Ruined dinner

Living with the Byuns



Not everyone was able to sit on the dinner table since there was not enough vacant spaces available furthermore only you and the oldest boys consisting of Baekhyun, Jin Suk, Jae Suk and Dae Jung were able to dine in addition to Mr and Mrs Byun with Yongook, his fiancé and her sister. Consequently the other brothers went out to eat after their brief introduction with Ji eun and her sister was over. You were instructed to sit opposite Sohyun which you obliged to but hated that she’ll have the chance to look at you properly giving her the opportunity to show off her trademark glares, Baekhyun sat beside you largely because he didn’t want to be placed next to Sohyun which made you happy even though his reasoning for sitting beside you were not grand. Dinner became exhausting every now and then Sohyun will look at you with a angry look and you had to resist the urge to smash her face with the candlestick that was placed on the table, it was difficult for you to control your contorted facial expressions because at times it turned into a scowl but you would receive a pointed look from Baekhyun as if his telling you to act normal. 


‘Ji Eun you are absolutely ravishing! I don’t know how my son could pull such a gorgeous young woman’

‘Mum...’  Yongook replied embarrassingly then raised his hands up to his face as a mortified gesture

‘What son? Just stating the truth no need to be embarrassed’ Mrs Byun chuckles, at her reply Ji Eun chortles and smiles with her dimples sticking out out. Now looking at her close you examine her features and realise she is beyond  beautiful, she had long wavy brunette hair reaching her waist her face was fair and clear and she had large hazel eyes plus red plump lips, honestly looking at her made you feel self conscious and you forced your eyes to pull away from her face until you notice that she caught you staring at her, you give her a nervous laugh and put your head down out of embarrassment only to see her giving you a warm smile from the corner of your eyes so look up to smile back, Yongook caught this and looks between you and his fiancé with a proud smile

‘________  Shy ha-ha‘  he teases, you feel your face burn up out of more shyness and look towards Baekhyun so you can avoid Yongook’s  gaze if he tries to further tease you, Baekhyun gives you another pointed look and rolls his eyes at your infantile behaviour

‘Yongook oppa you’re making her turn red like a tomato’ Ji Eun scolds light-heartedly

‘Aww _______ you’re too cute!’ she then looks at Sohyun

‘Since were becoming family you have the duty of looking after her as your the unnie?’ she smiles at her sister which only ends with her receiving an eye roll from Sohyun

‘How is she family’ she murmurs under her breath

‘Yeah...whatever’ she mutters and sends you another  death glare when no ones looking  this time it captures Baekhyuns expression and he gives you an apologetic look which you respond with a soft sigh

After Dinner finished everyone sat down on the sofas to let the food digest relaxingly however Sohyun had other plans as she gave you a look and pointed her head towards the door as if she wanted to go and talk to you. You look at her confusedly and slowly get up from your comfortable position on the sofa only to feel a tug on your arm so look down and see Baekhyun looking at you in a puzzled manner

‘Where are you going? He whispers

‘Sohyun’s calling me to talk’ you quickly whisper back and before he had the chance to continue you silence him by walking away

As you reach the hallway Sohyun pulls you further away from the sitting room, her grip on your arm is slightly harsh however she soon lets go and stands opposite to you, her posture that of someone looking extremely irritated she then taps her feet on the floor several times while her arms are folded then eventually speaks

‘ seem to have good relations with the Byun family? Are you that close to his family that his mum invited you to a dinner which has remotely no association with you?’ she looked incensed and you wanted to leave as you pictured a scenario of her pulling your hair, you didn’t know how to respond to her as she still didn’t know that you and Baekhyun were not dating so stood with no expression,

‘And oh yeah I briefly spoke to Jae Suk and he mentioned that your staying here...So is that true? If it is then why do YOU have the privilege of staying here? Why do you get everything huh? Always have to bloody ruin everything’ she mutters the last line then looks at you with a fierce look expecting an answer to her question

‘You probably brainwashed Mrs Byun to allow you to live here, I never heard of a mother allowing her sons ‘girlfriend’ live under the same roof as each other’ 

you could see her getting more and more infuriated as she impatiently waited for you to talk however instead you stood still until you riled yourself up by thinking why is she making you feel intimidated shes not even frightening and even if she were to suddenly to leap at you with knife you had the brothers as a form backup or at least you hoped so, therefore after eventually getting some guts you replied

