Hard time

With All My Heart

I’m getting engaged with Yoo Chun in no time and so do Jae Joong with Hye Rin but is this what I really want? Will I be able to forget Jae Joong and accept Yoo Chun’s love? I silently looked up to the sky from the balcony in my room. In my hand lies a Christmas gift from Jae Joong that I haven’t open until today. I pulled the red ribbon and open the box. There is an MP3 player inside. I’ve seen this MP3 Player before. Jae Joong usually carried it with him but why he gave it to me now? A small card lies beneath it. I took them both out.

Merry Christmas. I love you – JJ

PS: Play song no. 12

I plug the earphone to my ears and search for song number 12. Jae Joong’s familiar voice was heard at the beginning.

Test…Okay. Joo Yeon ah, I hope you like the song you’re about to hear after this message. I specially made this song for you and I named it You Are My Everything. Cause you’re my inspiration and you’re everything to me.

A soft melody then replaced his voice records and his melodious voice start singing the song. Without realizing, the tears start crawling down on my cheeks.


A few days later, I was in Yoo Chun’s office to get his sign on some of the documents when he suddenly grabbed my waist and pulled me down. He made me sit on his lap.

“Yoo Chun ssi!“

My eyes widened but he looks amused with it.

“After we’re married, I want you to start call me ‘yeobo’” He gently pinched my nose.

I can’t help but to smile with his request.

“Thank you, Joo Yeon ssi.”

“For what?”

“For making me the happiest man on earth.”


And before I even finished say anything, he pulled me into a kiss. A kiss that brought back my memories when we’re in Japan. I was sitting on his lap so it makes my head position a little bit higher than his but it doesn’t stop him from exploring my lips. At first, it was a simple kiss when he tasted my lips and feels its softness but when he felt the respond from me, the kiss become bolder.  Both my hands were hung on his shoulder when his tongue slowly persuades me to part my lips. His hand cupping the back of my neck whiles the other hand slowly rubbing my thigh back and forth with his thumb.

Suddenly, the door to his office was opened. We’re both opened our eyes and Yoo Chun immediately stopped the kiss. I was so surprised until I jumped down from Yoo Chun’s lap instantly. Hye Rin walked into the room with an I-know-what-you-did smile on her face. In my heart, I thanked her for disturb us in a perfect time. I can’t imagine what will happen to us if no one was entering seconds ago.


She greeted me but I was too shaking to reply her so I just smiled. Yoo Chun already finished sign all the documents before he kissed me so now I collect all the documents from his desk.

“I’ll give this document to Director Lee first.”

“Okay. Oh, before I forgot. Tomorrow I’ll take you to a boutique.”


“Your gown for our engagement?”

“Ah, right. What time will you pick me up?”

“5, is it ok?”


“I’m coming too.” Hye Rin joined the conversation.

“Right, I almost forgot that my little sister is also engaged.” Yoo Chun laughed and Hye Rin sticking out her tongue. “But you go with Jae Joong.”

“Of course.” She smiled. “Joo Yeon ssi, I will email you some decoration designs for our engagement. If you have time, you can take a look at them and we can discuss it later.”

“Thanks, Hye Rin ssi. I’ll excuse myself then. Mr. Lee is waiting for his documents.”

I w    alked out from the room and left those two siblings continue their talking. I just can only hope that Jae Joong will not come to the boutique tomorrow but I know it’s a useless hope. It’s going to be difficult to avoid him.


I arrived at the boutique with Hye Rin and saw that Joo Yeon was already there with Yoo Chun. They’re sitting on the couch, having a serious conversation with the sales woman. Joo Yeon was absorbed looking at the magazine in front of her. Yoo Chun was the one who saw us coming.

“You’re here.”

“Good afternoon.” The sales woman rose from her chair and greets us.

“Good afternoon.” Hye Rin replied.

“Please take a seat. We will show our new collections in a moment.”

