Things are getting uncontrolable

With All My Heart

I took Joo Yeon out for dinner to celebrate our six months anniversary and I already prepared a surprise gift for her, a necklace with star pendant. We're escorted to the VIP room I booked before as soon as we arrived at the restaurant. I smile satisfied when the waiter opened the door in front of us. The room is already set for two persons and the table is decorated with candles so tonight we're going to have a romantic candlelight dinner. I pulled out the chair for her.

"Wait here, I'll be right back."

After she sat, I left the room and heading towards the parking lot to my car. I took out the red rose bouquet from the back seat and heading back to the restaurant. I hid the rose behind my back but she seems didn't notice when I walked into the room and stood behind her.

"Happy anniversary, honey."

She startled when the bouquet appeared in front of her from behind. She stood up from the chair and turned to me then took the bouquet from my hand.

"Thank you."

She inhaled the rose's scent and smiled. I kissed her forehead then took her back to her seat while I took mine across her. She's still admiring the bouquet for a minute before finally put it aside on the table.

"I'm sorry." Her face looked guilty. "I forgot that today is our anniversary."

"It's okay. At least I remember it." I took her hand and held it firm. "I love you."

She smiled when I said those three words. I realized I never heard she replied the same words to me during our relationship but as long as she stays beside me, I felt enough. The foods are begun to serve. We both were enjoyed our food until my eyes caught something on her neck. She's wearing a necklace with heart pendant, things she never wore.

"Your necklace is beautiful."

"Ah, this one." She smiled and touched the necklace. "It’s a gift from Jae Joong."

Jae Joong? I raised an eyebrow. Suddenly I remember what Hye Rin told me long time ago. Is it true that Jae Joong like her? I didn't ask her further about the necklace and tried not to look bothered in front of her with it. As soon as we finished our dinner, I sent her home then drove away. I need to clear my mind before going home so I drove to Han River.

I stopped my car beside the river and turned off the engine. Feel the need of fresh air, I step out and walks a bit away from my car. There are so many things mixed up in my head right now. I fished out a jewellry box from my suit pocket and took out the necklace with star pendant. The necklace is glowing under the moonlight. I was intended to give this to Joo Yeon but her neck already occupied with another gift. I let out a deep breath.


The sun shone directly to my face and it's a sign that I must wake now. I grabbed the alarm on the bedside table and looked that it's still eight in the morning, which is still early for weekend. I rose from the bed and heading to the bathroom. Half an hour later, I walked out from my room and at the same time Jae Joong also came out from his room. He walked out wearing only short pants, practically being half  and it shocked me.

In a situation like this, I think I'm supposed to scream but my voice seemed to runaway already. So here I am, standing in front of my room frozen and shocked. Slowly, I felt hot on both of my cheeks. I knew it must be burning red right now so I quickly turned back into my room and leaned my body behind the closed door. My head started to spinning and my heart thumping in an unusual way. I put both my hands on my chest to make it calm a little bit while took a deep breath. What's wrong with me anyway?


No, it's still acceptable.

Other woman will also feel the same way I did if facing the same situation.

I feel much better after few minutes of inhale and exhale.  Took the last deep breath, I opened again the door. Jae Joong still stood at his place just like before I left earlier. His face looks confused.

"What happened?"

"Nothing." I said, a little too quickly.

I avoided his stare and left him as fast as I can. Right now, I really need a cold drink to reduce the heat coming from inside my body so I'm heading to the kitchen. I took out a water bottle from the fridge and poured into a glass. Feel a lot better after drink it I put back the bottle into the fridge. I was surprised finding Jae Joong stood behind the door when I closed it.

"Good God!"

"What?" He leisurely leaned his body to the kitchen table and innocently looked at me.

"You startled me by standing behind the door like that and make no noise. And why do you half-dressed like that? Are you trying to show-off?"

"Huh?" He looked down to his body. "Ah, this. I wanna go swimming but I saw you acting weird so I followed you, just want to make sure that you're alright."

"Don't mind me. I'm going back to my room."

I walks pass him but he reached my arm and dragged me back. Our bodies were so close right now and I can feel my heart start beating crazily again. Before it worsening, I pulled my arm from his grip.

"What again?"

"I need a company. It's too lonely swimming alone. Okay?" He smiled.

"I can't swim."

"I'll teach you then."

"No, thanks. I better go back to sleep."

As much as I wanted to learn how to swim, I'll never take the risk of being teached by him. I've been acting weird this morning so I think few moments away from him would be a better solution for now so I left him alone in the kitchen.

Around two o'clock I dragged myself to the kitchen. My stomach has been protested since an hour ago but I was too absorbed with the drama aired on the TV so I tried to hold the hunger as long as I can but I gave up.

