su waiting for me to talk. "We're not fighting. To be precise, she's furious with me."

He laughed.

"Why do you laugh?" I frowned.

"Ya, Jae. Since when you're behave like this? You usually never care if a woman angry with you."

"It’s different, she's my sister."

"Okay, so she's an excuse. So what makes her angry with you?"

"I asked her whether her friend she met yesterday is a man or woman."

This time Jun Su laughed out loud at my question. "Jae...Jae..."

I confused, did I say something funny? "What?"

"She deserves to be furious with you."


"Of course, it's her rights to go with whoever she wants."

"I only asked her in my capacity as a brother. I just want her to be more careful, nothing else."

He laughed again. "Jae, you've been dating so many women yet you still don't know what's in their heart."

I made a mistake by coming here and talk to him, he just make fun of me. I rose from my chair. "I guess I made a mistake by coming here. I have a meeting to attend to."

"Okay, we'll talk about it again during lunch."

I waved to him and walked out, heading to my office.


I wanna asked Jae Joong to go lunch with me but his secretary told me that he's still in the meeting room when I called. Jae Min is also not in the office so I ended up having lunch alone. I walked to the elevator and waited for couple minutes before the door opened in front of me. I was just about stepped in when I saw Hye Rin walked out from the elevator at the same time. She looked up at me.

"Oh, Jun Su Oppa."

"Hye Rin ssi, what a coincidence. Long time no see."

She smiled. "Ne, last time we met at the wedding right?"

"Do you come here to see Jae Joong?"

"Ne, I want to ask him to go lunch together but he's still in the meeting."  She pouted.

I tried to give explanation. "Well, today he's kinda busy. He had meeting with all departments."

She folded her arms in front of her chest. "I think he's busy almost everyday."

"Then, how about having lunch with me?"

She's giving a thought about my offer before answered me. "Okay."

We both stepped into the elevator. I pressed the ground floor button. At the ground floor, I told her to wait for me at the lobby while I go to the basement to fetch my car. Five minutes later, we're on our way to the nearest restaurant around the office. I parked my car in front of a restaurant Hye Rin wants which served western food. When we seated, I ordered burger and she ordered steak. We have a little chit chat while waiting our food.

"I usually eat here with Jae Joong Oppa."

I smiled. "This is Jae Joong's favorite restaurant. I also came here frequently."

Our foods finally came. We continue our chit chat during our meal.

"Oh, before I forgot. I got tickets to the musical concert and I'm gonna asked Jae Joong Oppa to go with me. But I still have two tickets left so I'll give it to you, you can go with your girlfriend. How is that?"

Girlfriend? Like I have one. "Okay."

She grabbed her bag and pulled out two tickets from the wallet then handed them to me. "Here you go."

"Thanks." I took the tickets from her hand and looked at it then keep them on my wallet.

"It's on Saturday 7 pm. So, have you decided who you're gonna asked?"

I laughed. "I still don't know. I'll think about it later."

"Okay." She looked at her watch. "Oops, it's already two o'clock. We better get back."

I looked at my watch. "Ah, right. Let's go."

We rose from the chair and I walked to cashier to pay our meal then I drove my car back to the office. Hye Rin parked her car at the basement so I drove my car to the basement. We both stepped out and I walked her to her car then left after see her off. I walked to the elevator and pressed Jae Joong's floor. Arrived in front of his office, his secretary told me that the meeting's over and he's in the room now. I knocked on his door and walked in.

"Finish with the meeting? How's it going?" I asked him while walking to the chair and sit in front of him.

"Hm, finally settle some problems."

He's busy signing documents in front of him while answering me then closed them and looked at me. He stared at my face for couple minutes then lean his body on the chair.

"Hmm, something different with you..."

"Huh? Different?" He can read my face now?

"Spill it."

I guess my face is too readable right now. I smiled. "I'm so lucky today."

"Lucky?" He frowned.

"I met the girl of my dreams."

He smiled. "Hye Rin?"

"Yup, and it's all because you had meeting."

He laughed. "Then what did you do?"

"I just take her out to lunch then she gave me tickets to the musical concert."

"So you two are going on a date or something?"

I folded my arms in front of my chest and laughed. "This is the part I don't like. She also invited you."

"Really? Well then, start tomorrow tried to ask her out."

I smiled dryly. "She's probably don't want to."

"Hey, you haven't even tried once how can you be so sure? Don't be such a coward."

"Okay, okay. I'll give it a shot. I'll leave you now, see ya." I rose from the chair, wide smile still hanging on my face.

"Okay but please stop that smile. It's annoying."

I laughed at his protest. I had the rights to smile widely like this for the whole day because I'm extremely happy.

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sn123456 #1
Chapter 24: Welcome back. It tighten my chest too reading it. Please come back soon.
sn123456 #2
Chapter 23: I can just say OMG OMG so many time authornim. I hope u can come back fast time next chapter.
Chapter 23: no, everything is not gonna be okay
Chapter 22: complicated, why she so stubborn?
sn123456 #5
Authornim love this story a lot. Pls don't let us wait too long and update when u can.
Chapter 21: In actual fact, I dislike women like Joo Yeon, who does not know how to be selfish when come to love.
Darlovejae #7
Chapter 20: Joo Yeon ... Pls say NO...
Chapter 20: huaaaaa, I bet yoo jeon will be in big dilema
Chapter 19: nah, jaejoong, you need to make her yours asap
hope they can be a couple soon
Khab71 #10
Chapter 18: I want her to be with Jaejoong and only Jaejoong.