HyoGi's first day at the gym

My Rude Prince





(HyoGi's P0V)


"It looks like you are bodily fit. I wonder how you maintain your body size. Mind not, if you'll gonna share me your secrets?"


He smiled at me,  "Are you that really interested to know?" I excitedly nod. Then he grab his wallet from his pocket and handed me his calling card. "I'm working at 10am fitness gym somewhere down there. I'm glad to help you out."

Woah!~ He seems so sooo nice!! He's the first person who ever talked to me as a human and not a mammal!!

His smile makes my big heart jump off from my chest. Oh great!! I can't wait for tomorrow!! I happily entered my home with a full joy on my face!! I hopped over my son's bed and wrestled him.  "Mom, you know how heavy you are!" Changwoo complained.

"Aigoo!~ I'm sorry, my son. Your mom was just excited, knowing that finally she now has the chance to lose her weight!!"

"Mom, if you think much that your prince will gonna like you when you lose weight. Well, 'like' is not the same with 'love.' He maybe likes you, but the truth is, he doesn't love you."

I was really startled what my son had stated. "Changwoo-ah, how did you know about that?"

"Mom? You've already mentioned that word for the nth time to Yehun noona!!"

"Oh my son was eavesdropping ha??" I tickles him on his stomach.


The following day, I fetch Changwoo in his school first, and went ahead at the 10am fitness gym. I've seen the customers of the gym were totally sweating!! I wonder what would I look like once I got sweat like that? *my pointed finger playing with my chin*

I was in my deep thought when someone tap me on my shoulder, "May we help you, ahjumma?" A skinny young lady went to ask me.

"Ahjumma? Do you have a gym instructor here namely, Ok Taecyeon??"

"Ooh, do you mean Taecki?? Yeah, but he was not here yet. He would be also here for a moment. I think he was just late. "


"Oh okay. I'll just have to wait for him."


"Anyway, I'm Young Cho Na."

"Song HyoGi imnida."

"Nice to meet you ...."

"You can call me Huo Gui.."

"Huo Gui? You are Chinese?"

"Nope. But I was just used to be call by that name."

Few minutes had passed, A tall, tanned, masculine guy enters the gym. "Oh there he is!! I'll leave the two of you now."

We greeted each other and right away he tour me around the gym. "At first, it wouldn't be as easy what you think, to lose weight. You need to have determination and the right mind-set, wherein no matter how hard it is, for the sake of losing weight you'll have to do it."

"No matter what, I'll have to lose weight. No matter what, I'll have to do it so human will gonna treat me as human. Song Hyo Gi, Fighting!!"

"That's great. So do you want to start now?"

"I don't want to waste any time, but to do it right away!"

"Do you have a target date in able to finished your work-out?"

"30-days? what do you think?"

"okay, let's see. So I think you have to take the stationary jogging first."


Taecyeon set the timer for 2mins., too bad I was on its way to 30sec., but I already feels like totally exhausted.

"Yaaaa!! s-stop it!!" until I fell down on my knees..

"Are you okay?" He worriedly asked me.

"Oh I never thought that it would be this tiring!!"  I've stated while I was still trying to catch some air.

"That only means, your heart and body was not that used to perform regular activities anymore."

"Ever since my boyfriend had left me 4-years ago, I was been only stuck in our home to eat and eat and eat in able to survived a day without him."

"Sad to hear about that. Eating may help you to forget him temporarily, but its hard to forget someone whom you've used to love for some years."

"Yeah!! You're right!! That's why I'm trying to lose weight so that I could find a guy to love me again!!"

"isn't it great if someone would gonna love and accept you, no matter how huge you are, right now??"

"But that's way impossible!! I've already accepted the fact that nobody would gonna like me in this size!"

"There were still few who could accept you, BUT its only 1 out of 1 million!!"

Then the both of us laughed out, on which the customers of the gym wonders what are we laughing for.

Everyday, starting today, I must be on the gym from 10am to 2pm for my daily work-out!! Go HyoGi-ah!! We'll gonna show the world that we could be also skinny more than them.

Time is sooo fast. My first day was already done. I went straightway to the Shim Chang Grille and hurriedly wore my hair net, hair cap and lastly my apron in our chef's dressing room.