I unloaded the ingredients from the fridge and started to cut the vegetables. While doing so, my mind is wandering around to what happened this morning between me and Jae Joong and didn't pay attention to what I cut in front of me. As a result, the knife cut my finger and not the vegetables. So now my point finger starts bleeding but all I do is just stare at it and do nothing.

In a blink of eye, my finger already inside Jae Joong's mouth. He  up the blood then dragged me to the sink. He opens the faucet and let the water flows through my finger to clean the remaining blood then he headed to the medicine box and put on some plaster around the wound. I can't say anything except looking at my cut finger. Saw me didn't move from the kitchen, Jae Joong dragged me to the dining table and pulled one of the chair for me.


"But I haven't finish—"

"I'll take it from here."

He smiled to me and it worsening my heart beat, which is still hasn't back to normal since my finger ended up in his mouth earlier. For the love of God, what is happening to me? Now just because of one smile, I can hardly breathe like this. I sat nicely on my chair but still can't take my eyes off of him. Somehow, he looked so cool and handsome. Wait! Did I just say cool and handsome? Since when did my brain betray me by saying the annoying Kim Jae Joong is cool and handsome? I really need to go see some doctor. My condition is worsening every day.

Fifteen minutes later, chicken fried rice is served in front of me along with kimchi, my favorite food. I'm starving to death so without delay anymore, I spooned out the fried rice and put them into my mouth together with the kimchi. His cooking skill is so good and the food is also delicious, it tastes a lot better than mine.

"Is it good?"

I can only nodded because my mouth's already full with food and I don't wanna get chocked because of it but his smiling makes the other way around. I coughed couple times while covering my mouth with my hand. Jae Joong helped me pour water to the glass and handed it to me. He lightly patted my back while I was drinking.

"Just eat it slowly. What's the rush?"

I reflex stood up from my chair and took my plate then walked out, almost running, from the kitchen. If I continues to be in the same room with him, there might be chance of me got chocked again.

"Hey, where are you going?" He calls me but I keep walking away. "Joo Yeon ah."

In my room, I put the plate on the computer desk and went to check my face on the mirror. The cheeks 
are burning hot and red right now, just like a steam crab. I don't know whether it's because I chocked or because Jae Joong was so closed to me while he patted my back before. What is exactly happening to me?

Things are getting worst on the next evening. I was already at home for about an hour and listening to the music in my room when my cell phones rang. I looked at the name on the screen. What does he want? I frowned.

"Yes. What is it, Jae?"

"Have you eaten yet?"

"No, not yet. Why?"

"How about going out for dinner?"

"Right now? Where?"

He mentioned one place but I don't know where it is.


I hung up the phone and rushed to the bathroom. Jae Joong said that he'll wait for me at the front door. I don't know why he didn't want to get inside the house. Ten minutes later, I grabbed any clothes that were within my reach from the closet and my jacket then ran downstairs. My cell phones keep ringing and without seeing it, I know it's from Jae Joong. He was facing the garden when I greet him.

"You're so impatient, you know that?" I grunted.

"Sorry." He grinned. "I skipped my lunch today so I'm starving right now. Let's go."

I don't see his car everywhere. "We're not gonna use the car?"

"Nope. The place is around the neighborhood so we just need to walk."

We walked away from the main house to the front gate. We're entering winter season now and the weather is so cold, especially at night. Damn, I forgot to bring my gloves when I grabbed my jacket earlier. My hands were freezing right now, almost numb. The jacket also doesn't have side pockets. I drew my hands to my mouth and blew hot air to it then rubbed them each to another.

Jae Joong noticed what I was doing. He stopped then took off the glove from his left hand and wore it on my left hand. He then grabbed my right hand and put it inside his jacket's side pocket, together with his hand. Now our hands were tied to each other inside the jacket's pocket. I felt warm suddenly and that's because of the skin touch. The warmth starts spreading to my face and my heart starts beat unsteady. I was lucky that it didn't happen in the daylight or else, he will realize that my face is looking extremely red right now.

I really don't get it. Every time I was with Yoo Chun, whether he touched me or kissed me, my heart never acting weird like this. It's always normal and my face also never burn like steam crab but looks like it didn't apply when I was with Jae Joong. It's the second time I felt like this and I knew it's not normal. Something's definitely wrong with me.

When Saturday comes, I like to spend my day at home just like now. I locked myself in my room and read some novels but I didn't make any progress on the pages for almost an hour. I tried to focus on it but my mind keep wandering back to Jae Joong and it has been like that for few days. I can't even concentrate on my works at the office and I don't like it. Screw him for making me like this!