Hye Rin took the seat beside Joo Yeon so I have to sit on the edge of the couch. For the last 15 minutes, we’re just like watching a fashion show. I can’t focus my eyes to the gown presentation because I keep looking at Joo Yeon, which I’m sure she was pretending to be interested with the collections. Both she and Yoo Chun always discussing every gowns and sometimes she even smiled whenever Yoo Chun whispered something on her ear.

“Ok, time to try them all. Come on, Joo Yeon ssi.”

Hye Rin stood up and she pulled Joo Yeon together with her. Before they entered the fitting room, Hye Rin turned around and looked at me.



“What color do you think looks good on me?”

Joo Yeon stared at me, waiting for my answer. How I really wish it was Joo Yeon who asked me that question.

“You look good on any color.”

“Really?” She giggled. “Then Chun Oppa, what color do you think looks good on Joo Yeon?”

Yoo Chun smiled with eyes full of love for Joo Yeon.  Everyone can see his love without even asked. “For me, she always looks good on every color.”

Oppa, look at the effect of your words to Joo Yeon. Her cheeks almost burn out because of you.”

“Just go try them, lil’ brats.” Yoo Chun laughed.

I don’t want to comment much because I really don’t like this situation. Yoo Chun showed too much love for Joo Yeon and it makes me feel so uneasy. They tried the gowns for almost 2 hours. Joo Yeon chose the off white color while Hye Rin took the light pink color. Then Yoo Chun said he need to go somewhere with Hye Rin so he asked me to take Joo Yeon home. 

In the car, neither Joo Yeon nor I wanted to start the conversation. We’re both keep silent until we reached home. She immediately went to her room but I quickly followed her from behind. I blocked her way from going in to the room.

“Are you seriously wanted to engage with him?”


“You can’t engage with him.”

She shot me with anger eyes. “This is my decision. You have no right to tell me what to do.”

“You’re the one who asked me to engage with Hye Rin, and because of your jealousy you decided to engage with Yoo Chun that night?”

“You’re the one who jealous!”


I admitted that I’m jealous, even very jealous but sowehow hearing that word from her makes me can’t control my self. I gripped her arm quite hard and dragged her into her room then closed the door and pushed her against it. She looked shock with my sudden action but before she could say anything, I forced to kiss her. She struggle hard to push away my body but it’s a waste. I keep forcing my lips to hers.

When I finally stop and release her, her hand rise and slap me on the face. “Bastard! Don’t ever come near me!” She opened the door and left me alone in the room.

“Joo Yeon!”

I chased her but in the midway I stopped. My sanity finally came back to my head. What have I done? My hand clenched so hard beside my body and I hit the wall to release the anger.

Damn it!”


My parents and I were in the living room discussing my engagement which will be held in 3 weeks.

“Have you bought a ring for Hye Rin?”

I really forgot about that but maybe I don’t want to remember it because I’m not into this engagement. “Not yet.”

“You’re getting engaged in 3 weeks, son. And you still have a lot of things to do.”

Mianhae, Omma. I was so busy lately.”

Dad shook his head. “You’re grown up, Jae. You don’t have to be reminded for this kind of things. You better go looking now.”

“But Hye Rin is in Japan right now so I have to wait her come back.”

Then Joo Yeon suddenly entering the room and looking so neatly. I’m sure she’s going somewhere.

Omma. Appa. I’m going.”

“Where are you going?”

“Yoo Chun asked me to see an engagement ring.”

“Great. Jae Joong is also going to look for a ring for Hye Rin. He can go with you.”

“Eh?” She frowned when she looked at me. “But Omma—“

“5 minutes.”

I said flatly. I didn’t give her chance to argue with mom and immediately left the living room to go change clothes. When Yoo Chun came, he and I didn’t talk much like we used to. We’re just switching greetings to each other.  Then I asked Yoo Chun which jewelry shop he wanted to go, he didn’t have any reference so I suggest him to my family’s regular jeweler. We’re greeted by the sales woman when we entered the shop.

“Good afternoon, Mr.Kim. Can I help you?”

“Engagement ring?”

“This way please.”