‘Baekhyun is mine not yours get that through your thick skull and finally were not ever having this conversation again and please refrain from sending me those glares it makes you look...well it makes you look vile’ and with that you hurriedly enter the sitting room the atmosphere extremely lively opposed to the one you just experienced

Baekhyuns eyes immediately snapped towards yours as you entered and he made space for you on the sofa so you can come and sit next to him, it was blatant that he only did that to find out what happened between you and Sohyun, you felt annoyed and didn’t want to speak about it but nevertheless went and sat next to him

‘Why did she take you outside?’ he asked

‘No reason?’ you answer bluntly

‘Come on I know she took you out for a reason so explain’

‘Baekhyun stop it with the twenty questions I’ll explain when I feel like it’

‘Why are you getting pissed for?’ he say looking thoroughly pissed himself, you realise that you were sounding like a condescending madam so look at him apologetically

‘I’m sorry okay I’m just annoyed right now’

‘Well don’t take your annoyance out at me’

‘I said I’m sorry okay’


‘Baekhyun?’ you reach out to touch his hand but he removes it from your grasp before you can

‘You have a personality disorder’

‘Look who’s speaking’ Baekhyun replies then both your eyes snap forward as an irritated Sohyun enters

‘Where were you darling?’ Mrs Byun asks politely

‘Oh I was giving myself a tour of this house?’ she lies when you knew she was standing outside the door scowling

‘Did you like it?’

‘Yep its okay ermm Mrs Byun I was meaning to ask-----‘  this question instantly halted yours and Baekhyuns movement as you were anticipating what Sohyun was going to say as it may be about you

‘I was meaning to ask if my sisters going to live in this house after the marriage’ you do a quiet sigh of relief and look towards Baekhyun to see him exhaling the breath he was holding

‘And I ask this because you allowed Baekhyuns girlfriend’ and she sends you a look

‘to live in this house I mean I never heard of a mother allowing her sons girlfriend living under the same roof ‘ she tells Mrs Byun, Mrs Byuns eyes widen and she looks between you and Baekhyun firmly

‘Girlfriend? Baekhyun what is Sohyun talking about’ she looks at you both expectedly

You were both tongue-tied and couldn’t feel any words exiting your mouth so looked onwards silently

‘Are you not aware that Baekhyun and ________ are dating?’ Mrs Byun avoids Sohyun’s question and looks at you both waiting for an answer but before you could say anything Sohyun speaks again

‘Yes they are dating I saw them today and they showed alooot of public affection which left me gagging ‘Sohyun replies in a self-aggrandizing way, Mrs Byun again ignores Sohyun and looks at you both

‘I can’t believe under my own roof you both were having a relationship?!! And since your living in the same room were you both ually active? I just can’t believe this’  even though you and Baekhyun were not dating and Sohyun just fed Mrs Byun a whole amount of false revelations you wanted to cry , you felt a teardrop slipping through your eyes and hastily wiped it away with the ends of your fingers

‘But I don’t get it? How comes you don’t know their dating? Who is she to you guys that you allowed her to randomly come and stay in your house’ Sohyun suddenly interjects

‘Sohyun darling please don’t speak now this has turned into a family matter and Ji Eun I’m sorry this dinner has suddenly turned into a disaster maybe we’ll meet another day and have a far more calm meeting’ 

‘No Mrs. Byun today was great thanks for the hospitality’ she gives a forced smile clearly feeling uncomfortable in the current situation

‘Darling please call me Omma since you are going to be my daughter soon’ Mrs Byun gently smiles and then gives a look to Yongook suggesting him to take his fiancé and her sister home

‘Bye darlings’ she waves to both Ji Eun and Sohyun then turns around and looks fiercely at you and Baekhyun.  Jin Suk, Jae Suk and Dae Jung cowardly retreated back to their bedrooms to avoid any questioning them self as an angry Mrs Byun was someone you didn’t want to deal with

‘This matter has not finished, so when did you both start dating? Don’t feed me any lies say the absolute  truth’ Mrs Byun says with a stern look, you look at Baekhyun waiting for him to answer but he remains silent so instead you speak up

‘Mrs Byun were not dating’

‘_______ please I beg of you do not lie to me now! You have both been caught red handed so don’t try and spin this around’

‘I’m saying the truth we are not dating we never did that b***h------‘

‘Don’t speak with that dirty language’ Mrs. Byun suddenly interrupts

‘Okay I’m sorry but Sohyun is a-a-a well I can’t explain if you knew her for her true personality you will be disgusted’

‘This still doesn’t explain your new revelation that you two are actually NOT dating’ you look at Baekhyun frustrated hoping he’ll say something but he stands silent