For as usual, all eyes were set on me whenever I go pass through the employee's corner. Cursed all those eyes who looks at me evilly.


"Master Chef!!"  Yunho calls me out.

"oh Yunho-shi??"

"Young master was looking for thee, since this morning!!"

"There were a lot of chefs were here!! Besides, I've already asked Master Shim, that I'll be working from 3pm up till 9pm only."

"just follow what young Master wants."

I already held the utensils and started to cook. "it's time to do my job now! and my job was to cook and not a housemaid! Understand?"  and rolled my eyes on him.


9pm. Its time to sign out on our log book when .......... the surrounding was filled with darkness.

Omo!~ *goose bumps* It looks so scary!! Then I heard the room's door banged noisily. "Anyone's here? Please help my way out in here??? HELP??? HELP???"

It seems like no one were not around in this place. "argrrrrrrr....."  then I heard my stomach grumbled.

Oh great!! Really it was sooo great!! "Help?? Help?? Help?? Please help me??"  I'm brave enough. I wouldn't get scared if someone was playing pranks on me.

I was humming some parts of the song Mirotic 'neon nareul wonhae neon naege ppajyeo neon naege michyeo....' Then I heard some voice chuckling behind the door.

"YAAAA!! If you wouldn't open this door, I'ma about to broke this, and afterwards you'll gonna taste my revenge!!"



~~ END OF P0V ~~







(Changmin's P0V):

Yunho and I ended up to play with Huo Gui tonight. She had done nothing wrong with me, but its just that we feel like pulling a pranks with a big mammal like her.

9pm. When we feels her heavy footsteps passed through my office, and that gives us a signal to go on with our plan. She was been like a crazy idiot being too quiet inside, until she hum the chorus part of the song 'Mirotic.'  Yunho and I chuckles once we heard her hums it.

We stopped from laughing when we heard her shouted like a monster who came from the bottomless pit, "YAAAA!! If you wouldn't open this door, I'ma about to broke this, and afterwards you'll gonna taste my revenge!!"

My buddy and I looked at each other, while our knees had also started to tremble.

"Y-ya!! open the door now!! she sounds scary!"  I nudge Yunho's shirt.

"Y-yeah. after we open this door, let's run as fast as we can!!"

"Okay, I'm going ahead first."

Yunho grab my collar,  "Ya! That's unfair! You've planned everything, but then you will be leaving me here?!"

"No, I mean, I'll be going ahead f-fi..- -.."  I was cut when the elephant roared again. "Faster buddy! She was ready to attack us anytime."

Yunho's hands were shaking that's why he dropped the keys. He was about to open it again, but ...... the elephant had pulled the door strongly, that cause me and Yunho stoop in front of her.

"Don't you know that you've been only wasting my time!! Look!! Its already 11 in the evening!! You haven't even consider that I have a son who was still waiting for me!"

"Master chef!! We don't mean anything."

"Grrrr..."   she gave us her evil look before she left.

"Ya!! Changmin-ah!! its all your fault!!"

"Don't put all the blame on me. You've been also a part of this ...."




....To be continued.



~~~ END OF CHAPTER 3 ~~~






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I'm back! I'll be updating as soon as I can. Please hang on more a little. This will end soon. T^T


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mnelson #1
Wanted to upvote your story but sadly I do not have enough karma points yet so I am going to do it here. UPVOTE! UPVOTE! UPVOTE! :) I love that you have a non traditional heroine and that you have celebrated her strengths while allowing her to be vulnerable and conflicted. You have created a woman who is real in the truest sense, one who I could imagine meeting in the real world. I also like that you made her weight loss more realistic with her working hard and suffering self doubt over her progress. Going through that process is not easy physically or emotionally and you should be proud that you were able to capture some of that for others to experience through your story. Kudos.
I liked it.
stelsunyi23 #3
Chapter 15: I want Changmin to see her soon! I need an update xD
Chapter 15: author - nim.. please update soon... I'm so curious abt what will happen in next chapter..
stelsunyi23 #5
Chapter 13: please update soon!
Queenieki #6
Chapter 11: ooooooh drama update
Queenieki #7
why has the wording changed? the thou art stuff is kind of confusing update
Please update soon :)
Queenieki #9
max confuses the hell out of me
mprincess #10
update soon... ^^!!