The sales woman led us to the corner of the shop where the couple rings fill the showcase. The three of us were looking down through the showcase glass to see the models. Joo Yeon was standing between me and Yoo Chun.

“How about this one? It looks beautiful on both of you.”

The sales woman took out a couple rings and placed them between me and Joo Yeon. She must’ve thought that Joo Yeon is my fiancé and I don’t feel the need for correcting her mistake.

“Excuse me but I’m her fiancé.”

Yoo Chun corrected her.

“I’m sorry, Sir. I didn’t know.”

The sales woman bowed to Yoo Chun as an apology. After that, we’re looking back at the showcase. Together, Yoo Chun and I found the rings we’re looking for. The sales woman took out the rings from the showcase and placed them in front of us.

I took out the woman ring from its place and pulled Joo Yeon’s right hand. She jerked surprisedly and tried to pull back her hand. “Jae Joong ssi!”

“You have the same size as Hye Rin.”

I put the ring on her finger. She silently looked down at the ring. I can see from her face that she liked it even though she tried to hide it. I also can feel that Yoo Chun was staring at us but I ignored him. The next minute, Joo Yeon realized what she’s done. She took out the ring in a rush dan looked at me annoyed.

“Yoo Chun ssi.”

She turned away and gave her left hand to Yoo Chun so that he can put the ring on. Her face formed a wide smile when the ring was on her finger. A phony smile that I know wasn’t from her heart because she didn’t love him.

“You like it?”

“I like it.”

“Okay, we’re going with this one.” Yoo Chun said to the sales woman while grabbed Joo Yeon’s waist and pulled her closer to him.

“Thank you, Sir. What about you, Mr. Kim?”

“I’ll take this one.”

After the sales woman finished wrap our rings, I decided to take a taxi from here. Yoo Chun took Joo Yeon to dinner. Even though he asked me to come too but it is better if I reject it. I can’t stand to see the intimacy, especially from Yoo Chun.

At home, I can’t put my body to rest knowing that Joo Yeon hasn’t come back till now. I waited her at the living room when the front door finally open and she walked in. It’s 10 pm. She was surprised to find me at the couch.

“What is it?”

She must’ve known that I have something to say but she didn’t stop instead, she kept walking to the kitchen while asking me.

“Are you sure with it?”

She put down the glass after she drank. She sighed. “Why you keep complicating the situation?”

“Aren’t you?”

“What do you mean?”

“If you never asked me to marry Hye Rin, we didn’t have to go through all this hassle.”

“It’s the best for all of us.”

“That’s what you think but in reality it is not. Have you ever thought that we’re going to spend the rest of our lives living with the person we don’t love? You think that’s the best?”

“I’m sure love will come if we try…”

She tried to make a defensive statement but there’s no power came with the words. Deep inside her heart, she knew I was right. I closed our distance and grabbed her by her shoulder. We’re staring at each other.

“I love you.”

“Jae Joong ssi, I hope this is the last time you say those words to me.”

She left me.


Earlier this morning, I was surprised when Hye Rin called me. It’s so unusual for her to call but she sounds so happy and I wonder if her happiness has anything to do with Jae Joong. We promised to meet at the coffee shop on my office building at lunch. She was already there when I arrived.

“Jun Su Oppa.”

I approached her table and sat in front of her.

“How are you doing, Oppa?”

“Fine. You?”

“Never better.”

“So what makes you look so happy like this?”

She smiled.

“Don’t tell me you’re going to give me an invitation?”

She nodded and passed me a medium-size envelope. “I’m going to engage.”

I opened the envelope and pull out the invitation card. The name written on it is Hye Rin and Jae Joong.  I almost can’t believe my eyes. Then the second name caught my attention. Joo Yeon and Yoo Chun. What the hell with all this?

I put back the card into the envelope. “It really is a surprise, Hye Rin ssi.”

“Promise me you’ll come, Oppa?”

“O-of course.” I hardly formed a smile on my face when it felt pain in my heart. It has always been Jae Joong who can make her happy. I was never being her choice. “Congratulations.”