‘We weren’t dating though, okay here’s the story Sohyun likes Baekhyun’ Mrs Byuns expression turns confused


‘ I mean shes practically infatuated with him we saw her today she came up to us Baek wanted her to go away so he pretended I was his girlfriend and that is the absolute truth I promise you..Please believe me?’ you look at her pleadingly

‘I don’t know what to believe, Baekhyun can you please say something your letting ______ her say everything’

‘What she said is the truth’ he answers bluntly

‘Sohyun is a disgrace to humanity and I can’t believe hyung is actually marrying into that family’ he says angrily

‘Please don’t talk about your future sister in law like that’ Mrs. Byun reprimands him

‘Whatever’ he replies and walks out of the sitting room leaving you and Mrs Byun alone together

‘Sweetie I do believe you... I think’ she says gradually

‘I was just shocked to hear it initially and may have acted slightly irrational by telling you both off in front guests’

‘And please don’t be hurt about the way I scolded you , you have to realise its my responsibility to look after you and since you were staying in the same room as Baekhyun I just felt that if you did have a relationship this could have potentially led you both to sleep together—

‘Please stop’ you scrunch your face out of disgust

‘No you need to hear this what if you got pregnant or even got a ual transmitted disease you need to be wary of those things I’m very strict when it comes to my boys going out with girls but your just not any girl your practically one of my own so I was upset hearing that you might be dating’ she finally finishes

‘But I wasn’t’

‘I know you weren’t but if you were to date in the future because the heart isn’t always in your control then make sure you tell me but if its possible then please keep both your feelings under wraps for now your still young don’t be committed to a boy you have a lifetime for that’ she advises

‘you would make a lovely wife for my boy but wait another 3-4 years I can tell your feelings for him are going to blossom likewise for him but I want none of that shenanigan under my roof maybe under your own roof’ after she finishes you look at her your own face absolutely scarlet you try to say something but all your words are stuck in your throat so you do a forced cough and finally speak

‘I don’t think the relationship we have will ever exceed the boundary of being just friends and we don’t even like each other’ you say trying to convince yourself more than Mrs Byun

‘We’ll see’ Mrs. Byun says with a slight smirk

‘Lets go honey its sleepy time, you shall receive your own room soon well once Yongook leaves for Busan... he’ll have to take his wife with him I guess’ she sighs

‘wish I had more time to get acquainted with her... anyways chop chop off to sleep’ and with that you walk up the stairs hearing the front door open as well realising the other boys returned home

After brushing your teeth and changing into your pyjamas that you left in the bathroom you enter your room to find Baekhyun sitting on his bed with his sight focused on the door he looked like he was in serious contemplation then realised your presence so adjusted his sight on you

‘You came’

‘I did’ he then pauses for awhile and transfixes his gaze on the floor before looking at you again




‘You what?’

‘I think I—‘

‘Never mind, nothing go to sleep’ he says looking irritated at himself




You lie down trying to figure out what Baekhyun was about to say, at one point you allow yourself to think that he was about to confess his feeling but realise that sounds far too unrealistic so with a billion of questions swirling your mind you finally embrace sleep.

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Chapter 25: Have you forgotten that you have an account of asianfanfics author-nim? I'm dying, waiting for this story to be updated but no any new chapter since my last comment, September 16 2013. Please update super duper soon. I'm craving for it.
Chapter 25: Amazing! Make sure you update this story soon ya author-nim~ Your story are going to be incredibly amazing. :)
Chapter 25: Oh Baekhyun~ you're so cute!
caterinaa_925 #4
Chapter 24: Marry me Baek I love you lol!!!
Chapter 24: Kyaaaah~ I'm gonna marry Baek!!! But I'm Chanyeol biased... Is that ok? •-•"
Chapter 24: Yes!!!! Update!! Haha this is funny, I wanted to keep reading on what's going on in men's head you know?? Lmao so married by tomorrow asdfghjkl
Chapter 23: Happy birthday author-nim!
Instead of us giving you a present, we got one with your update!!
Lol why so nervous baekhyun?
Chapter 23: Omg!!! Please marry him! Marry him!!!
Chapter 23: OMO!! Did Baek just say that?! Wow!! Can't wait for the next chapter... Update soon, author-nim~ ^.^
And HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! 생일축하합니다!! Hope you have a wonderful birthday~ ^.^ I upvoted your story as a birthday present for you, author-nim :) Fighting! :D
Chapter 23: Omg