
My Rude Prince
  • ***


    (HYOGI'S P0V):


    Only a day left, here I was at the stationary jogging machine for 30min. straight, I can now feel a good result after this. While I'm on the midst of my workout, to lessen my boredom my earphone was present into my ears, listening to random of k-pop, c-pop, manda-pop and j-pop songs.

    Jog. Jog. Jog. Moderate fast. Light fast.

    Finally, the set time was over! After my 3rd routine of the day, Chona, Taec's fellow gym instructor taps me lightly on my shoulder and told me, "Eonni, someone came up to see you at the lobby."

    I wondered, "Oh~ W-who?"

    "The Shim's Chaebol~"

    My eyes widened. "Shim's Chaebol? Could that be Shim Changmin? How does he know that I'm here?"

    "Uh-oh~ I... I was actually.." I jokingly slapped her on her arms.

    "Aish. Didn't I told you that no one must know that I'm here? Aish. It's embarrassing! Eotteohke? What should I do now?" I walked back and forth over and over behind her. Unknowing what to do.

    "M-mianhae, eonni. That wasn't my intention. I just told him that we have a chef regular costumer here, he asked and asked me until he got a hint that it was you! I didn't mean it eonni, I swear!" she raised up her palm, swearing that she didn't really mean to.

    Eotteohke? Oh God please help me to think some idea how to escaped this situation. He must not be seeing me on this state yet. I want to surprise him and everyone, altogether at the same time.

    "Since you started everything, you must have to end it well also, Chona-ya! Think a way that you could tell him, that I'm not here; that I'm somewhere outside. Yeah, outside. At the park. Uhm, jogging. Right? That's right! Yeah, jogging." chuckling with my own statement. Such a lame excuse! But that's the only way I could think of.

    "And whatever. That was just my silly idea. Now, go and tell him. I'd better hide. Bye!" I left her, and use the fire exit so that there would be no possibility to see him. Hooh! That was too close. I thought that he could see me not on time. I went to the gym's kitchen to dig in for my regular lunch.

  • Tomorrow was my last day. That simply means, on the following day, I may now able to see my Changwoo! Smiling to myself like crazy as I imagined. Then at the next day, we'll go shopping and buy some new clothes for me, obviously. I couldn't wear my recent garment. Wekeke~

    Slurping down the last soup of the bowl when, "noona! Your boss was here!" I choked, then coughed when he slightly hit me on my shoulder.

    "Oh.. oh m-mianhae, noona.." Taec began to panic and gently rubbed my back.

    "A-ani.. I'm fine. What did you say again?" turning up to him to confirm what I hear was true?

    "I know not why he knows me!" He defended right away when he doesn't even singled out a detail yet. I wonder if he heard me and Chona earlier?

    "Aish~ Can't you please tell him that I'm not here?"

    "But I told him that it was time for your lunch eh~" he scratched the back of his nape and lowered down his head.

    "Aish~ Oh shoot!" My gaze was turned into the little space of the door that was opened.

    "Hid me!" As I twisted and search a corner that I can hid myself.

    "But noona...."

    Now, I went at the back of the door and pushes Taecyeon outside. "Shhh.. He's sneaking inside here! Go, and tell him that I'm done with my lunch and you haven't saw me!" I instructed him, as I felt my knees grew weak when Changmin's presence going closer and closer and closer towards me.




    (Max's P0V):


    Today had been my work-out day of the week. Chona, my gym instructor flashed her simple, yet adorable smile once her sight had caught me walking down from where she was.

    Admittedly, I like her. We dated for a couple of times whenever I go back here from the States wayback some years ago. I have an eye for her to be officially mine, but yet something inside me was contradicting my lips not to utters it and confessed what I really meant for her. I know not why, but couldn't that be, because of my FIRST LOVE?

    Does your first love really has a great impact for any individual?

    "Oppa~" I saw her pouted when I'm now in front of her. "Hey Chowiee~!" Yeah, you heard it right. That's what I prefer to call her.

    "Oppa, let's begin! It's almost near my lunch break." I nodded, then she guided me for my first routine of the day.

    Lifting up a 5kg. of barbel first did she asked me to do first, when I found her unusual quietness. So I thought of something to catch up with her. "Hey, Chowiee how had it been here in the gym?"

    "It's fine. There were some stay-in regular costumer out here. Business men, office agent, teachers, chef..."

    "A chef?" I repeated in wonder.

    "Ah ne~"

    "Is it a lady?" asked unsure.

    "Ne she's eonni~" she responded as she sat beside me.

    Doubtingly, it was noona. "What restaurant she was working for?"

    "Hmm. Oh wait. It seems like I forgot? Or what I mean, I forgot to ask her?" she gazes up trying to think somehow?

    "After our session can I meet her?" she laughed shyly. "Wae?" my eyebrows questionably arched.

    "Uh nothing, oppa. But I guess she's on her lunch break."

    "Please, can I?" beggest I for. "Uh sure~"

  • ***

    After my 90min. of workout, she went somewhere maybe to call for the lady that I doubt was noona. Not too soon, she went back informing me that the lady chef she was telling me was out for somewhere.

    I sighed and went to sit at the bench in the lobby when I saw that familiar face came in. Isn't he the one who fetch Hyogi noona from the terminal where I dropped her?

    "Excuse me?" following him as I called for his attention.

    He turns to face me. "Yes?"