I closed the novels and walked to the CD shelves. I need some music to soothing my mind. For ten minutes I've been looking for my favorite CD but still can't find it. Where did I put it? I tried to remember where was the last time I seen it. I always put back my stuffs every time I don't use them so it's impossible if the CD disappeared just like that. Then I remember, Jae Joong lent it two weeks ago and he hasn't returned it yet.

I walked out from my room and stood in front of his room. I knocked his door couple times but no answer so I tried my luck with the door handle and it's unlocked. Slowly walked into his room, I looked around and found that the room is empty. I walked towards the shelves but the photos on the desk beside the shelves caught my attention. I make a stop in front of the desk and started to look at the photos one by one.

There's a photo when Jae Joong was a little kid, probably around seven years old, with cool pose in front of the camera. I smiled at his try-to-be-cool pose at the picture then I moved to the next photos. In the frame, there were Appa, a woman, and young Jae Joong. I knew immediately that the woman must be his late mother. Now I know where he got his good looks.

I moved on to the next photos one by one until I stopped at one photo that surprised me. I picked it up from the desk. It's the photo at the bridal when we're doing fitting for our parents' wedding. I remembered the store staff asked us to take a picture together and he asked me if I wanted to keep the photo but I refused. I never thought that he'd frame this photo and put it here.

"Joo Yeon ahhh~~"

I was fully concentrating on the photo so I didn't hear when someone entering the room. The frame dropped from my hands when someone startled me from behind by whispering to my ear. I turned around and saw Jae Joong grinned.

"Great, Jae. Nice way to startled people." I knelt down to pick up the scattered glass from the broken frame but I wasn't careful enough and make the glass cut my finger. "Ouch!"

When Jae Joong saw my bleeding finger, he pulled me up and dragged me to the bathroom. He cleaned the blood from my finger with water on the washstand.

"Why do you always so clumsy like this?"

"Well, it won't happen if you didn't startle me by whispering like a ghost on my ear like that."

"Sorry." He grinned again. "I saw you didn't move when I entered the room so I just wanna say hi."

He grabbed a clean towel from the shelves and dried my hand. We're moving back to his bedroom after he finished cleaning my wound. He told me to sit on the edge of his bed while he went back to the bathroom to fetch the medicine kit. He sat beside me when he came back from the bathroom. Our body facing each other and his face is really close to mine. Few days ago, the same situation like this happened to me only this time he didn't up the blood using his mouth. If he did it, I think I might pass out this time.

I watched him in silence while he's tending my wound. He has a milky white flawless skin with perfect nose but with some dark circle below his eyes, he's still looking good though.

"What is it?" He suddenly looked up and I was caught red-handed staring at him.

"No-nothing." I rose up my bandage finger. "Thanks for this."

"No problem."

"I'll buy you another frame to replace that one."

"Don't mind that. I still have another one that I haven't been use."

"Okay then."

My brain told me to get out from this room right now but my body seems to betray me. It won't move even an inch from the bed and I just sit there doing nothing except playing with my hands on my laps. None of us were speaking at the moment. I forced my body to rise from the bed and left this room before things getting more awkward between us.

"Uhm....o-okay. I'm leaving."

I walked away from him but he reached my arm, grabbed it and dragged me back until we're standing face-to-face. He raised his hand and caressed my cheek with his thumb. I widened my eyes.

"Wh-what are you doing?"

"I've been thinking about this for days."

"About what?"

He let go his grip on my arm and moved it to my waist to pull me closer. Then he lowered his mouth to mine and kissed me. My lips went stiff for a moment due to the shock and he seems to know it but it doesn't stop him from kissing me. He gently pressed his lips to mine, persuade me to participate on the kiss.

For seconds, I was hypnotized by the kiss. My heart starts thumping rapidly and uncontrolable but then something came to my mind. This isn't right, I said to myself. I opened my eyes and pushed his chest away to break our kiss.

"I...this...," I don't know what I'm rambling about. "Did we just..."

I bit my lips.

"I-I don't think..."

I left his room.

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sn123456 #1
Chapter 24: Welcome back. It tighten my chest too reading it. Please come back soon.
sn123456 #2
Chapter 23: I can just say OMG OMG so many time authornim. I hope u can come back fast time next chapter.
Chapter 23: no, everything is not gonna be okay
Chapter 22: complicated, why she so stubborn?
sn123456 #5
Authornim love this story a lot. Pls don't let us wait too long and update when u can.
Chapter 21: In actual fact, I dislike women like Joo Yeon, who does not know how to be selfish when come to love.
Darlovejae #7
Chapter 20: Joo Yeon ... Pls say NO...
Chapter 20: huaaaaa, I bet yoo jeon will be in big dilema
Chapter 19: nah, jaejoong, you need to make her yours asap
hope they can be a couple soon
Khab71 #10
Chapter 18: I want her to be with Jaejoong and only Jaejoong.