“Thanks, Oppa.”

“I have to congrats Jae Joong for this. He never mentioned this to me.”

“Maybe he wanted to surprise you.”

I smiled. Jae Joong really wants to give me a heart attack.

“Alright then, Oppa. I have to go back to the office.”

“Be careful.”

As soon as she left, I headed to Jae Joong’s office. Her secretary told me that he’s in the office and didn’t have any appointment for the rest of the day.

“Jun Su?”

Jae Joong looked surprised with my presence without notice. I walked to his desk and took the seat. I put the invitation I got few minutes ago in front of him.

“Ah. This one.”

“Want to explain about this one?”

“It’s complicated.”

“How complicated it is until you decided to engage with her?”

“That’s not what I want. Joo Yeon asked me.”

“What do you mean?”

“She can’t accept me because we’re siblings. She asked me to marry Hye Rin for the sake of our parents. She thinks it’s the best decision for us.”

I don’t understand why Joo Yeon make such a decision and Jae Joong foolishly followed her wish.

“Then why you agree with her?”

“I don’t know. Maybe I was angry with her?” He looked frustrated.

“You’re out of your mind, you know that? You’re just gonna hurt Hye Rin.”

“I know.”

I let out a deep sighed and rest my back on the chair like I’ve lost my energy all of sudden. “Joo Yeon also adds complication to this situation. I don’t know what happened between you two.”

“I already told her but she insisted.” He paused. “This is so hard for me. I almost lost my self control several times whenever I saw them together. I tried everything to make her change her mind but I got nothing.”

“I’ll try talk to her but I want you to also reconsider this engagement.”

I left him to think alone.


I have to move fast before everything was too late to fixed so I called Joo Yeon this afternoon and promised to pick her up at her office. I asked her to have dinner with me.

“Something happened, Oppa? You looked so serious.”

“I’m sorry if I meddling with your decision.”

“You’re just like my brother, Oppa. But what decision you’re talking about?”

“This morning I received an invitation from Hye Rin. An engagement invitation. Besides Hye Rin and Jae Joong, you and Yoo Chun are also engaged. Are you serious with your decision?”

She looked surprised. “I’m serious. That’s my decision.”

“You love him?”

There’s a gap for few seconds before she answered me. “One day I’ll love him.”

“Joo Yeon ah, I’ve discussed this matter with Jae Joong too. I want the two of you reconsider this engagement. The problem between you two can’t be resolved using this way.” I continued, “I’m sure your parents will think the same if this is the best way. Every parent wants nothing but the happiness of their children.”

“I love him, Oppa but we’re siblings by law and I can’t change it. I don’t want to disappoint my parents.”

She bit her lips to suppress the tears from falling down. I don’t know the best words to describe their situation right now. Pity? Stubborn?

“No one knows their fate but at least you’ll give it a try.” I took her hands. “Promise me you’ll reconsider. I’m sure your parents will understand.”

“I will Oppa, but I can’t promise anything.”

I caressed her hair. She’s really like my real little sister. “You should’ve been my sister from the beginning so you can save yourself from these troubles.”

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sn123456 #1
Chapter 24: Welcome back. It tighten my chest too reading it. Please come back soon.
sn123456 #2
Chapter 23: I can just say OMG OMG so many time authornim. I hope u can come back fast time next chapter.
Chapter 23: no, everything is not gonna be okay
Chapter 22: complicated, why she so stubborn?
sn123456 #5
Authornim love this story a lot. Pls don't let us wait too long and update when u can.
Chapter 21: In actual fact, I dislike women like Joo Yeon, who does not know how to be selfish when come to love.
Darlovejae #7
Chapter 20: Joo Yeon ... Pls say NO...
Chapter 20: huaaaaa, I bet yoo jeon will be in big dilema
Chapter 19: nah, jaejoong, you need to make her yours asap
hope they can be a couple soon
Khab71 #10
Chapter 18: I want her to be with Jaejoong and only Jaejoong.