    "By any chance, are you familiar with me?" Oh pabo me! Why did I asked that for?

    He nodded. "Ah ne~ You seems to. A regular costumer here, are you?"

    "Great. Anyway, can I talk to the lady chef customer...." He cuts me, "oh ne~ But I guess, it's her lunch break. Wait a little. I'll check out for her." I smiled before he left me.

    My vision followed him, and I know why my foot also likewise followed. He entered an area that seems to be their gym's kitchen.

    A minute later, he came out. "Mian, she's not here~"

    "Do you know where did she goes?"

  • He rubbed the back of his nape as he seems uncertain. "I actually have no idea." Is he trying to hide noona away from me? But no! I think not.

    Aish, silly me! Why am I doubting about that?


    A day had passed. Today, I wonder my parents were here in our restaurant having a chat with Changwoo's father, which is Chun.

    Apparently, I have no idea why they had a spare time to that useless jerk! She left Hyogi noona just for his stupid career, how could that be unforgivable after all?

    They were happily chatting not until I intentionally poured out the ice coffee on his clothes. "Oh so sorry..." I pretended that I haven't mean it, but the truth was I did it purposely. *insert evil Kyu's laugh here*

    His white long sleeve polo got stained with the yummy mixture of a brown coffee. Instead of wiping it using a clean tissue, I've used a tissue that contains a ketchup. And the overall result, the browny mixture from coffee's stain, now turns to red.

    Mom and dad got surprised to what happened even them they can't help but watched this awful man, soaking from the stain.

    It was rude, yeah... I know! Well, that was not enough how Hyogi noona suffers because of her love for him. She raised Changwoo alone without any support from him and her family. Noona's family hated her because of him.

    But in totality, I want him to quit from bothering noona. Moreover, he don't actually have that face to face her, but he's such a hard-headed and an acting brave to return and win her back?

    Wow! So nice of him!

    Well, Shim Changmin was back. He wouldn't just let him get her right in front of his two big eyes. He would suffer first, or maybe he can't get her back; because the great Shim Changmin had taken Song Hyogi's heart.

    Whew. Why am I sounded too confident, while me, myself knows how noona hates me right now.

    Could she able to forgive me after how I've shew her how stupid piece of a rude am I unto her?

    She did forgave this stupid jerk who fooled her, how much more to me that I didn't gave her shame.

  • She could still, right?

    On the next day, Hyogi noona will be here. Instead of wasting my time for that stupid jerk, I better have thought of doing something special for noona, right?

    Think. Think. Think.

    How about a candlelit dinner at the rooftop? 'Too romantic.'

    Hmm, how about a picnic at the park? 'Too cheesy~'

    Date at the arcade? Amusement park? Lotte World? 'Nuh, too childish.'

    Uhh.. I rolled myself over and over my bed, pre-occupied about my surprises for noona's comeback. Haizt. Could I fetch her? Or wait for her at the bus terminal? Is that possible? Could she appreciates it?

    Right. I have to make a call first. But wait. What time could be at this point? Once my phone's light lit up, "aish. It's already 1am. Is she still up? Could I make a call?"

    Before my mind could react, my fingers now started to move to contact her. Just a few ring:

    HG: Yeoboseyo?

    Me: uh n-noona? Are you still up?

    HG: *soft-chuckle*

    Me: Wae?

    HG: Could I answer this call if I was asleep? What do you think?

    Me: *blush due of embarrassment* uh, oh yeah~ Did I disturb you?

    HG: uhm.. not really.. Just packing.

    Me: oh sorry~

    HG: uh no. It's just fine. So, I'll see you tomorrow?

    Me: uh.. uhm, yeah?

    HG: O-okay?

    Me: *is she feeling awkward with me?* want me to fetch you?

    HG: Uh no, it's okay. Thanks anyway.

    Me: I insist.

    HG: uh no, it's just fine really~

    Me: pretty please? *am I sounded desperate?*

    HG: *sigh* O-okay. See you where you drop me off the last time. You remember?

    Me: ah ne, noona. So see you~




    Morning comes.... Honestly, I'm still undecided about the perfect location. I can't wait for 7 in the evening to comes, but here I was still doing nothing at all. Could I still able to pursue about my plans then?


    ~ to be continued...




    A/N: Almost about to end.. T^T

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I'm back! I'll be updating as soon as I can. Please hang on more a little. This will end soon. T^T


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mnelson #1
Wanted to upvote your story but sadly I do not have enough karma points yet so I am going to do it here. UPVOTE! UPVOTE! UPVOTE! :) I love that you have a non traditional heroine and that you have celebrated her strengths while allowing her to be vulnerable and conflicted. You have created a woman who is real in the truest sense, one who I could imagine meeting in the real world. I also like that you made her weight loss more realistic with her working hard and suffering self doubt over her progress. Going through that process is not easy physically or emotionally and you should be proud that you were able to capture some of that for others to experience through your story. Kudos.
I liked it.
stelsunyi23 #3
Chapter 15: I want Changmin to see her soon! I need an update xD
Chapter 15: author - nim.. please update soon... I'm so curious abt what will happen in next chapter..
stelsunyi23 #5
Chapter 13: please update soon!
Queenieki #6
Chapter 11: ooooooh drama update
Queenieki #7
why has the wording changed? the thou art stuff is kind of confusing update
Please update soon :)
Queenieki #9
max confuses the hell out of me
mprincess #10
update soon... ^^!!